Triple K Set

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Triple K Set Page 2

by Beck, J. L.

  “Ma’am?” a voice called.

  “Just a minute, I gotta keep my lunch from coming back on me,” she answered with a wheezing.

  “Are you okay?” he asked again.

  “I’m just having an argument with my sanity is all.” She raised her head to look at this annoying person. “And I’m losing, so could you just wait a—”

  Piercing blue eyes looked at her from beneath a dusty cowboy hat.

  Brea realized that kneeling next to the car was probably the ninth wonder of the world. It was him! Holy crap, just stay down there, big mac! She willed her lunch to behave.

  He rose up from the kneeling position and her bewildered gaze rose with him as she took him all in.

  His body stretched out to his full height as he stood all the way up. He was wearing those strange leather chaps the cowboys on the range wore. If ever anything accented male muscular thighs, those pieces of leather did the trick.

  Her stunned eyes wanted to resist looking directly at something this magnificent, but eventually they rose to his broad chest. His blue buttoned up shirt was a little dusty, but it matched his eyes like it had been made just for him. The very span of his chest was stretching the cotton fabric of the shirt to its limits.

  The breathtaking journey her eyes took, finally ended up at his face.

  He gave her a huge grin and was easily able to open that stuck-forever door of hers. Reaching in, he unbuckled her seatbelt. “Let’s give you a look over and see if you have any injuries.”

  Brea couldn’t seem to speak, as he stood her upright and pulled at her blouse. Her nipples stood at attention while the rest of her became complete mush. He was passing his big, callused hands all over her body. His warm hands brought a hot tingling everywhere he touched her.

  One of those funny old sayings popped into her befuddled head. It’s better to be looked over, than overlooked! Closing her eyes, she wondered just how absorbent her panties were today.

  He said something again, but her brain never registered what it was. All she could do was to feel that blaze from his wandering fingers. Nodding like a dummy, she stared at his face.

  Kneeling again, he smoothed those large hands gingerly along one thigh.

  I sincerely hope the other leg doesn’t get jealous. In all honesty, she thought this whole session was gonna make her pass right out for sure. Oh, I wish I were injured, but only in certain areas! I wonder what he would do if I claimed that my breasts had been smashed up against the steering wheel?

  Brea suppressed the nervous giggle that threatened to burst out. Yes, my nipples need medical attention?

  As though he may have heard her wicked rambling thoughts, he stood up while wearing a huge grin. At her bewildered expression, he shook his head and took off his hat.

  Noticing the way the sun glinted off his raven-hued hair, she simply held her breath and stared. Here stood the reason she was out here in the first place and she’d almost run him down with that damn nightmare on wheels.

  Those striking blue eyes roamed over her full figure as he placed his hat back onto his head and pressed his hands along her waist. “Well, now. You look all right. What happened?” he asked, as he seemed to notice her mute state.

  What happened? The question rang in her head. You almost made me come just now—is what the hell happened. That look over was hot enough to melt frickin’ candle wax! Trying to keep her breathing steady while being totally dumbstruck, she gulped. One more warm caress and I would have embarrassed myself for sure! “I—um…”

  He chuckled and looked around. “Where were you headed?”

  Again, her voice box was out of order. Headed? She looked around as though she might be standing on the moon. I was headed to certain vehicular death and now I’ve died and finally found beefcake heaven!

  “Hello?” He waved his hand in front of her face.

  Brea tried to smile and wondered just how stupid she looked while wearing a goofy grin with her red hair sticking out in every direction. “I was heading to the owner’s place.” There, she finally got more than two words out.

  “Oh? Well, I can ride you there, cuz it’s a cinch this—car isn’t going anywhere.”

  Still stunned by the leftover tingles from that very hot and thorough look over, she barely caught most of the words except the, ride you part, of course. Brea gazed over at his very large horse.

  The animal looked over at her and she could have sworn its big doe eyes had narrowed at her with suspicion. Like he was saying, You almost killed me, you loony bitch!

