The Reconstruction of Cyprian

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The Reconstruction of Cyprian Page 27

by Michelle Love

  Cyprian laughs. “Did you think we wouldn’t?”

  With a nod, I slide onto the seat and lean my head on his wide shoulder. “I had my doubts. You’ve made me feel so much better.”

  “And it’s not over yet,” he kisses my cheek as we come to a stop in front of the house. Cyprian pushes a button that rolls the middle between us and the driver down. “I got it from here, Ashton. Thanks, see you in the morning.”

  “Yes, sir,” Ashton says and I find myself feeling elated, I don’t have to face him with my hair wild and him well-aware of what we’ve been up to while he was driving us home.

  As soon as he has me out of the car, Cyprian picks me up like I’m already his bride and carries me to the door. “Punch in the code, baby.”

  I punch it in on the keypad that’s attached to the doorframe and in he takes me. All the way up the stairs and straight to our bedroom. Placing my feet on the floor, he steps back and spins his finger in a circle, a gesture for me to turn around.

  As I turn around, I feel him move close behind me, pushing my hair to the side and kissing my neck. “I’ve missed you.”

  His tongue travels up the length of my neck until he reaches my ear then he nibbles on the lobe. My body sparks and I’m ready for him again. How, I don’t know, but I am.

  Unzipping my dress in the back, he lets it fall to the floor. Then peels away my clothing until I am naked and he’s still dressed. Taking a step back, he looks me up and down and makes a growl as he points to the bed.

  I walk away from him and get on the bed, lying back and waiting to see what he’s going to have me do. He makes his way to me, picking up the bag he brought home earlier and dumping the contents on the bed. I watch him as he picks up the small whip. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” I tell him as I’ve already tested the little thing. It’s not that I don’t trust him. Wait, that is exactly why I tried it out! But he doesn’t need to know that.

  “Get on your hands and knees and bring your ass to the edge of the bed, wench.” He smiles to show me he’s not really being a prick.

  I smile too and do as he says. Without a word, I wait for him to do whatever he’s going to do to me. One hand he runs over my ass, I quiver with desire and fight the urge to beg him to hurry things along. How he has me aching for him, I have no clue but he does!

  I hear the sound of his zipper as his hand still roams over the hills of my bottom. The rustle of clothing lets me know he’s finally joining me in being naked and soon my eyes will fill with his fine form.

  Pressing his cock against my ass, has me shivering with need for him. “Cyprian,” I moan as he toys with me.

  A smack with the whip is what I get as he says, “No talking, wench.”

  “Yes,” I say but it comes out sensual and he moans and smacks my ass with the whip again. “Yes, yes!”

  “You like that, wench? You like it when I punish you?” He hits me with the soft leather again and I find myself soaking wet with how excited it makes me.


  “Do you belong to me?” he asks me and hits me again.


  With a growl, he runs a finger into me. “Are you all wet for me, baby?”

  “Yes,” I moan out as I press my ass back to him, so his finger goes in deeper.

  “Would you like me to fuck you now?” he asks as he wiggles his finger.

  “Yes! Yes!”

  Pushing me down, he flips me onto my back and yanks my legs until my ass is at the edge and I am facing him. My eyes roam over his perfect body. His washboard abs are taut as are his pecs. His hands move to each side of my ass, his biceps bulge with the effort and he goes into me with one deft thrust of his hips. “Better?” he asks me.

  My body relishes the way he feels inside me. So perfect, so right, so damn fulfilling. “Yes,” I moan as my hands move over my breasts and I look at him as he moves his body to make mine feel more pleasure than should be legal.

  “Do you agree this pussy is mine and mine alone, forever?” he asks me as he thrusts hard, making my breath shoot out of my lungs with every one of them.


  “Good, girl.” He pivots my body up a bit, making him hit a new place inside of me as he lifts me only a little.

  “Uh!” I grunt as he seems to be hitting some amazing place inside of me and my body starts quivering as it nears the edge of a fantastic orgasm.

  Harder he thrusts as he pulls me to meet him each time. It feels like he’s bottoming out in me and I can’t wait any longer. I fall apart as he goes so deep inside it seems impossible.

  I scream as I let it all go and he goes that much harder and faster. My legs are shaking and I’m writhing with the intensity of the climax. It’s not stopping and he’s going at me furiously until his body goes into an orgasm that has him groaning so loud, I can feel the vibration coming through him and into me.

  I watch him as his eyes close and his face flushes, making him glow. He’s beautiful, amazing, and he is going to be my husband!

  How did I get so damn lucky…

  Chapter 7


  “Cami, don’t you dare be fucking with me!” I say as I lie in bed and look down at her after a night of fantastic sex and lovemaking, as well.

  “I’ll stop taking the pill, immediately. I want to have your baby, Cyprian. I want to give you the one thing you can’t give yourself.” She bites her kiss swollen bottom lip as a tear slips down one of her pink cheeks.

  “Baby!” I pull her into my arms and hug her like there’s no tomorrow. Peppering kisses all over her until I find her lips, yielding to mine and sending me into a passionate kiss.

