The Reconstruction of Cyprian

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The Reconstruction of Cyprian Page 15

by Michelle Love

  I know it should hurt but it doesn’t, instead it sends me even deeper into the zone he’s putting me into. A level of Heaven I have lived my life unaware existed.

  Before we’re all the way through with the orgasms, he pulls me up and I find him lying me on the floor where he moves over me. His eyes are glistening as he looks at me. “That was fifty times better than anything I’ve ever done before.” He kisses me, softly and sweetly. “Now it’s your turn to show me how you like it.”

  Wrapping my arms around him, I pull him to me and hug him. “No, you know exactly what you’re doing. I don’t need to teach you a damn thing. I think I’ve only been with men who were doing it all wrong. Show me your ways, Cyprian. Take me into your world. Mine’s a bore.”

  He laughs and gets up, picking me up with him. “To my bedroom then. The staff gets here at seven and I’d rather them not find us in here.”

  “Do you really think we’ll still be at it by then?” I ask as he carries me up to his bedroom.

  “Far past that, baby. Far past that. I’ve never had such a feeling. You may tire of me and the appetite I’ve found for you,” he says then growls again.

  “I don’t know. I’ve found one for you as well.” I lean my head against his wide chest as he goes up the stairs.

  “I’m sorry I’ve managed to change you instead of the other way around. I was trying so hard to be the one to change.”

  “I know you were.” I trace a pattern on his chest as I think about how I’ve never been that fulfilled and he’s not even done with me yet. “I promise you. The way I’ve been doing it would leave you wanting more. Now I’ve seen what it can be like, you’ll play hell getting rid of me.”

  He stops on the top step and gives me a serious look. “I can’t imagine wanting to get rid of you.”

  I sigh as he kicks his bedroom door open and takes me inside. “I hope you don’t get tired of me.”

  “I hope you don’t get tired of me,” he says then tosses me onto the bed. “So, you want the real deal, huh?”

  I nod as I look at him and turn to lie on my side, watching him stand at the side of the large bed. “I do.”

  “How many times have you ever climaxed in a single night?” he asks me as he opens a drawer next to the bed.

  “Um, the most I can recall is two. And a few hours apart.”

  He shakes his head as his hand comes out of the drawer with a large dildo he turns on and it begins to glow pink. “Then you need to be conditioned to what will become your new normal.” He drops the thing which is vibrating and pulsating on the bed, making it vibrate too then he reaches back into the drawer and comes back out with a pink lace piece of cloth. “I’ll tie this over your eyes, so you can’t let anything else interfere with your experience.”

  He picks up a remote and loud music fills the room. It’s got a hard beat and makes my insides shiver with the deep base of the music. I sit up and he puts the blindfold over my eyes. I can still see shapes but nothing else.

  He hoists me up the bed until my back is against the headboard. Propping pillows behind my head, the next thing I feel is cold metal on my wrist then he pulls my left arm up and cuffs me to the bed. I find myself biting my lip as he does the same thing to the other.

  Moving my legs up until my knees are bent, I feel him moving in between them and then the vibration begins on my clit as he touches the machine to me.

  I can see his shadow as he moves his body up mine, taking the thing off me. His lips touch my ear. “Do you trust me, Cami.”

  “Yes,” I say as I feel my insides squirming in anticipation. I have never done anything like this!

  “If it gets too much for you, I want you to say the word lemon. You will shout for me to stop but I won’t. If you really need me to stop, say lemon.”

  “Why would I tell you to stop?” I ask as I can’t see that happening.

  “Sometimes the pleasure can become so great, you want away from it. Hence, cuffing you to the bed. But I want to go on as much as possible, so I can get you on my level. Okay?”

  “Yes,” I say and feel fear, suddenly. “No one’s ever died of an orgasm overdose, have they?”

  “Not under me, they haven’t. But then again, I’ve only dealt with professionals. So, you be sure to let me know if you can’t take it anymore.”

