Saved (Surrender Series Book 3)

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Saved (Surrender Series Book 3) Page 23

by J. G. Sumner

  The room grows silent. I look around. David is consoling Elizabeth, the nursing team is caring for my kids, and Jasper is holding Kendall in his arms.

  The minister approaches the bedside. “Would you mind if I prayed?”

  Surprisingly, Elizabeth speaks up. “Yes, Sir. I think we’d really appreciate that.” Elizabeth’s voice is strong and I’ve never seen her like this. She’s fallen into a matriarch role and is taking charge of the family. I couldn’t be more proud as this is exactly what the family needs right now.

  I continue to hold onto Kate as the minister prays for Charles as he moves on. There’s a sense of peace that washes over us as we all appreciate the man who ruled this family and had a heavy influence on the economics of this country.

  “How about we all tell a fond story that we have of Charles?” I ask. The family needs this. We all need this. There’s a heaviness in this room and I’d like to focus on happiness and the joy this man has brought into everyone’s lives because he did have a huge impact. We need to remember those things and not get lost in the body that’s lying before us.

  David starts. “I remember the first-time dad took me fishing. I was probably five or six years old. I was staring up at him and thinking what a big man he was and how I wanted to be like him when I grew up as he baited my hook.

  “I was hoping I could make him proud by catching enough fish to have for dinner. I loved being out there at that lake with just the two of us, but sitting there waiting for the bobber to move indicating there was a fish biting was boring. Watching dad reeling in his line and casting back out with his lure…now that was where the action was. I wanted a piece of that action so I’d slowly reel my line in pretending I got a bite, and dad would have to stop what he was doing to help me cast it back out again. I swear he must have helped me cast about fifty times. I’m sure he was frustrated as hell, but he never showed it.

  “Needless to say, we came back emptyhanded. Dad felt bad and took me to get a shake at the local Friendly’s restaurant. I think that was one of the best days ever with him. We didn’t get too many more days like that as he became consumed with work.” David’s voice grows quiet toward the end of his sentence. Perhaps he’s reflecting on his own life and how he’s now going to have to run Anderson Enterprises.

  Elizabeth and Kendall followed David, and then Kate decided it was her turn. “My dad was larger than life. He was everything to me. He was my protector, a beacon, and someone I admired and looked up to. He always had a soft spot for me and would do anything to ensure my happiness.

  “When I was about eight, I had this kitten that I adored. It would sleep in my bed and I’d spend every moment possible with it. She was mine and I got to name her. One day, I left the balcony door open in my room and the kitten got out while I was at school. After two days, daddy came home with my kitten stating that one of the neighbors found her.

  “It wasn’t until several years later that I found out daddy had searched around the city looking for an identical kitten after he found mine had been hit by a car. I never could tell the difference and if it hadn’t been for David, I might have never known.” Kate gives David a pouty lip than a wink. “That’s how he was toward his family. He’d do anything to make them happy.”

  The room goes quiet and the smiles that had formed on everyone’s faces from the funny and heartwarming stories have started to disappear. I wait, wondering if anyone is going to tell more about the amazing man, father, husband, and businessman Charles was. When no one speaks up, I decide it’s time to take my turn.

  “I remember the day I came here to ask his permission to marry Kate. I was so nervous. When he answered the door, he extended a hand for me to shake. I hesitated because mine were sweaty from the nerves. I’ll never forget his firm grip. It said so much about who he was, and left me feeling intimidated and a little bit uneasy about asking for his daughter.

  Charles continued to invite me in and offered a drink. We sat and chatted for a couple of hours about nothing and everything. I’m not sure if it was the alcohol or I was feeling more at ease with him, but I finally got enough nerve to let him know how much I loved Kate. When I asked him for permission, the first thing he said to me was ‘welcome to the family, son.’ He stood up and embraced me. After my family died, I had no relatives and no place to call home. He let me know that I was always welcome and was a member of this family. I left this house a changed man that day.”

  Kate leans in and gives me a big hug. I hold her needing her strength at this moment so I don’t dwell on the fact that I’ve lost another person close to me—that we all have.

  Kate looks up and peers into my eyes. “We need to finish the ceremony.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. Maybe we should wait a few days until after the funeral.”

  “Absolutely not. This is what he would’ve wanted. Daddy will come back to haunt us if for any reason he thinks it’s his fault we didn’t get married. No, we’re doing this now.”

  I’m speechless as I look around the room at the blank faces staring back at me. Is Kate out of her mind or is this really what he would want? Is it acceptable to get married in the same room as a dead man? This is just weird.

  Elizabeth approaches me and takes my hands. “Kate’s right. This is what he would’ve wanted. Charles never stopped until he got exactly what he desired.”

  I force a nervous smile. “Are you sure?” I look to David for answers. Surely these women are stricken with grief and aren’t thinking clearly.

  He nods. “You didn’t get this entire production together for nothing. If there’s one thing my dad hated, it was wasting money and time. If you don’t finish what you started here, you’ll have failed at both of those.”

  I glance back over at Kate who has a big smile plastered on face.

  “Are we really going to do this?” I ask, still in disbelief and seeking validation.

