The Reconstruction of Cyprian

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The Reconstruction of Cyprian Page 97

by Michelle Love

  We rested on the couch afterwards for a while, and I looked at him. “Was that to distract me from the question?” Damon rolled his eyes and looked me over slowly.

  “You’re going to push things with this, aren’t you?” I watched as he pushed himself off of the couch and walked into another room, looking surprisingly together considering what we’d just done. He returned with two bottles of water and handed me one before walking over to his desk. “Do you want a rundown of my sexual history, Elisa? Are you ready for that?”

  “Probably not,” I responded before I adjusted my clothing and sat up. I took a deep breath. “I know it’s quite different from mine.” His eyes were sharp as they looked at me and I opened the water and sipped it gratefully.

  “You’re not a virgin, are you?” His voice was low, and I shook my head slowly.

  “No, but I’m not experienced either. I’ve slept with two men, both in college,” I admitted as he raised an eyebrow and considered this.

  “So different than what I’m accustomed to, Elisa. Why do I want you so much?” Damon seemed to be asking himself that question more than me, and I remained silent as I watched him look at the seat that I was standing beside meaningfully. I sat as he stared at me in wonder. “Maybe not.”

  “What do you need?” I asked him as I tried to recover from what just happened. “I mean, today?”

  “Have you ever come like that before? It looked to be intense,” Damon observed as I smiled and looked at the floor.

  “No. I didn’t know that could feel so good. I think I believed that it was…gross, before now,” I admitted as he nodded. “I suppose you’ll want me to do the same to you.” His eyes darkened as he nodded and I licked my lips. “Don’t you want more from me now? I mean, you didn’t get anything from that.”

  Damon chuckled and looked out of the window for a long moment. “There’s so much more to this than that. Forget those college boys who were looking to get off, Elisa. This is going to be different than that was. This is going to be so different.”


  I instructed her on the emails that I received daily as well as attempted to return in the same twenty-four-hour period. I made a list of the most important clients and gave her free reign in setting up appointments for me using my calendar application on my computer. It was a tedious process, but it should be easier once she adjusted to it. I made Elisa understand that she didn’t need to answer any questions regarding the company or what we were looking for right now. Those issues could be forwarded to my personal email, which I made sure she had saved into her contacts on her phone. She looked at the account that I’d set up for her assistant purposes and smiled.

  “You chose this?” She asked after I’d given her the password information, which hinted at the things that I wanted to do to her.

  “I did. It’s true based on my new knowledge of you,” I told her as I watched her blush beautifully. I had wanted to take it so much further earlier, making her hold her release as I teased her hot cunt and taught her control. I wanted to be able to make her come with a whisper, but I had to have her come in my mouth this first time. From here, I would make myself take stricter control with my own discipline, making her who I needed her to be. My mind wandered as I thought about this being exclusive with the two of us. Could I give up the spontaneity of the club where I could have whatever I wanted with the snap of my fingers? I glanced at Elisa as she looked at my calendar and smiled at me as she asked if it was okay to set up a lunch meeting.

  I could sure as hell try for this shy, beautiful girl. I could mold her into what I needed, making her a regular part of my life. I could teach her to please me.

  “Go ahead,” I told her as she filled in the day of the meeting and time, as well as where we would be meeting before emailing the possible new client back with the same information in a friendly and professional manner. She already knew how easy it was to get a reservation in my name and dialed the number of the restaurant from the information on Google, making the reservation with a polite thank you as she looked at the computer.

  “How do you get in so easily? From what I’ve heard, these are nice places. Everyone says it’s hard to get in.” Elisa looked at me as she spoke and I felt myself harden as I stared back at her.

  “I run the biggest architecture firm in the country, Elisa. It came with an excellent reputation before I stepped into the position and people want to impress me because of that. They’re willing to do anything to please me,” I explained as she frowned for a moment. “Is there anywhere that you want to go?”

  “I’m not a part of this world. I eat take out on the corner for excitement,” Elisa told me as she paled and looked at my desk. “I don’t want to spend my money on one meal like that. I need to spread it out.”

  I sensed that she struggled with money by the scared look in her eyes and it made me want to give her a raise as well as speed along the process of a new apartment. I had dated casually before and treated the women well if they were a regular part of my life, but never with the need that I was feeling now. “You’re not spending your money. I am, and I have plenty of it, Elisa.”

  “You do?” She asked, and I nodded as I leaned in to brush her lips with mine. She melted against me, and I stroked her full lower lip with my tongue as she moaned softly against my mouth. She was so pure and sweet as I slipped my tongue against hers and started a make out session that reminded me of being a teenager with a curfew, not that I ever minded it. It drove my mother insane, but once she was remarried, she seemed to settle down.

  I pulled away to let her take a breath, noting the bright pink spots on her cheeks. Elisa seemed flustered as I looked her over and jumped as my phone rang. “Should I?” Her voice was hesitant, and I shook my head and leaned over to grab the cordless.

  I handled the question smoothly and ended the call with the receptionist before I set the phone on the desk. “I don’t expect you to answer my phone unless I’m not in the room, Elisa. I need help with the client meetings and scheduling mostly.”