  My heart is racing as he leaves one hard kiss on my mouth then I find the vibrator placed on my lips. “What?” I ask but it’s too late. He’s put it into my mouth.

  Back and forth he goes with it. I suppose he’s teaching me how he likes his blowjobs which I’m not experienced at, so I may as well learn on this thing.

  His cock is moving over my stomach as he moves the thing in my mouth. It’s growing harder and harder. Then the thing’s pulled out of my mouth and he slides it into me. I have never used one of these things and the sensation is totally different from anything I’ve felt before.

  It’s stimulating everything and then something is placed against my rectum and I tighten up. “Push, Cami.”

  “Huh?” I ask. “Push what?”

  “Like you’re taking a shit,” he says.

  “What is that you have there?” I ask as it feels kind of small.

  “My little finger. Now push and stop asking questions. Just feel it. Experience it.”

  I shut my mouth and do as he’s said and feel his little finger enter me. I moan as he pumps and everything is going at me at once. I feel an orgasm tapping at the door and explode when he turns the vibrator up even higher.

  I’m screaming with the way it feels. It’s not stopping, it’s climbing higher somehow and he makes the vibrator go even faster and it warms up. His little finger is moved and a larger one goes in and I shout as the orgasm won’t ebb. It’s hard and making me want to squirm but I can’t. My hands are immobile with the cuffs and he has my legs held down by his, somehow. I can’t move and the pleasure is too much.

  “Cyprian, stop!”

  He pulls the vibrator out and then I’m filled with him. “Yes, you’re primed for me. Your pussy is wetter than I bet it’s ever been. It’s pulsating all over my cock. I’ve never got to feel how wet a woman can get. It’s amazing. Keep it going, baby. Keep it up. You’re better than anyone I’ve ever had.”

  With his praises, I manage to stop feeling so overwhelmed and get into a rhythm with him. The hard orgasm is finally subsiding into a dull throb as he moves, expertly.

  “I love you, Cyprian,” I whisper, raggedly.

  “I love fucking you, Cami. I’m completely addicted to you now.” He bites my neck and I shudder.

  Addicted? I was looking for something else there. And he loves fucking me, not me?

  Have I just made the worst decision I ever could’ve made …

  Chapter 6


  Yellow rays peek through the curtains as Cami is nestled in my arms. She did better than I ever expected her to. And my need for her is still raging. I thought I’d have her once and be over it but that was far from true.

  Nibbling her neck, I whisper. “I have to go to work but you can stay here.”

  She grumbles and moans. “I can’t. You need to drop me off at the store to pick up my car. I have a test later this afternoon at the college. It’s a final, I can’t miss it.”

  “Then get your lazy ass up, girl,” I joke with her as I give her a light smack on her ass.

  “Ow!” she groans as she rolls over. “I’m sore all over.”

  “I bet you are,” I say then kiss her swollen lips. “I think tonight I’ll add some spice to it.”

  Her sleepy eyes open and she squints at me. “Um, you need more spice?”

  I nod and smile at her then get up, pulling the blanket with me to uncover her naked body which wears my marks all over it. “I did eat you up, didn’t I?”

  Her hands move over her body and I love the way they look as they do. “You did.” She smiles at the memory.

  Throwing her clothes on the bed, I make my way to take a quick
shower. “Do you prefer blondes or brunettes, Cami?”

  “Um, I guess blondes. I consider you in that category. I never had a type before.” I glance at her over my shoulder and wonder how she’ll take what I want to watch her experience tonight.

  As the warm water pours over me I think how lucky I am to have found a woman who is normal with an abnormal sex drive much like mine. It was destiny that brought us together, I can see that now.

  When I get out of the shower, I find her dressed and pulling her wild hair into a ponytail. She smiles at me when I come into the room. “So, how’s this going to go, Romeo?”

  “I’d like you to stay over as much as you can,” I say then go to find a suit in my suit closet.

  “Okay. I have to work tonight. Only until eleven, though. Is that too late for you?”

