The Reconstruction of Cyprian

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The Reconstruction of Cyprian Page 20

by Michelle Love

  She smiles and looks down. “I look like a drowned rat but thank you.”

  Picking up the hot dishes with some pot holders, I nod in the direction of the drawer with the trivets in it. “Can you grab two of the trivets and bring them.”

  She grabs a couple and follows me to the dining area. I hear her gasp as she sees how I’ve set it all up. “Cyprian, this is beautiful!”

  “Thank you. Can you place those on the table, so I can put these down?”

  She hurries to do that and I set the things down and pull her chair out. She looks up at me as she sits. “Thank you. This is really nice. I was going to eat cold soup out of a can if the electricity went off. This is so much better.”

  I take a seat and pour us each a glass of wine. “Being that we’re trapped here, together, all alone, I’d like to initiate a truce. No talking about anything we might argue over. I don’t want either of us to feel upset at all during this storm. Agreed?”

  She nods as she sips her wine. “Agreed. We’re just a couple of people who are forced by nature to be together right now. We can talk about all kinds of things. Just not anything about us, as a couple, or anything that’s in our past, as a couple. Deal, Cyprian. So, tell me about your appendix bursting. Was it the worst pain you’ve ever felt before?”

  No, losing her was.

  In the vein of staying away from fights, I don’t utter the thought. “I have never been in more physical pain in my life. I thought I was dying.”

  Her hand touches mine as her blue eyes find mine. “Cyprian, I did come to see you in the hospital. When I heard about you, the next night, I tried to leave work and get to you. But things went crazy for me. An all-night audit nearly did me in and I wanted you to know I was worried about you.”

  “You were?” I ask as her hand moves back and forth over mine. “So, why didn’t you come and see me, Cami?”

  “This may sound stupid but I got to your door and heard everyone talking and laughing. Nurses were mentioned. Pretty nurses. Pretty nurses who’d be taking care of you. It sent a bad taste to my mouth and I left.” She looks sheepish about her actions.

  I want to bring up her date with my doctor but that will certainly be an argument, so I leave it out that I know that tidbit of information. “As you can see, I didn’t follow my parents’ advice. All on my own, might I add. I had to put up a fight about it but I won.”

  She blinks at me a few times then points at one of the dishes. “Would you pass me that. It looks delicious.”

  It seems she’s stifling something she wanted to say but I let it go and take her plate instead. “I’ll put it on the plate for you. It’s hot. Lobster rolls, mac and cheese, and salad is what I pulled out of the fridge my chef stocked for us, for the hurricane.”

  “For us?” she asks as she looks at me with a surprised expression. “Just how long have you been making the plan for me to be here for this hurricane?”

  “Since I saw the weather report that said it was coming our way. I had the staff working overtime to get everything taken care of so we’d be safe. I care about you, Cami.” I place the food on her plate and set it down in front of her, seeing a frown on her face. I don’t ask her why she has it, I think I know why.

  There’re most likely things running through her head, she’d like to say to me but is thinking better of it. I pretend not to notice anything as I go about making my own plate. From the corner of my eye, I see her take a drink of the wine then she shakes her head as if shaking off her bad thoughts.

  I hear her sigh then she says, “Well, I am glad you came to find me and I am glad to have your hospitality during this rough time. I am grateful for you and I want you to know, I care for you too, Cyprian. If things were different…”

  I stop her. “No, no. No talking about anything like that. So, tell me how crazy people were acting at your store. I saw, on the news, some footage at various stores and it looked like a mob scene. Was yours that bad?”

  She nods as she swallows a bite of food. “It was a nightmare. Gina was the only one with me. And just as we got the store closed, we had to nail a piece of plywood on the front door. That’s when we got drenched. People were acting insanely.”

  “At least you made it out, unscathed, Cami. That’s what really matters. I saw one report where a cashier was pushed down when she was unable to make a gasoline sale to a small man who wanted to fill up milk jugs with gas. That was on the ten o’clock news.”

