I Want You Back

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I Want You Back Page 2

by Thayer King

  “Coincidence,” he countered but he avoided her gaze.

  They ate for several minutes in silence. “So what did you do after…graduation?”

  She didn’t miss his hesitation. He wanted to know where she’d gone after she disappeared. “I went home to North Carolina. I got a job teaching like I always wanted. I got laid off last fall due to budget cuts.”

  His jaw tightened and he sipped his tea before replying. “That’s unfortunate. How’s your family?”

  “My mom retired from teaching last year. My dad sold his business, um, some time back so the two of them spend their time travelling. My sister Trisha got married last year. They’re expecting their first baby in December.” She fiddled with the edge of the napkin in her lap. “I was sorry to hear about your father’s passing.”

  “Let’s not pretend. There was no love lost between the two of you.”

  “He abhorred me, but I didn’t want him dead. And he was your father. I hate the thought of you hurting.”

  Stephen sucked in a breath. And then he laughed, but it wasn’t a mirthful sound. “Your audacity astounds me. If you ever gave a flying fuck about me you never would have left me the way you did.”

  Her hand covered his on the table. She squeezed his fingers. “Oh, Stephen, that’s not true. It killed me to leave you.”

  He removed her hand from his with such a look of distain that it was like a knife twisting in her chest. “Not true. You’re still alive.”

  “It only seems so to the outside world.”

  He snorted. “Let’s agree to disagree. It’s a non-issue. We’ve both moved on.”

  Her heart sank. She wet her lips and pushed her plate away, her appetite gone. “So you and Aster…you’re dating?”


  “Is it serious?”

  “Yes.” His gaze was focused over her shoulder as he replied. He’d never been a good liar.

  “Look me in the eye and tell me that.”

  He glared at her. “What do you care?”

  It was now or never, she decided. Taking a deep breath, she said, “It’s why I’m here . . . I want you back.”

  Stephen choked on his tea. He coughed as he sputtered, his face turning red. She flew to his side and patted him on the back. He growled, stood and took her hands, putting her away from him. Holding his hand out to keep her at a distance, he picked up his glass and took a deep drink. He slammed the empty glass down. “Fuck! I need a scotch. What the hell do you mean you want me back? It’s been seven fucking years!”

  “And I never stopped loving you.”


  “Hear me out.”

  “Can I stop you?”

  “No. Stephen, please. I came to Virginia for you.” She took a deep breath. “I left for good reasons, but I won’t go into that.” The less said about that the better. She didn’t want to besmirch his father’s memory and Stephen was touchy about the subject. Maybe when they were old and gray, she would tell him the truth. “I want to be honest with you. I was dating someone seriously a few months ago. I thought loved him right up until the night he proposed. And before I could even think about it, the word ‘no’ popped out of my mouth. I wasn’t in love with him and I never would be. I’d never stopped loving you and a substitute wouldn’t do. The only thing that ever drew me to Shane was that he reminded me of you.”

  “Pretty words but give me some credit. I’m not the same naïve fool you left behind.” He crowded her, his chest bumping into hers. His face was tight with anger. “You think you can glaze over the letter where you claimed we were too different, that our races and our economic situations would eventually separate us. Don’t you think you owe me an apology for not dumping me to my face?”

  She bit her lip and her eyes filled with tears. “I c-couldn’t do it.”

  “Why? Because it was a crock of shit?”

  Ashley shook her head. She gripped the lapels of his jacket. “I did what was best-”

  He cut her off. “But now that my father is dead none of those differences matter?”


  “Because if that’s what you’re thinking, my mother is still alive. As I recall, she didn’t like you either. She spends half of her time in the Caribbean, but she does come home occasionally. Hadn’t you better wait another ten years and see if she’ll conveniently drop off, too? And what about my best friend Jeremy? If you’re so concerned about what society will say about us, there’s an endless supply of people who won’t like it. That hasn’t changed.”

