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Kiss of Christmas Magic: 20 Paranormal Holiday Tales of Werewolves, Shifters, Vampires, Elves, Witches, Dragons, Fey, Ghosts, and More

Page 96

by Eve Langlais

I brazenly reach out and taste his lips yet again. The sensation of his tongue against mine causes a tingle down my back. The sensation grows so much, I start to pull away, fearing it will implode. It’s all too much. I want him too much. I need him too much.

  He senses my hesitation and so he puts his large hands on both sides of my face, gently assuring me that I can withstand the passion coursing through me. I moan intensely as he claims my mouth with his darting, skillful tongue.

  He sucks on my earlobe while he fondles the tips of my hardened breasts with his fingers. His touch is gentle at first. He moves in small circles, barely grazing my nipples. As they stiffen and harden to his touch, he squeezes them with just the right amount of pressure.

  Sweet Omnis, help me.

  Just when I can no longer stand the pleasure surging to my engorged tips, he pops them into his mouth. He suckles on my nipples as if they’re his only source of life. His movements are wild and seeking. He ravenously explores the slopes of my breasts.

  I pull away slightly; it’s my turn to explore him. I run my fingers along the lines of his insanely taut abs. I make patterns on his nipple with my fingers. Then I flick them with my tongue. When I place my open lips against his nipple, he only sighs. But when I massage them with my tongue, over and over again, he groans loudly. And soon we are locked in a frenzy of sucking, licking, biting.

  The longing between my legs grows beyond my comprehension. My desire to have Knight inside me is so overpowering, it makes me weak. I know he’s aching for me too, because I can feel him underneath me; he’s rock hard.

  I wrap my hand around his stiffness and gently touch the tip. It stiffens up even more at my touch. I graze over it slowly. He tightens his hold on me. Then without warning, I dive between his legs and take him into my mouth. I move up and down his rod rhythmically. I’ve never taken in a member so stiff and long before. It fills my whole mouth. I suck on it feverishly, then glide it across my lips as if I’m applying lipstick.

  “Fuck,” he swears.

  Unable to resist any longer, he effortlessly picks me up in the air and throws me down to the floor, on my back. He opens my legs and doesn’t ask for permission; he doesn’t need to. Everything I am truly belongs to him. Knight reaches out and explores between my thighs with his fingertips and finds a slippery, warm stream. He pulls back the folds of my sex and reaches the center.

  He plays with me by making contact with my clit and pulling away just when it starts to feel good. I moan for him to stop, but he enjoys driving me crazy with desire. Just when the lust coursing through me is about to erupt, he inserts himself into me. He fills every inch of me. He’s almost too much to take in. Before my body has time to adjust to his length and girth, Knight begins to thrust. The friction feels like sheer bliss. The ecstasy is overwhelming. But I refuse to pull away. He feels too good inside me.

  Knight grinds into me with perfect rhythm. Each time he thrusts, my body responds. His rod finds places inside me I didn’t know existed: soft, quiet, dark places that hold pockets of pleasure. Each time he discovers a new place, I quiver and call out his name.

  He’s so deep inside me I have to plant my feet firmly on either side of him so I don’t lose my balance.

  I have never really been on top before for more than a few minutes but something about Knight’s reckless, wild, animal–like thrusting makes me feel safe. It makes me feel like I can be a freak and no one will judge. My body can sense it, too. For the first time in my life, I can do whatever I want to do. And what do I want to do?


  In one swift motion, I sit up and slowly impale myself on his large cock. I plant my feet on either side of him. I move up and down his shaft. He latches onto my hips and together we move in perfect rhythm.

  Being on top is so empowering, it gives me a boost of confidence. I am in control now. And now, I will tease and torture him. I increase the speed and reverse directions. He groans as I whip him into a frenzy of lust. He parts his lips, takes in my nipple, and sucks on it mercilessly. At the same time, he sweeps his middle finger across the tip of my sex.

  “Knight…” I call out, unable to help myself.

