by Maureen Orth
mother, relationship with, 18, 25, 29, 32, 44, 84
narcissism of, 32, 46, 64, 150, 200
Oglesby and, 63–66
pathological lying of, 62–64, 84, 102, 143, 177, 181, 193, 200, 208, 217
personality of, 3–4, 27, 32–33, 40
physical appearance of, 23, 70–71
Reese murder and, 322–331, 474
religion and, 24, 30
siblings of, 15
S&M and pornography
and, 72, 136–137, 167–171, 173, 195–196, 208, 209, 225, 244
Thompson and, 84–88, 97–102, 202
Trail and, 104, 109–117, 145, 180–182, 184–187, 189, 190, 201, 211–220, 223–227, 241–242, 246–249, 338–350
Versace, meeting with, 79–81, 427, 457, 458
Versace murder and, 411–429, 469, 474, 522
violence, early signs of, 67–68, 83, 115, 116
Cunanan, Christopher, 15, 17, 19, 21
Cunanan, Elena, 15, 19, 21
Cunanan, MaryAnn Schillaci, 11–25, 30–33, 35, 57, 58, 64, 82–84, 98, 148, 248, 336, 451–452, 511, 512–513
Cunanan, Modesto “Pete,” 12, 19–26, 31, 33–37, 54–59, 63, 67, 72, 110, 148, 261, 452, 511, 512
Cunanan, Regina “Gina,” 15, 20, 21, 48, 54, 57, 82, 206, 336, 512, 513
Cyrus, Donna, 393
Dabiere, Anthony, 89–90, 114, 198, 212
Dahmer, Jeffrey, 273–274
Daley, Richard, 261–262, 295
D’Amico, Antonio, 79, 369, 404, 405, 408, 411, 413, 418, 432, 435, 518
Davis, Jack, 168
Davis, Jerry, 188, 218, 219, 227, 228, 235–237, 240, 246–249, 294, 302, 303
Davis, Mike, 105, 514
Davis, Robbie, 171, 185–190, 201–202, 203, 261
Davis, Sally, 105, 180, 302
De Bethizy, Richard, 211–212
DeFede, Jim, 443, 480
Delaplane, Andrew, 394
Del Ghingaro, Perry, 217–218, 230
DeMars, Kurt, 373–374
Denner, Elisa, 102
Design Industries Founda tion Fighting AIDS (DIFFA), 187, 191
DeSilva, James, 62, 66
DeSilva, Marne, 62
de Wildt, Harry, 77–79, 81, 383, 457–458
Diana, Princess, 6, 371, 484
Dickey, Olive, 285
Dickinson, Janice, 369
Dieter, Agent, 491, 501, 505
Dinesen, Isak, 191
Dixon, Robert, 510
Doerr, Tom, 440, 441, 482, 485, 489
Dolores, Sister, 13, 31
Donahoe, Nancy, 275, 282, 287, 290, 312, 330, 331, 335–336
Donoghue, Edmund, 282–283
Douglas, Lisa, 312–313
Dryer, Jill, 311–312
Dudley, Mike, 459–460
Eads, Tom, 114, 150, 179, 211
Ellis, Bret Easton, 50, 61
Ellis, Perry, 403
Elwell, Linda, 213, 216, 228–234, 243
English, Buzz, 135
Escobar, Ramon, 442–443, 489
Esposito, William, 288, 306, 387, 436–437, 445, 461, 520
Estefan, Emilio, 364
Estefan, Gloria, 364
Evans, Dana, 186–189
Evans, Keith, 389–392, 395–396, 419–420, 433, 488, 492, 500
Ewald, Friedrich, 501–504
Fabrizzi, Roberto, 408
Fahey, Chris, 86, 90, 97–98
Falin, Roger, 377, 439
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 5, 288–290, 292–294, 304–306, 329–330, 335–337, 346, 356, 382–396, 416, 417, 425, 436–437, 444–447, 456–459, 461–464, 468–469, 497–500, 505–506, 522
