Maid for a Magnate

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Maid for a Magnate Page 2

by Jules Bennett

  Pulling in a deep breath, Catalina turned, keeping her shoulders back and her chin high. She would not be intimidated by sexy good looks, flawless charm and that knowing twinkle in Will’s eye. Chemistry wouldn’t get her what she wanted out of life...all she’d end up with was another broken heart.

  “I have a lot on my list today.” She stared at his ear, trying to avoid those piercing aqua eyes. “Your dad should be in his den if you’re looking for him.”

  “Our business is already taken care of.” Will’s hand dropped, but he didn’t step back; if anything, he shifted closer. “Now you and I are going to talk.”

  “Which is just another area where we differ,” she retorted, skirting around him to cross in front of the mantel and head to the other wall of built-in bookcases. “We have nothing to discuss.”

  Of course he was right behind her. The man had dropped her so easily four years ago yet in the past few weeks, he’d been relentless. Perhaps she just needed to be more firm, to let him know exactly where she stood.

  “Listen.” She spun back around, brandishing her feather duster at him. Maybe he’d start sneezing and she could make a run for it. “I’ve no doubt you want to talk about that kiss. We kissed. Nothing we hadn’t done before.”

  Of course this kiss was so, so much more; it had penetrated to her very soul. Dammit.

  “But I’m not the same girl you used to know,” she continued, propping her hand on her hip. “I’m not looking for a relationship, I’m not looking for love. I’m not even interested in you anymore, Will.”

  Catalina nearly choked on that lie, but she mentally applauded herself for the firmness in her delivery and for stating all she needed to. She wasn’t about to start playing whatever game Will had in mind because she knew one thing for certain...she’d lose.

  Will stepped closer, took hold of her wrist and pulled her arm gently behind her back. Her body arched into his as she gripped her feather duster and tried to concentrate on the bite of the handle into her palm and not the way those mesmerizing eyes were full of passion and want.

  “Not interested?” he asked with a smirk. “You may be able to lie to yourself, Cat, but you can never lie to me. I know you too well.”

  She swallowed. “You don’t know me at all if you think I still like to be called Cat.”

  Will leaned in until his lips caressed the side of her ear. “I want to stand out in your mind,” he whispered. “I won’t call you what everyone else does because our relationship is different.”

  “We have nothing but a past that was a mistake.” She purposely threw his words back in his face and she didn’t care if that was childish or not.

  Struggling against his hold only caused her body to respond even more as she rubbed against that hard, powerful build.

  “You can fight this all you want,” he said as he eased back just enough to look into her eyes. “You can deny you want me and you can even try to tell yourself you hate me. But know this. I’m also not the same man I used to be. I’m not going to let you get away this time.”

  Catalina narrowed her gaze. “I have goals, Will, and you’re not on my list.”

  A sultry grin spread across his face an instant before he captured her lips. His body shifted so that she could feel just how much he wanted her. Catalina couldn’t stop herself from opening her mouth for him and if her hands had been free, she probably would’ve fully embarrassed herself by gripping his hair and holding him even tighter.

  Damn this man she wanted to hate, but couldn’t.

  He demanded her affection, demanded desire from her and she gave it. Mercy, she had no choice.

  He nipped at her, their tongues tangling, before he finally, finally lifted his head and ran a thumb across her moist bottom lip.

  “I have goals, too, Cat,” he murmured against her mouth. “And you’re on the top of my list.”

  The second he released her, she had to hurry to steady herself. By the time she’d processed that full-on arousing attack, Will was gone.

  Typical of the man to get her ready for more and leave her hanging. She just wished she still wasn’t tingling and aching all over for more of his touch.


  Will sat on his patio, staring down at his boat and contemplating another plan of action. Unfortunately his cell phone rang before he could fully appreciate the brilliant idea he’d just had.

  His father’s name popped up on the screen and Will knew without answering what this would be about. It looked as if Patrick Rowling had just got wind of Will’s latest business actions.

  “Afternoon,” he greeted, purposely being more cheerful than he assumed his father was.

  “What the hell are you doing with the Cortes Real Estate company?”

  Will stared out onto the sparkling water and crossed his ankles as he leaned back in his cushioned patio chair. “I dropped them.”

  “I’m well aware of that seeing as how Dominic called me to raise hell. What were you thinking?” his father demanded. “When you steamrolled into the head position, I thought you’d make wise moves to further the family business and make it even more profitable into the next generation. I never expected you to sever ties with companies we’ve dealt with for decades.”

  “I’m not hanging on to business relationships based on tradition or some sense of loyalty,” Will stated, refusing to back down. “We’ve not gained a thing in the past five years from the Corteses and it was time to cut our losses. If you and Dom want to be friends, then go play golf or something, but his family will no longer do business with mine. The bottom line here is money, not hurt feelings.”

  “You should’ve run this by me, Will. I won’t tolerate you going behind my back.”

  Will came to his feet, pulled in a deep breath of ocean air and smiled because he was in charge now and his father was going to start seeing that the “good” twin wasn’t always going to bend and bow to Patrick’s wishes. Will was still doing the “right thing,” it just so happened the decisions made were Will’s version of right and not his father’s.