  He finds a spot inside me, slightly to the left. When he lightly grazes past it with the tip of his rod, I inhale sharply. Knight is attentive and observant. He knows he’s found my spot.

  He taps into it over and over and over again.

  “Shit,” I gasp as the room spins around me.

  I grind on him even harder and faster than I did before. He growls and holds me tighter. I don’t want to cum but there’s just too many sensations going on at once. We’re inside each other in every way possible. My breasts are inside his lips, his fingers are exploring my sex thoroughly, and his member has hit my spot at the perfect angle so often my legs are shaking. I cry out to him.

  “Oh shit, shit, I’m gonna…”

  “Don’t you dare,” he orders.

  “Please,” I beg.

  I have to cum or I will die. I will die.

  He doesn’t heed my pleas. Instead he continues to take me to the brink of sexual madness with his tongue, fingers, and cock.

  “I can’t take…oh shit,” I cry out.

  He simultaneously taps my spot and gently bites down on my nipple. The slight pain emanating from my breasts merges with the sweet ecstasy from his rod; I can’t hold it any longer.

  “Can I come, Knight. Please?”

  “Yes, baby.”

  As soon as the words come out of his mouth, both our bodies are rocked with ecstasy. It ripples through us wave after wave. Suddenly a large plasma orb grows and looms a few feet away. We had an angel orgasm. It was so powerful; we ended up having an Exchange. I temporarily take on his eye color and he takes on mine.

  Weak and exhausted, I collapse onto him. We don’t talk; talking requires energy. Instead he pulls a nearby blanket and covers us.

  “Are you sorry this happened?” he asks.

  “I need to talk to Derek and I will. He deserves to know. But no Knight, I’m not sorry,” I reply as I seek shelter on his chest.

  “Good. I can’t take you feeling bad about what we just did.”

  “I didn’t know it mattered to you,” I reply.

  “It never did–before”

  “I’ve never had an Exchange. I’ve never been so connected to someone that we trade eye color”

  “For me, it only happened with Lizzie,” he replies.

  “What about you. Are you sorry?” I wonder.

  “Never” he says, nuzzling my ear.

  The real world bangs and demands to be let in. But I just need a few moments alone with him. Then I can let the world in again. I close my eyes and pretend the best moment of my life isn’t about to come to an end…


  I didn’t realize just how much time had passed by. When I open my eyes, it’s nightfall and I’m alone. Knight is nowhere to be found. Where did he go? How did he get out of the shed on his own? Waking up to find Knight missing isn’t what disturbed me. It’s the fact that he may have used me in order to escape.

  May have? He’s gone, you fool. He tricked you.

  Outside I hear the team calling out my name. They tell me it’s safe and that I’m clear to come out. But I don’t feel safe; I feel used. I look out the window and into the air, as if Knight will be standing there waiting for me. He’s not.

  You let him in and he played you. You’re so stupid. Was all of it a lie? Our time together was just so he could figure out a way to break free?

  I put my clothes back on and brace myself for what’s about to happen; when I tell them I let Knight get away, they will remove me from the team. I step outside. I find the charred remains of several demons on the mountain. The team tells me the humans are all safe.

  They ask if I saw Knight in the area. I’m about to reply when I feel something in my jacket pocket. I pull out a note written in rushed handwriting.


  I’m counting on you to do what you a
lways do…

  I smile brightly and tell the team that I have no idea where the fugitive has gone. They take off, but I stay behind to make sure we didn’t miss anything.

  Like I usually do…

  It’s two hours later and I’m still on this mountain waiting on Knight. Maybe I was wrong about what his note meant. Maybe I was wrong about a lot of things…

  “It so happens I look good with your eye color. What to exchange again?” he says behind me.

  I turn and find Knight standing a few yards away.

  “I’m Omari. You’re a fugitive. I will have to restrain you,” I tease as I head over to him.

  “At first you were just a fun distraction,” he says.

  “And now?”

  “Now you’re a dangerous one,” he says.

  “Does my job make me dangerous?”

