by Stacy H. Pan
“What do you think she was talking about?”
“I wish I knew,” Alden sighs.
“She looked so scared.”
“Maybe something was wrong with her. Mentally. She was talking about mutants. She obviously needs help.”
“I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel right, like she is in danger.”
“I hope you’re wrong.”
“Me too.”
“I am sure she is going to get the help she needs.” Alden beams his confident “everything is going to be alright” smile. I smile back even though I still feel uneasy. Alden is right, the girl could be mentally ill. However, there was something about the way she clung to Alden and the haunted look in her eyes that make me think differently.
Chapter Eighteen
Back at the house, Killian has called a last-minute meeting of the leaders for the afternoon, so of course, I must accompany Bailey. However, when I go to her room, I find her in the bathroom, her head hanging over the toilet. Her tangled hair drapes over the sides of the toilet like a blond curtain as she expels the contents of her lunch. Something inside of me takes pleasure in seeing her like this, especially after the pain she caused me. Another part of me, the aspect of my personality I embrace, feels sympathy for her. I grab a hair tie off the counter and gather her hair in my hands.
"What are you doing?" she asks in between retching.
"I'm pulling your hair back so you don't get puke in it." As I speak I wrap the hair tie around her hair.
"Thank you," she whispers and hurls in the toilet again. In the six months that I have been here, that is the first time Bailey has ever thanked me.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I throw up every day,” Bailey complains. “I can’t stand looking and feeling like this every day. I am also tired. So very tired." I wonder what caused Bailey to become the –self-absorbed person she is and if there was ever a time when she truly cared for people. Surely she wasn't born that way. If she was, I would act just like her, wouldn't I? Maybe her behavior is circumstantial. It must be hard being the daughter of a leader. Killian has very little interaction with Bailey and I can't help but wonder if it has always been this way. I can only imagine what it is like to grow up without a mother and the only parent you have ignores you. Although in this moment I feel sorry for Bailey, I also believe that at some point people choose who they are going to be and how they are going to act. It doesn’t matter how they were raised or the circumstances of their birth. They have to choose to do better, to be better. Bailey has not gotten to the point where she wants to be a better person and see past her selfish desires. I can only hope that one day she will place others above herself.
Since she is obviously too sick to attend the meeting with the sector leaders, Bailey has decided that I will sit in her stead and take notes. I am to report back to fill her in on the latest happenings of the city. I grab her tablet off her dresser and head to the conference room. It is not far from Bailey's room; however I quicken my pace. The incident in Bailey's room has set me back and I don't want to be late. I can't afford another strike against me. I arrive at the conference room and go inside. Rhydia, Dr. Kendall, and Enforcer-150 are already there. I quickly take a seat beside Enforcer-150 just as Killian saunters in the door. The lines on his face are more defined. The dark circles under his eyes give the impression of lack of sleep. He is visibly worn, like his job is physically taking a toll on him. Behind him, enter Alec, Orlando, and Roderick. My breath catches in my throat at the sight of Roderick. What is he doing here? I exchange a questionable glance with Alec.
“Thank you all for coming on such short notice,” Killian delves right in. Addressing Dr. Kendall and Rhydia, Killian says, “I trust you know Alec, head of security of the Enforcer sector, Roderick, head of security of the Researcher sector, and Orlando, who has just been appointed as head of security of the Laborer sector. I know you are all busy, so I will get down to business,” Killian addresses the other leaders. “It has been brought to my attention that clones are being murdered.” This shocking news causes me to jerk my head up from the tablet and look at Killian. I wonder what he means by “murdered.” When I attended the Draining, I consider that to be murder, however, it is routine for pure bloods. This news has caught the attention of the other two leaders in the room.
"I don't understand," asks Rhydia. "What do you mean they were murdered?" I examine her face as she speaks. There is more than just shock, but I am not sure what it is.
"I mean," explains Killian, "that someone beheaded five clones in the past two days. They left their severed heads and bodies in the alleys of their respective sectors."