  She lowered her head to press it against his chest. He clasped her upper arms and shoved her back. His fingers flexed on her and he shook her hard enough to make her teeth click together. She’d never seen him so angry. “I’ve changed,” she said, unable to think of a better response. Though his family and some of his friends had not approved of their relationship, she hadn’t cared. She would have done anything, braved anything to be at his side.

  “Have you? Or did you just run out of the money my father gave you to leave me?” he asked, his voice as hard and cold as granite.

  Ashley gasped. She stared into his eyes and saw the certainty there. He knew. Her knees buckled beneath her and she grabbed onto the back of a chair to remain upright. He was never supposed to find out. She could only imagine the pain Stephen must have endured. No wonder he hated her! “How did you…how did you find out?”

  “My father told me.”

  She frowned. “He promised me he would never tell you.” But she should have known he would go back on his word.

  “He probably wouldn’t have but I wouldn’t let it go. I planned on going after you. So he finally told me how he gave you a check for a million dollars. It’s nice to know what my love is worth.”

  She blinked and the tears flooded her cheeks. “I’m sorry. So sorry, Stephen. It-it’s not what it seems. I can explain.” She reached out to touch his face but he wouldn’t allow it. Quickly, knowing that he would likely have her tossed out at any moment, she let the story spill out. “I know how it sounds and people always think they’ll take the high road. But I couldn’t afford it. You remember how ill my father was with cancer. He was too sick to work anymore. For whatever reason, my mother had never added him to her insurance. Maybe it was too expensive. I don’t know. He sold his auto repair business to pay his hospital bills. They were going to lose their house. My parents needed the money to pay for my tuition. Your father offered to buy me off the first time we met. When I found out how dire the family situation was, I knew I had to give you up. It was my only choice. My parents had done so much for me, sacrificed so much…” Her words were hurried and she couldn’t help but wish she’d had more time to prepare. It was a secret she’d intended to share in her own time. But to be hit with it right away left her flailing to convey to him the depth of her desperation seven years ago. Giving him up had been like severing a limb. He had to realize that. He’d been her world.

  “Supposing I ever believed another word out of your lying mouth, why didn’t you come to me for help?”

  Ashley scoffed. “You were only a year out of college yourself. You’d just begun working for your father. You didn’t have the kind of money I needed. I was out of options.” She wiped her cheeks.

  “What do you really want from me? Is it more money? I can give you a loan, but I’d expect you to pay it back.”

  “I don’t want your money. All I want is you.”

  “Guess it’s simply fortunate that the money comes with me then, hm?” He turned from her. The sun glinted off his glossy black hair. “This conversation is pointless. I’m dating Aster. I intend to propose soon.”

  Ashley winced; the sting of that statement hurt deeply. “You don’t love her,” she whispered. He couldn’t. He was hers.

  “I do.”

  “As a friend. Not like you love me.”

  He laughed. “God, you’re confident. You think I could never love anyone else?”

  “I’m confident in what you
told me.”

  “That was before.”

  She took a deep breath and moved to stand between him and the windows. Wiping her face as best she could, she knew she had to look a sight. Her blush and foundation would have streaks from all the tears. The possibility of a crying jag had occurred to her, but she’d needed to be at her best when meeting him. Her careful application of makeup was ruined, but she couldn’t let that stop her. “I love you, Stephen. Look me in the eye and tell me that you don’t feel the same.”

  Stephen’s eyes met hers. “Did you fuck this guy you almost married?”

  “We dated for almost a year.” His brows rose, telling her without words that he knew she was evading the question. “Yes, we were intimate.”

  “But you love me?”


  “And you let some other man fuck my pussy?”

  Ashley trembled. He sounded so possessive. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think we’d ever be together again.”

  “But here you are.”

  “I couldn’t go on without you anymore. I had to try.” She hated to ask, but she had to know. “You and Aster?”