  “No, your lips do…”

  “You know I won’t give up hunting you,” I warn as I lean in to kiss him.

  “Now what fun would that be?” he replies as he claims my lips.

  I lean into him and we melt into a frenzy of kisses. There’s passion, heat, and ecstasy in the way our tongues intertwine. But there’s also a peace. The kind of peace that comes from getting what you realize you always secretly longed for…

  About the Author

  Lola St.Vil is an award–wining writer. She has written two Romance Paranormal series. She lives in Hollywood and welcomes interaction with readers. You can read her first book “Guardians: The Girl” by clicking here It’s free!!!

  Dangerous Distractions © Copyright 2014 Lola St. Vil

  Breaking the Stag

  Jessica Ryan

  Celeste thought she had it all: a college education, a great job and a level head on her shoulders. But tragedy has brought that all crashing down.

  Now she’s alone and trying to pick up the pieces of her life.

  Luckily there’s a mysterious, and sexy, stranger that’s been there her entire life. But did her eyes deceive her all those years ago when they first met? Can he really turn into an elk?

  Chapter One

  “Daddy?” Celeste called. “Where are you, Daddy?”

  She glanced around at the winter wonderland that surrounded her. A fresh coat of snow had fallen overnight, blanketing the peaceful woods behind her house. Even at eight years old she knew she was blessed–the other kids in school didn’t have a backyard like this. A lot of them lived in the city with fenced–in backyards. But Celeste’s dad had decided his child would have more, and he had bought his dream home: a three thousand square foot, two–story monstrosity that overlooked Pine Bluff National Park.

  Celeste had been playing in the forest for as long as she could remember. Whereas most kids’ days were filled with Xbox and TV, hers were filled with exploration and adventure. The farthest she had every traveled, though, was down to the stream. Her father always warned her not to go any farther, but today she didn’t listen.

  Panic began to set in as she turned in circles; every direction was the same. She was trapped in a maze of snowy pine trees, each a carbon copy of the last. It was cold, but that didn’t stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks as she frantically ran in circles screaming for her daddy.

  He’d been right there a few minutes ago, chopping firewood with his old, half–broken axe. He had the money to buy a new one, but he always said that one had character. Her daddy was always looking for character in everything, which was one of the reasons he had bought the house. Now the character of the forest threatened to swallow her up forever.

  She ‘hadn’t meant to get away from him. He was chopping away and she saw a bunny, a beautiful brown flash streaking across the snowy fields. Surely she could find her way back; all she wanted to do was see the bunny up close. Now there was no bunny and no daddy, and hope was quickly evaporating too.

  Finally she did what she always did in situations like this: she collapsed onto the ground and cried even harder. Hopefully her daddy would hear the crying and come to his little girl’s rescue. Otherwise she was doomed to freeze to death in the land she had thought was so wondrous a few minutes ago.

  Her sobs echoed through the trees, rebounding and coming back at her with force as they filled the crisp, cold air. Nothing felt right. Everything was wrong with this scene. As an immense feeling of wrong began to set in, she stopped crying and began to see the world around her in a way she hadn’t before.

  The snow had a spooky glow to it and the gray sky seemed ready to crush her at any moment. Something was definitely wrong; this wasn’t like the woods behind her house. Her fear froze her as she stood and glanced around trying to figure out where the otherworldly feeling was coming from. Was she dreaming?

  A thunderous cracking sound filled the air, causing Celeste to tumble forward in fear. The cold snow stung her already chapping skin as she buried herself in it. Quickly she pushed away, trying to turn over and find the source of the terrible noise that had startled her. Was it a bear? A ghost? A wolf? Something was bearing down on her and it had just broken a log in half. Her arms and legs were slow to respond, her reflexes deadened by the freezing air, but eventually she turned over and wiped the snow away. Her eyes landed on her would–be attacker and a smile slowly crept across her face.

