Scales Of Justice

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Scales Of Justice Page 31

by C. R. Daems

  She and Kit found a place where the prisoners had made room for them, and sat.

  "I doubt the new guys will mind missing a meal. They don't like the food anyway," one of the men said.

  "Men, I'd like you to meet my ward, Kit, a little street rat from Sattah."

  "She must be a real street rat, the way she's eating the food," the man said, to numerous laughs.

  They stayed almost two hours-Jola telling stories of the campaign, and Kit telling about life in Sattah. The guards were as interested as the prisoners. She and Kit enjoyed themselves, and delivered small entertainment to men who had little to look forward to.

  On the way out, Jola pulled the sergeant aside. "Sergeant, please give the prisoners and your guards a treat on me tomorrow," Jola said, handing him a small purse of silvers.

  * * *

  "Good morning, Mistress; I understand the ex-nobles didn't enjoy your company or the food," Thomas said with a wry smile.

  "I don't understand it, Lord Thomas. The food was excellent, right, Kit?" Jola said, and looked to Kit, who'd had two helpings the previous night.

  "Yes, Mistress. It was good," Kit said, already evaluating the food being served for breakfast.

  Lord Thomas choked and had to have a sip of water to recover. "She actually liked the food?"

  "Kit was raised on the streets of Sattah, Lord Thomas. Any street rat knows the only bad meal is a meal you've missed," Jola said.

  * * *

  Halt, in the name of Count Lazare!" a sergeant shouted, from the middle of a group of soldiers blocking the road to Astraea on which Jola and Kit were traveling.

  Jola stopped and looked at the ten soldiers and the two nobles among them. She recognized Count Lazare and his son.

  "Have you come to apologize for your earlier breach of conduct?" Jola asked. She knew by the way Kedge sneered that they meant trouble.

  "Kit, I want you to be very alert, like on the streets or in the alleys. These are bad men, and you'll need to escape into the woods as soon as you can. If something happens to me, go back to Iron Hills. Tell them that you're Mistress Jola's ward, and you want to go to the monastery at Astraea. Tell the sisters at the monastery that you're my ward. They'll take care of you. That will be your new home," Jola whispered in Kit's ear as she waited to see what the group would do.

  "I don't want to leave you," Kit pleaded.

  "If you escape, it'll be easier for me to get free, Kit. Just like on the streets, we have to split up for a while," Jola said, although she didn't believe she would get free this time. Kedge would kill her, or the soldiers would.

  "Yes, Mistress, I'll get free," Kit said, and Jola gave her a tight squeeze.

  "Sergeant, get that kid," Lazare said. "You'll fight my son, or I'll have the kid killed."

  "Yes, that explains the coward you have for a son. His father would kill an innocent child to indulge his fantasies." Jola hugged Kit one last time.

  "This time he'll cut you into ribbons. He had been poorly trained last time. My new weapons master has made him a master, as well," Lazare said, as the sergeant rode up, grabbed Kit and yanked her over to his saddle.

  "Sir Kedge is more than ready for the likes of you, bitch. I taught him how real soldiers fight," the sergeant said.

  "In the name of King Nicolas, I, Judicator Jola, have resolved beyond any man's right to question the guilt of Count Lazare and his son. I decree the following:

  "First, they are guilty of treason.

  "Second, they forfeit their titles and lands.

  "Third, they be confined to the iron mines for the rest of their lives.

  "So say the Judicators of Pyxus," Jola chanted, to the nervousness of several of the soldiers.

  "Shut that bitch up!" Lazare shouted, but when the sergeant raised his hand to strike her, he found a viper's head alongside her face, and stopped.

  "The viper, Count," the sergeant said, quickly backing his horse away.

  "Never mind. Down, bitch, or I'll have the girl killed," Lazare said. "Did that speech make you feel better?"