Fernandez, Wilfredo, 493–494
Feuchtbaum, Lou, 111–112, 114–118
Figueiras, Anne, 396
Finn’s Point National Cemetery, 319–324, 329, 517
Fleissner, Judy, 111–112, 119
Flick, Phil, 158
Ford, Jerry, 62
Ford, Jack, 62
Forti, Enrico “Kico,” 501–502, 503, 507, 509
Foucault, Michel, 173
Frank, Barney, 475
Freeman, Alden, 367
Frivert, Guenter, 173
Fry, Nathan, 138–141
Full Moon Cafe, 340–341, 344, 349
Gacy, John Wayne, 273–274
Galleto, 491, 501, 503–507
Gamache, Chris, 112, 114
Gamma Mu, 143, 152–158, 390, 391, 392, 450
Garcia-Pedrosa, Jose, 521
Gard, Sheila, 100, 103, 200
Garrison, Larry, 512
Gay Men and Lesbians Opposing Violence, 337, 520
Geffen, David, 125–126, 458
Gelber, Seymour, 394–395, 490
Gentes, Jerome, 71–72
Getty, Gordon, 457
Gibson, Ian, 152–153, 157
Gibson, Wade, 395
Giuliani, Rudolph, 508
GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), 521
Gomer, Steven, 76–78, 207–209, 277, 453–454
Gordon, Gregory, 339
Gorski, Charles, 312
Goudie, Chuck, 440–442
Gould, Eli, 75, 76, 79–80, 81, 384
Gramling, Kevin, 117
Gramling, Laura, 117
Graves, Robert, 378
Greenfield, Howard, 154–156
Greenman, Erik, 138, 170, 191–197, 199, 202, 205, 211, 212, 240, 241–242, 245, 258–259, 343, 344, 440, 450, 452, 463, 513
Griffin, Joe, 281, 287, 338, 339, 356
Grotz, George, 459
Gruber, Talarah, 390, 392, 393
Gruenwald, Eric, 80–81, 454
Guilmartin, Bobby, 381
Guzzi, Ben, 219
Hackett, Jon, 215, 227–228, 237, 246, 302
Hagmaier, William, 351–355, 382, 471, 473–474, 475
Hamer, Heidie, 43
Harrington, Arthur, 199, 212, 242, 258, 343
Harris, Daniel, 93, 139
Harry, Deborah, 62–63, 102
Hatley, Stan, 100–101, 151, 166, 169–171, 173, 186, 214–215, 218, 242, 259
Hause, John, 456
Hearn, Lee, 431, 511
Heaven’s Gate cult, 61, 296, 453
Heflin, Lance, 295
Hermann, Jon, 252
Hernandez, Bobby, 479, 480, 482, 484
Hernandez, Miriam, 373–374, 378, 407, 439–440
Hernandez, Roberto, 407, 440
Heyndels, Ralph, 361
Higgins, Ken, 212, 216, 343
Hilken, Kyle, 250–251
Hinckley, John, 474
Holly, Buddy, 71
Hoos, John, 472
Horne, Philip, 207, 454–455
Horyn, Cathy, 360, 427, 428
Hunter, Richard, 169
Hurley, Elizabeth, 206, 370
Huskey, Art, 158
Jackson, Michael, 7
Jackson, Pete, 239–240, 291, 338, 339
January, Jennifer, 28–29, 30
Jarasek, Mark, 266, 310, 332
John, Elton, 7, 368, 370, 371, 475, 484, 519
Johnson, Jerelyn, 30
Johnson, Sharen Shaw, 520
Johnston, Ronald, 55–56
Jones, Gregory, 385, 470–471, 493–494
Jordan, Michael, 351
Jordan, Sarah Colman, 40, 43
Kalamaras, Stella, 145, 313
Kaufman, Todd, 192–194
Keith, Dana, 362