  Shaking her head to try and dispel the surreal feeling, she wondered if she’d banged her head a little too hard or something. “You mean ride—like up on a saddle?”

  “Well, there are other kinds, but yeah.” He shook his head with amusement. “Believe me, you don’t wanna try and walk all the way up there.” He took her hand and led her to the large animal.

  She’d been around horses, but she wasn’t a cowgirl or anything. The closest she’d ever gotten was when the rodeo came to town, and bleacher seats just didn’t count out here. “Um, wait, Jet, I don’t—”

  His steps halted and he turned around. Reaching up, he lifted his hat above his forehead and looked at her.

  She knew her cheeks just turned a bright cherry red as he peered closely at her face.

  The tall, broad shouldered cowboy was quiet for a full minute.

  Brea knew for sure that he’d never looked at her for this long before now and she wondered if maybe she’d finally gotten his attention. Yeah, I had to nearly smash the man and his horse flat with my car to achieve it though.

  He let out a loud whistle.

  At the unexpected shrilling, Brea nearly jumped out of her skin, as the horse trotted up close.

  Chuckling a little at her reaction, he reached out to lift her up. “It’ll be okay.”

  With an immediate panic, Brea bit at her lip. He is muscle-bound, but he’s gonna balk at how heavy I am!

  With very little effort, he had her up and onto the horse.

  Brea was stunned as she watched him swing himself up in front of her. Man, was he strong. Visions of what he could do to her with that strength danced playfully in her naughty brain. Those warm calloused hands spreading out along her soft skin? Why, he could even do me while standing— Snapping herself from her naughty fantasy world, she tried to sit up straighter on the horse.

  “Just hold onto me and we’ll be there in a bit, okay?” He tucked his stirrups into the horse’s flanks and it took off with a lurch.

  Well, he won’t have to ask that twice! With greedy relish, Brea grabbed a hold of his solid waist and held her breath. She never realized that those leather chaps could look so sexy on a man and she was busy looking down at his chap-covered thighs as they gripped the saddle. Her nipples were rubbing up against his back as the horse moved. Oh wow, this felt good.

  Then, the horse traversed into a gallop and her insides jostled from the effect. Well, part of it felt good. Oh my, if my Momma could only see me now! Ridin’ with something tall, yummy and irresistible.

  “So, can I ask what you want up at the main house?”

  His sudden question startled her out of the enjoyment of the way his back was rubbing against her breasts. Her nipples were hard as rosy diamonds in an ice-cold mine and the effect was beginning to unnerve her. Want? Why, I came shopping for you—Mister Cowboy boots! She rolled her eyes at the way her mom seemed to slip her old jokes into her brain at the worst times.

  “Miss?” he called out over his shoulder.

  His words seemed to hum through her like bass guitar notes. Did his voice just get warmer every dammed minute she spent with him? Maybe being out here in the open like this made him sound even sexier? Her jostled body almost coiled with want. “Yeah, I was gonna apply for the cook’s job.”

  At the reply, he turned his head and looked back at her.

  Oh man, now he’s gonna look at me with those smokin’ blue eyes…while he spins that silken voice over
me with that hot, hard bod rubbing up against my most sensitive lady parts? I am so not gonna make it through this ride without entirely falling apart.

  “So, you can cook too?” he asked.

  The amused taunt in his question was evident and she wondered what he was teasing her about. “Too?”

  “Yeah, you’ve already proved you can drive like a pro.”

  Was this yummy cowboy teasing her with a twinkle in those baby blues of his? Brea was startled. He never flirted with her back at the diner and that was what kept her from chasing him down before.

  Chasing him down? Oh wow, you’d think I’d have to injure a man and wreck my heap of a car to get a dammed date in this town! “Yeah, well I just got lucky is all?” After the stupid response left her mouth, she winced. Dumb answer, you big twit!

  He let out a chuckle and turned his head back to the trail ahead. “Well, so did I, sweet thing, so did I.”

