Maid for a Magnate

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Maid for a Magnate Page 10

by Jules Bennett

  Cat laughed as she slid down a bit further in the chair and gazed down at him beneath heavy lids. “If your father could see you on the floor rubbing his maid’s feet, you’d lose your prestigious position at Rowling Energy.”

  Will froze, holding her gaze. It may have been a lighthearted joke, but there was so much truth to her statement about how angry this would make his father. But Will had already set in motion his plan to freeze his father out of the company.

  Besides, right now, Will didn’t care about Patrick or Rowling Energy. What he did care about was the woman who was literally turning to putty in his hands. Finally, he was going to show her exactly what they could be together and anticipation had his heart beating faster than ever.

  “Does this feel good?” he asked.

  Her reply was a throaty moan, sexy enough to have his body responding.

  “Then all of the other stuff outside of this cabin doesn’t matter.”

  Blinking down at him, Cat replied, “Not to me, but I bet if your father made you choose, you’d be singing a different tune.”

  Just like last time.

  The unspoken words were so deafening, they actually drowned out the beating of the rain and the wind against the small shelter.

  Will’s best option was to keep any answer to himself. He could deny the fact, but he’d be lying. He’d worked too hard to get where he was to just throw it all away because of hormones.

  At the same time, he planned on working equally as hard to win over Cat. There was no reason he had to give up anything.

  His hand glided up to her ankle, then her calf. She said nothing as her eyes continued to hold his. He purposely watched her face, waiting for a sign of retreat, but all that was staring back at him was desire.

  There was a silent message bouncing between them, that things were about to get very intimate, very fast.

  The old cabin creaked and groaned against the wind’s force. Cat tensed beneath him.

  “You’re safe,” he assured her softly, not wanting to break this moment of trust she’d settled into with him. “This place is so old. I know it has withstood hurricanes. This little storm won’t harm the cabin or us.”

  And there weren’t any huge trees around, just thick bushes and flowers, so they weren’t at risk for anything falling on them.

  Right now, the only thing he needed to be doing was pushing through that line of defense Cat had built up. And from her sultry grin and heavy lids, he’d say he was doing a damn fine job.

  * * *

  Catalina should tell him to stop. Well, the common sense side of her told her she should. But the female side, the side that hadn’t been touched or treasured in more time than she cared to admit, told her common sense to shut up.

  Will had quite the touch. She had no idea the nerves in your feet could be so tied into all the girly parts. She certainly knew it now. Every part of her was zipping with ache and need. If he commanded her to strip and dance around the room naked, she would. The power he held over her was all-consuming and she was dying to know when he was going to do more.

  She’d walked straight into this with her eyes wide open. So if she was having doubts or regrets already, she had no one to blame but herself. Though Catalina wasn’t doubting or regretting. She was aching, on the verge of begging him to take this to the next level.

  Catalina’s head fell back against the chair as his hands moved to her other calf, quickly traveling up to her knee, then her thigh. She wanted to inch down further and part her legs just a tad, but that would be a silent invitation she wasn’t quite brave enough for.


  “I’ve wanted to touch you for so long,” he muttered, barely loud enough for her to hear over the storm. “I’ve watched you for the past four years, wondering if you ever thought of me. Wondering if you ever fantasized about me the way I did you.”

  Every. Single. Night.

  Which was a confession she wasn’t ready to share. The ball was in his court for now and she planned on just waiting to see how this played out.

  He massaged her muscles with the tips of his fingers and the room became hotter with each stroke. If the man could have such power over her with something so simple as a foot massage, how would her body react once Will really started showing her affection?

  “Do you remember that time your mother caught us making out?” he asked with a half laugh.

  At the time, Catalina had been mortified that her mother caught them. But it wasn’t until after the breakup that she realized why her mother had been so disappointed.

  Patrick Rowling had really done a number on Catalina’s mum. And it was those thoughts that could quickly put a bucket of cold water on this encounter, but she refused to allow Patrick to steal one more moment of happiness from her life...he’d already taken enough from her.

  Will may not be down on his knees proposing marriage, but he was down on his knees showing her affection. And maybe she hoped that would be a stepping-stone to something more... But right now, that was all she wanted. She’d fought this pull toward him for too long. She hadn’t wanted to let herself believe they could be more, but now she couldn’t deny herself. She couldn’t avoid the inevitable...she was falling for Will all over again.

  “She didn’t even know we were dating,” Catalina murmured, her euphoric state suddenly overtaking her ability to speak coherently.

  “Not many people did. That’s when I realized I didn’t want to keep us a secret anymore.”

  And that had been the start of their spiral toward the heartbreak she’d barely recovered from.

  Once they were an “official” item, Patrick had intervened and put a stop to his good son turning to the maid. Shocking, since turning to the staff for pleasure certainly hadn’t been below Patrick at one time. Not that what Catalina and Will shared had been anything like that. But the idea that Patrick could act as if he were so far above people was absolutely absurd.

