Exploring Her Submission: Nisey (Doms of Chicago)

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Exploring Her Submission: Nisey (Doms of Chicago) Page 2

by Trace, Dakota

  Why didn’t you ever mention to me that he’d starred in that blasted picture book, we looked over the other day? It was a shock to actually met the girl in those pictures and realize it was Caelan with her. If you were at home, I’d rat you out to Josh, so he could punish you. Speaking of that…we really need to talk about him. He’s been pestering Máister about when you’re coming home. If I didn’t know better I’d swear he’s got plans for you. As always, I miss you.


  Trailing behind her Master, Nisey entered their hotel room. Kicking off her shoes, she moved towards the window, not waiting for his command. She fingered the slender gold torque collar surrounding her neck. Get over it Nis, he wasn’t a eunuch before he met you. There have been slaves in his past. You’re the one with him now. Staring out into the Tokyo skyline, she tried to push aside her jealousy.

  “You’ve been quiet since we left the club, grá.”

  Behind her, she heard the scrape of the chair across of the floor. Before she could turn to see what he was doing, she felt the warmth of his hands against her slender shoulders. “You’ve given me a lot to think about.” A sigh pushed past her lips when he pulled her back against him. Settling into the warmth of his body, she gave a soft moan. The fingers of one hand slipped under her top to toy with her unbound breast. The scrape of his blunt nails over the straining tip sent both pain and pleasure through her.

  “Beautiful.” His tongue traced over the rim of her ear. She lifted her hands to touch him. “Drop them. No touching.”

  Obeying, she dropped them helplessly to her sides. His mouth continued to explore her left ear. Teeth tugged, before the wet heat of his mouth enveloped the sensitive flesh. “Always so responsive.” He breathed against the wet skin. She couldn’t stop the full body shiver that shook her.

  I won’t touch him. I can’t touch him right now. Even as she repeated the litany in her head, her desire to do so grew. Digging her nails into her palms, she struggled to keep her hands away from his body.

  “So responsive …” His voice hardened. “…that it hurts me when you try to lie to me.”

  Her breath halted in her throat. Dread mixed with a small fissure of fear. Memories of the last time she’d attempted to lie to him were still fresh in her mind. It’d been the night she’d fought her bonds for the first time and safe-worded on him. She hadn’t wanted to admit she was scared of falling. Instead she’d pleaded a headache. The oldest excuse in the book but unlike men before him he didn’t take it at face value. She gave an internal wince at the memory of the night she’d spent alone. It’d been the first time since her collaring she’d slept in the guest bedroom of Caelan’s home. She’d missed sleeping curled up next to him more than she could’ve ever imagined.

  “Please Máister, I haven’t lied to you.” Honestly, I haven’t. He has given me a lot to think about. “Please don’t send me to another room.”

  A low growl escaped him and he pressed his erection against her ass. “I’m not going to send you away, Nisey, but come hell or high water you’re going to tell me what changed my curious slave into the automation who’s been with me since we left the club. What the hell happened while I was on stage tonight?”

  Heart racing, she tried desperately to focus on his question but the fingers not toying with her nipple had slid under her jeans. With a well practiced move, they captured the nub of her clit between them. He gave the slippery nub a rough squeeze. Her sharp gasp filled the room.

  “I’m waiting, slave.”

  “I’m not…” The desire which had abated during their ride back to the hotel surged back to the fore. Before the lie could even pass her lips, her world spun. She found herself draped over his legs and his hand landing hard on her denim-covered ass. “Máister!”

  “Count off.” His tone allowed for no protests. “For each time you lie to me, you get five spanks. Eventually you will tell me the truth.”

  A sob built in her throat. “One, Máister.” His hand fell again. “Two, Máister.” Tears were running down her face by the time he’d delivered the fifth blow. She was sobbing openly even as he hauled her up into his arms. His thumbs rubbed the tears way.

  “Look at me, Nisey.”

  She lifted her tear stained face. “Yes, Máister?”

  “Are you ready to tell me the truth?” His blue eyes were cool.

