by Texe Marrs
Participants in the Lifespring training have reported that they were introduced to the powers of ESP, astral or soul travel, and the occultic concept of the Third Eye. In one instance, participants were told to exchange shoes with other people in order to absorb the vibrations and energies of the other person. Such Hindu doctrines as the chakras, or energy centers and points in the body have been taught as well.
As one Christian investigator has observed, Lifespring is unable to deliver what it promises because man himself is not a god (“For thou being a man makest thyself God.”—John 10:33). Lifespring teaches that a person must look inside rather than to Jesus Christ. But in truth, Jesus Christ is the only source from which life springs. He is the fountain of living waters.
Chapter 48: LUCIS TRUST
“Seventy years ago, in late 1919, Alice Bailey and the Tibetan, Dwjhal Khul, entered into an extraordinary telepathic collaboration which was to last for 30 years. Twenty-four Alice Bailey books were written and published as a result of their work together. Today these teachings are helping to spread the Ageless Wisdom in all parts of the world. They have provided the foundation on which the Lucis Trust was established and inspiration for its service to humanity.”
The above statement comes directly from the Lucis Trust, jointly headquartered in London, New York, and Geneva. What it tells us is that, in the Lucis Trust view, its founder—Alice Bailey and a spirit from beyond whom she called the Tibetan, or Dwjhal Khul, together produced 24 books which are now the core teachings of the Lucis Trust. Certainly the philosophies of the Lucis Trust have spread to “all parts of the world.” This is an incredibly important New Age occultic organization. Alice Bailey passed away in 1949, but her books, dictated to her by the Tibetan, live on. And they have influenced scores of other New Age organizations and leaders. Other than Alice Bailey (and her spirit guides), the two most important individuals who have influenced the Lucis Trust have been Alice Bailey’s husband, Foster Bailey, and the related Mary Bailey.
Today, Perry Coles is president of the Lucis Trust. Until recently, the Lucis Trust’s address was at 866 United Nations Plaza. This organization is closely linked with the United Nations. In fact, it has been placed on the roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) to indicate its special consultative status with the United Nations.
Membership of the Lucis Trust evidently includes some astonishingly powerful individuals. In his book, Secret Societies Take The Offense, Dr. John Coleman states that the Lucis Trust has over 6,000 active members. They include Robert McNamara, former Secretary of Defense of the United States and head of the World Bank; Donald Regan, former Chief of Staff under President Reagan; Arthur Burns, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board; Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State; David Rockefeller, megabanker and head of Chase Manhattan Bank; James Baker III, current Secretary of State; Paul Volcker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board; James Schlesinger, former Secretary of Defense; Harold Brown, former Secretary of Defense; and George Schultz, former Secretary of State. If this is true, it is quite amazing because the Lucis Trust is patently occultic.
Lucifer the Light Bearer?
The words Lucis and Illuminati basically mean the same thing. The word “lucis” comes directly from the name Lucifer, which means “light bearer” or “the one who brings light.” Webster’s New Twenty-first Century Dictionary says this: “Lucifer: light bringing, to bear light. Satan, as especially the leader of the revolt of the angels before his fall.” Revealingly, when the Lucis Trust first began, founded by Alice Bailey, it was called Lucifer Publishing! It was incorporated in 1922, however, under its present name. This organization is registered in Great Britain, Germany, Holland, and Switzerland. In fact, according to its own publications we are told:
The Lucis Trust was incorporated in the United States in 1922. It is officially recognized by the federal government and by various state governments as tax exempt. The Lucis Trust... is a non-profit world service organization receiving and using monies to promote activities concerned with the establishment of life, human relations, and world cooperation and sharing. The Lucis Trust... has bank accounts and financial agents in many other countries, including Geneva, Switzerland, where the European headquarters of the work is established. The financial and legal affairs of the Lucis Trust are controlled by an international Board of Trustees, aided by additional trustees and elected officers and members in different countries. Enough men of goodwill working to create the New World Order of brotherhood, cooperation, and life relationship, can defeat the forces of materialism and liberate the sense of shared responsibility for human welfare within the hearts and minds of men.