  “A little man, with red hair?” she asks in surprise.

  “I believe so,” I say as I watch her eyes go big.

  “He was in my store. And boy did he have a fit when I told him I couldn’t sell him the gas. I guess I’m lucky he couldn’t get behind the counter to get to me.” She laughs then and smiles. “How funny, huh?”

  “I suppose that’s one way to look at it. I’d have been one pissed off man if I’d seen him push you around.” I take a drink of the wine to calm my sudden onslaught of protectiveness.

  I find her smiling as she takes a bite of the lobster roll. I smile too as I think how great it’s going so far. And wonder if we can both manage to keep our words and tempers under control for the entire hurricane. If we can manage that then maybe she’ll see fit to give me one more chance to prove I can be the man she deserves.

  But what will I do if she doesn’t…

  Chapter 4


  As we walk up the stairs to go to bed, I notice Cyprian’s face go tight and his hand goes to just above his right hip. “Does it hurt?” I ask him as I put my hand on the small of his back.

  “Up and down the stairs is the worst,” he tells me. “Other than that, it’s not really bothersome.”

  I keep my hand on his back to steady him as much as I can until we get to the top of the stairs. The thought about telling him I went out on a date with his doctor, is banging at my brain. My conscience is telling me to speak up before he finds that out some other way.

  We made the truce, though and that would be a fight for sure. So, I keep my mouth shut about that. Instead, I say, “Will you let me see to the wound, Cyprian?”

  He nods as we get to his bedroom. “I have the stuff in here to take care of it.”

  I follow him into his bedroom. The room where good times and bad times were had. His television on the wall is on and it reminds me of what I saw on it the last time I saw it on. My stomach goes tight and I have to shake off the bad feelings.

  “Get into bed and I’ll take care of you,” I tell him as I help him into the bed.

  After he lies down, I push his shirt up and see the small area where they made the incision to remove his appendix. Six stitches were used to close it up and it looks pretty good. “How’s it look to you, doc?” he asks with a grin.

  “Excellent workmanship, but with Dr. Jenkins as your surgeon that’s to be expected.” I take an alcohol wipe out of the packet and find him frowning. “This burns, I know. It’s important to keep the area very sterile.”

  “No, it’s not that. It’s nothing,” he says but I feel he does have something to say. “Go ahead.”

  Just before I place the alcohol wipe on him, I find myself asking, “If you have something you want to say, you can say it, Cyprian. I promise not to get mad at you.”

  “How’d you know my surgeon’s name?” he asks then grits his teeth as I press the wipe to his stitches.

  Suddenly, I realize what I’ve said and panic. “Um, uh, I told you I went to the hospital. I saw him. I saw him come out of your room.”

  “He doesn’t wear a nametag,” he says as he looks at me.

  “No, I know he doesn’t. You see, he was one of my professors when I was a freshman in college. That’s how I know him,” I feel the guilt of withholding information to be too much as I put some of the antibiotic ointment on the area then place a bandage over it. “You should keep this covered. That way the stitches won’t catch on any material and it’ll stay much cleaner and actually heal faster.”

  “Good to
know,” he says then pulls his shirt down to cover himself. “Do you mind going into the bathroom and getting my antibiotic pills. I’m supposed to take one within this hour.”

  I nod and go to get the medicine and find I’m mad at myself for feeling so torn about telling him about the date I had. The man has done much worse and we were not together, so there’s nothing to feel bad about.

  So why do I then?

  He’s sitting up in the bed when I come back in with the pill and a small cup of water. “Here you go,” I say as I hand him the things.

  He takes them and swallows the pill with the water then places the empty cup on the nightstand. “Thank you, nurse.” He smiles and pats the place on the other side of him. “I don’t suppose you’d like to cuddle tonight. The storm is raging and we could lose power.”

  As if he’s magic, a loud clap of thunder has us both looking surprised and the lights go out.