  "Much, Commoner Lazare. Your soldiers realize that my sisters, with Princess Regina's support, will purge every noble in Lappin, looking for my killers. Eventually you'll pay the price I've set," Jola said, remembering that Sister Tenzen had sent letters to the monastery and to the king describing the previous incident with Lazare and his son.

  "Enough talk, bitch. Today you'll pay my price. I'll see you beg my son for forgiveness," Lazare shouted, his face purple and twisted in rage.

  His son had already dismounted and drawn his sword as Jola dismounted. As she did, she threw her viper in the direction of a stand of thick brush, and then drew her sword, noting that the other viper had already disappeared. Kedge made several complex cuts through the air. Jola could see that they were the traditional moves old veterans used. Obviously, the sergeant who taught him was just that, a veteran, and not the weapons master Lazare had claimed.

  "After I kill you, I'll find that snake of yours and have it mounted on my wall," Kedge said, pointing his sword in the direction Jola had thrown her viper. "Pray to your snake god, bitch, that you die quickly!"

  Jola saw the sweat forming on his forehead. She sensed his unease. He's not as assured as he claims. Jola took no solace in his discomfort, as her detached mind registered the soldiers, the sergeant holding Kit, a grinning Lazare, and Kedge. She heard his ragged breathing, saw the shifting of his weight, the narrowing of his eyes, the twisting of his hand and sword, and recognized them as signs of his impending lunge. He swung from his right, at her neck. She parried it, pushing it over her head to her right. He twisted the sword and struck at her waist. She blocked it, and her arm vibrated at the impact. He withdrew his sword and lunged at her chest. She could have delivered a killing blow but didn't, because Kit was still in the sergeant's grasp. She sensed he was a man without conscience, and would kill Kit at Lazare's command if Jola killed Kedge. When Jola began to retreat, Kedge grew aggressive with his attack, smiling at his perceived advantage.

  "There, bitch. You are going to die for having me caned, and I want you to know before you die that I am going to kill that kid of yours, as well as that snake," Kedge shouted with glee as his blade slashed through her shirt and into her arm. Jola hardly noticed. She had only half her attention on her fight with Kedge; the other half was on the sergeant and Kit.

  Kedge wasn't her equal, but he had improved over the several seasons since their last encounter. You and Kit are going to die if you aren't careful, she chastised herself. With that, she stopped her retreat and focused her full attention on Kedge. It would be so easy to kill this fool. She slid past his lunge, but stopped short so the coward didn't lose all his nerve and run. Kedge stopped for a moment, unsure of what had happened. He was sweating, and breathing hard. Jola took the opportunity to glance toward the sergeant. He had slumped in the saddle and Kit had disappeared.

  Jola could sense Kedge's impending attack. She would take him and then try for his father. The confusion would allow Kit additional time to disappear into the trees. Just then, Kedge charged. She sidestepped as his sword swished by her face, and slashed hers low through the tendons of his leg. She slashed down through his neck as he fell.

  "No! Kill her!" Lazare screamed as he drew his sword. "Kill her, Sergeant."

  "Here, you evil man," Kit yelled, dashing from behind a tree as she threw a viper at Lazare. It landed on his arm and struck several times. Lazare struggled for a few seconds before he fell from his horse, convulsing as he died.

  Jola turned to the soldiers. "Corporal, you look intelligent, and not eager to work in the iron mines. Take these bodies to Commander Besnik and tell him what happened. Tell him I've judged Lazare guilty of treason and have taken his titles and lands. Tell him that I don't hold you or your men to blame for what happened here today."

  The corporal nodded and directed his men to collect the bodies. "Thank you, Mistress."

  An hour later, Jola and Kit were back on the road to

  "How did you get away, Kit?" Jola asked Kit, as she hugged her for the tenth time.

  "One of your vipers came with me. When the sergeant hit me, the viper bit him. When he stopped moving, I jumped off the horse and ran into the woods like you told me."

  * * *

  Five days later, they topped a ridge in the foothills of Astraea, and saw the monastery and the temple of Naga.

  "Welcome to your new home, Kit," Jola said.




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