Matings and Magic [Fury 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Matings and Magic [Fury 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 1

by Marcy Jacks

  Fury 4

  Matings and Magic

  Dragon warrior Gold needs to make amends to his mate. Sebby, a warlock, was nearly killed, and Gold is going to make things right.

  Until he's injured during the mission.

  Sebby doesn't want his mate getting himself killed to get back at the warlocks who wanted Sebby dead, though he is proud of the lives Gold saved. Still, Sebby accidentally spelled Gold to mate with him, and when a warlock is brought back as a prisoner, Sebby is left with the realization that, if he really loves his mate, he'll ask the warlock to remove the spell.

  Gold doesn't want the spell removed. As far as he's concerned, the spell was the push he needed in the right direction. However, when Sebby can't let it go, Gold takes drastic measures to prove his love for his mate is beyond spells. When Sebby is taken from him, Gold will do everything possible to get the man he loves back.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 25,860 words


  Fury 4

  Marcy Jacks


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Copyright © 2018 by Marcy Jacks

  ISBN: 978-1-64010-999-5

  First Publication: February 2018

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


  Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario Canada with her dog, she loves writing, reading, drawing, and videogames.

  For all titles by Marcy Jacks, please visit

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven




  Fury 4


  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  Gold, never in a million years, would have thought he’d be in a building run by the Dog Catchers, the humans in charge of hunting down and arresting omega werewolves.

  Or that said building would be occupied by dragons and warlocks.

  Something was fucked with the universe if that was happening.

  Fire licked up the far wall in the cafeteria. It was the only way they had been able to get in.


  Smoke bellowed and belched from it, spilling into each hallway.

  It was much messier than Gold or his brother, Silver, would have thought. The place was going up much faster than anticipated, and many of the warlocks and Dog Catchers were too focused on putting out the fire to notice there were a number of dragons in the building who didn’t belong.

  The other dragons had either gone outside, because they didn’t care to help, or had fled the compound and the fire, entirely.

  Maybe this was out of their pay grade.

  The fucking cowards.

  “We need to get to where they keep the prisoners,” Silver announced over the blare of the fire alarm and the shouting of hundreds of people who scrambled to get their shit together and either evacuate or put out the fire.

  No way were fire trucks getting up here in time to do anything about this. The building would be enflamed before they could get a hose here.

  Silver pointed his arm down one way. “Gold, you take Rey and Storm that way. Blaze and Drake, you come with me.”

  Gold nodded. He would have rather gone with his brother, but now was not the fucking time to be arguing about this sort of thing.

  How the hell were they going to find the prisoners in time to get them out of here before anyone asphyxiated or burned to death?

  Gold and the other dragons were fairly tall, so most everyone had to run at a slight hunch, shirts over their noses, just to be able to breathe.

  He didn’t like this. Fuck. What if by lighting that fucking fire they ended up killing all those innocent omegas trapped in here?

  Aiden’s parents were here. His mother and father. If they fucking died, Rey was going to have to head home and tell his mate what had happened.

  Gold would have to return to his own mate a failure.

  How was he supposed to look Sebby in the eyes, after promising to get revenge on the warlocks here, if he killed the people he was supposed to have saved?

  They didn’t find anything in any of the rooms down the hall they were sent. Nor the other hall they checked. A whole lot of nothing. More office spaces. A few rooms with empty cages.

  Jesus, what the hell were the Dog Catchers doing in here? Some rooms had pentacles on the walls and floors, written in chalk.

  Right. Those rooms would belong to the warlocks. Maybe they were testing their magic out on the omegas.

  Probably with the approval of the Dog Catchers. The fucking assholes.

  Whatever. It was fine. He had to keep going. That was all there was to it.

  As they went down a third hallway, Gold began to worry that he might end up circling around the whole building and finding his brother again.

  They found a set of stairs. Stairs that led down to cooler air. Down to a space that might fucking trap him, Storm, and Rey if he wasn’t careful.

  “We going down there?” Storm asked.

  “I am.” Rey pushed his way to the front, already rushing down into the dark unknown. “I promised Aiden I would bring his parents back to him.”

  Gold opened his mouth to point out that Sebby, a warlock who used to work in this building, hadn’t said anything about a basement prison.

  Then again, he was a terrible warlock. Maybe he hadn’t known they were being kept down here. Maybe Sebby had been such a poor excuse for a wielder of magic that he didn’t have the clearance.

  Also, when Gold had still been angry with his mate, he’d kept Sebby in the basement, as well.

  Basements made for great prisons. It made sense.

  He quickly followed after Rey, Storm close behind.

  And he was right to go. He knew it the second he started to hear the voices calling out.

  “Help us!”


  “Let us out of here!”

  Holy fuck, they were down there. The omegas were down here, and before Gold made it to the bo
ttom, he smelled the smoke.

  The smoke must have been coming in through one of the vents. Somehow, it was getting down here, and it was choking the omegas.