  “Shit!” I say and have to put my hands on the bed to make my way to the other side of it. “We can keep our clothes on. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Climbing into the bed, I find his left arm wrapping around me. He pulls me close to him. “I could use the company too. That wind sounds a bit scary, doesn’t it?”

  “It does. The lightning and thunder, the hard rain, and the winds combine to make chilling sounds.” I snuggle into his side, relishing how great it feels. “Cyprian, why can’t it always be just like this.” Then I realize I’ve spoken about something our truce has banned. “Sorry, don’t answer that.”

  His lips touch the side of my head. “The answer is that it can be. It can be just like this or any way you want it to be.”

  My heart hurts with how badly it wants to believe him. “Let’s talk about something else. There’s been something weighing heavily on me and I want to get it out in the open. Mostly because it was a one-time thing that won’t be happening again.”

  “What’s weighing on you?” he asks as he strokes my hair and I catch him taking in a whiff of it then sighing.

  “I went out on a date with your doctor.” I thought the weight would vanish but it’s still there, so I go on. “We went to eat and then he took me back home and we kissed at my front door.”

  “Oh,” he says but I can feel his heart rate increase. “You said it was a one-time thing. So, I suppose the kiss wasn’t great.”

  “It was okay but when I kissed you, it was much better. Do you suppose you’ve ruined me for anyone else?” I ask with a laugh.

  “God, I hope so,” he says then kisses the top of my head. “Thank you for telling me that. I have something I’d like to get off my chest too.”

  Now, I’m scared!

  With Cyprian, the things he wants to get off his chest just might make me crazy with jealousy or sick. “Okay,” I say with much hesitation.

  “I knew you went out with him. He told me just before he released me today. He had no idea I knew you, though.”

  Leaning up to look at him as much as the lightning outside will allow me to see him, I ask, “So, you knew that?”

  He nods and kisses the tip of my nose. “I was jealous if you want to know how I felt when he told me the name of the woman he was interested in. And you have yet to let him know you won’t be going out anymore.”

  Lying back on his chest, I say, “I know. I told him I was coming out of a relationship. But I suppose he’s going to keep calling if I don’t tell him I won’t be seeing him anymore. He’s a nice man. A great catch. But I can’t be with someone who doesn’t stimulate me. I mean, he does stimulate my mind. We have tons in common in that area.”

  “You mean, sexually, don’t you?” he asks me with a low voice. A silky, sexy voice.

  “That’s what I mean,” I say then sigh as I move my fingertip over the soft pajama top he has on. “I see no reason to lead the man on when that kiss left me wanting no more of them from him.”

  “You’re not just saying that for my benefit, are you?” he asks me as his hand caresses my shoulder.

  “I’m not. I wish I was. If you want me to be honest, I think another man is exactly what I need, to get over you.”

  “I don’t want you to get over me. I want you to tell me what it is you want in a man. I want to be whatever it is you want.”

  I lie still and fight myself not to make this into an argument. We are just two people talking about what we like in a person who we see a future with. That’s all!

  “You tell me what you want in a woman, first.”

  “I never had any want for a woman, for more than one thing, until I met you. So, let me educate you on the perfect woman for me, Cami. She has to be my intellectual equal. She has to be caring, sweet, and supportive. She has to be beautiful, inside and out. Her hair has to feel like silk when I touch it and smell amazing when she’s lying next to me. Her voice has to be on the deep side, smooth as a Tennessee whiskey, and soft as cashmere. But that’s not all. She has to have these deep blue eyes that I could look into forever, without ever getting tired of it. Her juicy red lips must look pretty with a smile and a pout. She must stir places inside me nothing and no one ever has before. Tell me, Camilla Petit, do you know anyone like the woman I’ve just described to you?”

  His words have my heart pounding and my eyes are tearing but I don’t want to cry. I have to swallow back the lump in my throat to answer him, “You are very good with words, Cyprian.”