What we see, then, is that in its own proclamation, the Lucis Trust defines its purpose as that of establishing a “New World Order.” To achieve this goal, the Lucis Trust has established subsidiary organizations which include the Arcane School, the Lucis Publishing Companies, World Goodwill, Triangles, Lucis Trust Libraries, and Radio Lucis. Elsewhere in this book we take a look at the Arcane School and World Goodwill.
The Great Invocation
The teachings of the Lucis Trust have been translated into over 50 languages, and the books by Alice Bailey and Dwjhal Khul have been sold in the millions. The Lucis Trust has also published a common prayer, often praised as “the prayer of the New Age.” They formally call it The Great Invocation. The Great Invocation is printed and sent out in tens of thousands of copies. Some churches, Protestant and Catholic, use the Great Invocation during worship. Yet, few are aware of the inner meaning, the true occultic nature, of this prayer of the New Age. It literally calls for Satan, or Lucifer, to come forth from his secret place and through death and power establish his kingdom on planet earth.
To illustrate the Satanic nature of the Great Invocation, here are a few brief stanzas, followed by a Christian interpretation of their hidden meanings:
Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth
Let the rider from the Secret Place come forth
And coming, save.
Come forth, O Mighty One.
Let Light and Love and Power and Death
Fulfill the purpose of the Coming One.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
Let the Plan of Love and light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
When we understand New Age doctrines and analyze those doctrines in light of the bible, we can readily explain this invocation:
“Let the Lords of Liberation issue forth”: Let the gates of hell be opened and the demons issue forth (see Rev. 6:8, 9:1-11 ).
“Let the Rider from the Secret Place come forth”: Let Satan be loosed from the pit to take peace from the earth, to kill and slaughter, and to gather unsaved souls (see Rev. 6:317, 9:11).
“Let Light and Love and Power and Death fulfill the purpose of the Coming One”: Let Satan’s ploys of “light” and “love” deceive so he can go forth with power to destroy souls.
“From the centre where the Will of God is known”: From Shamballa, the mystical, invisible kingdom where the New Age “Christ” and demons reside (i.e., hell), where the will of Satan is known.
“The purpose which the Masters know and serve”: The Plan of Satan to ascend unto the heavens and become God, which his demons know and serve.
“Let the Plan of Love and Light work out”: Let Satan’s Plan to rule the universe and have man worship him as God prevail.
“And may it (The Plan) seal the door where evil dwells”: And may Satan’s Plan succeed in extinguishing all traces of God and eliminating those who know His Word.
According to Alice Bailey, Christianity is fast becoming outmoded. The true god of this world is a being she refers to as “Sanat Kumara.” This is, in fact, the very same deity wo
rshipped by Benjamin Creme and his Tara Center, a cult discussed elsewhere also in this book. It is also the same teaching spread by Theosophy. In fact, both the Lucis Trust and the Tara Center are offshoots of Helena Blavatsky’s Theosophy. All three teach that Sanat Kumara, the lord of this world, manifests himself in the mystical kingdom of Shambhala. Supposedly, Sanat came from Venus and with him came the Lords of Flame. What is really being referred to, of course, is none other than Lucifer, whom occultism has for centuries claimed came from the planet Venus bringing with him other fire gods and angelic deities of the flame.
Occultism and White Magic
There is much other evidence that this is an occultic organization. For example, there is Alice Bailey’s book, A Treatise on White Magic. The Lucis Trust touts this book as providing the 15 rules for magic. It promotes a form of occultism called White Magic and suggests that man, being essentially and inherently divine, can develop all the magical, supernatural powers of a god once he becomes conscious of his divinity and liberates himself from “matter.”