Keith, Slim, 378
Kennedy, John F., Jr., 37
Kerschner, Bruce, 334
Kirschbaum, David, 320, 322
Kish, Robin, 489
Kives, Steve, 352
Knight, Gary, 394, 413–414
Knott, Thomas, 507
Kudrow, Lisa, 205, 207, 455
Labao, Delfin, 11, 20, 21, 26, 58
rfeld, Karl, 81
Lapinski, Karen, 167, 173, 174, 204, 205, 206, 257, 286, 300, 455
Lee, Andrea, 371
Lennertz, Chris, 264
Less Than Zero (Ellis), 50, 61
Letzkus, Joe, 463–464
Leuci, Santina, 5, 450, 451
Lew, Emma, 430–431
Lewis, Michael, 409
Leyva, Dennis, 391–392, 393, 408
Life Outside (Signorile), 122
Lincoln, Calvin, 414
Lo Cascio, Elegie, 106
Lo Cascio, Joe, 106
Loe, Dilia, 391, 392, 397
Long, Bob, 315, 387
Lopez, Stacy, 50–51, 183
Loren, Sophia, 504
Louganis, Greg, 17
Love, Courtney, 370
Lowen, Alexander, 46
Madonna, 207, 364, 444, 519
Madson, Carol, 161, 241, 243–245, 299, 455, 515–516
Madson, Cindy, 164, 253, 297
Madson, David, 159–176, 178, 180, 182–183, 184–191, 198, 200, 201, 203–206, 208–209, 213–218, 225–226, 228–235, 239–249, 299–301, 425, 455
funeral of, 297–298
murder of, 251–259, 286, 340–350, 467, 515–516
Madson, Howard, 161, 164, 241, 244, 245, 247–248, 253, 297–300, 515
Madson, Ralph, 161, 164, 244–248, 253, 298–301
Mallett, Paul, 389, 396–397, 446, 506
Mankarious, Naguib, 516
Mantos, Gary, 409
Marcos, Ferdinand, 59, 71
Marcos, Imelda, 71
Marcus, Paul, 414–418, 424, 444, 468, 481–482, 487
Marks, Jeffrey, 150
Martin, Andrew, 304, 332
Mascarena, Ronnie, 101, 102, 121, 151
Maupin, Armistead, 92, 143
McCaffery, Patrick, 324–326
McCrary, Gregg, 283, 355
McDonald, Liz, 107
McDowell, Colin, 368
McIntosh, Carrie, 319
Melowitz, Hal, 83, 84, 98
Merrill, Philip, 64–68, 73, 78, 81, 82, 147, 383–384, 471–472
Miami Vice, 363–364
Miglin, Duke, 261, 263–264, 277, 308, 309–310, 316–317, 332–334, 350, 356, 466, 483, 516
Miglin, Lee, 13, 95, 168, 261–272, 290, 291, 332–336
funeral of, 307–308
murder of, 261, 274–286, 295–296, 308–317, 327–328, 331, 347, 350–356, 466–467, 469–470, 474, 516
Miglin, Marilyn Klecka, 94, 261–272, 274, 277–281, 284, 285, 291, 307–311, 313–314, 315, 516
Miglin, Marlena, 261, 263, 277
Miglin-Beitler, 261–262, 265, 266, 309, 332, 516
Milk, Harvey, 475
Milstein, Howard, 516
Mingione, Daniel, 388
Monte, Frank, 511
Montenegro, Victor, 414
Moore, Bud, 210
Moore, Michael, 183, 186–187
Morgan Stanley, 398–402
Morris, Lou “Jamie,” 29–30
Moschino, Franco, 403
Mower, Otto, 44, 45, 49, 52
Mr. S Leather Co., 7, 169, 204
Mugler, Thierry, 364
Murphy, Michael, 107
Murray, Anne, 47
Murray, Casey, 185–186, 214
Murray, Paul, 329
Nauck, Steve, 446, 462, 468
Navarro, George, 414, 419–420, 426, 432, 433, 444, 468, 479, 484, 488, 492–493, 497, 501, 522