  “I haven’t slept with Aster.” He paused. “Yet. But don’t for a moment believe that I’ve been celibate for the better part of a decade.”

  “I know.” That didn’t mean she had to like it. For her, it had been a lonely seven years. There’d only been the one man. But nothing and no one could fill the void left by Stephen.

  “Listen, Ash, it’s been too long. What I feel doesn’t matter. Now it’s my turn to say this won’t work. I’m not taking you back.”

  Swallowing, she stepped forward and buried her hands beneath his jacket. The hard muscles of his chest tensed under her fingertips. “Stephen, please. I’ll do anything.”

  His eyes narrowed, but she could still see the heated interest in his gaze. “What are you offering me?”

  She wet her lips and pushed up onto the tips of her toes until her mouth touched his. “Anything you want.” His long lashes fluttered and he groaned. Her heart leapt for joy at his reaction. He still wanted her. “You feel it, too, don’t you? The connection between us is still there.”

  “Don’t do this.”

  “Don’t do what? Don’t do everything in my power to win back the man I love?” She slid her arms around his neck and slipped her fingers into his hair, massaging his scalp. Stephen’s hands came up and clamped onto her waist but he didn’t push her away. She pressed closer until her breasts were crushed into his chest. “You’re stronger than me,” she pointed out. “I can’t do anything to you that you don’t want me to.” Taking a chance, she kissed him. He moaned and turned his head. His eyes were black with passion when he stared down at her. It didn’t surprise her when he swore and covered her mouth seconds later. She allowed her lips to part and he deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping inside to taste her. Ashley moaned and sucked his plunging tongue.

  His hands curved over her buttocks and yanked her up against him. Her cunt clenched and filled with cream as she came into contact with the hard, thick bar of his erection. The layers of clothes between them annoyed her. She wanted him inside her now. It had been so long. She fisted handfuls of his shirt for leverage as she rocked her hips to feel as much of his hardness as possible. Stephen lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He found the nearest wall and slammed them into it. If they had been naked, Ashley knew he’d be fucking her already. His cock rode between her thighs, tormenting her clit. Her body was tightening and there was no holding the pleasure at bay.

  She tore her mouth from his. “I’m gonna-” One more roll of his hips and her orgasm was crashing over her. She cried out his name.

  “Was it good?” She could only nod breathlessly. “Are you wet for me?”

  “So wet,” she whimpered.

  “You’ll let me have that pussy?”

  His voice was so deep and dark. She could have come from his request alone. Nodding eagerly, she replied, “God, yes.”

  He released her legs, allowing her to stand on her own. He kissed her again, his hands framing her face. She clung to him, limbs weak from her recent orgasm.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, I knew I should have nixed this meeting when I heard about it.”

  Stephen stiffened. As he turned, she could see Jeremy over his shoulder, his exasperation clear on his face. Ashley straightened her clothing. “Jeremy, your timing is impeccable, as always.”

  “Of course,” he acknowledged with a nod. “Had a little free time before the wife and I go out and I thought I’d see if my friend here could use some support after the tragedy that befell him last night. And I was right because if the two of you are getting back together, he needs his head examined.”

  Stephen held up a hand. “Jeremy, that’s enough.”

  “Please don’t tell me that you’re reconciling with her.”


  Ashley sucked in a pained breath. “Stephen, I thought-”

  “I’ve made you no promises,” he interrupted, his tone harsh.

  She nodded. “That’s true.” She hadn’t expected this to be easy. Besides, she’d get nowhere with Jeremy interfering. “You need more time to digest this.” She pulled a spare hotel card key from her pocket. On the back she’d attached a sticky note with her room number and cell number. “When you’re ready to talk, call me.”


  Stephen watched her go, knowing that he should have stopped her and told her that he wouldn’t call her. Instead he pocketed the card key.

  “I can’t believe you’re falling for her shit again. Is the sex that good?”