The Lucis Trust also promotes the reappearance of the “Christ,” but not Jesus Christ. As one of their publications states:
The reappearance of the Christ: Many religions today expect the coming of an Avatar or Savior. The second coming of Christ, as the World Teacher for the Age of Aquarius, is presented in this book as an imminent event, logical and practical in the continuity of divine revelation through the ages. The Christ belongs to all mankind; he can be known and understood as “the same great identity in all the world religions.”
In other words, according to the Lucis Trust, the Christ who is to come will be the Messiah expected by Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, as well as Christianity.
The Lucis Trust can certainly be given much credit for the current revival of occultism throughout the world. Bailey also provided the foundation for modern occult astrology. In her book, Esoteric Astrology, she theorizes that “the science of esoteric astrology is... the basic occult science of the future.”
It is obvious that the future, as presented by the Lucis Trust, has no place for Jesus Christ. Mary Bailey, representing the Arcane School of the Lucis Trust, recently toured the United States and Canada and her meetings were given wide publicity. When asked by one person “Do you think we may see the second coming of Christ,” Mrs. Bailey replied, “This event could occur in our time... It is unlikely he will be known by the name of Jesus because... the Master Jesus and the Christ are in fact two separate identities... Jesus is not the Christ.”
The Hierarchy and a One World Order
The Lucis Trust is also promoter of the idea that there is a hidden hierarchy that promises to push the world forward into the New Age. This hierarchy is known by various names including the Lords of Compassion, the Society of Illumined Minds, and the Masters of Wisdom. The parallel organization of Lucis Trust, World Goodwill, proposes that these secretive men have been formed into a group called the New Group of World Servers.
The campaign for a One World Order is at the forefront of New Age teachings. In her book Education for a New Age, Alice Bailey insists that the age of nations and countries is about over. In the New Age, she maintains, “World citizenship should be the goal of the enlightened everywhere and the hallmark of the spiritual man.” She states, “We need the political synthesis of a world federation with the World Brain.” Moreover, she writes, “In the coming world state, the individual will subordinate his personality to the good of the whole.”
The Lucis Trust believes in every type of occult New Age teachings imaginable. For example, reincarnation and communication with spirits are promoted, with Alice Bailey proclaiming, “Death is not a disaster to be feared; the Work of the destroyer is not really cruel or desirable.” Alice Bailey has remarked that one of the tasks of the educators of the future will be to teach the meaning of reincarnation and karma, which the Lucis Trust calls the Law of Rebirth. Significantly, in its call for a New World Religion, Alice Bailey writes: “The doctrine of reincarnation will be one of the keynotes of the New World Religion.”
Naturally, the Lucis Trust will be a backer of all religions except the one that teaches the exclusivity of Jesus Christ. Thus, Bailey writes: “The great theme of the New World Religion will be the recognition of the many divine approaches... The platform of the New World Religion will be built by many groups, working under the inspiration of the Christ.”
I have yet to visit a well-stocked New Age bookstore that does not carry at least some of the books of Alice Bailey. They include such titles as The Destiny of the Nations; The Externalization of the Hierarchy; Initiation, Human and Solar; Letters on Occult Meditation; The Reappearance of the Christ; and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Also, the Lucis Publishing Company has put out the works of Foster Bailey, which include Running God’s Plan and a book promoting Freemasonry entitled The Spirit of Masonry. Also distributed by Lucis Publishing Company is the revealing book Toward A World Religion For The New Age, by Lola A Davis. The Lucis Trust also publishes the Beacon magazine as well as many other special reports and booklets. Their logo is what appears to be an occultic, or satanic, circle enclosing a triangle—which, in occultism, indicates the unholy trinity. Inside also is the Tridentine mark superimposed over a slanted cross.