  “Don’t tense on me now,” Will warned. “You’re supposed to be relaxing.”

  Catalina blew out a breath. “I’m trying. It’s just hard when I’m stuck between the past and whatever is happening to us now.”

  Will came up to his knees, easing his way between her parted legs, his hands resting on the tops of her thighs, his fingertips brushing just beneath the hem of her dress.

  “It’s two different times. We’re two different people. There’s nothing to compare. Focus on now.”

  She stared down at those bright blue eyes, the wide open shirt and something dark against his chest. Was that...

  “Do you have a tattoo?” she asked, reaching to pull back the shirt.

  He said nothing as she eased the material aside. The glimpse she got wasn’t enough. Catalina didn’t ask, she merely gripped the shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. Will shifted until it fell to the floor.

  Sure enough, black ink swirled over the left side of his chest and over his shoulder. She had no idea what the design was. All she knew was that it was sexy.

  Without asking, she reached out and traced a thin line over his heart, then on up. The line thickened as it curled around his shoulder. Taut muscles tensed beneath her featherlight touch.

  Catalina brought her gaze up to Will’s. The intensity of his stare made her breath catch in her throat and stilled her hand.

  “Don’t stop,” he whispered through clenched teeth.


  His hand came up to cover hers. “Touch me, Cat.”

  He’d just handed her the reins.

  With just enough pressure, he flattened her hand between his palm and his shoulder. The warmth of his skin penetrated her own, the heat sliding through her entire body.

  “I—I want to but—”

  She shook her head, killing the rest of her fears before they could be releas
ed and never taken back.

  “But what?” he muttered, pushing her hair behind her ear, letting his fingertips trail over her cheek, her jawline and down her neck until she trembled.

  “I’m not sure I can go any farther than that,” she confessed. “I don’t want to tease you.”

  “I’ve fantasized about you touching me like this for years. You’re not teasing, you’re fulfilling a fantasy.”

  Catalina stared into those aqua eyes and knew without a doubt he was serious. The fact that he’d been dreaming of her for this long confused her further, brought on even more questions than answers.

  “Don’t go there,” he warned as if he knew where her thoughts were headed. “Keep touching me, Cat. Whatever happens here is about you and me and right this moment. Don’t let past memories rob us of this time together.”

  Catalina opened her mouth, but Will placed one finger over her lips. “I have no expectations. Close your eyes.”

  Even though her heart beat out of control from anticipation and a slither of fear of the unknown, she did as he commanded.

  “Now touch me. Just feel me, feel this moment and nothing else.”

  His tone might have been soft, but everything about his words demanded that she obey. Not that he had to do much convincing. With her eyes closed, she wasn’t forced to look at the face of the man who’d broken her heart. She wanted this chance to touch him, to ignore all the reasons why this was such a bad idea. But she couldn’t look into those eyes and pretend that this was normal, that they were just two regular people stranded in an old shack.

  With her eyes closed she actually felt as if they were regular people. She could pretend this was just a man she ached for, not a man who was a billionaire with more power than she’d ever see.

  With her eyes closed she could pretend he wanted her for who she was and not just because she was a challenge.

  Catalina brought her other hand up and over his chest. If she was given the green light to explore, she sure as hell wanted both hands doing the job. Just as she smoothed her palms up and over his shoulders, over his thick biceps, she felt the knot on her wrap dress loosen at her side.

  Her eyes flew open. “What are you doing?”

  “Feeling the moment.”

  The dress parted, leaving her torso fully exposed. “You don’t play fair.”

  The heat in his eyes was more powerful than any passion she’d ever seen. “I never will when it comes to something I want.”

  “You said—”

  “I’d never force you,” he interrupted, gliding his fingertips over the straps of her bikini that stretched from behind her neck to the slopes of her breasts. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t try to persuade you.”

  As the rain continued to beat against the side of the shack, Catalina actually found herself happy that she was stuck here. Perhaps this was the push she needed to follow through with what she truly wanted. No, she wasn’t looking for happily-ever-after, she’d never be that naïve again where Will was concerned. But she was older now, was going into this with both eyes wide open.

  And within the next couple months, hopefully she’d be out of Alma and starting her new life. So why not take the plunge now with a man she’d always wanted? Because he was right. This was all about them, here and now. Everything else could wait outside that door.

  For now, Catalina was taking what she’d wanted for years.


  Catalina came to her feet. From here on out she was taking charge of what she’d been deprived of and what she wanted...and she wanted Will. Whatever doubts she had about sleeping with him wouldn’t be near as consuming as the regret she’d have if she moved away and ignored this opportunity.

  The moment she stood before him, Will sank back down on the floor and stared up at her as her dress fell into a puddle around her feet. As she stepped away and kicked the garment aside, his eyes roamed over her, taking in the sight of the bikini and nothing else.