"Who did this?" asks Dr. Kendall, looking disgusted.
"We don't know yet," says Killian. "I have my men investigating. We will find out who did this." He looks around the room. "In the meantime, we must assume that all clones are in danger. I don’t believe their deaths were the cause of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. They were targeted. I can assign extra Enforcers to guard your persons and those of your clones if you so wish."
"Are we in danger?" asks Dr. Kendall.
"We don’t know. So far, no humans have been attacked, just clones,” Killian responds. “However, you should stay in your homes as much as possible, just to be cautious. It is best to keep your families inside as well. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”
"This is insane," replies Dr. Kendall. "Are you telling us we should hide? Cower in our homes? Those are not the traits that got us to where we are today."
"I am just giving you advice for your safety and that of your families," responds Killian. "It is your choice whether or not you wish to take it. Look, I am not saying this is a permanent thing. Just until whoever is responsible for this is caught. I have men working day and night looking for the individual or individuals responsible for this.”
I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat. I look at Enforcer-150 to see his expression. I can’t read his face to see what he must be thinking. However, he does not look afraid. For a moment I consider the possibility that I could be in danger. The thought makes me uneasy. I am safe as long as I am in the mansion. However, I can’t stay in here forever. I have to get into Killian's lab tonight and report my findings back to Rhydia tomorrow night. There is no time for me to be scared. There is only time for the task at hand. I can't help but wonder who would kill clones and why. There must be a faster way they can find out who is responsible for these killings.
"Why don't you lure them to you?" Before I realize the words were spoken aloud instead of in my head. All eyes in the room are on me. My gaze on Killian never falters and the silence in the room lingers. I wonder if he will punish me for speaking out of turn. We are supposed to remain invisible, especially in settings like this, until we are needed. The pure bloods look surprised, all except Killian and Alec.
"So, you're suggesting we get a clone to pose as bait to catch the perpetrators responsible?" asks Alec, breaking the silence. His gaze is hard and serves as a warning to me to keep quiet in the future. I feel flushed, like all the color has drained from my face. Why did I have to open my mouth? I am not a leader and have no experience that would contribute to their areas of expertise. They have no reason to listen to me. However, I can't back down and go into the shadows like I want to do. I choose my next words carefully.
"Yes, that is what I am suggesting. If you keep everyone locked away, you won't be able to find the people responsible. However, if you plant the bait, you control the situation. It would be on your terms, giving you the advantage."
"You want us to knowingly put someone in danger?” Orlando questions. He stares at me with furrowed brows and I can tell just by his stony expression that he does not approve of my plan.
"Are you saying your men are incompetent at keeping one person safe?" Dr. Kendall addresses Orlando and catches him off guard. The hard look he shoots her tells me he is not pleased with the questioning of the competency of his Enforcers.
"That's not what I am saying. It's a risk. A risk that someone would have to be willing to take,” Orlando defends.
“What’s the big deal?” Roderick interjects. “It’s just one clone. It’s not like we are talking about a human.” Roderick grins at me and I shudder. We really are disposable to him.
“The big deal is another human would be without a clone, without a lifeline,” Alec shoots back.
After quietly listening to the discourse going on around him, Killian finally speaks. "It's not a bad idea. If it is executed correctly, it could work." I am a little flabbergasted by his agreeing with my plan.
"Who's it going to be?" Roderick taunts. "Who wants to volunteer their clone for potential slaughter?" No one says a word. No pure bloods are jumping at the opportunity to use their clone as bait. Roderick’s eyes fall on me. I know he expects me to volunteer. Who else would make perfect bait but a young girl? The thought of purposely being placed in danger does not excite me; however, I have been in danger ever since I woke. It was my idea and I should be the one to take the risk. I do not trust Roderick to keep me, or any clone for that matter, safe, but this is what I should do. Alec is going to be so angry. Before I volunteer, I hear “I’ll do it” coming from the seat beside me. Enforcer-150 stares down Roderick. I gape at him. It should be me, not anyone else.