  Tentatively inching forward from behind a tree was the cutest calf she had ever seen in her entire life. Her eyes traveled down to its tiny hooves, finding a broken twig. Her fear was now completely gone, replaced by excitement that threatened to burst her at the seams. This was way better than any bunny. This was a baby elk making his way to her.

  “It’s okay, cutie,” she said, pulling one of her gloves off and holding her hand out. The calf looked at her apprehensively, his big brown eyes glistening in the gray light of the dream world she had stepped into. He cautiously stepped forward, sniffed the air and then backed up, turning his head from her.

  Celeste thought quickly, then dug into her coat pocket, looking for the remnants of her afternoon snack. The calf backed up again as she thrust her fist out, but it seemed to light up with excitement as she opened her hand to reveal several Cheetos. The calf hopped back and forth, spinning in circles and showing off.

  “Come on, cutie,” she said, inching forward. “You can have it if you want.”

  The apprehension the calf had shown went the same way as Celeste’s fear. The adorable creature pranced forward, making Celeste laugh as it marched right up to her. Its breath was hot, warming her frozen hand as it bent down to eat the treat she had offered.

  “That tickles!” she said, laughing with glee as its mouth tickled her hand.

  Greedily it gobbled up everything she had, leaving her with nothing but a sticky, wet hand. The calf spun around in another circle, rearing back as it snorted.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, putting her hands out to her sides. “I don’t have anything else.”

  The calf put its head down and pushed into Celeste’s side, nearly knocking her back into the deep snow.

  “Hey, now!” she said, trying to sound authoritative like her daddy. “You stop or you’ll ruin your dinner!”

  The calf cocked its head to the side, like it understood what she’d said, before dropping onto its butt beside her.

  “Did you understand me?”

  No reaction.

  “Are you sure?”

  No reaction.

  “Are you a girl?”

  No reaction.

  “Are you a boy?”

  The calf snorted and looked at her, giving itself away.

  “You’re a cute little boy,” she said, rubbing the top of his head. He leaned into her, enjoying the contact. “I wish I could take you to school.”

  The calf snorted again, licking at her hand.

  “That tickles! Stop it, you silly elk!”

  The calf leaned back, still listening to her commands. Celeste realized this had to be a dream; that was the only way she could explain the strange feeling she had. Plus, she knew that elk couldn�
�t understand a human’s command, because they weren’t domesticated. She had learned all about wild animals in school, and her teacher had warned her to stay away from them, but there was something about this one that drew her in.

  “Why are you out here alone?”

  The calf’s eyes got wide and it cried into the air, its painful cry reverberating against the trees and returning to them at the same volume it left with.

  “Are you alone? Did you lose your mommy?”

  The calf rubbed its head against her arm again, big tears appearing in its eyes.

  “Aww, don’t be sad, Mr. Elk. I’m sorry you miss your mommy. I miss my daddy. He was chopping wood and then I wandered off. Now I’m lost and I can’t find him.”

  The elk responded by crying mournfully again and licking her quickly on the cheek with its snaky tongue.

  “That tickles! You stop that! I’ve never kissed a boy and I don’t want my first kiss to be with an elk. I guess we can keep each other company until we find our mommy and daddy.”

  The elk didn’t respond; he just sat contently staring at her. Celeste looked back at him, studying his eyes. There was something about them, something intelligent. She felt like she was back under the jungle gym staring at Bobby Warchowski. Everyone was surrounding them, daring them to kiss. It was just a stupid game kids played, but she was scared to do it. Bobby’s eyes had shown such warmth and caring. It was like he was older than seven, reading her emotions like a seasoned pro. She had seen sadness and regret in his eyes that day, but he came through for her in the end as he turned to the crowd of onlookers and told them to buzz off. Everyone called Bobby a chicken and mocked him as he walked away, shooting Celeste one last smile before he ran.

  Unfortunately Bobby had moved soon after the school year ended, leaving Celeste without the intelligent and thoughtful boy she had always liked. The only boys left at her school were grubby little monsters who would just as soon pull her hair or stick worms down the back of her shirt instead of sitting quietly on a bench and sharing a juice box.


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