  With her lower lip between her teeth, she stared up into them. Jealous slaves get punished. She weighed her options. “Truth or lie, I’m still going to be punished, Máister.”

  His lips thinned out. A startled cry left her, as she found herself once more across his hard thighs. “That’s not the truth, slave. It’s merely an avoidance.” His hand lifted once more, his intent obvious. He’s perfectly capable of blistering my ass until I tell him. Even from her position she could see the determination stamped on his face.

  “I was jealous!” Her body tensed as horror flooded every cell of her being. She braced herself for the coming blow. Even if I didn’t mean to blurt it out like that, it still doesn’t matter! It would only serve her right.

  The blow she expected to fall never came. Instead his hand rubbed over her ass. “Why?” There was obvious confusion in his tone.

  She drew a deep breath. “Airi told me Anya was your slave. She’s so beautiful and doesn’t have the hang-ups I have.”

  His nostrils flared. “Stop right there. Anya was once my submissive. She was never my slave. I’ve never offered another woman my collar. I thought you understood that.” He pushed her off his lap.

  The fear had her heart pounding erratically. “Máister?”

  He stood. “Strip.”

  With trembling hands she quickly disrobed, uncertain. It doesn’t matter what he has planned for me. I deserve it. Sinking to her knees she knelt in front of him, hoping her submissive pose would please him.

  “Get up.” He took her by her arm and dragged her towards the bed. Tossing her across the length of it, he quickly secured her arms with braided cords from the canopied drapes surrounding it. Once she was bound spread eagle to the bed, he stepped back.


  “Not a word.” His hand reached back and hauled a fistful of sweater over his head. The dim light spilling from the bedside lamp caressed him like a lover. The way she wanted to. With his chest bare, amber eyes gleaming and desire stamped on his rough hewed features, he looked like an avenging god. “I don’t want any other slave than you, Nisey, and by the time we leave in the morning, my brand will be stamped on your soul. Never again will you ever doubt my commitment to you.”

  A low moan built in her throat.

  * * * * *

  “Máister!” Her cry of frustration rang out. She jerked against the bonds holding her to the bed. Between her thighs, Caelan growled even as he continued to lash at her already over-sensitive clit. For over thirty minutes he’d kept her poised on the edge of climaxing.

  “Not yet. Don’t even think about coming.” Without looking up to see if she was obeying, he tipped her hips.

  Inside her, she felt the clink of the crystal benwa balls bouncing off each other as they slid deeper. Her muscles greedily grasped at them. As a testament to her body’s enslavement to this man, her orgasm slid away. “Oh, God I want to come! Please, Máister!” Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.

  “You should be careful what you wish for, slave.” His roughened tone promised retribution.

  Her eyes opened. Looking down her body, she took in the hemp rope wrapped around her upturned tits. If she hadn’t been so contrite she’d have been impressed with his work. He’d managed to secure the harness around her without releasing her arms from their bindings.

  The small clamps swayed from the strawberry red tips with every ragged breath she took. Her eyes finally settled on the intensely dominating man between her thighs. His lips were swollen. The shine of her juices could be seen in the low glow spilling over the bed. A shriek left her when his mouth delved back inside her folds.

sp; The flick of his tongue and tug of his teeth against her clit heralded the return of her immanent climax. “Please, Máister.” She couldn’t stop the plea as her thighs began to tremble with the need to come. Her head tossed against the soft pillow. The wet heat of his mouth moved away from her aching bud to suck on the outer lips of her denuded pussy. Oh god, how does he know to do that! The sharp sting of his nip pushed her closer to the edge.

  A gut wrenching moan was torn from her. Two fingers slid inside her to bump against the crystal balls. Tightening her muscles around them she bucked helplessly, intent on the pleasure raking over her.

  “NO!” His hand pressed down on her stomach, effectively pinning her hips to the bed. “Don’t make me get the plug.” The dark promise in his eyes assured her he was more than willing to use the new anal plug he’d bought along for her.

