I Want You Back

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I Want You Back Page 7

by Thayer King

  She rolled over to face him. “Cheesecake Factory again?” He covered her mouth with his, his tongue plunging deep and she allowed herself to become swept up in the passion that was so easily evoked between the two of them.

  Chapter Seven

  Stephen leaned back in his chair and tried to concentrate on reading his e-mail. Instead, his gaze kept swinging to the manila folder that Dallas had dropped off at his office over an hour ago. He would finally have definitive answers about what Ashley had done with the money she received from his father.

  He reached for it for about the tenth time and just as quickly dropped his hand. He dreaded what he would find out. What if Ashley had lied to him? What if she’d spent the money on expensive toys and gambling?

  He grunted in self-disgust. Why did it matter so much to him if she had lied? It’s not like he was truly considering taking her back. He’d be the biggest fool to let himself fall for her charms again.

  Though she was certainly seemed willing to jump through any hoop he set in front of her in order to win him back. A smile curled his lips as he recalled their romantic lunch. Ashley had brought all their favorites again. Not that they had spent much time eating. That woman had the most incredible mouth. And the way she used her tongue!

  Stephen shifted in his seat and adjusted his burgeoning erection. He had to stop thinking about Ashley or he’d never get any work done. Turning his attention back to his monitor, he forcibly pushed aside thoughts of Ashley. He’d peruse the contents of the folder at the end of the day.

  The office phone rang just as he clicked reply to respond to an e-mail. He hit the speaker button without even looking. His receptionist’s voice came over the line. “Stephen, it’s your mother.”

  “Thanks, Paula. Put her through.”

  “Hello, darling!” As usual, his mother sounded carefree and happy. His father’s illness and subsequent death from a heart attack had been very difficult for his mother. For an entire month, she hadn’t left the house, spending most of the day confined to her bed. It wasn’t until her sister came and forced her to spend a week with her in Florida that she had recovered. So despite the fact that she was rarely in town and he missed her, he was relieved that she was happy and enjoying life.

  “Hi, Mom. Where are you calling from?”

  “Oh, between here and there,” she said airily. “How are you, darling?”


  “Ga! I forget sometimes how exasperating talking to a man can be. I call you and I remember instantly.”

  Stephen frowned. Everyone knew that the standard answer to “how are you” was “fine.” No one wanted to hear more than that even if you’d just crawled out of a burning building. If he’d just lost a limb, his response still would have been a succinct “fine.” “Mom, I-”

  “I’ve been speaking with my friends,” she said ominously.

  “Yes, and?”

  “And I’ve heard that you and Aster broke up. Would you care to explain why?”

  He sighed. He should have known that his mother’s old friends would have kept her informed. He should have called and told her, but he’d hoped to avoid this conversation for as long as possible. “Aster broke up with me, Mom.”

  “Well, you can’t really blame her when you’re flaunting your old flame in her face, can you?”

  So she knew about Ash as well. Damn. Her network of contacts didn’t miss much. “I haven’t flaunted her. I asked Aster to marry me and she said no.”

  “Oh, dear. Well, at least one of you had the common sense to end it.”

  That had him sitting up in surprise. “What? But you’ve always wanted me to marry Aster.”

  “No, your father wanted you to marry Aster. I wanted you to be happy. Though I’m sure Aster would have done anything in the world to make you happy, I think the best she could have hoped for was content.”

  He couldn’t argue with that. “Why didn’t you say anything before?”

  “You’re a grown man and you’re smart enough to have figured this out on your own.”

  He cleared his throat. “Does this mean…you won’t object to my dating Ashley?”

  “Did our objections matter to you before?”

  “They didn’t help,” he said dryly.

  “Darling, I know you well enough to know that you’re going to do what you want no matter what my opinion on the matter. Now, I really must run. I’m late for a hair appointment and I’m meeting friends for dinner. See you soon.”

