The Reconstruction of Cyprian

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The Reconstruction of Cyprian Page 9

by Michelle Love

  His eyes sparkle as I push back a lock of his light brown hair. His lips part then he licks them and looks at mine. “It’s because we’re in public and it can go no farther than a kiss, isn’t it?”

  I nod and he smiles. “Of course, Cyprian.”

  “I’m going to make you wish we were alone, Camilla.” His hand cradles my head as he holds me still for him. His face moves so slowly I have to fight myself not to move mine to meet him.

  His lips, barely touch mine as he hovers. His breath is warm on my lips that are aching for him to press his to them. One tiny peck, he gives me, then three more in slow succession.

  My heart is racing and my body is aching as he toys with me. Small pecks leave me wanting more then his mouth is full on mine. His tongue moves past my lips and into my mouth, stroking my tongue in a way I’ve never felt before.

  His fingers grip the back of my head as he tastes me, but only for a moment. Then his mouth is gone and I am left, panting. He says not a word, as he gazes into my eyes. “Did you feel that, Camilla?”

  I blink and nod. “I felt something I’ve never felt before.”

  The actors come on stage and everyone begins clapping. Cyprian turns me around and leans me back against him, wrapping me in his strong arms, leaving me nearly breathless with that one kiss and my mind moving in fast circles about what that was.

  I’ve told myself, time and time again, not to fall for him as quickly as I’ve done with the others who’ve come before him. I have to guard myself against this man. He may seem to be acting like he’s all about me but he isn’t really this guy. He is a man who’s never learned how to develop real feelings for others. And he is dangerous because of that.

  But how am I to hold back now that I know what his kiss is like…

  Chapter 5


  Dancing with Camilla in the cool night air, on an outdoor dance floor, I hold her in my arms, enjoying how her scent mixes with the breeze, sending me to a place I’ve never been. She is so easy to be with.

  I’ve never argued with a person, other than at work. Honestly, I thought if a woman ever wanted to argue with me, I’d simply walk away from her. But I can’t seem to walk away from this one. And I don’t see myself ever wanting to.

  She’s made me feel things I’ve never felt before. And when we kissed, it was unlike anything I’ve ever felt. Fireworks went off inside my head. My body tingled all over. It was mind blowing!

  We came to this place for dinner and dancing, a thing I always thought sounded lame as hell. But it’s anything but lame. With her, anyway. She and I went shopping and I found myself buying us matching outfit after matching outfit.

  She asked me if I’d watched a movie about love and I didn’t lie when I told her, no. The truth is, I got a couple of books, okay ten of them, and read them between the time I saw her at the store and she came to my house last night.

  Ashton had reminded me about how smart I am and I downloaded e-book after e-book to help me understand what love is and what people in love do. So, I did use that help but I don’t see that as a bad thing.

  She might, though. So, I’ll keep that tidbit of information to myself. That was a thing one of the authors said to do. Women and men think differently, hence all the arguing that comes along with any healthy relationship.

  I found out that in any relationship where no arguing occurs, it’s a shallow thing that’s not healthy. My parents and I have shallow relationships. It’s hard to tell myself that, as their child, who should be able to have at least deep relationships with his parents.

  The part I didn’t like about some of the information was that a person forms their core personality and beliefs in the first six years of their life. If that’s true, then I’m in for a tough time of it, as from what I can recall, it was a time with relatively no emotions. And that might make it hard when it comes to finding love with Cami.

  And I want to, so very badly. Now that I’ve read about how fulfilling love can be, I want to feel that too. But it did say you can’t find it with just anyone. You need to have chemistry, connection, and common beliefs.

  She and I have the first two but not the last one. But I am a work in progress. I may never look at sex the same way she does but I don’t have to. I also don’t have to talk to her anymore about that. I can simply agree with her and keep things easy between us in that department. That seems to be the one she’s most concerned about.