  “No, Máister. I’ll be good!” Gritting her teeth, she focused on canopy above her. Trying to distract her, she tried to count the small roses imprinted into the satin. One, two, three, four, five… Cool air hit her clit and she stumbled. Ah…seven, no…six. I was at six. Six, seven, eight… The pointed end of his tongue pressed down on the hard nubbin before drawing random patterns against it. Gooseflesh raced over her skin. Her fists clenched. She soon realized the patterns he was creating weren’t so random. “Máister?”

  “Hmmm?” His tongue barely paused.

  “What are…you…doing?” Her thoughts scattered as his teeth nipped at her inner thigh.

  “Practicing my cursive.”

  Her head lifted off the pillow. “Excuse me?”

  His eyes met hers. “I’d think you’d be more interesting in what I’m spelling than what I’m doing, slave.” His head dipped low again. “Concentrate and I bet you’ll figure it out.”

  “But…” Fuck! He can’t expect me to figure out what he’s spelling.

  “Figure it out and you get to come.” And it began again.

  Breath rasping in and out, she concentrated on the movements of his tongue, forcing the pleasure back. Was that a N…no…had to two humps….ah god! M… The short stroke followed by a quick tap had her arching off the bed. …Fuck…I…gotta be an I… Her orgasm surged hard against the wall holding it back. His tongue lifted for a moment and his fingers left her aching pussy. Then she heard the small snick of bottle being opened. Opening her eyes, she tried to figure out what was going on. The dark shadows hid his movements. What the hell is he… a low moan tore from her throat as he chided her.

  “Pay attention, slave. What were the first two letters?” His fingers slick with something cool, teased her anus. It greedily tugged at the tips of them.

  “M and I.” she panted just before his tongue lashed at her anew even as his finger slid into her ass to the first knuckle. His tongue mimicked his earlier patterns. M…i…M…i…what the hell does… Her muscles clenched as nirvana approached. “Mimi?”

  Her gasped response had him shaking his head and his tongue leaving her. Her orgasm slipped away again despite the small thrusts of his fingers in her ass.

  “No. Pay closer attention.”

  She flat out whimpered when the torture continued. Exasperated and nearly out of her head, she began to throw out random words. “Mime!” Nearly delirious with need now, she barely noticed his negative response.

  “Close, grá. So close.” The torturous pattern continued. After her fourth or fifth incorrectly shouted word, his fingers slid out of her ass and reached into the bedside table. The clank of it opening and shutting barely registered. “I want you to come all over my face, slave.”

  Still holding her open with his one hand, his tongue slowed and he drew out the pattern. M…i…wait…it’s cursive…two humps…is a N! Realization crashed over her. “Mine!”

  “Yes! Come!” His teeth tugged her clit in his mouth. Intense sexual euphoria engulfed her.

  “Máister!” She jerked as the convulsions hit her body like lightening forcing her from one peak to another. When it finally eased she sank against her bonds, her heart racing and her body trembling in the aftermath.

  His eyes met hers. “Again.”

  The order had her tensing. He surely isn’t expecting me to…I can’t… The smooth rounded head of plug breached her asshole. Ragged pleasure hit her and a scream escaped her as his mouth sealed back over her clit. She bucked, thrashed and fought with all her might as the pleasure turned violent and almost painful. He wasn’t attempting to hold her still now. He was allowing her to buck as she wished, her only restraints were those that he’d placed on her arms and legs.

  “Oh, God. No more!” Her clit felt like it was on fire – so sensitive, hard and swollen. His tongue was relentless, the hand driving the anal plug in and out of her even more so. Her pussy felt so achingly empty despite the clank of the benwa balls. Another flash of pleasurable agony struck her when his free hand yanked off one of her nipple clamps. Blood rushed back into the tortured nub and her body exploded once more, coating the sheets under her with copious amounts of liquid. The balls slid from her at the same time.

  “Fuck yeah.” Caelan’s response to the gushing fluid was a surprise. Scrambling to his knees between her thighs, he slammed his cock inside of her. Once he was seated to the hilt, he stopped. The unexpected fullness she’d never experienced before nearly sent her careening over the edge again.

  “Whose am I, slave?” His question came out like a bark.