  “Have you ever been involved with an intern before?” I shook my head as she watched me.

  “Never. I haven’t dated at work for some years now. That’s a program that my stepfather began, and I kept it since it helped both the company as well as the students that were hired. We’re selective, and you know that we only pick the best of the best.” She smiled and blushed again, and I took a slow breath to control the need flowing through my veins. I must be crazy taking her in this way when she drove me mad inside. “It leads to great opportunities for some of them.”

  “That’s why I was so excited about it. I need this on my resume,” Elisa spoke with a reverence that made me curious to know what was going on in her life.

  “I want you to tell me all about yourself over dinner on Friday. I want to know what makes you tick,” I told her as she stared at me with wide eyes. “For now, I just want to taste your lips.” I kissed her again as she moved closer to me, eager to give in to me. I dragged it out, keeping the kiss deep and slow as I felt her come apart in front of me. I knew what she wanted as she whimpered against me and my fingers itched to rip off her clothes and take her right there on my desk.

  I jumped as I felt her hand slide between my legs and touch my erection gently. Elisa had no idea what she was starting as she stroked me with her fingertips and met my tongue with hers. I tensed my thighs as my need grew inside of me and placed my hand over hers and forced her against me. “Do you feel what you do to me?” I asked her softly as she nodded. “I want your mouth wrapped around me, Elisa. I want you on your knees as I fuck your mouth.”

  “Oh, God,” she said as her eyes darkened and she licked her lips. I watched as she moved to the floor and stared up at me with an eager gaze. This was moving faster than planned, but she was so willing with me and fuck if I didn’t want to come right now. I stood and leaned against my desk as I loosened my pants and dropped them around my ankles. She
looked me over, seemingly intimidated by my size before she leaned forward and kissed the tip of my cock gently. I sucked in my breath as my body hardened toward her naturally and she circled me with her tongue. My hands slid into her hair with a gentleness that I didn't feel as she opened her mouth and took me inside. Fuck, she was so hot, and her mouth tightened around me as I closed my eyes.

  “That’s it, Elisa.” I slowly rocked my hips as she adjusted to me and felt myself in the back of her throat. “Relax and take it all, baby. That’s it.” I imagined her tied up in my bed as she moved her mouth with mine, spread open for me as I gripped her head tighter as she gasped. “Harder, Elisa. I want to feel you.”

  Elisa moved harder, and I rocked against her as I held her still, telling myself to not come yet as much as I wanted to. I was feeling the pressure deep inside of my balls as I cried out her name with each thrust. “Coming, I’m coming,” I told her as everything went black and I shot inside of her mouth. Elisa gripped my thighs as she struggled to take it all with my hands holding her tightly as I released. Nothing felt like this before now, and I stumbled back as I stared down at her.

  What was happening to me?

  “Was I not good?” She asked as she wiped at her mouth where traces of me were running down her cheeks. I could tell that she was in shell-shock but still upset that I didn’t like it and I dropped to my knees as I reached for a tissue from the box. I wiped at the corners of her ruined mouth, noting the tears in her eyes before I leaned closer to kiss her nose.

  “You were…perfect,” I assured her as she smiled and relaxed against me. I sensed that she needed that, that she felt bad about herself even with all of her accomplishments. I wanted to know who did this to her and made her doubt herself if it was even a man, to begin with. Was it a parent issue, or worse? I stroked her hair, messy from the encounter as I tried to put it back into place and heal her.

  I was getting in too fucking deep, but I knew that I couldn’t walk away from her now.

  We left the office separately in a couple of hours, cleaned up and looking as though nothing happened between us. Regardless of my intent with the rumor mill, I knew that the immature ones would still talk whether or not they were warned not to. I watched from the elevators as Elisa left and met up with her team, smiling and laughing naturally as if we hadn’t done the things that we did together. She walked with Vince, and I wondered if there was anything between them as something very unfamiliar reared its ugly head again.



  I kept a neutral look on my face as I walked out, carrying the bag from Macy’s in one hand. Damon had surprised me after I was seated and recovering from him by presenting me with the shoes that he’d purchased for me. They were heels, sexy and expensive. One pair was black with the famous red bottoms that screamed Louboutin and money as well as a pair of gray Jessica Simpson shoes. They were both beautiful, and he promised me more with a soft kiss at his door before he shooed me away with a reluctant gaze.

  We didn’t have sex, but we’d done more than I was used to. I had given clumsy blowjobs before now that didn’t end with completion. They were just a quick step leading to equally awkward sex that apparently paled compared to what my body experienced in that office today. I still felt his tongue between my legs as I got off of the elevator and walked over to the remaining members of my group. “How did it go?” Vince asked as he smiled at me and glanced down at my bag. “Shopping?”

  “There was a sale, and I had a break,” I smiled as I thought back to the bathroom in Damon’s office. Every hair was in place, and my makeup was perfect. I looked like I hadn’t done so much as kissed him much less anything else. I was covered if I didn’t blow it on my own. “Today was good. I think I’m going to learn a lot about the company this way. Who knows? Maybe I’ll run one someday myself.” I forced myself to laugh as he joined in before asking me if I wanted a ride.