Nelson, Greg, 162, 213, 229, 232, 244
Nickerson, Jimmy, 409
Noriega, Carlos, 391, 419, 420, 424, 432, 438, 441–443, 479–480
Normandy Plaza Hotel, Miami, 359, 373, 374, 377–378, 439–442
Obejas, Achy, 332
O’Brien, Linda, 486
O’Brien, Shane, 101, 127, 149, 194, 449, 457
Offield, Glen, 137, 138
Oglesby, Elizabeth, 32, 63–66, 70
Okihara, Russell, 146
Olivia, Vivian, 379, 437–438
O’Toole, Daniel, 180–182
Paley, William, 378
Parrott, Candy Trail, 107, 213–214, 235
Patron, Eugene, 387
Pattison, Francis, 13
Payne, Jim, 233, 242
Pelli, Cesar, 262
Pelosi, Richard, 444, 487
Penelas, Alex, 490
Petersen, Doug, 163
Petersen, Wendy, 162–165, 185, 186
Pettit, Cliff, 152, 154, 394
Philip, Paul, 384–385, 389–393, 437, 439, 493, 506
Picasso, Paloma, 364
Pickman, Andrea, 328–329
Pike, Anthony, 506–507
Platania, Craig, 321, 327, 517–518
Plunkett, John, 252, 257
Podesta, Charles, 414, 434
Potter, Constance, 386
Project Lifeguard, 151, 169
Prophet, Clare, 34
Pryor, Dan, 393
Quinn, Christine, 388
Quintana, Lazaro, 413
Ramirez-Murray, Nicole, 91, 96–99, 128, 452, 460–461, 513
Randolph, Hank, 134
Rattan, James, 56–57
Rautbord, Sugar, 265, 278–279, 284–285, 308, 350
Ray, James Earl, 273
Reardon, Michael, 188, 189
Reback, Cathy J., 123
Reese, William, 306, 320–330, 334, 346, 382, 419, 474, 517
Reese, David, 320–321
Reese, Fay, 321
Reese, Nancy, 320
Reese, Rebecca, 321–327, 517
Reese, Troy, 321–325, 327
Reineck, Torsten, 476–477, 490–491, 499–506, 510
Reuter, James, 286–288, 297
Richardson, Lou, 267
Rickett, Kevin, 290, 292, 382, 383, 385, 395–396, 457
Rifat, Anne, 43–44, 484, 574
Rifat, Matthew, 43–46, 49, 51–52, 61, 74, 514
Rifat, Rachel, 43–46, 61, 483–484, 514
Riley, Bud, 157–158
Rinaldi, Rick, 202–203
Rise and Fall of Gay Culture, The (Harris), 93, 139
Rivard, Todd, 251–253, 255–257, 286–289, 292, 294, 305, 339–341, 465
Rock and Royalty (Versace), 371, 484
Rodriguez, David, 414
Rodriguez, Matt, 281–284, 333, 339, 355
Röger, Norbert, 503
Roman, Matthew, 463
Rosen, Jean, 340, 349
Ruben, Billy, 154–155
Rubloff, Arthur, 264
Rucker, Cedric, 203–204, 205, 213, 217
Ruehl, Matthias, 499–503, 510
Rundle, Kathy Fernandez, 432
Rutberg, Sid, 400–401
Ryan, John, 165, 233, 240
Saint Phalle, Niki de, 62
Salvetti, Monique, 173, 185, 188, 191, 217, 230, 232, 234, 236, 243, 246, 255, 257, 301, 339–340
Sanchez, Gus, 416–417, 479, 480, 487–488, 494
Sanders, Kerry, 427
Sands, Israel, 434–435
San Francisco Opera, 7, 77, 79
Saucedo, Andreas, 27
Sawyer, Diane, 450
Scheck, Barry, 5
Schiaffo, Gary, 497, 498, 499
Schiffer, Claudia, 364, 369
Schmidt, Scott, 250–251