“No, I’ll do it,” I finally get out. The look Alec gives me is full of fear and trepidation.
“You are brave 656, but no. You will not go,” Killian decides. “150 will go. If he is to be sacrificed, it will be for the greater good. You are needed for Bailey. You are not to leave the house.”
Turning back to the other leaders, he adds, “We will execute this plan tomorrow night. I suggest you all stay in a safe place and if you must go out, take extra precautions. You are all dismissed.” The pure bloods rise and begin to exit the room. I want to say something to Enforcer-150, but I don’t know what to say. Instead I give him a sympathetic smile and try to ignore the guilt I feel building inside me. If something happens to him, it will be my fault. I am the last one to exit the room save Killian, who sits in his big leather chair at the mahogany table, staring at the wall in front of him lost in thought. I reach the door and hear him call to me. I turn back around and see him facing me. I say nothing and wait. Killian’s elbows rest on the sides of his chair, his hands folded on one another. “I meant what I said, 656. You are not to leave this house until I state otherwise. Is that understood?” He has an eyebrow raised, as though he is expecting an argument. I silently wonder if he sees the same defiance in me that he sees in Bailey. I nod my head in compliance and walk out the door. It’s bad enough being a clone, but now I am a clone under house arrest. This is going to make getting out of the house tomorrow night to meet with Rhydia and the others even more complicated. I will have to worry about that tomorrow. Right now, I must concentrate on getting in Killian’s lab so I can have something to report.
Chapter Nineteen
I set my alarm for one in the morning. When it goes off, I am groggy and seriously contemplate going back to sleep. Then I remember why I am awake and force myself to get out of bed. I change out of my night shorts and put on my pants instead. Then I pull a long sleeve top over my tank top. I contemplate whether or not to put shoes on. I am not sure what the floor is like in the part of the house the lab resides. Then again, I can make less noise on the floors of the house if I am barefoot. I decide to go with the shoes. If I need to run or hide quickly, it is better to be wearing shoes. I gather my golden strands together and put a hair tie around them at the base of my neck. I slowly and quietly open the door to my room. I look up and down the hallway. I see no one, so I carefully step outside and close my door behind me. I obtain the mental image of the map Alec drew me. I travel down hallway after hallway. As I enter unfamiliar territory, I begin to doubt myself. Maybe I took a wrong turn somewhere. However, I trust my gut that I am correct and I continue walking. Finally I come face to face with the hallway that houses Killian’s bedroom. The same part of the house that Alec warned me to steer clear of. I pause in front of the door that leads to Killian’s bedroom. Visions of a deceased Enforcer-658 invade my mind. Anger begins to boil inside of me, slowly rising and threatening to explode. I use my anger to fuel my mission. I creep past Killian’s room into the unknown.
After going down several more hallways in the maze of a house, I come to the door Alec told me to go through. I almost missed it due to the dim lighting in the hallway. I place my hand on the cold brass knob and a shiver trickles down my spine as I turn. The door creaks as I slowly open it, a loud reminder of the age of the house. Paranoid, I freeze, look around me and listen. I do not hear anyone coming, so I continue to open the creaking door. I stare into darkness. I know there is a staircase swallowed up in the shadows because Alec told me there would be. Right now, I am thankful for that piece of information since it is not visible. I will have to rely on my other senses until I can find a light. I place a foot out in front to feel for the stairs and hang on to the door frame with one hand. Since I cannot feel any floor, I take a step down. The staircase becomes illuminated with the weight of my foot. With a newfound confidence that I am not going to fall flat on my face, I place my other foot on the step and quietly close the door behind me.
