In Bed with the Vampire: A Paranormal Romance (Shifter Dating Service Book 3)

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In Bed with the Vampire: A Paranormal Romance (Shifter Dating Service Book 3) Page 12

by Jasmine Wylder

  And was met by the sight of Marcus sitting calmly next to a tied-up Angelina, a gun pressed to her head.

  His throat went dry as he stumbled to a stop. A couple other vampires were in the room with them. One of them grunted as he picked up the door and set it back into the frame. When it swayed, he leaned it on an angle to keep it up. Then he seized Rainer by the back of the neck, dragged him deeper into the room and shoved him against the wall.

  Rainer ground his teeth as he was patted down and the gun he’d brought taken away.

  He was flipped around, and Marcus smirked at him. “Did you really think I wasn’t watching? I know that you got that human judge to give you tracking equipment. I thought it might be nicer to do this personally. It makes much more sense than relying on phones, don’t you think?”

  “Do what personally?” Rainer snarled.

  Marcus smiled. “Convince you to withdraw your candidacy of course. You can see Angelina here is unharmed, can’t you?”

  He gave Marcus a black glare, then turned his gaze on Angelina. “Have they hurt you?”

  “No.” Angelina struggled against her ropes. “Which is more than I can say for you if you’ve left my son all by himself!”

  Rainer’s brows shot up.

  “Oh, that.” Marcus shrugged. “Morticia stopped by and told us that you’d taken the boy.”

  Of course, she did. Rainer rolled his eyes. What was her deal, anyway?

  “Where is Tommy?” Angelina hissed at him.

  “With a friend. Safe.”

  Angelina didn’t look convinced.

  “We’ll be out of here soon, and you can hold him again,” he promised her, making himself smile. It was the last thing he wanted to do, but it seemed to ease Angelina’s worries. She nodded, sagging into the ropes holding her. Rainer wanted to reassure her, tell her that it was all going to be fine. But he couldn’t, so he turned back to Marcus. “Marcus, you are not a killer. Let us go now, and I’ll forget any of this happened. But if you don’t, then I promise you, you’ll regret it.”

  Marcus burst into laughter. “Can you believe this guy?” he poked Angelina in the ribs with his gun. “Here we stand, I hold all the cards and he’s making demands of me. You know what? Maybe I’ll just kill the both of you.”

  Rainer tensed as Angelina gasped.

  “But then again…” Marcus shook his head. “Nah. Not with Morticia out there. I’d have to kill her, too, because she knows too much. And I like Morticia. Eternity will be pretty dull without her. So, then. I’m going to let you walk away, Rainer. You see that your girl is unharmed and now you can withdraw from the race. Isn’t that generous?”

  Rainer didn’t answer him. Instead, he focused on Angelina. “Angel, I need to tell you something. Jennifer. I didn’t kill her. I came home one day and she… It nearly killed me. I was going to tell you… if things progressed. It just… it’s not something I can talk about easily.”

  Angelina pressed her lips together tightly and didn’t speak.

  After a moment’s pause, Marcus stood. “Okay. Whatever that was, it’s over. Now, Rainer. I’ll give you three days—”

  “Actually,” Rainer interrupted with a drawl, “that’s about how much time I’m giving you.”

  Marcus’ brow furrowed. He forced a laugh, but it was clear he wasn’t as confident as he had been moments ago. “I guess you’re not as smart as I thought. I have all the cards and you—”

  “You should turn on the TV. Channel forty-two.”

  Marcus started at him, then whirled on one of his companions. He jerked his head and the vampire turned on the TV. He quickly found the right channel, and Rainer lounged at the table, grinning widely as his own face appeared on the screen.

  Chapter Ten

  What was he doing?

  Angelina stared at Rainer like she’d never seen him before when he winked at her. He lounged there, looking perfectly at ease. Had he snapped? Had he gone crazy? They were outnumbered, she was tied up, Marcus had a gun. They were completely vulnerable, and he was telling them to turn on the fucking TV?

  Did he really care so little about their lives?

  “If I am found dead or disappear, it means that Marcus Smith killed me to ensure that I would not be elected to be the king of the Starlight Mountains.”

