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The Reconstruction of Cyprian

Page 96

by Michelle Love

  Elisa: I’ll see what I can do. Thank you for the invitation.

  I set my phone down and considered her answer as I watched the moon shining against my wall. I knew that she felt something for me. I also sensed that there was a deep sense of responsibility in her that would drive her to do the right thing, for whatever reason drove her to that choice. I needed to see her out of the office, over a glass of wine. I needed to figure Elisa out if only to find a reason to stop this obsession from growing.

  I was up early to run through the chilly streets, liking the temperature drops as I moved steadily through the lessening crowds. The only thing that stopped me were blizzard conditions, and I reminded myself to look further into the gym and make a choice with that.

  I did my usual route, taking the long way home where I did a few exercises to replace the lack of the gym before I showered. I felt inclined to jerk off in there with all of the thoughts of Elisa in my head, and I came to the image of her on her knees before me baring her speckled ass from my hand. It wasn’t enough, and I told myself to get through the day and see what else I needed later.

  I dressed in a black suit and a light bluer shirt with a darker blue tie for work. I slipped my shoes on and met Mark at the corner, sipping my coffee and checking my text before my emails. Nothing from Elisa so far, but it was a bit later in the evening when I asked her to dinner. I had an understanding where I’d contact her if I needed anything early in the day, keeping in mind her other obligations and sticking to her schedule of afternoons on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at this time. I wasn’t going to fuck up my company or her internship even though I knew that I’d happily have her in my sights all day long. I had to be sensible about this.

  I arrived and went to my floor, giving a cold look to anyone that I felt looked at me with anything but fearful respect. I did greet them, but it was with a warning in my voice before I disappeared behind my office door. I prepared for some upcoming meetings, getting together facts and figures to impress my possible clients and bring in more money. I knew that I didn’t need it personally, but it was good for the company, something that I took pride in.

  I had my phone on for notifications as always and sitting on my desk while I typed and saved documents. I couldn’t help but to wonder what Elisa was thinking about Friday and since this was Tuesday, there was a chance that I wouldn’t see her. I got up to make some coffee, cursing my growing need for the drink that I’d disliked for so long. It was a break and a chance to walk around to loosen my muscles, as well as one to see what was happening on my floor.

  It seemed calm today, and barely anyone made eye contact with me, not even the newer receptionist who was blatantly flirting with me before this. She was an attractive woman but lacked anything else that I wanted or needed, and I was glad that my actions this morning cooled her off.

  I went back to the office and checked the accounts of the company, pleased with where we were. There were the usual positive write-ups in the business papers and websites, and the earnings were impressive. Kenneth would be proud of me, and I smiled at the idea.

  He was a good father figure to me after losing my own dad too young. I wasn’t the spoiled brat that never wanted my mom to date or marry again, holding onto the memories of my family. I cherished them, but I wanted her happy since she was just in her early thirties at the time of his death and still quite beautiful. She deserved a second chance at love and life, and I never stood in her way.

  Now, she was traveling to some of the finest places in the world while I had control of one of the best companies in the world, one that was growing by the moment. I was guaranteed to be rich enough to live my entire life well, doing whatever I wanted.

  That thought was killed by the sound of a text coming from my phone, jerking me back into reality. I snatched it from the top of my desk and unlocked the screen with my fingerprint to read the script.

  Elisa: It turns out that my plans fell through on Friday. Does your invitation still stand?

  Damon: It certainly does, Elisa.

  Elisa: What should I wear?

  Damon: I’ve found everything that you’ve worn here to be appropriate for the evening thus far. Use your best judgment.

  I sat back, pleased with myself as I thought ahead to the night. I was accustomed to wining and dining women, the ones that were worth the effort. It wasn’t often, but I had both the cash and connections to make it happen Friday night.