  He ran a hand over his hair. The sex was better than good. “It’s not about the sex.” It was the total package—her brains, her beauty. Just being in the same room with her made him feel alive.

  “So you’re saying that if I hadn’t interrupted that you weren’t about to take her up to your room?”

  That was exactly what he’d been planning so he remained silent. Part of him still very much wanted to and it didn’t appreciate his friend’s interruption. Even so, he knew that it was for the best. She’d wound him up in her web of heat and desire so quickly and so effortlessly, he hadn’t even realized it was happening. Exhaling, he ran a hand over the back of his neck. If he closed his eyes, he could still feel the sensation of her fingers caressing his scalp. The smallest touch from her was enough to have him hard and ready. Some things never changed.

  “Man, you’re a glutton for punishment. After everything she did, you want to put your neck back on the chopping block?”

  “Ash said she needed the money. Her parents were going to lose their house.”

  “And of course you believe her.”

  He sighed. “I don’t know. I do know her father was ill.” He remembered how scared and worried Ashely had been whenever she’d discussed her father’s illness.

  “It was still a shitty thing to do to you.”

  It was. And it had changed him. It had made him cynical. He’d dated plenty after Ash left him, but he’d trusted no one. Women wanted him because of his money and his power. He only had to wait for them to show their true colors. The world was full of beautiful, lying, deceitful gold diggers. His father had been right about that. Ash’s actions had proved that.

  He couldn’t take Ash’s word about what she’d done with the million dollars. For all he knew, her father had handled his hospital bills and Ashley had been dating him for a payday from the very beginning. Nor could he trust that she’d actually come to reconcile. So what did she really want? More money? He’d offered her money. In his father’s absence, did she think he was more vulnerable to her charms? Maybe she wanted the whole pie instead of just a slice.

  “What’s the name of the private investigator your law firm uses?”

  “Dallas Marks. Why?”

  “I want to know what Ashley is up to. And I want to know what she did with that money.”

  “She didn’t say why she was back?

  “Yeah.” He picked up his tablet. Jeremy followed him as he led the way to his study. “She said she wants me back.”

  “Damn, that’s what I was afraid of.”

  Stephen smiled. “Do you have Dallas’s number?”

  Jeremy fished his cell out of his pocket. “I’m relieved that you’re thinking with your head instead of your dick.”

  Stephen picked up the phone on his desk and dialed as Jeremy relayed the number. His conversation with Dallas Marks was brief. They scheduled a lunch meeting so that Stephen could give him details about Ashley and explain to Marks what information he sought to find out.

  Jeremy had sat down as he eavesdropped without shame. “I’ve been thinking-”

  “Uh oh.”

  “Hear me out. You’re still attracted to her. So why can’t you have your cake and eat it too?”

  “Isn’t this what you were trying to prevent?”

  “What you need to do is put a time limit on it. Fuck her out of your system and then give her the royal kiss off. Send her ass back to whatever hole she crawled out of well fucked and as penniless as she arrived here.”

  Stephen’s fists curled. “Jeremy, watch it.”

  “Gonna pop me one now? This is what worries me.” He leaned forward. “Look, take my advice. You need revenge.”

  “She’d never agree to become my short-term mistress.”

  “She will. I’ve never been her biggest champion, but that’s because she was interfering with us having fun. She had you wound around her pinky finger so tight, it was sad. But I’ve never thought that she was anything but a good woman.” He stopped to laugh at Stephen’s expression. “Don’t be so shocked. I can admit it. She’s got to be feeling a ton of guilt about screwing you over like she did. She’ll agree to anything you want.”

  Stephen mulled over his friend’s words. Ashley would agree to whatever he asked. She’d told him as much. The immorality of requesting she become his mistress and then tossing her aside, made his stomach churn uncomfortably. This was Ash they were discussing. But then he remembered the pain of her betrayal. Anger burned through his reservations as he thought of how she claimed to love him yet she’d accepted money in exchange for abandoning him. So much for enduring love.


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