  Angelina’s head whipped around as Rainer’s voice came from the TV. There he was, sitting in his office wearing his suit, hands clasped lightly on his desk as he stared into the camera. Her jaw dropped. So that’s what he was doing? But surely he knew that Marcus could simply kill them, ditch their bodies and never be charged because of lack of evidence?

  “He has abducted my girlfriend, Angelina Williams.”

  “The fuck do you think you’re doing?” Marcus snarled as he turned on Rainer, shoving the gun in his face. “I’ll blow your brains out!”

  “You should put that away and keep watching,” Rainer responded coolly.

  Angelina’s heart pounded against her ribcage. She was certain Marcus was going to pull the trigger. He’d shoot, she’d have to watch Rainer die and then Marcus would kill her. He’d cut her to pieces. He’d feed her to the fish, he’d go after Tommy!

  But he didn’t do any of that. Instead, he snarled and turned back to the TV.

  On screen, Rainer smirked a little. “I’m with him right now, actually. This was pre-recorded, and I made sure to be able to track down where Marcus was when he phoned in with the ransom demand. I am not angry for his actions. It only shows what sort of man he is, what sort of king he would be.”

  Angelina watched, eyes wide. Marcus snarled but stayed where he was. The two goons that came with him tensed, reaching for their weapons. But Marcus waved a hand and they scowled. All the same, they relaxed out of their hostile stances and moved back. A hand brushed against hers and Angelina jumped, but it was only Rainer. He gave her a grin, which honestly did nothing for her nerves, and twined his fingers in hers.

  The recording of Rainer had just finished explaining the situation before he clasped his hands before himself and leaned forward. His expression became grave. Even through the camera lens, Angelina could see the fire in his eyes. It burned hotter even than dragon fire.

  “Marcus Smith has decided to go back to the old way of doing things. Stealing. Threatening. Lying. Well, if that’s the way he wants to do things, then I say let him. And so, this is an official blood challenge. Face me in the arena, Marcus, or forever be branded a coward. It’s your choice.”

  The recording froze, then switched to the newscasters, looking grim.

  “Turn that off,” Marcus snarled.

  One of his goons hurriedly yanked the cord out of the wall. Marcus wheeled on Rainer, who subtly shifted to one side, as though readying himself to leap forward.

  “I suppose you think you’re clever. But have you forgotten that I still hold all the cards here?”

  He stepped toward Angelina. Rainer sprang to his feet, throwing himself in front of her. Angelina strained against the ropes holding her, but they were so tight that it made no difference. She cried out when one of the goons put himself between Marcus and Rainer, punching Rainer hard in the stomach. Rainer bent double, coughing out in pain. Marcus drew his gun and pressed it to the back of Rainer’s head—

  “The Elders!” Angelina screamed.

  Marcus paused. He looked up at her with an arched brow. “Excuse me?”

  “The Elders,” she repeated. Her voice was raspy, and she hardly knew what she was saying but she pressed forward anyway. “They’re from the old days. The old, old days. Do you think that they care about a little thing like kidnapping?”

  Both the goons grabbed Rainer. One of them smashed his face into the table and held his head there while Marcus continued to press the gun into the nape of his neck. Angelina felt her heart pounding so hard that she could barely breathe. Her eyes remained locked on the gun. No. No, it could not happen like this. The last thing she said to him could not be disgusted and disbelieving.

Marcus grabbed her chin and lifted her head. “What are you saying?”

  What was she saying? Right. The Elders. “They don’t care about kidnapping. They have had such long lives, they probably think it’s just what you do when you want to win. Go after every possibility, take every advantage. It might even be in your favor…”

  Marcus cocked his head to the side. He considered her for a moment, then grinned. “If that’s the case, don’t you think merely eliminating my rivals would be just as impressive?”

  “No,” Angelina cried and in a rush of words, “because he was cleverer than you. He won this round. If they’re going to see you as a reasonable choice, then they have to know that you can win. And if you back down from a challenge? What do you think they’ll have to say about that?”

