Triple K Set

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Triple K Set Page 11

by Beck, J. L.

  “What?” She rose up with a shock. “Twenty—Ahh!” she shouted.

  Wade dropped the dishes back onto the table and rushed around the side of the bed “Don’t you listen to good advice?” He sounded upset. “You could pull more muscles and then you won’t heal right!”

  “Oh, ow!” she seethed in pain.

  “Okay now, just try to relax,” he soothed.

  He again rubbed her down and she finally fell to sleep while he kneaded and caressed her skin. Her last wakeful thought was of how she would pay with her life savings, just to have him to do this every day.



  “Eighty Percent of Success is…showing up.”

  The Auction Room at the Rooster Ranch

  There were now six men on the stage; Fernando and the other two along with three new ones. They were wearing tiny thongs and their packages were bulging against the cotton material.

  Brea had never seen so much man meat in all her days.

  Daisy stood at a podium to the side and she was smiling hugely as the men each took a step forward and received applause and shrieks from the women in the crowd.

  “And last, but not least, there’s Brad.” She motioned her hand out.

  Brad stepped forward and did a circle turn for the crowd, his long lean body gleaming under the lights. He then stepped back.

  “We shall start the bidding at 200,” her mother announced as one of the guys stepped in front of the rest.

  The various women yelled out 300, 400 and so on.

  Brea closed her eyes and moved away from the peek hole. She didn’t feel turned on like she briefly did out on the road. She would have for sure if she’d never met Cole, but now she only wanted one male package, and to her, he made all these guys look like dweebs.

  By watching all the beef, she remembered why she was here in the first place. What was she thinking? That her mama could give her some magic recipe? A way to get him back after she fucked it all up? Sighing, she opened the closet door and stepped into the hall.

  So, what can you do? Brea made her way up the stairs. Be honest… She shook her head as she remembered Kanda’s advice. He now knew she’d mistaken him from the beginning. Well, she had only mistaken his name really. He had needed convincing before and she’d done that. Now? He would be hard to reach. She knew the difference between them, and she knew for sure his brother was the wrong man for her.

  “Baby doll!” her mother called from behind her.

  Turning, she gazed over at her mama.

  Daisy propelled her down the hall and into her room. “Have a seat and we’ll talk while I get out of this hot ass leather.”

  Brea quietly sat and stared down at her hands. It was as if the wind had been taken out of her sails.

  “Okay, let’s have at it, child,” her mother called from behind a fancy dressing screen.

  “Nah, it’s okay, Ma.”

  Daisy was quiet for a minute and grabbed the robe from the top of the screen “What?” Tying the silk belt, she came out and headed over to the bed.

  Brea remained silent as she stared down at her hands.

  “I seen this before. A time or two. So, you just gonna sit there and let it beat ya?”

  Brea shook her head.

  “I didn’t raise no ninny!” her mother almost shouted.

  Gazing up at her mama who stood in a hot pink silk robe with boa feathers, Brea sighed again. “I messed up.”


  Brea stood and walked over to the dresser. “I went after the man I wanted, just like you always said I should do.”

  “Yeah… AND?”

  “Well, I went after the wrong man.”

  Her mother blinked rapidly. “And so where is the right one?”

  Picking up the framed photograph of her mother and the delicious older guy, she shrugged. “He stormed off, thinking I wanted his brother.”

  “Okay, well go and convince him!”

  Brea felt tears stinging her eyes. “You don’t understand. I—”

  “I think I do!” Daisy gracefully glided over. “You’re the one who doesn’t understand.”

  Turning around, Brea was crying now. “Oh, Mama, he’s so fine. A cowboy built for love. Sweet, hardworking and the real thing.”

  “He sounds edible.” Her mother chuckled. “Downright yummy.”

  “He is! It’s just that…”

  Daisy waited for her to finish.

  “…He’s a set of twins. I drooled over him for a month at the diner. Then, I quit that job and went out to cook at his ranch.”