  Her dazed eyes focused on him. He wanted me to…what?

  “Whose am I?” His gaze was more intense than she’d ever seen.

  “Mine?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  “That’s right. I’m your Master.” His mouth pressed against hers. She tasted herself on him and moaned.

  “Just as much as you’re my slave!” He began to thrust against her, angling his body to rub against her clit.

  She tossed her head as the pain in her clit morphed to pleasure. “No!”

  His lips drew back in a grimace. “Yes! Again!”

  Her scream rocked the room as agonizing completion consumed her. When she came floating back to Earth, she found him still rock hard inside of her a look of greed on his face.

  "Máister?" Didn't I please him? Uncertainty gripped her.

  His eyes darkened –his demand brutal. "Again."

  Part Three: Learning from a New Master

  Dear Kalinda,

  You’ll be happy to know that my jealousy was unfounded as Caelan was quick to ‘show’ me. But I think I’ve learned my lesson, and one I won’t forget soon. No worries however, I’m sore but in the most pleasant ways as I’m sure you can imagine.

  Despite all that has happened of course, I still find myself leery of returning to the club with your brother. He’s been acting a bit secretive and I’m not sure how I’m going to handle this next step of my training. But as always, I need to trust in my Máister. He’s hasn’t led me astray yet.

  Speaking of astray. I really wish you’d consider coming home. We miss you and if I have to hear your brother put off Josh again about your return, I think I’ll scream. Damn cell phones – it has to be costing Josh a fortune to keep calling. You need to come home and deal with him before I kill him.


  Kneeling naked next to her Master once more in Master Yangchi’s warehouse, Nisey wasn’t surprised when he clicked the leash into place on her collar. Not that she would’ve cared. Her body was pleasantly sore from his dominant claiming last night. I never knew I could come that hard or long. With tender thighs and nipples aching from the clamps, it was hard not to think of the way he’d made her scream in pleasure. He’d stamped his ownership all over her body and she loved every minute of it.

  “Master Caelan, may this slave speak?”

  Even hesitant, Airi’s voice sent shivers of dread through Nisey. Despite Caelan’s thorough claiming, she still felt the sting to her pride that she’d taken another sub’s word over her Master’s. Fuck, what’s she doing here? She was glad she was kneeling with her
head down – Airi was the last person she wanted to see.

  “Of course, slave.” Cold but firm, Caelan’s tone wasn’t surprising.

  There was a telling pause before Airi spoke again. Nisey hoped Caelan’s expression was intimidating to Airi.

  “This slave would like to apologize to Master Caelan and his slave for any mischief she caused last night when she spoke out-of-turn.” There was a deeply drawn-in breath before the next words tumbled out of Airi. “If Master Caelan would like, he may punish this slave for her wrong doing.”

  At the woman’s words, Nisey lifted her head, breaking protocol, her shock so great. The bitch actually wants MY Master to punish her?

  In front of Caelan, Airi knelt less than five feet from Nisey. With her head bowed, her long ebony hair trailed over the floor. Nisey gasped at the fresh marks on the sub’s back. Either she likes to be whipped or she’s been punished already. I bet Máister called Master Yangchi this morning while I was soaking in the tub. An intense feeling of dread filled Nisey.

  Rubbing her cheek against the fabric of Máister’s pant leg, she tried to communicate with him she didn’t want the other sub to suffer any more – all she wanted was to move on past her jealousy.

  A hand brushed over her hair. “What do you say, grá? Should I take a pound of flesh from her for causing you to doubt our relationship?”

  Airi whimpered. Nisey chewed on her lower lip before finally answering. “If the other slave has already been punished for her actions, then this slave sees no reason to have her punished again, Máister.”

  “Look up at me, grá.”

  Lifting her head, she caught his eyes. She wasn’t surprised when he searched them for a moment. “She will be assisting us today with Master Yangchi.” His warning wasn’t lost on her. So if I want to protest, now is the time.

  She swallowed and darted her eyes towards Airi. “May this slave ask why Master Yangchi’s slave felt the need to hurt her so?”


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