  The image of him sitting at her feet was enough to give her a sense of control, a sense of dominance. The one time when it counted most, she didn’t feel inferior.

  Will could’ve immediately taken over, he could’ve stood before her and taken charge, but he’d given her the reins.

  “That bikini does some sinful things to your body.” He reached out, trailed his fingertips over the sensitive area behind her knee and on up to her thigh. “Your curves are stunning, Cat. Your body was made to be uncovered.”

  “How long have you wanted me, Will?” she asked, needing to know this much. “Did you want me when we were together before?”

  “More than anything,” he rasped out, still sliding his fingers up and down the backs of her legs. “But I knew you were a virgin and I respected you.”

  “What if I were a virgin now?” she asked, getting off track. “Would you still respect me?”

  “I’ve always respected you.” He came up to his knees, putting his face level with her stomach. He placed a kiss just above her bikini bottoms before glancing up at her. “And I don’t want to discuss if there’s been another man in your bed.”

  With a move she hadn’t expected, he tossed her back into the chair and stood over her, his hands resting on either side of her head. “Because I’m the only man you’re going to be thinking of right now.”

  “I’ve only been with one other, but you’re the only man I’ve ever wanted in my bed,” she admitted. “I need you to know that.”

  Maybe she was naïve for letting him in on that little piece of information she’d kept locked in her heart for so long, but right now, something more than desire was sparking between them. He was too possessive for this to just be something quick and easy.

  They weren’t just scratching an itch, but she had no clue what label to put on what was about to happen. Which was why she planned on not thinking and just feeling. This bond that was forming here was something she’d have to figure out later...much later.

  “All I need to know is that you want this as much as I do,” he told her. “That you’re ready for anything that happens because I can’t promise soft and gentle. I’ve wanted you too long.”

  A shiver of arousal speared through her. “I don’t need gentle, Will. I just need you.”

  In an instant his lips crushed hers. She didn’t know when things had shifted, but in the span of about two minutes, she’d gone from questioning sex with Will to nearly ripping his shorts off so she could have him.

  Will’s strong hands gripped her hips as he shifted the angle of his head for a deeper kiss. Cat arched her body, needing to feel as much of him as possible. There still didn’t seem to be enough contact. She wanted more...she wanted it all. The need to have everything she’d deprived herself of was now an all-consuming ache.

  “Keep moaning like that, sweetheart,” he muttered against her lips. “You’re all mine.”

  She hadn’t even realized she’d moaned, which just proved how much control this man had over her actions.

  Gripping his shoulders, she tried to pull him down further, but he eased back. With his eyes locked onto hers, he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his board shorts and shoved them to the floor. Stepping out of them he reached down, took her hand and pulled her to her feet.

  Keeping her eyes on his, she reached behind her neck and untied her top. It fell forward as she worked on the knot. Soon they’d flung the entire scrap of fabric across the room. Will’s eyes widened and his nostrils flared.

  Excitement and anticipation roiled through her as she shoved her bottoms down without a care. She had no clue who reached for whom first, but the next second she was in his arms, skin to skin from torso to knees and she’d never felt anything better in her entire life.

  Will’s arms wrapped around her waist, his hands splaying across her bare back. He spun her around and
sank down into the chair, pulling her down with him. Instinctively her legs straddled his hips. Catalina fisted her fingers in his hair as his lips trailed down her throat.

  “So sexy,” he murmured against her heated skin. “So mine.”

  Yes. She was his for now...maybe she always had been.

  When his mouth found her breast, his hands encircled her hips. She waited, aching with need.

  “Will,” she panted, not recognizing her own voice. “Protection.”

  With his hair mussed, his lids heavy, he looked up. “I don’t have any with me. Dammit, they’re on the yacht. I didn’t expect to get caught out here like this.” Cursing beneath his breath, he shook his head. “I’m clean. I swear I wouldn’t lie about something like that. I haven’t been with a woman in...too long, and I recently had a physical.”

  “I know I’m clean and I’m on birth control.”

  He gave her a look, silently asking what she wanted to do. Without another word she slowly sank down onto him, so that they were finally, fully joined after years of wanting, years of fantasizing.

  Their sighs and groans filled the small room. Wind continued to beat against the window as rain pelted the tin roof. Everything about this scenario was perfect. Even if they were in a rundown shed, she didn’t care. The ambiance was amazingly right. The storm that had swept through them over the years only matched Mother Nature’s fury outside the door. This was the moment they were supposed to be together, this was what they’d both waited for so long.

  “Look at me,” he demanded, his fingertips pressing into her hips.

  Catalina hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes, but she opened them and found herself looking into Will’s bright, expressive aqua eyes. He may be able to hold back his words, but those eyes told her so much. Like the fact that he cared for her. This was sex, but there was so much more going much more they’d discuss later.


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