  “No, that’ll work for me. I can’t wait for tonight.” I pull my clothes on then go and take her up in my arms and deliver a kiss to her sweet lips. “You’re a rare find, Camilla Petit. I suppose it’s the French in you that has you so daring.”

  She giggles and a pink blush fills her cheeks. “I suppose so. I am sore, though. I’m not sure how much I can take tonight.”

  “No worries, a softer touch will be used on you tonight. You do trust me, don’t you?” I ask her to make sure.

  She nods as I take her hand and lead her out of the house to the waiting car. Ashton meets us at the door and opens it for us. “Well, good morning you two. What a surprise this is.”

  “Good morning, Ashton,” Cami says as she ducks into the back seat.

  “Get used to this. She’ll be here a lot,” I tell him. “Did you get the crazy lady on a plane yet?”

  “I did,” he says with a nod. “At six this morning. She’s no longer an issue.”

  “Cool,” I say as I get into the back seat with Cami.

  She rests her head on my shoulder as we ride to where she works. I nuzzle her cheek and whisper, “I can’t wait to get at you tonight, baby.”

  She sighs and looks at me. “I love you, Cyprian.”

  Looking into her blue eyes I see it there. It wasn’t before and now it is. To be in love with someone with the same kind of adventurous sex drive is a thing I never even wished for.

  “I’m going to show you things you never even thought about before, Camilla.”

  She shivers and I find that a good sign. “You are?”

  “I am. You will never be bored with me. Not in bed anyway.” I kiss her waiting lips and relish how they feel on mine.

  All too soon, we pull up at the store where her car is and I have to let her go. Walking her to her car, I hold my hand out for the keys and unlock it for her. “Until tonight,” she says then gets into her car.

  I wave and go to get back into mine. I cannot wait to see how she takes my surprise!

  I know it’s a thing she’s never done before…

  Chapter 7


  My body has been on edge all day with the thoughts about what Cyprian has in store for me. I’m just about to start shaking with nervous anticipation as I pull up to his front door.

  He meets me at it with a tall glass in his hand. “Drink this down fast. It will steady your nerves and ease the soreness from last night.”

  I gulp it down without bothering to ask what it is. It tastes like a lemon-lime soda. “Thank you,” I tell him as I hand him the empty glass back.

  He takes my hand and leads me straight up to his bedroom. “I bought you something pretty to wear. It’s open in the crotch area.” He stops at the edge of his bed and I see a dark blue lacey negligee on top of the blanket. “Go put it on and get your hair out of that bun. Make yourself look sexy for me, baby.”

  I smile as he sits on his bed, wearing only a pair of dark blue, satin pajama bottoms. As I change into the little thing, I look at myself in the full-length mirror. I’ve never worn anything like this. I look kind of sizzling hot!

  With my hair, free, I look positively savage and smile at my reflection. “Ready to get dirty?”

  Leaving the bathroom, I find the lights have been dimmed, the music is on but not loud, and Cyprian is waiting for me with a blue satin blindfold and two sets of the same color blue, fluffy hand cuffs are lying on the bed. He points at something across the room and I follow his finger and see a video camera. The light’s red, it’s not on yet. “You still trust me?” he asks with a wink.

  “Oh, Lord. You want to record this?” I ask, feeling shy about it.

  “I do. It’s the first time you’ll be experiencing this and I’d like for you to be able to see it later.” His smile is broad as he seems so excited about this new thing he’s going to do to me. “With your permission, of course.”

  “What are you going to be doing?” I ask. “Because if it’s going to look odd or parts of me will be too much on display then I’m not cool with that.”

  “No, nothing gross. Nothing to make you look ugly or anything like that. I merely want it, so you can see for yourself how you enjoyed it all.”

  “Well, okay then. I do trust you. Cyprian, do you really love me or love doing this with me?” I ask as it’s stuck in my mind what he said last night.

  He moves his hands up and down my arms. “Both.”

  I sigh and nod. “I suppose I can handle that.”