Because of the deeply esoteric nature of its teachings, I consider the Lucis Trust one of the most dangerous of New Age groups. The complicated and sophisticated books of Alice Bailey ingeniously weave within their pages the most insidious teachings ever developed in the annals of humankind. Yet, the Lucis Trust operates behind the facade of goodwill and love. Unsophisticated seekers, particularly those who have rejected the Bible as the literal Word of God, can easily be sucked into the swirling vortex of Lucis Trust doctrines and philosophies. Even some sincere Christians may initially be lured in by the Lucis Trust’s profession of belief that the “Christ” is soon to return.
The Lucis Trust seeks an even wider audience. As far back as October 1982, the Reader’s Digest published a full-page ad, under the paid sponsorship of the Lucis Trust, which displayed The Great Invocation. In small type at the bottom of the ad the Lucis Trust called on every individual, regardless of faith, to pray the Great Invocation so that the world’s savior could come. To the unwary, the Lucis Trust was referring to Jesus; but to the initiated the truth was far more ominous: anyone praying the Lucis Trust’s Great Invocation was simply invoking the false Messiah, the beast of Revelation 13 to come forward and seize the throne of world power.
Rose Dawn, The Star Girl, was heard over the powerful radio station XERA in Del Rio, Texas in the mid-1930s. According to a recent story in Texas Monthly magazine (February 1990), Rose intrigued listeners by promising them they could master their abilities through the spiritualist powers of “the Mayans.” Curious listeners who sent in the requested small fee received a booklet entitled The Revelation Secret which told them how they could obtain their desires and develop personal magnetism.
Today, the Mayan Order continues, though the Star Girl who founded it has passed away. Now mostly a mail-order course, those who send in their enrollment fee and pay monthly dues are able to “learn the ancient wisdom of the Mayans as well as esoteric secrets from India, Egypt, and the orient.” Recruits must keep the secret teachings confidential. Thus, they are given secret passwords, handgrips, and signs. Only in this way, says the literature of the Mayan Order, can they “succeed in the attainment of that most illusive state—Real Happiness.” This elusive state is available to those who join the “Golden Circle of Mayanry” so that they can learn to develop an awareness of their inner self and “the forces within you.”
The free-lance writer who wrote the article for the Texas Monthly magazine visited the Mayan Order. He found it operating in a two-story, Spanish-style office building bearing a large weathered sign with the words “Mayan Order.” Interestingly, he reported that the Mayan Order continues to use the late, charismatic Rose Dawn, the Star Gi
rl, in letters from beyond sent to interested seekers. “Dear friend,” read a recent epistle from the departed Star Girl. “My hand is extended to you in full Mayan Companionship... Will you accept it—today?”
The Meditation Group for the New Age (MGNA) is closely linked spiritually with the groups founded by Alice Bailey: the Lucis Trust, World Goodwill, Triangles, and the Arcane School. Headquartered in Ojai, California, at a site the group calls “Meditation Mount,” this organization sends out brochures and mailings around the world. In fact, in a recent letter to its followers, MGNA boasted that its literature is now being mailed to 86 different countries. This group has also fostered local meditation groups around the world. Boldly pro-New Age, the Meditation Group for the New Age ends much of its literature with the final word of Namaskara which means “I salute the divinity in you.” The group also mails out printed copies of The Great Invocation, given to Alice Bailey by her spirit guide Djwhal Khul, the Tibetan Master.
MGNA believes the answer to all the world’s problems can be found in meditation. Its 10,000 membership actively meditates for world peace.
The Messianic Church of Yahweh (MCY) was a group founded by Randall Baer, a brilliant man who wrote bestselling New Age books on crystal powers and planetary transformation. Randall Baer’s MCY was based on the teachings of J. J. Hurtak and his false bible, The Keys of Enoch, as well as an eclectic blend of many other New Age and pseudo-Christian cult ideas acquired and applied by Randall Baer. MCY appeared to be biblical, but, in fact, was not. The cult was dissolved by Randall Baer when he converted to Christianity and resolved to do his best to expose the dangers of New Age occultism.