  I wasn’t sure what I was doing, but I wanted more on this woman. I made some calls and left for lunch pleased with my efforts. I noticed the intern Devin leaving with a group as he laughed confidently, aware that I was tearing down whatever it is he wanted with Elisa. He would never be able to do what I could for her, Harvard brat or otherwise.

  I wondered if he seduced her the other night, touched the body that I wanted to claim as mine. I glared at him as I stopped walking until he turned to look in my direction and I turned to leave the building. I hated him, and I needed him to let me go about my business.

  I didn’t need to trouble myself thinking of him with her, since Elisa was going to be very much mine starting now.

  I ate at a classy Italian place as I thought about Elisa and Friday night. I knew that pursuing an intern or worse, an employee, was against every rule that was set up in the company. It was wrong, but she was worth the temptation, and it was my business to run. I could do whatever I wanted.

  Elisa was arriving when I returned to work, dressed in a lovely dark green wrap dress to bring out her eyes with the same pair of heels that she always seemed to wear. They were sexy but worn, and I grinned as I slowed down and watched her board the elevator. I took out my phone and sent her a text, waiting for a reply before I got on my own car.

  Elisa: You need my shoe size? Why?

  Damon: Just tell me.

  Elisa: Size 9 but I don’t know what you have in mind, Damon.

  I grinned and stepped in, along with a few more upper-level employees. I greeted them with a smile and they glanced at each other for a moment. They must think I was bipolar sometimes but I wasn’t, and it didn’t matter to me what they thought. I was used to shoe shopping for my mother since she loved them and I took great pleasure in sending her gifts.

  I went to the website of her favorite store and did a little searching, finding several pairs of heels that I liked, but settling on two. I knew where she lived and found it to be a terrible area for her to live, much less send the finest of items to. I wondered about some of the properties that Kenneth owned as investments for a moment, knowing that he could afford less rent on some of the smaller properties. Hell, he could afford for Elisa to live for free in one of the apartments. They were fully furnished, and I could tell her that it was an employee perk, something that was true for relocating ones. There was normally on a time limit, but I knew that she’d be safer there, closer to work.

  Closer to me.

  I considered it as I gave the store her phone number in an email, so they could request her presence at the store. It would be a special moment that I wished I could see as I leaned back in my seat.

  This was going to be so enjoyable, and I scooted forward to start looking at apartments.


  I was leaving class the following day, dressed for my job in a plum colored pencil skirt and black blouse with a beautiful lace collar. As the weeks passed, I found things at some of the local thrift shops to wear and so far, very pleased. They were well-priced and looked good, and I wondered if Damon liked them. Shit. Damon was my boss now and even with all of his intensity, I knew that I shouldn’t play this game. Going on Friday was idiotic on my part at all.

  My phone rang, and I pulled it out, realizing it was my work phone. I wasn’t even due there for an hour. I answered it, not recognizing the number as I paused on the walkway and moved to the side. A woman in a friendly voice told me that she had something for me at one of the most impressive stores in the Boston area and I frowned for a moment. “I don’t shop there. I
t must be a mistake,” I assured her as I wondered what the hell was going on. Nobody had this number, nobody but Damon.

  “I assure you that this is yours, Miss Moore. If I were you, I’d hurry down here because these are beautiful. Have a great day and ask for Andrea at the shoe counter. Have a great day!”

  I looked at the phone and shook my head. Shoes! He asked for my shoe size and I narrowed my eyes. What was he trying to do to me? I knew that he had money and could probably get any woman that he wanted and I stalked forward to the bus as I let anger rush through me.

  This was my life. This was my future. I could handle it by myself, without his help and whatever game that he was playing.

  My anger was still high when I was in front of the building, and I took the elevator to the sixth floor. I wasn’t due in Damon’s office for a few hours, and I knew that the team needed me, but Damon needed to be put in his place. I walked towards his office, noticing the look on the receptionist’s face as I ignored her.

  I noticed that my current shoes were wearing down, but still. There were discount shoe shops, and I could get my own.