  The song ends and she pulls her head off my shoulder and looks at me. “That was nice, Cyprian. Thank you for the dance.”

  I take her hand, leading her back to our table and pull the chair out for her. The night is nearly over, as it’s closing time, I see as the lights come up.

  She smiles at me. “Time to go, Cyprian. I had a very nice time with you today.”

  I take her hand, helping her back up, then lead her to the car. I drove us today, so we could be alone and she’d feel more normal than being chauffeured around.

  “I’m glad you had a nice time. I did too. I really did. It was surprising.” I open the door and help her into the car and find her smiling.

  She’s smiled a lot today and so have I. Just being around her makes me feel happy.

  I want to take her home more than I’ve ever wanted anything but I think that might make things take longer than I want them to. As I slide in behind the steering wheel of my BMW, I look at her. “What would you like to do tomorrow?”

  “Another date?” she asks, looking surprised. “Do you think you can top this one?”

  “I can try,” I say as I start the car and head out.

  “How about I let you decide. You did a pretty great job today. I’ll do anything you want to.”

  “I’ll think about it then.” I drive toward the outskirts of town and take hold of her hand, holding it between us.

  It’s so hard not to ask her to come home with me. It’s so foreign to me to go without sex for this long. I feel pent up and more than a bit frustrated.

  I haven’t told anyone a thing about her. My driver is the only one who knows about me and her, and no one else does. I’m a private person, anyway. And we are not a for sure thing either.

  The gate to my place comes up and I keep going. She looks at me with a smile. “Not even going to make an attempt at it, Cyprian?”

  “No, ma’am. I am determined to treat you like a proper young lady. I want you to know I hear what you say. I respect what you say. And I am striving to treat you the way you want to be treated.”

  She smiles as I pull into her small driveway. “I’m glad to have you understanding me.”

  Parking the car, I jump out and open her door and walk her to her front door. I’m not going to ask if I can come in, as that’s improper. According to one of the books I read. “What time can I pick you up tomorrow?”

  “I suppose it depends on what you want to do.” She bats her eyelashes at me.

  “I want to spend the whole day with you again. Is that okay?” I ask her as I move her between me and the door.

  “Okay, if you want to. How about eleven? We can go to brunch. I love brunch.” She runs her hand through my hair.

  “I’ll make plans for that then. And now, may I have a goodnight kiss?”

  She nods as her arms go around my neck. I move in, slowly, watching her eyes dart back and forth and her lips begin to tremble. Her heart is going crazy as my lips touch hers.

  Holding me tight, her mouth succumbs to mine. I dominate her as I take her with a hard kiss, demanding she kiss me back. Our bodies are flush as I press her against the door. Her body heats with the kiss and I can tell she’s on fire for me.

  My body is on fire for her too and I can barely control myself. But I find the strength to end the kiss. I have to leave her wanting more or she’ll never give into me.

  Her hands move down my chest. “Cyprian, I hope you’re not disappointed.”

  “How could I be?” I ask her then lift her chin. “I don’t think you could ever disappoint m
e, Cami.” I leave a soft kiss on her plump lips. “Goodnight. I’ll be here at eleven tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight, thank you for the wonderful day.” Then she unlocks the door and slips inside.

  As I make my way to the car, I feel tortured. I want her so bad, I can taste it. I lick my lips and taste her there. I want to taste every last inch of her and this waiting is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

  Driving back to my place, I feel the swell in my pants and it’s uncomfortable as hell. I suppose a cool shower will ease this discomfort from being celibate longer than I have in twenty years. Plus, wanting that woman more than I’ve ever wanted anyone.

  My cock is chastising my brain for picking a woman with such strong morals. It wants to feel a woman and it wants it now!

  I pull through the gate and pull up to the house to find a long black car in the drive. Once, I park and get out, I see the back door of the car open and two women get out of it. Both are giggling and one has a bottle of champagne in one hand. The one with dark hair holds her arms open. “Your father sent us to you, Cyprian. I am Lola and this is Becca. We belong to you for the rest of the night.”