  “I’m not sneaking at all,” Will replied, leaning against the scrolling wrought iron rail surrounding his deck. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know, but since I’m in charge now, I’m not asking for permission, either.”

  “How many more phone calls can I expect like the one I got from Cortes?”

  His father’s sarcasm wasn’t lost on Will.

  “None for the time being. I only let one go, but that doesn’t mean I won’t cut more ties in the future if I see we aren’t pulling any revenue in after a period of time.”

  “You run your decisions by me first.”

  Giving a shrug even though his father couldn’t see him, Will replied, “You wanted the golden son to take over. That’s exactly what I’m doing. Don’t second-guess me and my decisions. I stand to gain or lose like you do and I don’t intend to see our name tarnished. We’ll come out on top if you stop questioning me and let me do this job the way it’s meant to be done.”

  Patrick sighed. “I never thought you’d argue with me.”

  “I’m not arguing. I’m telling you how it is.”

  Will disconnected the call. He wasn’t going to get into a verbal sparring match with his father. He didn’t have time for such things and nothing would change Will’s mind. He’d gone over the numbers and cross-referenced them for the past years. Though that was a job his assistant could easily do, Will wanted his eyes on every report since he was taking over. He needed to know exactly what he was dealing with and how to plan accordingly.

  His gaze traveled back to his yacht nestled against his private dock. Speaking of planning accordingly, he had more personal issues to deal with right now. Issues that involved one very sexy maid.

  It had taken a lifeless, arranged relationship with Bella to really wake Wi
ll up to the fact his father had his clutches so tight, Will had basically been a marionette his entire life. Now Will was severing those strings, starting with the ridiculous notion of his marrying Bella.

  Will was more than ready to move forward and take all the things he’d been craving: money and Cat. A beautiful combo to start this second stage of his life.

  And it would be soon, he vowed to himself as he stalked around his outdoor seating area and headed inside. Very soon he would add to his millions, secure his place as head of the family business by cementing its leading position in the oil and real estate industries and have Cat right where he wanted her...begging.

  * * *

  Catalina couldn’t wait to finish this day. So many things had come up that hadn’t been on her regular schedule...just another perk of working for the Rowling patriarch. She had her sights set on getting home, taking off her ugly, sensible work shoes and digging into another sewing project that would give her hope, get her one step closer to her ultimate goal.

  This next piece she’d designed late last night would be a brilliant, classy, yet fun outfit to add to her private collection. A collection she fully intended to take with her when she left Alma very soon.

  Her own secret goal of becoming a fashion designer had her smiling. Maybe one day she could wear her own stylish clothes to work instead of boring black cotton pants and button-down shirt with hideous shoes. Other than her mother, nobody knew of Catalina’s real dream, and she had every intention of keeping things that way. The last thing she needed was anyone trying to dissuade her from pursuing her ambitions or telling her that the odds were against her. She was fully aware of the odds and she intended to leap over them and claim her dream no matter how long it took. Determination was a hell of a motivator.

  She came to work for the Rowlings and did her job—and that was about all the human contact she had lately. She’d been too wrapped up in materials, designs and fantasies of runway shows with her clothing draped on models who could fully do her stylish fashions justice.

  Not that Catalina hated how she looked, but she wasn’t blind. She knew her curvy yet petite frame wasn’t going to get her clothing noticed. She merely wanted to be behind the scenes. She didn’t need all the limelight on her because she just wanted to design, no more.

  As opposed to the Rowling men who seemed to crave the attention and thrive on the publicity and hoopla.

  Adjusting the fresh arrangement of lilacs and white calla lilies in the tall, slender crystal vase, Catalina placed the beautiful display on the foyer table in the center of the open entryway. There were certain areas where Patrick didn’t mind her doing her own thing, such as choosing the flowers for all the arrangements. She tended to lean toward the classy and elegant...which was the total opposite of the man she worked for.

  James on the other hand had more fun with her working here and he actually acknowledged her presence. Patrick only summoned her when he wanted to demand something. She hated thinking how much Will was turning into his father, how business was ruling him and consuming his entire life.

  Will wasn’t in her personal life anymore, no matter how much she still daydreamed about their kisses. And Patrick would only be her employer for a short time longer. She was hoping to be able to leave Alma soon, leave behind this life of being a maid for a man she didn’t care for. At least James was pleasant and a joy to work for. Granted, James hadn’t betrayed Cat’s mother the way Patrick had. And that was just another reason she wanted out of here, away from Patrick and the secret Cat knew about him.

  Catalina shoved those thoughts aside. Thinking of all the sins from Patrick’s past wouldn’t help her mood.

  Patrick had been deceitful many years ago and Catalina couldn’t ignore her mother’s warning about the Rowling men. Even if Will had no clue how his father had behaved, it was something Catalina would never forget. She was only glad she’d found out before she did something foolish like fall completely in love with Will.