  “Well, hot dog!” Daisy looked proud.

  “I ditched my car into an actual ditch and he rode me in on his horse. Then, I cooked the best meal I’ve ever put out. He took me to the cook’s cottage and we…”

  “Yes?” Daisy looked intrigued.

  “Well, I ain’t gonna tell my Mama what happened!”

  Daisy laughed. “I am proud. I knew you had it in ya!”

  “It was the best day of my life! Filled with M&M’s, riding behind him on a horse, and getting to watch that sweet butt of his sauntering around the ranch—why, I woulda been happy just to be able to do that for weeks.”

  “He sounds like a man dreams are made of, sweetie.”

  Nodding her head, Brea thought of what it’d been like when he surprised her by taking her to the cook’s cottage. Remembering the sensuous feelings he gave her, adrenaline ran wild through her body. She remembered when he first touched her, of how with a slow, sensuous rhythm, Cole stroked her clit with his warm fingers. It was the most glorious feeling. Like being tortured with pleasure, the need rushing through her body like she’d never experienced before. Pure, fiery heat had spread along her legs all the way up to her face. Brea shook herself and rubbed at her arms while feeling actual goose bumps.

  “Then, what happened?”

  “I suddenly realized that I was puttin’ my heart up for him to break it.”

  Daisy nodded. “That can be the scariest thing and it takes guts to do it too. So, what did you do?”

  Brea remembered what she’d said about him being able to break her heart and his reaction had shocked her to the core.

  “Yeah, why couldn’t you break my heart, too?” He’d asked.

  She’d been more than baffled by the question. “No way—a guy like you?”

  “It could happen, you know? Hell, no one is perfect and maybe you just think I’m all this Mister wonderful stuff and then one day, you’ll think, hell, he isn’t all that much!”

  Brea had really been thrown for a loop by this idea. A man who looked, sounded, and acted like he did? He felt the same insecurities underneath that she did? “He claimed I could break his, too.”

  “Yeah, you never thought of that, right?”

  “Hell no, I never even believed it really.”

  Daisy shook her head. “Well, apparently he believes it and he hightailed it before you could.”

  “I could never—I mean, I wouldn’t…”

  Her ma sighed. “He thinks you have the power to do it or he wouldn’t have run out on ya. Okay, so how did it happen?”

  “He took me into town to get my belongings. I was gonna give him a rose scented bubble bath.”

  “Well, it all sounds peachy and breathless, Brea.”

  “Yeah, until he sat in my living room and saw my ‘to do’ list from the weekend before.” Brea was crying again.


  Nodding her head, she cried louder. “I had written his twin’s name, Jet K.”

  “You put a man’s name on a TO DO list?” Her mother actually looked shocked. “Oh, boy howdy! You’re my daughter, all right! “She looked thrilled by the news.

  Brea swiped at her tears. “I’m serious here, Ma!”

  Nodding her head, Daisy got her laughter under control. “Yes, doll. I know. Can I just bask in the glow of pride for a quick minute here?”

  “You don’t get it!” Brea shouted. “They’re twin
s and his brother takes all his girlfriends! Their rivalry is tense and I stepped right into the middle of it.”

  “Mmm, I see.” Her Mother looked pensive.

  “So, what do I do?”

  “Well, first of all, you dry up them tears and don’t shed no more.”

  Brea squared her shoulders and tried to stop crying.

  “Next, you get a makeover.”


  “You heard me. I’m gonna send you back to that ranch and you’ll be cookin’ more than just beans and fucking franks!”

  Shaking her head, Brea was flustered. “Ma, a makeover isn’t gonna—”

  “The hell it ain’t! I mean to do more than just a makeover on the outside.”

  Brea just stared at her.

  “What? You thought I’d give you some magic plan?”

  “Well, kinda—yeah.”

  Daisy shook her head. “Listen, sweetie, you did that magic already. You took a chance, bolstered your courage and you went for it.”

  “A lot a good it did me.”

  “I don’t wanna hear that kinda talk!”