Slowly I walk down the old staircase until I have both feet flat on the floor, facing a hallway in front of me. According to Alec, the main door to Killian’s lab is straight ahead. I slowly walk down the hallway and a sense of fear rises within me. I am afraid of what I might find in there, but worse, I fear that I won’t find anything and the whole Resistance will be back to square one. I come to a door on my right and notice that it is cracked open. I look around and see that all the other doors are closed and wonder why this one is not. I gently push the door, widening the gap between it and the doorframe and step inside. It is a small room that houses a whole lot of boxes. It looks like some kind of storage closet. Satisfied that I will not get any answers from a storage closet, I turn to walk out the door. A hand closes over my mouth from behind. Panic surges through me. I’ve been caught! I am whipped around and come face to face with Alec. He releases his grip and I sigh with relief.
“You scared me! What are you doing here?” I whisper and playfully hit him on the chest.
“You didn’t really think I was going to let you go in there by yourself, did you?” he whispers back with a smile.
“How did you know when I would be down here?”
“I didn’t. I’ve been here for about an hour. I’ve been trying to find a way to get in his lab. As expected, the door is locked. Not just locked. It has an airtight security system. From what I can tell by inspecting the door, it has a fingerprint scanner as well as an eye scanner. There’s no telling what other security measures he has in place.”
“There must be another way in,” I say, hopeful.
“I have found another way, but you are probably not going to like it.”
“What?” Alec points his finger towards the ceiling. I look up to where he is pointing and see an air vent. “You can’t be serious.”
“I told you that you wouldn’t like it. Unfortunately, it looks like our only option.” Alec picks up a box and stacks it onto another box. He places one foot on the box and lifts himself up, putting his full weight on the box.
“This should be able to support our weight,” he says and reaches up to pull down the cover over the entrance of the vent.
“Ready?” Alec asks, as he extends his hand to me. Although I am not thrilled about being hoisted into a small enclosed space, I take his hand and he helps me up onto the boxes. I stumble and almost fall, however, Alec steadies me.
“I’ve got you,” he says, his words loaded with more than one meaning. He gently presses his lips to mine.
“What was that for?” I ask with a smile and a blush.
“Luck and the fact that I’ve wanted to do that all day,” he responds, smiling back at me. “Ready?” I nod and he
lifts me up to the entrance. I grab on to the inside of the small metal entrance and slide over to the side, making room for Alec to join me. With one swift movement, which shows off his strength, Alec joins me. Since he has more knowledge of the perimeters of the house, I let him lead the way. We crawl on the cold, slippery metal, trying our best not to make too much noise. I try to memorize the route so we can find our way back. Turn to the right, go straight, turn to the left, go straight again, another right, another left. Finally, Alec stops. I squeeze in beside him and peer out the small square openings of the vent cover. From what I can tell, the vent opens up to the side of one of the walls and we are up higher than we need to be. The lab is dark save a few dimly lit lights. We cannot see anything of note. This is a bust. We have to get in there. I place my hands on the vent cover and try to move it. The metal rattles with my failed attempt to remove it.
“We have to get this off so we can get in there,” I say, inspecting the sides of the metal barrier.
“We are not going to be able to get in there from here, even if we get the cover off,” Alec responds.
“Why not?” Alec points in the direction of the opposite wall of the lab.
“You see that red dot in the corner there?” He moves his finger to the wall beside us. “And that one over there?”
“Those are sensors to detect motion. If we get in there without the lab being unlocked, those motion sensors are going to set off an alarm. Then we will be sitting ducks in a locked lab. We can’t risk it.”
“Great. What are we going to do?”
“I don’t know. But staying in here is not going to get us anywhere. Come on, let’s go back.” We make our way back through the air vent until we reach the storage room. We carefully jump back on to the boxes and Alec replaces the vent cover. Peering out the door of the storage room, he motions for me to follow. The entrance to Killian’s lab is in front of us and more hallways are to the right and left of the door. This place is bigger than I had originally thought. We come to the entrance of Killian’s lab and I inspect the control panel. Sure enough there is a pad for a hand and an eye scanner.