  I was just approaching his door when it opened, and he stepped out, causing me to crash into him hard as I squealed. “Elisa, are you alright?” Damon asked as he held me in my hands and stared into my flashing eyes.

  “Why is Macy’s calling me to tell me to go to the damn shoe section?” I demanded as he looked around warily before pulling me into his office. “What did you do? What are you trying to do? You’re my boss now, very literally and I-” my words were cut off with his kiss as he pressed me against the locked door and tilted his head to take advantage of my shock.

  I found my arms sliding around his neck as I pulled him closer and returned the passion in this embrace, melting my anger and turning me into a needy woman as I felt him press harder against me. I lost all sense of reason as we kissed hungrily and only came back to reality as he lifted me and started to carry me across the room. “Damon, we can’t do this,” I told him as I pulled away and struggled to breathe. He was just lifting me off of the floor enough to carry me, and I felt my body being lowered to the couch. “You’re my boss…I’m your employee…I’m your intern. We can’t do this.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what you are, Elisa. I haven’t wanted a woman the way that I want you in my entire life,” Damon said as he pressed his body against mine. “I want to buy you shoes when yours are worn. I want to take you to dinner and learn who you are. I want to touch you more than anything right now.” He looked over my body at my carefully chosen outfit and leaned in for another kiss. I couldn’t push him away, and he molded his body over mine as he ran his hands over my body and up my sides to rest just under my bra. Our lips met hungrily as he kissed me and I kissed him right back, our tongues dancing together as he slipped his thumbs over my sensitive nipples.

  I jerked when he slid the shirt from the skirt and then moved his hands up my bare skin. “I’m supposed to me with the team,” I whispered as he gave me a small break to find the front clasp of my bra and unhook it. “Damon, this is so fast.”

  His eyes went hard when he stared at me and cupped my bare breasts as I let out a small moan. “Is it? Did you fuck the other intern the other night when I saw you going into his house?”

  “Oh, God…Damon. No,” I pushed his hands away and tried to think as he leaned down to kiss my neck. “I didn’t. He kissed me and tried to get me to sleep with him, but I wasn’t ready. He’s not you.” He pulled away and looked at me as I took a deep breath. “I agreed to see him again because it seemed like the right thing to do in everyone else’s eyes. He’s a great guy on paper, but I haven’t been able to think about anyone except you since the first time that I saw you.”

  “Elisa,” Damon told me as he kissed my neck again and moved down my chest. His mouth was hot and eager as he found my nipples and sucked slowly. I moaned and slipped my hands into his hair as I closed my eyes and gave in to the feeling.

  We had parted before things went too far, realizing that I needed to be elsewhere in the building. An obscene amount of time had passed, and I dressed quickly and dashed into his bathroom to check my appearance. I fixed my clothes and pulled my hair into a low bun before replacing my gloss. Damon asked me to come back after three, and I agreed as he kissed my cheek with a hungry look in his eyes.

  I floated into the team office and greeted them with a smile as I wondered if I was insane. I didn’t stop Damon; I encouraged him. I knew that stopping us today wouldn’t last because he set my body on fire. I knew that I was risking everything by being with him.

  I just wanted him, and nothing else mattered.

  Brent popped in and told everyone that I was assisting Damon with a few top clients in the afternoon, but it wouldn’t affect my work with them. I nodded and forced myself back to reality as they all gave me curious glances. Once he was gone, Autumn cleared her throat and looked at me again. “I’d watch that. He’s…something.”

  “It’s just an extension of my internship. Don’t worry about me. I’m seeing a guy at school anyway.” I made up the lie to reassure them and smiled. Inside, I suspected that she was referring to rumors and felt angry inside that Autumn believed that. She seemed so down to Earth and just into her job.

  “It’s not a bad opportunity,” Vince chimed in as I gave him an appreciative glance. “Maybe he’s not as bad as we all hear he is.”