  Brea sighed and sat on the bed. “I’m afraid this one is gonna take a lot more than pizzas, Ma.”

  Daisy stood still while gazing over at her and then she snickered. “Do ya really like this cowboy?”

  “Like?” Brea looked into her mom’s green eyes. “I’m in love with him.”

  “And you’re sure which one it is that you’re in love with?”

  Brea felt a little angry. “Yeah!”

  “Well, I don’t know…?” Her mama looked away.

  “You don’t know?”

  “Them being twins and all? I mean, they look exactly alike, right?” If they’re both yummy and good for a wild pony ride, then what would be the difference? Just grab up the one who’s willin’.”

  Brea clenched her fists and stood up. “Cole is sweet and genuine; he looks right at me, right into me. He don’t care that I’m not the model type. He said I was the loveliest woman he’d ever laid eyes on!”

  “So? I bet his brother would give you a whirl, dip and twirl.”

  Brea felt downright mad with her blood rushing through her body and her face was flaming. “Him? Jet looks at me like all the guys have for my whole life. No flicker of interest really, like I could be a friend and not a bedmate. Except when he found out his brother wanted me. He also likes to play around, he’s lazy and…” Brea was staring at the huge grin her mother wore.

  “Yeah.” Daisy nodded. “Seems like you know who you want all right.”

  “You are an evil woman, Daisy Plush.”

  “Nope. I’m a wicked woman. You think I’m gonna stand here and let you whine and moan about how you lost your chance?” Daisy planted her hands onto her ample hips.

  Brea took a step back.

  “Are you gonna just do that and nothing else? Cause, I can see what you know to be true. You sure ain’t confused about which twin you want. All you gotta do is stay in his path. Stay in front of him. He’s already shown you that he wants ya. All I’m sayin’ is it’s up to you to be his choice.”

  She let her mama’s words sink in. “So, you’re sayin that if I don’t give up, I’ll get him?”

  Daisy clicked her tongue. “Nah, I ain’t saying let it be a tossup. No way. You have to be all the woman that I know you are inside. Be there…right in his face and don’t back down!”

  Brea was beginning to see what she was saying, but she still felt afraid and she never was good at being an extrovert. She was the wallflower, pressed right up against the paint, blending in with the décor.

  “This time, you can’t hide, baby girl.” It was like Daisy seemed to know what Brea was thinking. “You gotta peel yourself away from the wall and see what a beauty you really are. All you lack is a little confidence.”

  “I have come a long way, but I’m still not sure…”

  “Well, luckily, you’re a woman.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Cause you can use beauty as the bait.”

  Brea scoffed at that. “Oh, brother. Me? No way.”

  “He said you were the loveliest—”

  “Yeah, so why do I need a makeover then?”

  “It will be a reminder to him. What he saw in you. Beauty will be the bait.” Daisy grabbed onto her shoulders and propelled her out to the hall. “But you, yourself, Brea, will be the real hook.”


  A mountain Of a man…


  On the Flat river, Trespasser’s cabin…

  Kanda opened her eyes some hours later and she was staring at lamplight. It was from several kerosene lamps which sat in various spots and the place had a sweet glow to it from the old-fashioned illumination. She looked around and wondered where he was.

  “There you are,” Wade spoke from somewhere in the cabin.

  “Where are you?” she asked.

  “Don’t move now, I’ll be right over.” He came into view and knelt down in front of her, so she could see his face. “So, how’s my sweet candy this evening?”

  Staring at him, her mouth remained shut. She’d met men that made her want to not ever speak to them again and she’d met men she refused to speak to, but never had she met one who literally took her words away.

  “You really don’t talk much do you?”

  Kanda gave him a smirk. “I guess it ain’t fair to let you believe such nonsense. I’m usually the loudest and I always get the last word in.”

  Wade pulled his head back. “No, that can’t be right.”

  She nodded her head. “Oh yeah, it’s true.”

  Grinning at her, he stood up.