  She’s going to have my baby!


  The drive to class has me calling my sister to tell her my big news. “Morning, Camilla.”

  “And a very good morning it is, Catarina. Cyprian asked me to marry him last night and I accepted, of course. And guess what else?”

  “You’re going to Vegas this weekend to do it?” she asks.

  “No,” I say. “Well, I don’t know that for sure but who knows with Cyprian. Anyway, I’ve made the decision to start a family with him, right away.”

  “That’s fantastic. My kids will finally have some cousins!”

  “Is my breakfast ready?” I hear Peter ask, gruffly, in the background.

  “He’s a bear in the mornings, huh?” I ask.

  “Here lately, yes. I need to go.”

  She hangs up without another word and I find myself feeling upset about it. Just as I tap the phone to call my parents and tell them the good news, I see a small black car zoom up next to me.

  I ease off the gas as the car has some more daring individuals, wanting to race the Lambo. My phone rings and I see it’s not a number I know but I answer it anyway as it might be a professor telling me something about a class. “Camilla Petit.”

  “Camilla Petit, I need you to pull to the side of the road. I have important business with you. It concerns your sister and her children. I’m in the black BMW behind you. Pull into the next parking lot,” a man’s voice tells me.

  “Um, no,” I say as I speed up a bit. “You can tell me anything you need to, over the phone.”

  “I cannot. The phone may be bugged. Your sister and her children are in danger. I need you to make your new fiancé stop his interference in my brother’s life. Or it will cost your family much.”

  “What does Cyprian have to do with this?” I ask as I speed up a bit more.

  “He made my brother sign a contract yesterday. If he takes another wife, he will be sent out of America and have to leave his wife and children behind. This is a thing my family cannot and will not allow. So, you see how important it is to get your fiancé to see reason. And I have one other thing you need to know.”

  “You don’t have to tell me anything else. I will handle my fiancé.” I’m so pissed I can barely speak. How could he do such a thing!

  “You need to know this
, Camilla. My brother is already married to the other woman he told Catarina about. He married her three months ago and she is pregnant. So, you see why this cannot be tolerated. He has to come back to take care of his responsibilities. And we will never allow his children to be taken from him. Your sister may not be happy with things the way they are but she entered into a marriage with him and had children with him and she and those children belong to him now. Make your man see reason or you and your family will never lay eyes on your sister and your nieces and nephews again.”

  “Surely, something can be done. My sister was beyond upset that he was even contemplating taking another wife, this news will devastate her.”

  “Catarina knew what she was doing. She was never forced or even coerced into becoming my brother’s wife. Let your fiancé know this. If he doesn’t tear up the contract and stop trying to intimidate my brother into doing what he wants, the same thing he’s threatening my brother with will happen to you, Camilla.”

  Then the call is ended and I watch the black car in my rearview mirror slow down and turn off onto a side street. Changing my plans for school, I head to Cyprian’s office to find out just what it is he’s done to make a war between my brother-in-law’s family and us.

  And just what could he have threatened Peter with that could happen to me…

  The Hero

  The Reconstruction

  Of Cyprian

  By Michelle Love

  Chapter 1


  My secretary buzzes me on the intercom at the same time the door to office flies open. Cami’s face is beet red and she’s panting like a lunatic. “How could you?”

  “How could I what?” I ask as I get up and go to her, pulling her into the office and closing the door, so my gawking office staff can be left in the dark about whatever her problem is.

  Her body is shaking as I attempt to pull her into my arms. She’s having none of that, though, I find out as she shakes me off and steps away from me. “Don’t! Cyprian, what the hell were you thinking?”

  “Baby, you’re going to have to calm down to speak to me. You’re not making any sense.”


  What does she know about my dealings with Peter?

  I don’t jump the gun and divulge more than she may know. “What about Peter?”

  “You tell me and tell me right now. I’m going to give you only one opportunity to be truthful with me.” I watch as she takes the engagement ring, I barely put on her finger last night, off.

  “What are you saying?” I ask as I feel more than a bit shell-shocked by her tirade.

  “I’m saying that you have one chance to tell me what it is you’ve done if you want things to stay the way they are. Because, in order to marry you, I have to trust you in all ways.”

  “How about you tell me what’s happened to upset you,” I say and watch in disbelief as she walks over to my desk and places the ring on it.

  “I see,” she says and tries to walk out of my office.

  Taking her by the arm as she walks past me I look into her eyes and see pure anger there and know she’s been told about the contract. I have no choice. “I made Peter sign a contract that said if he ever takes another wife then I’ll have him deported without your sister and the kids.”

  “Well, I can’t be deported and I was threatened with, one of Peter’s brothers, said was the same thing you threatened Peter with.” She eyes me and I know the jig is up if I want to keep her. And I want to keep her.

  “Damn it!” Holding her arm, tightly, I take her back to the desk, pick up the ring and hold it out. She shakes her head and continues to look into my eyes. “Fuck! Okay, so I threatened him with death.”