  Becca has long blonde hair and six-inch heels and a tight, red, short dress that barely hides her ample breasts. Lola is wearing a skirt so short it’s almost not there and my cock is twitching to get to them.

  “I can’t!” I shout as I take steps back.

  “What?” Lola asks as they come toward me, anyway. “Come on. Your father told us you’ve been without female company for over a week. What’s wrong with you?”

  “I’m seeing someone. I can’t do this with you guys. Thanks, but tell my father, I don’t need his help in finding women.” I have to move to the other side of the car as they’re still coming at me.

  Becca takes over the pursuit. “Cyprian, we’ve been told about you by some of the other women at your father’s party. Please allow us to experience you. We’ve already been paid, after all. And I have a few tricks you may have never seen before.”

  “What kind of tricks?” I ask without meaning to.

  She wiggles her finger in a come-hither fashion. “I can make miracles happen with just this little finger.”

  “Like what?” I ask and I swear it’s my cock talking because my brain is telling me I can’t find that out, anyway.

  Before I realize it, they’re on either side of me and moving me toward the front door of my home. Cherry red lips are on mine as the door opens and we three spill inside.

  My cock is throbbing to be set free as Lola puts her hand on it and undoes my pants with the other. She sets it free as Becca kisses me. We move backward until my back hits the wall and I feel the cool air as Lola pulls my pants and underwear down to my ankles then her wet mouth is on my throbbing cock and I am lost to them.

  The animal in me takes over as the women fondle my entire body. Becca takes my hand and helps me to pull her tit out of the top of her dress. I squeeze it as Lola sucks me off.

  My entire body is shaking with the release that’s already beginning. It’s been too long. I have no control over it. And just like that, I spurt into Lola’s mouth and she moans as she drinks it all down.

  You’d think I’d be spent, but I am anything but that. I move us to the next room. “All fours, Becca,” I command as Lola rids me of my shirt. She looks over and sees the remote for the gas-lit fireplace and turns it on to light up the room a bit.

  “I want to see this,” she purrs as I push Becca’s short red dress up and rip her lacy panties off. I’m in such a frenzy, I almost forget a very important thing.

  “Fuck! Do either of you have any condoms?”

  Lola pulls one out of her black bra and slides it on for me. My body is trembling as she does and I look at Becca’s ass, riding up in the air, waiting for me.

  With the condom on, I pull Lola up and kiss her hard. “Go upstairs, the first door to the left is my bedroom. In the drawer, next to my bed is a box of condoms bring them down. You’re next!”

  She giggles and runs off to fetch the things that will make this frustration leave my body. I turn back to the waiting Becca and run my hands over her pristine ass. Then plunge my cock into her and relish how it feels to be inside of a woman again.

  Over and over I thrust until I feel the ache inside of me turn into ecstasy and find myself shouting and growling with the release. Panting, I lean over her body and let myself complete the act.

  Lola comes back with the condoms just as I pull out of Becca and find myself a bit weak with the amount of fluid that’s left my body. “I’m going to grab a bottle of water and be right back. Do either of you want anything?”

  Both of their heads shake as they begin to undress one another and I head off to the bar in the next room. My body feels only a little bit less tense and I know it will take the rest of the night to rid me of all the tension the last week has given me.

  Taking the cold bottle of water from the mini-fridge, I gulp it down in three large gulps. The girls’ giggling stops and I find myself wondering why.

  “Who the hell are you two?” I hear a deep female voice ask and I know it’s Camilla.

  My mind freezes as I have no idea what I should do. Then my brain goes into overdrive, sending my ass flying through room after room to get up to mine and put some clothes on.

  Why did I let this happen? What will she do?

  I make it to my bedroom and haul ass to the bathroom to clean myself then run to the dresser and put on underwear and shorts and a shirt. Then I pace back and forth as I scratch my head and wonder what the fuck I’m supposed to say or act like.