  Her gaze rose and she again took in that long muscled frame. How could a man have a bod like this? Why, even her toughest most active cowhand wasn’t built like this. He had large hands and muscled forearms. His chest was broad and his shoulders matched the rest of him.

  Unexpectedly, Wade reached out and hefted her up against him.

  Kanda’s breath remained trapped in her chest.

  He gazed into her eyes. “Tell me, candy girl…”

  She let her breath out in a great big rush as her breasts pressed up against his hard chest

  “Is there any…?” He seemed to hesitate.

  Kanda stared at his yummy lips as he spoke.

  “Is there a Mister Candy or a man candy?”

  Her eyes widened. Hell yeah, there’s a man candy and I’m looking at him. His expression looked tense as he waited for an answer.

  “Oh!” she realized she’d not answered him aloud as she laughed. “No, there isn’t.”

  His expression turned serious as he stared intently at her lips now. “I don’t believe that.”

  She felt shocked at the accusation. “Why?”

  “A woman who looks like you, and with that body? Your smile? Come on!”

  Kanda had never received any kind of compliment like this in all her days. “What do you mean—looks the way I…?” She shook her head. “I’m a big woman and there aren’t many real men, you know?”

  “This is the territory of Texas, isn’t it?”

  She nodded, not understanding what he meant.

  “Well, most of the world believes that’s where the real men are.” He winked at her.

  Kanda laughed. “Well, that very well may be, but I haven’t met one.” Her eyes locked with his. “Until now, “she whispered.

  He released a long breath. “I was wondering…?”

  Yes? Kanda’s mind shouted.

  “I wanted to know what real candy tastes like.”

  Her throat completely closed up as her body shook.

  “Is it okay, if I—?” He lowered his lips to hers.

  Kanda wasn’t waiting any longer, so she smothered his mouth with hers.

  Wrapping his arms tighter around her, Wade lifted her clean away from the floor. His lips pressed against hers while his tongue met with hers.

  He was as deliciou
s as she thought he would be, even more so as he tempted her with a breathtaking exploration of her mouth. The kiss grew and grew as he tugged her closer and rubbed her back with those large warm hands. Their bodies were so close together, she could feel his heart beating against her breasts and her nipples throbbed with a life of their own. Her nerves all tingled as well and she knew she was slick between her thighs.

  He broke the kiss. “Wow!” he whispered.

  Kanda hung limply in his grasp and she couldn’t even swallow, let alone respond. Wow and how! Moisture was still seeping from her.

  Wade was smiling as he set her back a little, so he could look at her. “I never thought I would find someone like you out here. It’s like finding a diamond underneath layers of ugly coal.”

  I feel the same way, finding a mountain of a man where there are no real mountains or real men! A little perplexed again about why he was here at all, she peered up at him. “What are you here looking for?”

  Shaking his head, he lay her back down on the bed. “Not diamonds, that’s for sure.”

  She laughed because that would be the find of a century or two. Diamonds in Flatonia? Despite her curiosity and the fact that she was supposed to kick him off her land, she suddenly wanted to ignore all of that. But how could she get to know him without knowing why he was really here?

  “I’m a geologist. Actually, I’m a geophysical engineer, but diamonds aren’t what my expertise is.”

  Dammit, he went and did it. Although, I think kissing and caressing should have been his field of endeavor. She giggled.

  He glanced over at her. “Something funny?”

  She suddenly found that she loved hearing that accent and she wanted him to talk about himself. “I was thinking how impossible it would be to find an actual diamond around here. The only place I know of is the Southern Baptist Church bingo parlor, where all the old ladies play.”

  Looking amused, Wade moved to the big bureau dresser. “Yeah, I’ve been into town and cute as it is, it ain’t much better than an outback stop.” He gazed at her again and shook his head like he was disappointed about something. “Well, right now, we’d best cover up your brilliant glory.” He rifled through some drawers.

  Baffled, she peered down at her bra and underwear. “Oh, yeah!”


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