  “You bet. Daddy already said you were part of the family. We might as well make it official.”

  I grab onto Kate and place my lips against hers. They’re softer than I remember and taste like the sugary lip gloss she’s wearing.

  “Hmm. Hmm. I believe you’re supposed to wait until after the vows before you kiss,” Jasper chimes in.

  The room erupts in laughter.

  “I’m going to freshen up my makeup and I’ll be back in a jiffy.” Kate dashes out of the room with Kendall and Meg in tow.

  I’m left standing in the middle of the room in shock while everyone around me starts bustling around getting the kids and everything settled. It’s almost as though I’m in a dream and this doesn’t seem real.




  Life is strange. I’m not sure how I got to here. If you would’ve asked me a year ago if I’d be sitting in my old bedroom, having someone cleaning up the streaks of mascara running down my face from mourning the loss of my dad, I would’ve said no way. Not only that, I’m marrying Tony in my childhood house with my sick kids and dead dad in the room. Before, I would’ve thought you were crazy. Now, I accept that my life is anything but the norm, and I’ve got to embrace the opportunities given. Which means I’m going to marry Tony and try to provide a quiet, happy life for my kids.

  I’m trying hard to not think about my dad. The last thing I want is mess up my makeup again by crying. I want to stay positive and make this a happy occasion. My father wanted to be there when I got married, and I’ll be damned if I don’t make that happen for him. For whatever reason, my dad had faith in Tony Bertalucci so much so, he welcomed Tony into the family. The only thing daddy did for my ex-fiancé, Mike, was let him become part of the business so he would have a way to support me if needed. Daddy never referred to him as a son.

  Obviously, my dad and Tony’s relationship went both ways. It appears they had a relationship I wasn’t even aware of. He thought fondly of my father and even called him dad. It’s mind-blowing to me that I wasn�
�t aware of such kinship. I’d thought that I’ve become more alert to what is going on around me since the kidnappings, but this just shows I still live in my own world. I’m going to fix that.

  “All done.” Penelope backs away and studies my face. I stare at the reflection of myself in the mirror although it’s not the makeup I’m looking at. I stare into my future and realize I’m about to become Mrs. Massimo Anthony Bertalucci. Katherine Anderson-Bertalucci. Katherine Bertalucci. I kind of like the way that sounds.

  I’m going to marry Tony. I let those words sink in for a few moments. Am I prepared to completely let Tony into my world and subject myself to whatever crazy life is in store for us? Without hesitation, I know the answer. Of course. I’ve loved him for what seems like forever. I loved him when I saw him slowly dying in the chair in that basement in Italy, when I was kidnapped by Matteo a second time, and even when he left for San Diego. As much pain as he’s caused, he’s made up for it tenfold when we’re together. I can try to deny it, but Tony owns my heart and probably always will.

  “Miss Anderson, do you want me to make any adjustments?”

  I pull my gaze from the mirror and focus my attention on the young woman who’s been working so diligently to try and make me perfect for this day. Little does she know, I couldn’t care less if I were wearing makeup. What’s important are the vows Tony and I are about to say, and how we’ll be united from this point forward. Butterflies take flight in my stomach and excitement surges through my body. For the first time in forever, I’m giddy and excited.

  “Yes, you did a wonderful job.”

  I stand up from the chair and glance over at Kendall. Her expression is a combination of concern, sadness, and something else I don’t quite understand.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  She nods. “You look so beautiful.” Her words are barely audible as though she’s trying to hold back some unruly tears.

  I look down at my dream wedding dress that Tony purchased and wonder how and when he retrieved it. “Thank you. I kind of feel like Cinderella at the ball. I got all dolled up and then the clock hit midnight and my stagecoach turned into a pumpkin. Now, I just need to reunite with the Prince Charming downstairs who has my glass slipper in tow.”

  Kendall laughs. “I wouldn’t exactly call him Prince Charming, but he’ll do.”

  I think my heart just skipped a beat. “Are you saying what I think? Have you found a soft spot for Tony?”

  Kendall wipes the stray tear that just scurried from the corner of her eye. “I’ll never forgive him for all the pain that he’s put you through, but I’d be a fool if I didn’t acknowledge that in his own twisted way, Tony loves you. I don’t know what it is, but every time the two of you are in the same room together, there’s this connection between you. It’s almost visible, the pull you have for one another. You can be in the worst mood, and your face lights up the moment he gets near you. Every time the two of you are apart, you become this empty shell of a woman.

  I guess what I’m saying is…You better hurry up and get down there and marry that man. There’s no sense in wasting any more time and driving us all mad. As weird as it is, yours and Tony’s relationship is perhaps one of the greatest love stories of all time. You’ve been through so much and conquered it all to end up in this spot. Don’t take it for granted.”

  A smile is forming on the corners of my mouth and I try to hold it back for a few minutes longer. “You’re a hundred percent in support of this wedding and even approve of Tony?”

  “Don’t get carried away now. He and I will not be buying any best friend charms or anything, but he’ll do. You have my complete support.” Kendall rolls her eyes.