  “As I recall,” Rainer said, grunting in pain but managing to keep a tone of indifference all the same, “the last time one of the kings was issued a blood challenge and refused… the Elders took off his head.”

  “Shut up,” Marcus growled. But there was a flicker of uncertainty in his face. He hesitated a moment, then pulled the gun from Rainer’s head. “Fine. You’re right. The Elders like to make a big stink over this sort of thing. But you,” he whipped around and pressed the gun into Angelina’s chest. Rainer roared, nearly throwing the goons off, but they pressed him down into the table harder. Angelina held her breath, her blood freezing. Marcus grinned. “You are not part of this challenge, you are expendable.”

  “She is not!” Rainer roared. His whole body bucked, making the table jerk, and he managed to free himself from one of the goons. “You hurt her and I swear I kill you right now.”

  “You’re going to attack me now, after your challenge?” Marcus laughed. “I don’t think so.”

  Rainer snarled. “No? Think again.”

  Angelina’s head whirled dizzily. Her breathing was shallow, her hands going numb from being tied so tightly.

  Marcus hesitated then dropped the gun. “So, I kill her, you attack. I have to kill you to stop you from killing me. The Elders freak, they kill me. And that’s that. I suppose you’re smarter than you seem.” He sighed. “Let him up.”

  The goons released Rainer. He sprang up and shoved Marcus aside. Pulling a knife from his pocket, his cut through the ropes holding Angelina. She had been tied for so long that her first full-lunged breath nearly made her topple over. Rainer caught her. He pulled her to her feet before she was ready, and she had to lean on him for support.

  “I’ve got you,” he whispered in her ear, and she never thought his voice could be so soothing as it was now. “Can you walk?”

  Angelina nodded, but when she went to take a step, her legs gave out from under her. Rainer scooped her into his arms.

  “Just take her and get out of here,” Marcus snarled. “But just remember. This challenge. If I do beat you, not only do I get to kill you, but everything you own will belong to me. Including her.”

  Angelina’s breath caught in her throat again, but Rainer turned on him again and snarled. “Angelina does not belong to me. She is not mine; she is her own person.”

  Marcus rolled his eyes. “She’s your girlfriend, that means she’s yours.”

  Angelina opened her mouth, about to snap that she’d have to break up with Rainer first, then, but she closed her mouth again. The gun was still right there in Marcus’ hand and the last day had been hell. The last thing she wanted was to say or do anything that might make Marcus change his mind. She wrapped her arms around Rainer’s neck, whispering that she wanted to go home to her son.

  “She does not belong to me,” Rainer repeated, stepping toward the door. His arms banded tighter around Angelina. “And you, Marcus, better get with this century. Before you find yourself in serious trouble.”

  With a roll of his eyes, Marcus waved his hand at them. Rainer kicked the door down again and strode out. Angelina held tightly to him. The events of the day crashed down on her. Her limbs tingled and hurt from the blood rushing back into them, and she buried her face in Rainer’s neck. The soothing scent of him calmed her somewhat but her emotions showed no sign of slowing down.

  By the time he slid her into the car, tears were rolling down her cheeks. Rainer started off at once, headed away from that crappy little hotel and the dangers that lurked inside.

  “Are you… hurt?” he asked, sounding uncertain.

  Mutely, Angelina shook her head.

  “I can take you to a hospital.”

  “I’m fine.” Angelina was well aware that the tears running down her cheeks indicated that she was not fine, but she managed to smile at him. “Really. I am fine… now. Thank you for coming for me.”

  His hands tightened on the steering wheel. “Always.”


  By the time they got to Rainer’s apartment, Angelina had more or less calmed down. She was at least no longer in tears. A lovely young woman was in the living room, sitting with Tommy, who was watching an episode of Paw Patrol. Angelina was too relieved to see him to care that he was watching TV at this time of day. She rushed forward, scooped him into her arms and started kissing his face.

  “Mommy.” Tommy threw his arms around her neck. “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. I missed you!”

  The young woman stood and wiped her hands on her designer jeans. “You must be Angelina.”

  Angelina nodded as she viewed the other woman. “And you are?”