  “Soon? What does that mean?” But she’d disconnected. He loved his mother, really he did, but sometimes the woman drove him crazy.

  He glanced at the clock on his monitor. It was close to five o’clock. Deciding he wasn’t likely to get anything else of value done today, he shut down his computer, shoved the folder on Ashley in his briefcase and headed for the door. “Paula, I’m heading home. Why don’t you call it a day as well?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “Yes, sir!” She didn’t waste any time grabbing her purse out of a drawer and turning off her computer. Stephen almost laughed at the speed at which she moved. He headed out with a smile. He realized that he hadn’t left the office early since he took over for his dad. Most days he arrived by six and stayed until seven or eight. Work had become his life just as it had been for his father.

  He’d just started his car and the realization gave him pause. When had that happened? It didn’t take him long to pinpoint the exact moment he’d gone from a fun-loving rogue to a cynical suit. It was the day that he’d realized that Ashley had traded in their love for a million dollar payday.

  When he arrived home, he found Ashley in the informal family room sitting on the floor and working on her laptop. When she saw him, a grin curled her lips, lighting up her entire face. She closed her laptop and ran to him. Flinging her arms around his neck, she showered his face with kisses. “I didn’t expect you home so early. Dinner’s not ready.”

  “Are you cooking?” he asked with some surprise.

  “I’ve learned a few things over the years,” she said with a coy smile. “I wanted to do something special for you.”

  He cupped her face and ran his thumb over her plump bottom lip. “I thought you did that already at lunch.” She bit the tip and whipped it with her tongue. He groaned. “Ashley,” he growled in warning.

  Laughing, she kissed him before pulling away. “No time for that. I’m making a roast and I don’t want to burn it. There will be plenty of opportunity later.”

  She ran her hand over his erection and his eyes fluttered closed. He wanted to tell her to hell with the roast and come to upstairs with him, but she was already moving out of his reach. “What have you been doing all day?” he asked as he followed her to the kitchen.

  “Nothing much. How was your day?” She turned on the oven light and bent over to peer inside. He was momentarily distracted by the sight of her toned thighs and tight ass in a pair of form fitting yoga pants. “Stephen?”

  “Huh? What?”

  She turned, caught the direction of his gaze, and shook her head. “Don’t you ever get enough?”

  “I could never get enough of you,” he said honestly even as he wished it weren’t so. Jeremy was right. He never should have moved her in here. Having her around day and night was too much. It was addictive. He cleared his throat. “My day was fine. Listen, I’m going to go freshen up and change clothes while you finish up.”


  Ashley ran her fingers down Stephen’s chest and abs, pausing at his belly button to circle it and then follow the trail of hair leading to his cock. Her head rested on his shoulder. Stephen flattened her hand before she could explore his more interesting body parts. “I have an early meeting tomorrow.”


  “If you keep that up, I’ll have you on your back again and neither of us will get any sleep for hours.”

  She turned her face up to his and kissed his jaw, rubbing her lips over the stubble there. She breathed in his scent and snuggl
ed closer. “I love you, Stephen.” She’d told him while they made love only moments before but she thought it worth telling him again.

  He squeezed her and kissed her forehead. “Go to sleep, Ash. And thanks again for dinner. It was delicious.”

  “You’re welcome.” She closed her eyes and settled down. “Maybe on Friday we could go to the movies? Like we used to do? I’ll even let you pick the movie.”

  “I can’t. There’s a benefit dinner on Friday night that I’m obligated to attend.”

  She grinned. “Do you need a date? I relish any excuse to go shopping.” Silence greeted her offer. Ashley propped herself up on her elbow so that she could gaze down into his face. “Stephen?”

  He sighed. “I’m taking Aster. I asked her a few weeks ago.”

  She bit her lip. Though she knew that he wasn’t attracted to the other woman, she wasn’t thrilled about him dating anyone else. He’d promised her nothing in words, but with his body he’d committed himself to her many times over.