  “I love having sex and when it’s with you, it’s beyond compare. Thank you for that, Cami.” His lips touch mine for a moment. Then he’s stepping back and holding up the handcuffs. “Ready to get into position?”

  “Is the safe-word still, lemon?” I ask as I get onto the bed.

  “It is. Tonight, I want you to really think before you say it. I’d rather you not say it at all. Just like last night. You made great strides in getting your body up to where mine is. I think you can handle just about anything I can,” he says as he closes the cuff around the bedpost.

  “I’m not too worried about it. You’re teaching me a lot about just what the human body is capable of. I find it both interesting and enjoyable.” I sneak a kiss on his cheek as he leans over me to cuff the other arm to the bedpost.

  “Good. Tonight, will be an eye opener into the world I come from, Cami. You see, I’d like to get to a place where you feel comfortable going to my father’s for a party every now and then.”

  I gulp as that is something I’m unsure I can handle. “I don’t know about that, Cyprian,” I say as he takes the blindfold and puts it over my eyes.

  “It’s your ignorance of why we do what we do at those parties that has you thinking that way. I’m going to show you why we do what we do at them. Didn’t you feel more relaxed than you’ve ever been, today?”

  “Well, yes, I did. But my mind is cool with it because of how much I care for you.”

  “And I care for you and I care about making you happy in every way possible. Do you feel that way about me?” he asks as a feather is ran over my chest.

  “I do,” I say and find him leaning over me.

  His lips touch my ear as he whispers, “Prepare to go to a place you never dreamt could be so satisfying.” The music goes loud and he moves away from me.

  I can’t see a thing through this blindfold. My body is tense with what he’s about to do to it. He pushes my legs apart then I feel cool air being blown on me. His hands squeeze my tits and I feel the drink kicking in as I relax.

  I’m in his hands and he knows how to make things work inside of me. So, I give myself up to him and let him work his magic on me. His tongue runs up and down my folds. It’s wet and cold. An ice cube is rubbed all over my sore area. It makes it less sore as the soft tongue moves over it.

  Soft kisses are peppered over it. So soft, I can’t believe it. His hands leave my breasts and the feather is ran all over them, in their place. His mouth leaves me for a moment as he asks me, “Do you like the way that feels, Cami?”

  “Yes,” I moan.

  “Do you want more of that?” he asks and runs the feather over me where he’s been kissing.

  “I do. Please give me more, Cyprian.”

  “As you wish.”

  Soft lips touch me again and kiss me, so deep and intimately, I can’t quite get over it. I could just let him kiss me like this forever. It feels so good. I’m not sure how he’s managed to learn to lighten up his kiss like this. It’s amazing.

  His hands move over the lace fabric of the negligee, covering my stomach. His touch is light as well. I suppose that’s what he meant about things would be much softer tonight.

  His intimate kiss is starting to work and I arch up as I orgasm. “Good, Cami. Let it out.”

  I arch up and moan as the kiss goes on then I hear the sound of a vibrator. His lips are near my ear as his body hovers over mine. I can feel the tip of the vibrator on the edge of my vagina. “Let it all go, Cami.”

  It sides into me and moves back out. He’s holding himself all the way up off me and somehow he’s managing to move it as if he’s wearing the thing.

  “Do you have that strapped onto you, Cyprian?” I ask as it feels that way to me.

  His lips are touching my ear again. “Shh, do you like it?”

  The warmth of it is nice and the vibration is too. “I do.”

  “You want it harder and faster?” he asks me.

  “Yes,” I say as I moan and he moves it that way.

  Over and over he goes until I’m groaning with another orgasm. Then soft lips are on mine and I taste myself as a small tongue goes into my mouth as the vibrator keeps going in and out as my body erupts with the hard climax.

  The lips are soft, small, and the way the tongue is moving in my mouth is different. The body that’s now laying on top of mine is light and small.

  My God! It’s a woman!

  What the hell has he done…

  The Lothario

  The Reconstruction

  Of Cyprian

  By Michelle Love

  Chapter 1


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