  Apparently the womanizing started with Patrick and trickled down to his sons. James had been a notorious player before Bella entered his life. After all, there was nothing like stealing your twin brother’s girl, which is what James had done to Will. But all had worked out in the end because Bella and James truly did love each other even if the way they got there was hardly normal. Leave it to the Rowlings and the Montoros to keep life in Alma interesting.

  Catalina just wished those recent kisses from Will weren’t overriding her mother’s sound advice and obvious common sense.

  Once the arrangement was to her liking—because perfection was everything whether you were a maid or a CEO—Catalina made her way up the wide, curved staircase to the second floor. The arrangements upstairs most likely needed to be changed out. At the very least, she’d freshen them up with water and remove the wilting stems.

  As she neared the closed door of the library, she heard the distinct sound of a woman sobbing. Catalina had no clue who was visiting. No women lived here, and she’d been in the back of the house most of the morning and hadn’t seen anyone come in.

  The nosy side of her wanted to know what was going on, but the employee side of her said she needed to mind her own business. She’d been around the Rowling family enough to know to keep her head down, do her job and remember she was only the help.

  Inwardly she groaned. She hated that term. Yes, she was a maid, but she was damn good at her job. She took pride in what she did. No, cleaning toilets and washing sheets wasn’t the most glam of jobs, but she knew what she did was important. Besides, the structure and discipline of her work was only training her for the dream job she hoped to have someday.

  The rumble of male voices blended in with the female’s weeping. Whatever was going on, it was something major. Catalina approached the circular table in the middle of the wide hall. As she plucked out wilted buds here and there, the door to the library creaked open. Catalina focused on the task at hand, though she was dying to turn to see who came from the room.


  She cringed at the familiar voice. Well, part of her curiosity was answered, but suddenly she didn’t care what was going on in that room. She didn’t care who Will had in there, though Catalina already felt sorry for the poor woman. She herself had shed many tears over Will when he’d played her for a fool, getting her to think they could ignore their class differences and have a relationship. “I need to see you for a minute.”

  Of course he hadn’t asked. Will Rowling didn’t ask...he demanded.

  Stiffening her back, she expected to see him standing close, but when she turned to face him, she noted he was holding onto the library door, with only the top half of his body peeking out of the room.

  “I’m working,” she informed him, making no move to go see whatever lover’s spat he was having with the unknown woman.

  “You need to talk to Bella.”

  Bella? Suddenly Catalina found herself moving down the hall, but Will stepped out, blocking her entry into the library. Catalina glanced down to his hand gripping her bicep.

  “Her aunt Isabella passed away in the middle of the night,” he whispered.

  Isabella Montoro was the grand matriarch of the entire Montoro clan. The woman had been around forever. Between Juan Carlos being named the true heir to the throne and now Isabella’s death, the poor family was being dealt one blow after another.

  Will rubbed his thumb back and forth over Catalina’s arm. “You know Bella enough through James and I figured she’d want another woman to talk to. Plus, I thought she could relate to you because...”

  Swallowing, she nodded. When she and Will had dated briefly, Catalina had just lost her grandmother, a woman who had been like a second mother to her. Will had seen her struggle with the loss...maybe the timing of the loss explained why she’d been so naïve to think she and Will could have a future together. For that moment
in time, Catalina had clung to any hope of happiness and Will had shown her so much...but it had all been built on lies.

  Catalina started to move by him, but his grip tightened. “I don’t want to bring up bad memories for you.” Those aqua eyes held her in place. “As much as Bella is hurting, I won’t sacrifice you, so tell me if you can’t go in there.”

  Catalina swallowed as she looked back into those eyes that held something other than lust. For once he wasn’t staring at her as if he wanted to rip her clothes off. He genuinely cared or at least he was playing the part rather well. Then again, he’d played a rather impressive role four years ago pretending to be the doting boyfriend.

  Catalina couldn’t afford to let her guard down. Not again with this man who still had the power to cripple her. That kiss weeks ago only proved the control he still had and she’d never, ever let him in on that fact. She could never allow Will to know just how much she still ached for his touch.

  “I’ll be fine,” she replied, pulling her arm back. “I’d like to be alone with her, though.”

  Will opened his mouth as if to argue, but finally closed it and nodded.

  As soon as Catalina stepped inside, her heart broke. Bella sat in a wingback chair. James rested his hip on the arm and Bella was curled into his side sobbing.

  “James.” Will motioned for his twin to follow him out.

  Leaning down, James muttered something to Bella. Dabbing her eyes with a tissue, Bella looked up and saw she had company.

  Catalina crossed to the beautiful woman who had always been known for her wild side. Right now she was hurting over losing a woman who was as close as a mother to her.

  The fact that Will thought Catalina could offer comfort, the fact that he cared enough to seek her out, shouldn’t warm her heart. She couldn’t let his moment of sweetness hinder her judgment of the man. Bella was the woman he’d been in a relationship with only a month ago. How could Catalina forget that? No matter the reasons behind the relationship, Catalina couldn’t let go of the fact that Will would’ve said I do to Bella had James not come along.


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