  Or was that just meaningless sex, a small insidious voice asked. It wasn’t the same as it used to be. He wasn’t the same. Gone were the tender touches, the loving glances, and the sensual kisses that spoke of his love for her. He was hard. The sex was raw, fast, and rough. And while they had never lacked for passion, it had always been followed by cuddles and sweet whispers. It was physically satisfying but it left her aching for more. She missed the deeper connection they’d once shared and she knew they could share again if only he’d open up to her.

  He didn’t trust her and she couldn’t blame him. “How about Saturday?”

  “Golfing tournament slash fundraiser.”

  “But you hate golf.” He’d complained each time his father had demanded that he play—usually once a month.

  “I do. But my father used to participate every year and I promised him that I’d keep up the tradition. It’s for a good cause. All the proceeds go to ending childhood hunger.”

  Feeling as though she was skating perilously close to committing the cardinal sin of appearing desperate, she asked, “Dare I ask about Sunday?”

  “Sunday,” he agreed with a nod. “Now go to sleep.”

  Mollified, she settled at his side again. Time, she thought. He just needed more time. But the refrain was growing old and it did nothing to sooth the growing knot of anxiety in her belly.

  Chapter Eight

  Ashley bit into a carrot and tried to pretend that it was as satisfying as the tub of buttery popcorn she could have had at a movie theater. She refused to check her watch again. It’d probably been only an hour since Stephen left to pick up Aster. She curled her legs beneath her on the couch and tried to push down her feelings of self-pity.

  Patience had never been her forte. Getting back into Stephen’s bed had been easy, but getting him to open up his heart to her was proving to be an impossible task. She’d never mentally prepared herself for the possibility of any outcome other than the one she desired. That he might not love her any more or that he might have changed too much hadn’t occurred to her.

  She tossed the remnants of her carrot onto the small plate at her side. Grabbing the remote to the television, she turned the television away from a donut making competition. The sight of the goodies was making the carrots even more unpalatable. She’d foregone dinner because she hadn’t been in the mood to cook. Stephen’s housekeeper and butler had the evening off. Even if they had been around, she wouldn’t ask them to wait on her. She was used to doing things for herself and that’s the way she liked it.

  It was in the middle of third home renovation show that she fell asleep. She woke with a start when she heard the front door close. It was barely eleven-thirty. She couldn’t believe she’d fallen asleep so early. The late nights, not to mention the early mornings, with Stephen were beginning to wear her down.

  She turned off the television before standing and stretching.

  “So the rumors are true.”

  Ashley pivoted toward the archway, her stomach plunging unpleasantly. She felt lightheaded and faint from her sudden movement and from the shock of seeing Stephen’s mother suddenly appear. The older woman looked exactly as she recalled her. Catherine Ashcroft’s short blonde hair was styled differently and she was more tanned, but her skin was smooth and unlined. A life of leisure certainly suited her. Ashley had only seen Catherine on a few occasions. Catherine had never said much to her, but then she didn’t have to. Her husband had done enough talking for the both of them. Their disapproval of her had been clear from the start.

  “What rumors would those be?” she asked, though she could guess.

  “That you’d moved in with my son.” She removed her mink stole from her shoulders as she came into the room. Flinging it carelessly onto the back of a chair, she continued, “I shan’t waste time on niceties, as I’m sure Stephen will be along shortly. How much will it cost us to rid ourselves of you this time?” She opened a small black clutch and removed her checkbook and a pen.

  Ashley felt her face growing hot with anger and humiliation. “You can put away your checkbook. I don’t want or need your money.”

  Catherine smiled coolly. “Ah, I see. Now that Denton is out of the way, you presume to marry Stephen and get the entire pie, not just a slice.”

  “I’d want Stephen even if he didn’t have a penny to his name.”

  Snapping her checkbook closed and putting it back into her purse, Catherine said, “But he is rich, isn’t he?”

  Ashley frowned. “How did you get in here? I didn’t hear the doorbell and the butler is off.”