  I accepted and told myself that I had to find a way to thank him. I knew that Vince lived near me but still…it took his time to drop me off every day. When we were walking out of the door, I glanced back to see Damon staring at me as I fought a smile.

  We chatted as we drove, mostly about the project. Vince told me that we were all up for bonuses for this project, including me. The company found ways to reward the interns for their hard work, and I bit my lip as I thought about the pay that I was getting for helping Damon. That was enough, wasn’t it? I felt my face heat up, and I thanked the sky for darkening early these days.

  I got out at the curb and thanked him again before walking into my apartment. A couple of the girls were arguing about a class in the living room, and I crept by quietly on the way to my room. I longed for my pay to be enough to get a place of my own, but the idea almost made me laugh. It would be in the ghetto, probably where my mother lived and that was hard enough to stomach. At least living here, I could help her out some while going to school. I glanced at the other bed to see Melody sleeping as I walked into the dark room, surrounded by books as I smiled gently at her. I felt the same way after letting Damon have his way with me as well as working so hard to please me.

  I dressed in some leggings and a long-sleeved shirt to fight the chill in the room before crawling underneath the covers. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and parted my legs underneath the covers as I stroked myself over my clothes. I was still sensitive from hours earlier, and I smiled as I slipped my hand down my pants to touch myself. I didn’t need any words to get off tonight. I had Damon’s tongue against me in my memory and his teeth dragging against me as I came so hard in his mouth that I blacked out for a moment. It was intense and wonderful, and I imagined him inside of me, sliding that thick cock inside of my tight body as I stroked harder. I could imagine how he would feel as he took me on my back, or maybe my knees. What did he like?

  I remembered the way the woman looked at me as she left his office. He never answered me when I inquired about her, but something deep inside told me that even if he did, that it didn’t matter. I saw something in his eyes and face that made me think that this meant something to him.

  It might be better if it didn’t, but as I bit my lip and came, I knew that I was falling for him in some way.

  I woke the next morning to the alarm, rolling over with a yawn as I glanced at the window. I had only the one class today and then it was off to the office, a thought that made me smile. In just a few days, it would be Friday, and we’d be at dinner. Was that a date or just an honest celebration? He could afford to eat out every night so money wasn’t the issue but from what I’d seen online, the restaurant was fantastic. It was where everybody wanted to be, and he got in with just his name.

  Who was Damon, apart from what I saw every day? Did he have siblings? Was he close to his family? What was he doing with me…someone younger than him and clearly just starting life? What did I even have to offer?

  I slowly got up and showered before staring into my closet. I found a pair of clingy purple slacks and a deep gray turtleneck sweater that would match the shoes perfectly, dressing in the ensemble before I left for class. I wore a new-to-me pea coat to keep warm in a dark metallic gray and walked down the street slowly, feeling like a new woman.

  I grabbed a coffee and made my way to my seat, thankful for just the one class today. I could spend quality time with my team and learn some more today since I didn’t have time scheduled with Damon. Did I wish that I did?

  I made my way to the bus after class and rode it into the city as I watched out of the window. My IPad and phone were tucked in my worn messenger bag that I carried now, just in case I needed them. I didn’t use them at home too much since I didn’t feel like they were really mine and had my personal cell phone for whatever I needed. Our Wi-Fi connection was spotty in the house at best, to begin with, something that made getting homework done there difficult. I rolled my head back to massage my sore neck as I watched the bus approach the stop that I was getting off at.

  I walked up to the bui
lding as I noticed Devin walking inside and stopped to allow him time to get to the elevator. I hadn’t talked to him, but he also hadn’t contacted me. I assumed that Autumn told him that I was seeing someone at school and he was likely confused about that.

  I remembered back to the night we went to his place. Seeing Damon in his car had thrown me off, but I wasn’t in the mood for Devin, to begin with. I couldn’t find anything too wrong with him when I thought about him. He was handsome, intelligent and he had a great future. Devin was also funny and kind, and I might kick myself later for letting him go.

  His kisses were nothing more than pleasant, though. They didn’t fill me with the desire that Damon’s did, the urgency to feel more. They actually repulsed me a bit, since they came off just like the guys that I’d slept with. He seemed like he’d leave the moment I gave in and that worried me, being that we worked together. I didn’t want that hanging over my head, so what was I doing with Damon?

  Us not working out could affect everything, and I knew that seeing the boss was foolish, particularly for an intern like myself. I would always have my degree but being let go from a company like Elkus Manfredi, especially with a reputation would be stupid. I could blacklist myself and then what? Mom would never have a better life and I would’ve wasted the years in school and all of the hard work. I thought of her and sadness filled me as I realized that I could completely disappoint her.

  I blinked and made sure that the coast was clear before I walked slowly across the lobby to the elevators, pushing the button as I looked around at my surroundings. They still took my breath away, so regal and beautiful. I couldn’t believe that I worked here even now.

  I’d gone over some of the previous designs with Damon as he told me about the company and they were impressive. It was something that I’d love to do for a living I could see why he was so successful and famous around the country. I just didn’t know where I fit in, if at all.


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