  “Valerie. I assume I’m free to go now?” she said archly, glaring at Rainer.

  “Yeah. Thanks for your help.”

  Valerie only glared at him in reply. She grabbed a blazer off the back of the couch and stormed out of the apartment. Angelina watched her go with one raised brow and Rainer just shrugged. There was definitely more to that story, but Angelina didn’t care right now. She settled down, holding her boy close as she fought back new tears.

  “Thank you,” she whispered to Rainer.

  He met her eye and nodded. “I know that you care about him more than anything. So, I knew I had to make sure he’d be taken care of.” He sat next to her as Tommy nestled into her arms. He yawned. It was time for his nap, but Angelina didn’t want to let him go. Didn’t want to put him down for a second.

  “Angel.” Rainer’s fingers brushed her knee but quickly withdrew again. “Angel, I wanted to tell you. About Jennifer—but we can talk about this another time.”

  “Yes,” Angelina agreed, then added in a quieter voice, “but I believe you.”

  She wasn’t sure when it had become such a certainty. Sometime after Marcus marched her out of her apartment and before she was tied up in that hotel. But she knew. In the depth of her heart, she knew. Rainer would never hurt someone he loved. He had lost what was most important to him, and he couldn’t talk about it because it hurt too much.

  “I believe you,” she whispered again. “I believe you.”


  Rainer could hardly keep himself back from kissing Angelina as soon as she told him. With Tommy there, though, he had to hold himself back. As soon as he was down for the night, though, he could no longer control himself. He pressed Angelina against the wall and captured her mouth in his. Angelina’s fingers dug into his hair, tangling it into knots. Her hips jerked forward, grinding against him. The effects were instant. He’d been fighting filthy thoughts all day, and he was done fighting his body. He let his hands roam down her spine, clenched around her buttocks, then lifted one leg over his hip. Her thigh was soft, round, perfect to hold.

  When he pulled back, his body was singing with desire. Angelina wrapped her fingers in his shirt and ripped it open. Her hands moved over his chest and abdomen, making his skin tighten. Her pupils were dilated as her chest heaved. She licked her lips, pink and swollen from their kisses. As she leaned back against the wall, she caught his eye and laughed.

  “Why can’t I ever seem to keep my distance from you?”

  Rainer gave her his best grin. It felt… different… than usual. Like his muscles were unused to being used.
And it was only after he cupped her face in his hands pressed another kiss to her mouth that he realized that it wasn’t his smile at all. It was his heart. It burned with a warmth he hadn’t felt in so long. And he could hear her heart, beating fast as her cheeks flushed with desire.

  “Last time we were like this…” Angelina pressed her hands flush to his chest. “You said that it was a mistake because you needed to drink fresh from the vein. Is that still the case?”

  “Yeah.” He gripped her hips in his hands, his gaze dropping to her throat. “I do. I need it. Probably first… But I… need to drink from your wrist first.”

  His gaze flickered back to her as what she had said before came back to him. You drink from the wrist. How did she know that?

  “And when you drink from someone, you can read their mind.”

  “Not exactly. Drinking does form a psychic link, but it’s not as simple as mind reading. And besides that, drinking just once won’t form it that fast. I’ll be able to feel what you feel, but that’s pretty much it.”

  Angelina’s fingers trailed down his chest again. She took his hands in hers and placed them on her breasts. Her kneaded his fingers into her soft flesh, enjoying the way she pressed her head against the wall and moaned.

  “Can I?”

  “Can you what?”

  “Drink from you.”

  However she knew about his preference to drink from the wrist when he was in urgent need, he could find out later. She had also said there was something she needed to tell him. That could wait, too. His mouth watered as her smell curled into his nostrils. He wanted her so badly, anything could wait until later.

  Angelina’s eyes darkened with lust as she nodded. She held out her wrist silently, and he traced the delicate veins with his tongue. She was sweet and salty, his favorite combination. His fangs throbbed with need and he bit down on her. Her body stiffened as she let out a soft gasp; the smell of her arousal filled the air, and she grabbed his loose shirt with her free hand.


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