  “I have a key.” She smoothed her sequined gown and sat. “This was my home after all.” She gave her a small smile. “Don’t worry, I’m staying at the Hilton. I saw Stephen this evening with Aster. You might want to reconsider accepting my check.”

  “I’m not jealous of Aster.”

  She tapped her chin with a finger, her expression thoughtful. “But doesn’t it give you pause that he took Aster tonight instead of you? Why do you think he did that?”

  “Because he’d already committed to taking Aster—it would have been rude to leave her without an escort on such notice.”

  Catherine scoffed. “Aster’s a sweet, polite girl,” she said and Ashley got the feeling that Catherine didn’t think she could be described with such terms. “She would have understood, and perhaps even welcomed a night off from her social obligations. No, the truth is far harsher and something I’m sure you’ve noticed. Stephen has changed. He’s become the proper heir his father always desired. And as such, he realizes how entirely unsuitable you are as a mate.”

  Ashley shook her head vehemently. “That’s not true! Stephen-”

  Catherine waved her hand. “I’m sure he still desires you. But how long will that last? One day, he will find an appropriate lady and you will be back out on the street with the trash where you belong.” Her eyes flashed with fire. “Sadly, you have only yourself to blame.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t be obtuse. If you’d stabbed him in the heart with a dagger seven years ago, you couldn’t have caused any more damage. When you left him, he lost his faith in people—women, in particular.”

  Ashley clenched her fists and tried to hold onto her temper. “You sound as though you’re angry that I left. We both know that nothing could be farther from the truth.”

  “Of course, I’m angry! Look, I can’t pretend that I was thrilled at the prospect of having you as my daughter-in-law, but you made Stephen happy. Then you betrayed him. I was furious with Denton and with you for hurting my boy. Stephen hasn’t been the same since.”

  “I didn’t have much choice,” Ashley whispered. She didn’t owe Catherine an explanation. She could never win her approval, but she did want her to know that her feelings for Stephen were genuine. She deserved to know that her son was truly loved.

  “I’ve heard. Denton did tell me that much—after. Did it ever occur to you to ask Stephen for help?”

>   “He didn’t have the type of funds I needed.”

  “No, but he could have come to me and I would have given it to him without question.”

  Ashley felt her knees buckle. She braced a hand on the arm of a chair and sat down. The possibilities… “Even if…?”

  Catherine nodded. “Yes, even if I’d known it was for you.”

  “But you hated me.”

  “Hate is such a strong word.” She folded her hands in her lap and sighed. “I want my boy to be happy. It’s all I’ve ever wanted for him.” She shook her head sadly. “But I don’t think he even knows what that means anymore. I fear that you’ve waited too long, my dear.”

  “Are you saying you want Stephen and me to be together?” she asked, unable to hide her shock and disbelief. “If that’s the case, then why did you come in here tonight and tear into me? Offering to pay me off again? What was all that about?”

  Before she could answer, they could hear the door opening and moments later Stephen strolled into the room. “Mom, what are you doing here?” His gaze swung from Ashley to his mother and back again.

  “Is that any way to greet your mother?” She stood and he leaned down so that she could kiss him on the cheek.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just that I was surprised to see your car and driver out front. You told me earlier that you were staying in a hotel.”

  “Oh, I am.” She patted him on the cheek. “I just stopped in to have a private word with Ashley. I’ll leave the two of you alone.”

  Stephen’s eyes widened, but he didn’t try to stop his mother from leaving. She grabbed up her stole and swept out of the room. “What did she say to you?”

  Ashley was still a bit stunned from her conversation with his mother. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Mentally shaking her head, as there was no point in dwelling on what could have been, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “How was your evening?”

  “Mind-numbingly dull.” Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her close so that their bodies were flush. Ashley couldn’t resist shimmying a little so she could feel all his hard muscles. Stephen studied her upturned face before kissing her. “Let’s go to bed,” he murmured against her lips.


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