  I rush to my best friend and throw my arms around her. I love this woman no matter how big of a pain in the ass she is. I was going to get married regardless of how she felt about Tony, but this certainly makes it so much better.

  “Let’s not get carried away. I don’t want my dress to get wrinkled. There’s a man downstairs who’d like to do that for me a little later.” Kendall pulls away from our embrace.

  I can’t stop the snort that comes out as I laugh.

  “That’s so unattractive. You’re going to have to get control of that or Tony may just take off again.” Kendall looks down at her manicured fingernails and tries to hide the smile creeping across her face.

  “Tony thinks it’s cute. Never mind that, I want to know more about you and Jasper.” I rub my hands together waiting for the juicy details. Kendall likes Jasper way more than any guy she’s ever dated.

  “There’s another place and time for our story. Right now, it’s your turn and we must get you that happy ending. Now quit wasting time, and let’s get downstairs.” Kendall locks arms with me and leads us down the hallway.

  As we head down to the study, I take my time to reflect on every inch of this house we pass. It’s like walking down memory lane, but instead of having all my memories flood back, only the ones of my father appear. It’s almost as if the walls are providing their own tribute to him. Daddy hasn’t been gone for very long and his body is still here, but his absence is felt through every inch of this house.

  We get to the entrance of the room and instead of being on pins and needles like I was standing here only a little while before, I’m collected and ready to jump in with both feet to the next chapter of my life.

  Meg informs everyone that Kendall and I have arrived and the music cues up on command. “Somewhere over the Rainbow” starts up again, and while it set the mood before, it seems even more appropriate to be playing now.

  Kendall starts her march but it’s faster and more deliberate than before. Like me, she wants to get this show on the road. What’s the point in dragging this out? My kids need to get back to the hospital and my dad…well, arrangements need to be made.

  The music stops and then changes to the wedding march song. The smell of freesia and gardenias fill the air providing a sweet scent. It’s time for my grand entrance. I pull the veil over my face and proudly walk into the room filled with the most important people in my life.

  I begin my descent down the aisle just as David surprises me by hooking his arm around mine.

  David whispers in my ear. “Dad wouldn’t want you doing this alone. I’m here for you and always will be. Whatever you need…I love you.” He kisses my cheek, and then securely walks me until we meet up with Tony.

  Once we arrive in front of the minister, the music stops and he begins the same speech as before. “Who is here to give away this woman?”

  David promptly chimes in. “Her mother and I do.” He uses the exact same words as my father did. It warms my heart that my brother is stepping into my father’s big shoes, and he’s doing it so gracefully and without a complaint.

  “We’ve been through a lot since standing here not too long ago. These are challenges that every marriage will face and overcome. Sometimes you’ll have to be strong together, and other times one person has to be the support. Regardless, you must work as a team and use the love you have for one another to move through the rough spots and into the mutual love and respect you have for each other. With that being said, are you ready to dedicate your lives to one another?” The minister glances back and forth between Tony and me.

  “Yes sir, I am.” Tony responds abruptly.

  I look around the room and am comforted by the warmth, memories, and love that fill it. My attention is drawn to the large clock hanging over the fireplace. I gesture toward it capturing Tony’s attention. “It’s our time. Let’s do this.”

  Tony focuses on the clock. “Four-sixteen.” He squeezes my hand.

  “I’m ready,” I proudly announce. This couldn’t be more of a sign from the heavens than if I asked for one.

  “I believe your fiancé has prepared some words to share.” The minister motions for Tony to go ahead.

  Tony clears his throat and unwraps a piece of paper from his pocket. His hands are shaking a bit and I wonder what he’s about to s
ay. We never discussed writing our own vows, and I certainly didn’t prepare any. Heck this morning I didn’t know I was getting married.

  “When I first saw you on that train in Italy, I was instantly drawn to you. The tears in your eyes and pain in your face made me want to reach out, console, and protect you from whatever was causing it. While I had hoped you’d be able to help get me out of the country, little did I know, you’d be the one to actually save me.

  Kate, you gave me back my life. As far as everyone was concerned, I was dead. You made me want to fight for a life I never knew I wanted. You showed me love, compassion, and forgiveness. You’ve given me a family with beautiful children. You’ve given me the air I need to breathe. Without you, I’m nothing. With you, I’m everything. Thank you for agreeing to marry me and for being my person—my soul mate.”

  How does this man know just the right things to say? Tears are flowing down my face and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I look up to the sky in an attempt to collect myself. Once I’ve taken a few deep breaths and wiped away some of the tears, I’m ready to continue. I look to the minister.

  “Is it all right if I say a few words?”

  The minister nods his head for me to continue.

  “When I first noticed you on that train, my breath was taken away. You were and are perhaps one of the most handsome men I’ve ever met. Your emerald-green eyes put me in a trance and I wanted nothing more than to be put under your spell despite the fact that I fought it for so long.

  You invigorate, excite, and challenge me. You’ve made me into a stronger person. Without you by my side, things are black and white. When you entered my world color appeared, illuminating my days and lighting up my nights. I’ve never felt as safe as when I am in your arms. I hope to spend an eternity with you making my world a better place to be.”


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