Schnabel, Julian, 81
Schwager, Tim, 207, 449
Schwartz, Phyllis, 441
Schwegman, Randall, 286–287, 306, 338–339
Scottolini, Frank, 409, 410
Scrimshaw, Paul, 5, 309, 390–391, 414–417, 419, 420, 421, 424–426, 433–434, 445, 465–469, 475, 487, 497–498, 503, 506, 523
Sedbohm, Caroline, 378
Semerau, John, 170, 208, 210
Setty, Glen, 182
Shadoan, Jesse, 224
Shaffer, Jack, 316–317
Shakur, Tupac, 368
Shaw, Bob, 321, 326, 517
/> Shaw, Linda, 325
Shearer, Monty, 161
Shelton, Charles, 131–132
Shelton, Marian, 132
Sheridan, Laura, 414
Sibley, Richard, 456
Sigler, Paul, 424
Signorile, Michelangelo, 92, 122
Siller, Bobby, 500, 505
Silsdorf, Scott, 108–109
Simer, Kristen, 28, 30, 38
Simon, Eric, 49–50
Simpson, Nicole Brown, 85
Simpson trial, 5, 232–233, 330, 422, 469
Sloggett, Scott, 136–138
Smith, Brian Wade, 89, 127
Smith, Sally Bedell, 378
Smith, Trent, 98
Smith, Willi, 403
Solomon, Tara, 362, 364, 444
Speck, Richard, 273, 274
Spielberg, Steven, 458
Stallone, Sylvester, 364, 369–370
Steinberg, Paul, 501–502, 503, 509–510
Stevens, Cort, 196
Stewart, Barbara, 392–393
Sting, 368, 370, 519
Stokes, Rick, 335
Strauss, Richard, 79
Stravinskas, Emmy, 235,
Stravinskas, Lisa, 105, 118, 234, 235–236, 238, 297, 514
Strehlow, Stephen, 349–350, 515
Stubblefield, Doug, 71, 73–75, 77, 81, 145–146, 167, 173, 182, 384
Suarez, Marcia, 379
Sullivan, Joe, 3, 122, 126–128, 134–135
Sullivan, Kathleen, 228
“Sun God” (Saint Phalle), 62
Swift, Lee, 56–57
Tales of the City (Maupin), 143
Tally, Andre Leon, 364
Tapert, Annette, 378
Taylor, Elizabeth, 7
Thomas, Lindsey, 255–257, 348
Thompson, Charlie, 25, 26, 28
Thompson, Robbins, 84–88, 97, 102, 146–149, 179, 193, 200–203, 212, 224, 296, 328, 341–343, 450, 462–463, 513, 523
Thornton, Kelly, 460
Tichich, Bob, 231–237, 239–249, 252–254, 258, 300–303, 338, 339, 343, 347–348, 388, 469, 515
Toomey, Joseph, 463
Trail, Ann Davis, 105, 234–235, 238, 295, 302, 303, 514
Trail, Jeffrey, 89, 104–119, 145, 151–152, 180–182, 184–190, 201, 211–220
funeral of, 293
murder of, 223–238, 239–249, 256, 339–349, 514
Trail, Stan, 105–107, 234–235, 238, 295, 302
Tubergen, Roy, 288, 416
Twist, Dale, 491–492, 497–498, 500, 502, 504, 508–509
Ulrich, Scott, 25
Updike, John, 378
Urness, Lee, 290, 292, 305, 451
USS Gridley, 108–109
Vanity Fair, 1, 2, 16, 73, 346, 360, 369, 372, 427, 458, 483
Vengenock, Ted, 324, 325
Versace, Donatella, 360, 368–369, 399, 405–406, 427, 431–435, 502, 518–519
Versace, Gianni, 216, 356, 383, 481, 497, 501, 504
autopsy of, 430–431
business empire of, 398–404
cremation of, 434–435
Cunanan, meeting with, 79–81, 428, 457, 458
funeral of, 484