  She and I have not said we’re exclusive, that’s a fact. I didn’t ask her to come over here, another fact. She could’ve taken care of my needs but she refused to, yet another fact!

  With such facts on my side, why is my entire body shaking? Why am I acting like the men I’ve made fun of countless times who are married and dabbling at the parties?

  I am not married and not even in a relationship!

  So why do I feel this way…

  Chapter 6


  “Cyprian!” I shout as I hold his used condom between two fingers. It has been tied up and is nearly full of his semen.

  The women are quickly pulling on what little clothes they had on. “His father sent us. It’s not his fault,” the blonde says.

  “Oh yeah?” I ask as she seems very nervous. “I think it may have been his fault that he fucked one of you. Is that all he’s done so far?”

  The blonde jerks her head toward the dark-haired woman. “She gave him a blowjob.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Becca,” the one she called Lola, hisses at her. “This must be the woman he said he was seeing.”

  “So, he told you he was seeing someone and you fucked him anyway?” I ask then shake my head. “No, don’t even bother to answer that. He should’ve never done it. It’s not your fault. You’re paid to do this, I suppose.”

  “Yes, yes we were. His father pays a lot of us to come to his parties for the weekend and we’re expected to come on really strong to the men. It’s our job,” Becca says.

  “I see that. Please, leave him to me,” I say as I escort them to the door. A long black car is waiting outside and I guess it’s for them.

  Lola looks over her shoulder and asks, “For future reference, is he going to be a free man again? I mean, just in case his father tries to send us out to him again. We don’t like to get into any kind of altercations with pissed off girlfriends or wives.”

  “He will be a free man.” I shut the door and go to find, Cyprian. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.”

  He’s obviously in hiding and afraid to face me. I stop at the restroom just outside the entry room and drop the used condom in the wastebasket and give my hands a good washing.

  I have no idea what got into me when I saw it. I just reached down and picked it up. It was right next to a torn pair of red panties I suppose belonged to the girl in the red

  As I continue my journey to find Cyprian, I see the tray of chocolate chip cookies I made for him, on the floor where I dropped them, and shudder at what I found when I got here.

  Two naked women, kissing and touching each other. Cyprian’s clothes spread from the entry room to the next room. The fireplace lit up, making romantic glows and, finally, the used condom and panties on the floor, amongst his shirt and the women’s clothes and shoes.

  I figure he’s hiding in his bedroom, so I make my way to it and find the door is locked. “Afraid of me, Cyprian?”

  I hear the door unlock and he pulls me into his arms. “Thank God, you’re here. I wanted to call you but my cell phone was in my pants and they managed to get those off me. I finally got away from them and ran up here to lock myself away from them. My father sent them. I had no idea. I swear it!”

  Pushing his chest, I make him let me go. “So, you were raped?”

  “Raped? No,” he says as he steps back. “Molested is a better word.”

  “Those little women molested you, Cyprian?” I ask. “Perhaps we should report the incident?”

  “No, my father sent them.” He looks at me with a sheepish expression.

  “But you allowed them to do to you what they did and you fucked one of them. They told me everything,” I say as I cross my arms in front of me. “And, just so you know, one of them asked me if you would still be in a relationship, the way you told them you were, any longer. I told her, no.”

  “We aren’t in one. I just said that to try to get them to leave me alone. They seduced me, Cami! They both took a hold of me and pulled me into the house and had me undressed before I knew what was happening. One kissed me while the other took me into her mouth. I was blindsided by all the sexual stimulation. I couldn’t help myself. You have to understand!”

  “I have to understand that two women that small could make you do all that? I have to understand you lost yourself in the sexual desire for them?” I stop and shake my head. “Today was one of the best days I’ve ever had. It was, hands down, the best date I’ve ever been on. You were wonderful. Affectionate, funny, cute, sweet, lovable, and it was all a lie.”


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