  There was a long silence before everyone gathered around the table again. Once we were back on subject, it was easy to fall back into a rhythm, and I sighed in relief as I felt the passion for design fill the room.

  We worked until lunch, and I watched as most of the team headed out to the streets to get something to eat. Vince lingered behind as usual and gave me a smile. “Don’t worry about them. The boss has a reputation around here, but it is an excellent opportunity for you. I mean that.”

  “Thank you. I didn’t think it was a bad thing to learn about the business side of things,” I admitted as I stood and looked around. “Want to grab a sandwich with me?”

  We walked to the corner deli and ordered before taking a seat to eat. “So, you’re seeing someone?” Vince asked as I looked at him and nodded. I had to stick with the lie now, and I smiled. “Is it serious?”

  “It’s new and casual. I’m in school and essentially working here, so I don’t have a lot of time for a relationship.” I saw something cross his face and realized that Vince was interested in me. I didn’t notice before, but he was staring me in the face, and I thought back to the rides home and just the general conversation.

  “Weren’t you seeing someone here?” Vince pressed, and I licked my lips.

  “That was brief, but yes. I ended up with this new guy during that time and to be honest, I find dating at work a bad idea in most cases.” I tried to let him down easily since Vince was such a nice guy. Nobody had a chance since I saw Damon, something I willingly admitted to myself now that we’d started. I knew that it was risky and that I might pay hell for this, but I knew that I wanted him.

  “You’re right. I know that, but I liked you when we met. I thought maybe?” Vince smiled, and I saw that he wasn’t devastated. We finished lunch and walked back, feeling lighter and laughing before we made our way back to the team. They seemed better too, and we joked and worked through the day until it was break time.

  I went to make a cup of coffee and glanced at the clock. I was due in Damon’s office, and I felt my heart leap into my throat as I nibbled on my lip. This was cleared by Brent, and it was all right. “I’ll see you guys later. I’m going to go help out.” I smiled, and they nodded as they said goodbye and walked back to the office. I grabbed my stuff and went to the elevator to go to the sixth floor.

  I stepped out and walked to his office without the anger from before, tapping on the closed door before he invited me inside. I opened the door and found a woman leaning over his desk as she pointed at something on his computer. She was a few years older than me and beaut
iful, and I leaned against the door and took in the scene. “Thank you for your opinion, Caroline,” Damon said as she giggled and stood, revealing her short skirt and slightly unbuttoned shirt.

  “Sure thing. Anytime,” she responded as she looked at him and then at me before she left the office. I felt the surge of jealousy as I wondered what the fuck I was doing with him as the door shut beside me.

  “Come in further, Elisa,” his voice broke into my scattered thoughts as I stared at him and took a breath. Every look that my team had given me today played back through my mind, and I could hear Autumn’s words all over again. “Elisa,” Damon’s voice was sharp as I blinked and watched him stand and walk over to me. Damon was gorgeous and powerful and beyond my wildest dreams as he cupped my face in his hands. “What is it?”

  “Have you had sex with her?” I asked in a whisper before he covered my lips with his and reached down to click his office door, locking me in. Damon claimed me in this kiss, hard and slow as he pressed me against the wall behind me and pulled me against him. My thoughts scrambled together, and I reached around his neck to hold him close as he kissed me senselessly.

  Within seconds or moments, I was back on the couch, and he was sliding my skirt up with his hands as I shuddered underneath him. I wasn’t even sure how much time had passed or what was happening until I felt him cover my needy clit with his mouth as his tongue circled me slowly and torturously.

  I came with a sharp jerk of my hips as I cried out his name, reaching down to grab his hair unconsciously as he drank me into his mouth. “Oh, Elisa, you’re as sweet and as hot as I knew you would be. I can’t wait to have you wrapped around my cock as I fuck the ever loving hell out of you.” There was a darkness to his voice as he spread my legs and traced me firmly with his finger. I jerked again and bit my lip as new sensations flooded my body, the beginnings of a second powerful orgasm.


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