  There! He was flirting! Oh, what do I say? How do I act? She sat up more in the saddle while remembering her momma’s advice. Go straight ahead and give him both barrels. “There are a lot of things I’m good at, I’ll have you know.” She visibly flinched with the words. I’ll have you know? Okay, that was even dumber than the last time you opened your big yap!

  “Oh, yeah? So, you can drive like Petty and cook like Chef Ramsey?”

  This cowboy was funny too, on top of everything else he was at the top of? Brea wanted to make a smooth and equally as funny reply, but she found that her brain was on freeze.

  It was just like the time she tried those funky Jell-O shots at the Flat Top bar, and her brain was just as fuzzy right this minute. Finally, she decided that silence was the better part of not looking stupid. Still, she kept wracking her brain for a pithy response to use. Like, yeah and I can kiss like...? Like who?

  “Don’t be so modest. I can truly say after I witnessed the wicked way you drove to a safe stop in that tin can of a car? That I bet your fried chicken melts in my mouth.”

  His response halted her list of sexy female movie stars who certainly didn’t match her looks, and Brea swallowed heavily. I would melt in that beautiful mouth too!

  Pulling the horse to a halt, he jumped down and grabbed her by the waist.

  Being way too occupied with the stud cowboy, she hadn’t even noticed that the big ranch house gate was right in front of them. Suddenly, she realized that she never regretted arriving anywhere as much this.

  Tugging her from the horse with ease, he slid her seductively down along his large muscled frame.

  Her breath caught in her throat while she felt those leather chaps sliding over her shaky frame. Here’s to hoping my fruit of the looms really are as thick and absorbent as they advertise them to be! Is he trying to burn me or what? Her lower regions were already on fire and it wasn’t from the rub of that stinky horse neither. Don’t pass out, Brea, keep steady!

  He gazed down at her face. “I sure hope they hire you.” He gave her a wink just as her sandals touched his leather boots, and then he set her down on the ground.

  This man was actually and finally coming on to her? Her head spun with the realization while her mouth had simply shut down altogether. Maybe that was for the better though, considering how she couldn’t seem to string two simple syllables together while around this guy. Maybe back at the diner, he didn’t flirt with her because she was working there, and he didn’t want to be too forward?

  At her long silence, he shook his head with a smile. “Okay, well. I’ve got a few things to do, but I sure hope to see you again.” He turned that large muscled frame away, jumped up on his steed and turned it around to gallop out to God knows where.


  “Double your pleasure.”

  The front entrance was impressive with a high, wooden archway that stood in front of the sidewalk, which lead to the front door. Brea just stood there under the arch for at least a full five minutes, trying to get over her heavenly-hell ride to get here. Later tonight, she was so gonna go over every last second of the heavenly part that just transpired. I could literally survive on just that sexy chap slide alone, for many weeks to come.

  Taking another deep breath and releasing it slowly, she looked up at the enormous ranch house. The entire place was made of adobe and it must have like ten bedrooms? Brea had always loved adobe houses and wanted one of her own someday. She knew she’d never have one this size though.

  With her legs still a little unsteady, she tried to get her mind straight for a possible job interview as she made her way along the flower-lined walk.

  Bluebonnets, which were synonymous with Flatonia, grew all along the smooth cement path. Lush, green grass sat beyond the blue flowers, setting off an incredible scene for the first time visitor. Trees shaded the house, their lush green leaves hanging from massively large limbs.

  Taking in the beauty of the scene, she finally felt calmer, even if she was still a little breathless. Standing at the door, she looked over at the old-fashioned dinner bell. It was made of shiny brass and was the size of a basketball. Kincade was finely etched onto the facing side along with the triple K brand, below the name. She wondered if that was their actual doorbell.

  She thought about ringing it but changed her mind when she remembered the car, horse—near hit and ride incident. I’ve rung enough bells today and I’ve taken enough chances. I’d better just go with a safe knock. She reached up and knocked on the heavy looking wooden door and it took a minute or two for the door to open.