  “Cyprian! Why would you ever do such a terrible thing? He’s the father of my sister’s children. Her husband. He’s to be your brother-in-law one day! Why would you do such a thing?”

  “I’ve told you the whole truth. Can I put this ring back on your finger? It’s making me nervous not to see it on you,” I say as I hold it out to her.

  “First, tell me why you did that.”

  “Because I see him as a bad man. A man who needed someone to make sure he was held accountable to your sister. She will be my sister-in-law soon and I feel a certain amount of responsibility to make sure she and all of your family is happy and treated well.”

  Her eyes soften and she holds out her hand. I slip the ring back on before she changes her mind then sit in the chair next to the desk and pull her onto my lap. Her forehead touches mine as she mumbles, “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Love me,” I whisper then kiss her cheek. “I did it for you, Cami.”

  “You have to tear up the contract. You have to allow him to leave. And you have to know my sister will be going with him. She has to or he’ll take her and the children and we’ll never see them again and apparently, I will be killed.” She pulls back to look at me. “Do you see what you’ve done? You should’ve talked to me about what your idea was and I could’ve explained to you why that would be a horrible idea.”

  “So, you don’t really care if your sister has to accept all that shit?” I ask because it was her who asked me to give him a job that would keep them here.

  “I’m afraid my sister has to face the fact she married a man who could take more than one wife. She is the one who purposely took birth control in order to not give him child after child, the way he expected her to. And it’s too late to change anything, anyway. His brother told me Peter married that woman already, months ago. They are expecting a child. My sister has to accept that now. No matter what. And Peter has to go back to South Africa to take care of that other wife.”

  “She’s going to be blown out of the water with that news, isn’t she?” I ask as I play with a dark curl that’s sprung loose from her bun.

  “She is.” She runs her hand through my hair. “Can you promise me that you’ll never do anything like this again?”

  “I can. I’m sorry. I was only trying to help.”

  “Make a mental note of what I’m about to tell you,” she says as she takes my chin in her hand. “Threatening anyone with murder is a huge no, no.”

  “Noted,” I say and feel my cheeks heating with embarrassment. “I guess I lack something in my brain that makes me understand things like that. I felt protective and with Peter being so dominating, it had me thinking I needed to dominate him, so your sister could be happy.”

  “My sister will have to make her peace with the life she’s chosen.” She eases her lips to mine and the kiss she gives me sends the butterflies that had swarmed my stomach into submission.

  Everything will be fine. She’s not going to leave me over this.

  When will I ever learn…

  Chapter 2


  With the contract in my hand, I leave Cyprian’s office and make my way to give it back to Peter and try my best to smooth things out. Cyprian wanted to come with me but I explained how things would probably not go well if he was around.

  All I want is for things to go back to normal. My sister and the kids come to visit a few times a year and most likely we’ll never see Peter again, which is fine too. Now that I know he has another family.

  I rehearse what I’ll say all the way across town then find I’m on their street and see the black BMW that was following me, parked in the driveway behind my sister’s car. I stop and wait and think about what I should do.

  With no idea about what’s going on, I give Catarina a call. “Camilla!” she answers the phone.

  “Catarina, is everything okay?”

  “No, did Cyprian tell you what he did to Peter?” she asks me then I hear shouting in the background.

  “He did. Who’s yelling?”

  “Everyone. Did he call it all off?”

  “He did. I was with him in his office when he made the call to leave Peter alone. I have the contract that’s not worth the paper it’s written on as it’s totally illegal. It was a scare tactic b
ut I wanted to give it to Peter, so he would feel some relief with it in his possession. I thought he might like to tear it up, himself.”

  “While that’s really nice of you. I think it’s best if you stay away from here. Three of his brothers arrived late last night. They’re not in great moods with their brother’s life being threatened.”

  I feel terrible my poor little niece and nephew are having to hear all this and it was Cyprian who caused it all. “Please let me try to smooth things out.”

  “Catarina, who the hell are you on the phone with?”

  “Peter, just leave me alone. It’s my sister,” she says with a defeated voice.

  “You tell her to come here. I want to have words with her.”

  Ending the call, I can’t wait any longer for my sister to tell me I can go inside of their very chaotic home. Grabbing the paper, I get out of the car, keys in hand, locking the door behind me with my purse in the car.

  As I get close to the back door, I plan on sneaking in, I find so much shouting going on and can’t believe my sister hasn’t put a stop to it. Instead of sneaking in, I throw the back door open and shout, “There’s no need for all this! I have the contract and Peter is in no danger, what-so-ever!”

  One of his brothers rips the paper from my hand, the other two have me on the ground, face down, before I realize what they’ve done. I don’t see Peter or my sister anywhere and hear the kids crying somewhere in the house.

  “You did just what Peter said you would, foolish woman!” one of them says as my hands are zip-tied behind my back.

  “You need to let me go!” I scream and find my sister running into the kitchen where I’ve come in.

  “Let her go!” she shouts just before Peter comes in behind her. “Go back to the room and take care of my children. They are crying, Catarina. I will deal with your sister.”


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