  “Those are my exact thoughts about you, Cami. They came straight from my heart. I meant every single word I just said. So, now it’s your turn to tell me the kind of man you’re looking for.”

  “What if I told you that I have no idea what kind of man I want to spend the rest of my life with?” I ask him as I really don’t know.

  “Is that why you’re always telling me to be who I am and you’ll like me or you won’t? Because you don’t even know what it is you want? That makes a lot more sense to me.”

  “Good, so you be who you want and I can stop saying that to you. This was a great talk, I think.”

  “For you, maybe. Not so much for me,” he says as he holds me tight as the wind picks up more speed. “Crap, it’s getting bad out there.”

  “Why was the talk not so great for you, Cyprian?” I ask as I rest my hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating.

  “I’m a person who has used books and knowledge to fill my brain and make me the person I am. I’ve never gone on instinct, alone. I take things very literally. I make decisions based on evidence and facts, never do I make them with my gut feelings. Until you came along. You hit me right in my gut and instinct told me I had to get to know you. I fought it, at first. I called it animal magnetism and lust. I lied to myself that was all there was.”

  “So, I brought out this thing in you that you’ve never exercised. Instinct. Huh, that’s pretty cool. You see, as a scientist, I too rely on facts and data to make my decisions. In that way, we are alike. But I’ve also relied on instinct from time to time, especially in my personal life.” I lift my head to look at him and find him staring back at me.

  Lightning flashes, making his eyes light up and I find my lips pressing to his without even thinking about it. Perhaps I’ve over-thought everything.

  Our mouths move together, not in heated passion but in a hello kind of way. A way that says, I’ve missed you. A way that says, I love you.

  When our lips part, I find him looking at me with softness in his expression. “Camilla Petit, I love you. I love you more than I knew I could.”

  I gulp then say, “I love you too, Cyprian. But I don’t know if love is enough. I don’t know if you are capable of turning away from your old life and that style. I’m deeply afraid of you becoming bored with me. So afraid, it makes it hard to trust a relationship with you.”

  “I cannot see myself ever getting bored of you, Cami. I don’t know what the future holds but I know what I want right now and I want you and only you. I know I’ve made huge mistakes, the likes of which you’ve never had to deal with. But I can
make amends for them. I wish I could go back and change them but we both know I can’t. So, tell me what you expect. It may sound insane to you but I need to know.”

  “Okay,” I say as I’m seeing more inside him than I realized was there. “I expect you to be faithful to me. I expect you to never bring into the bedroom anything we haven’t discussed beforehand. For a while, this trust me thing, you want, will have to end. Before you bring in any kind of thing into our love making, I want a heads up.”

  “Got it,” he says with a sigh of relief. “I can do that. I can do anything. With you, Cami, everything feels so amazing, anyway. Just lying here with you and talking, is better than any night I’ve had at any party. I swear that to you.”

  I graze his cheek with my hand and kiss him again. I know he can’t do anything sexual and am keeping the kiss chaste enough not to provoke that. Moving my lips off his, I lie back down, using his large bicep as my pillow and look up at the ceiling that sparks with the light show outside. “Cyprian, this will be the last chance for us. I can’t keep coming back.”

  “I know that. But you have to know there will be disagreements. But I promise not to make huge mistakes, anymore. Okay?”

  “Okay, I know fights will happen but leave the ladies out of things and I can handle almost anything else. So, we are agreeing to give this thing one more shot,” I say then find myself snuggling into his body and feeling more relief than I have felt in forever.

  “Are you ready to try to sleep, baby?” he asks me with a kiss on my cheek.

  “I am,” I say and feel better about everything.

  How did we manage to find each other in the middle of a raging storm and come to such an agreement? How will this all work out?

  Can I really believe Cyprian can be happy with just me…

  Chapter 5


  Though a storm rages outside, I slept like a baby with Cami in my arms. Her soft snores leave warmth on my neck where she’s nuzzled her face. I slide my hand up and down her silk pajama covered back.


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