  There stood a woman, dressed in jeans and a tee shirt. She stood taller than Brea and was almost as heavy.

  Except, she has biceps and muscles, where mine were like JELL-O. Brea gave her the best smile she could muster and cleared her throat. “Um, I heard that the Triple K needed a cook?” Thinking about making Jet fried chicken prodded her. A dry, boring life had flashed before her eyes this morning and her determination had doubled, so now she really wanted the job.

  “Yep,” the woman responded and stepped away from the door. She turned away and walked through the immense foyer.

  Shiny wood floors reflected the afternoon light which streamed in from the large oval windows. There were family portraits lining the walls and Brea wanted to stop to view them all.

  She caught a glimpse of Jet and then one of an older man. There was one that had to be the woman walking ahead of her, then another of Jet. She wanted to just stand in front of that particular painting and drool like a fool. Yeah, that would look professional, wouldn’t it!

  The taller woman kept walking with her cowboy boots clacking along the smooth mahogany flooring.

  Brea took her swift striding as a signal to follow her, so she rushed past the hall of portraits.

  The woman remained silent while she walked ahead of her and took her down a long hallway.

  She’d always known of the Triple K ranch. The Kincade family name was well known, but she’d only seen a glimpse of them over the years. Flatonia was a super small town, so the kids in the family had gone to school over in Shulenburg. The owners had always kept to themselves and did all their business in Houston, so really no one knew very much about the ranching family.

  Halting in front of a door, the woman turned around and seemed to look her over. “I guess that was kinda’ rude—me not introducin’ myself at the door.” She stuck her hand out to Brea. “I’m Kanda Kincade.”

  Brea shook her hand while noting the super strong grip. Well that’s no surprise, considering she had all those steel like tendons running through her arms. “I’m Brea Plush.”

  A twinkle appeared in Kanda’s eyes. “Yeah? That’s a cool name. Well, you’re gonna talk to my mother about the job, and I’ve decided that I am so damn tired of doing the cookin’ that I’m gonna give you some pointers, so that you’ll get the job.”

  Brea didn’t respond except with a shaky smile.

  “When she asks about using leftovers for another meal?” The tall dark haired woman smiled. “Tell her it’s what you
always do. Make sure you say that you hate waste and vittles are better when they’re made with—” Her words halted as the front door shut with a loud slam. “Wait just a second, okay?”

  She nodded.

  Kanda rushed back down the hall and turned the corner, then a few silent seconds passed. “I don’t care what they said, Jet!” Her voice rose from the front part of the house.

  Brea froze where she stood. She’s talking to Jet?

  “They’re not going to do it, I tell ya!” His voice was almost a shout.

  Their overly loud conversation was getting closer and she tried to wipe her suddenly sweaty palms onto her jeans. Just seeing him again would be too much right before a job interview.

  Kanda walked up toward her and hunky Jet was right behind her.

  “I mean it, Kanda. Those men are not going for it and we’ll have a—” Jet spotted her and grinned.

  Brea just stood with what she was sure was a goofball look on her face.

  Kanda looked between the two of them. “Oh, this here is—”

  “Yeah, we already met.” He smiled briefly and turned to Kanda again. “We can talk about this later, okay?” He gave a nod to her and smiled again at Brea, then walked back down the hallway.

  “Damn stubborn…” Kanda looked over at Brea. “Now what was I sayin’?”

  Watching Jet disappear around the corner, she felt a huge letdown. Like a balloon that had just been deflated and zipped all over to land flat in the dirt. He’d acted standoffish and just stranger friendly. After all that flirting and the hot chap sliding along with the hit and ride? Was it maybe because of Kanda being here?

  “Miss Plush?” Kanda called to her.

  Brea shook her head and threw her gaze up to the woman. “Um, you were saying about the vittles?”

  “Oh, yeah…” Kanda knocked hard on the large wooden door as she spoke. “Just say you cook the old fashioned way; lots of salt, oil and home cookin’ style, okay?”


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