  He heard coughing. His vision burned and blurred when he made it to the bottom floor. It was such a long stairway down. No windows that he noted, but his vision was so terrible it was difficult to tell either way.

  They had clearly done everything in their power to make sure the omegas were never escaping this place. It was enough to piss Gold the hell off.

  The fucking assholes. Those goddamned Dog Catchers needed to rot in hell for this.

  Rey was already at the cages. He pulled at the bars. His face turned bright red with the struggle, but there was some warping.

  Several omegas clustered around the bars, some trying to squeeze themselves through the tiny opening Rey had created for them.

  It wasn’t enough. Only the smallest of them would fit.

  Gold motioned to Storm, who seemed stunned with shock. He wasn’t moving. His gaze seemed to be looking at something incredibly far away.

  Gold snapped his fingers in front of the man’s eyes, snapping him out of…whatever this was. “Hurry up and help him!”

  Gold had already moved to the bars. He grabbed the side Rey already had and began pulling. Storm did the same with the other.

  “We’ll get you out,” Storm said. “Don’t worry.”

  “Thank you for coming for us.”

  “We’ll get you out,” Storm said again, pulling harder.

  The bars groaned a little under the pressure, but it was slow going, so slow, and the smoke was getting thicker. To the point where even kneeling down barely helped.

  Sweat began to form on Gold’s brow. Gold was not returning to Sebby until he could rescue some of these omegas.

  Gold had been a shithead to Sebby when they first met. He was going to fucking prove to the man that he could be so much better than what he was. He would show his mate that he was capable of great things, and not just holding a grudge.

  The bars groaned again. Gold’s eyes burned and blurred. He coughed as the smoke billowed in now, the omegas scrambling to fit through the small opening he’d created for them.

  * * * *

  Sebby was terrible at magic. Sometimes he hated magic for that very reason.

  His father couldn’t stomach that he was a failure at the very thing he’d been born to do, and while Sebby had vowed to hold off on magic as much as possible after he’d accidentally forced Gold to mate with him, in this case, he felt there was the need for a special exception.

  It was just a small spell. It only required a bit of burning incense and a little prayer to go along with it.

  Simple stuff.

  Sebby knelt in front of the coffee table, his hands fisted on his knees, his eyes shut as he inhaled the calling scent of incense.

  All he did was mediate.

  Some called this prayer. Others referred to it as a form of inner chanting. He didn’t care what it was. He just focused on Gold’s face. He thought of the man, standing in front of him, alive and healthy. He thought of Gold’s dragon shape, also alive and healthy. He pictured Gold’s body in every way he could remember.

  And he remembered it well.

  It was difficult to not have a near perfect visual in his mind when he’d kissed and licked and sucked on many parts of that body.

  Sebby had mapped the man out as best he could with his hands, and he intended on doing so many times over.

  So long as Gold came back to him alive and well, which was why Sebby was doing his meditation spell.

  So long as he could perfectly picture the other man in his mind, Gold would have Sebby’s protection.

  Sebby’s protection wasn’t exactly worth much, but he wanted Gold to have it. He wanted Gold to have every advantage possible to bring the man home to him.

  He was never going to forgive himself if Gold was injured, or killed, because he’d wanted to go off and get revenge on Sebby’s father for ordering his death.

  Come home. Please just come home.

  Sebby didn’t want anything else, and he didn’t care for anything else. He just wanted his mate.

  Please, come home, be safe. Come back to me. I promise, I’ll make it worth it for you. Don’t leave me alone.

  Because that was what he would be. Sebby would be utterly alone if his mate died.

  He lost feeling in his knees with the concentration he was forced to keep. Sebby was forced to keep his mind sharp, as every time the image he kept of Gold’s face and body became hazy in his mind, he had to awaken himself again and force his concentration back on track.

  Please. Please.

  Something hazy overcame the image of his mate in his mind again. This didn’t feel like it was his own doing. It didn’t seem like a blur that came with not keeping his focus because every time Sebby focused harder on removing that blur, it darkened more.

  Almost like smoke.

  Why was he seeing smoke in his mind’s eye?

  A hard bang sounded.

  Sebby opened his eyes. Focus broken, he sat there then cursed long and loud before shooting to his feet and running for the door.

  That had better have been fucking good. Whatever it was that made that noise…

  He yanked the door wide opened, not sure what he expected to see, but it wasn’t what met him.

  Nothing. There was nothing.

  Sebby thought he was seeing something. Maybe the sight of a pickup truck dropping its contents. Or maybe children who had been banging on the walls and door of the house Sebby now shared with Gold.

  Most of the children living here feared Sebby as a warlock, even though he was a terrible one. It was only a matter of time before the braver ones came out of the woodwork and started to test out the limits of their courage.

  But…what was that noise? Had he imagined it?

  Lightning was down the way a little. The main houses belonging to all of the guardian dragons in the territory were next to each other in a little half-circle. Lightning had been left behind as the only dragon warrior to watch and protect the people still living here. The mates and their children.

  Sebby knew Lightning didn’t care for him, but he had to know if that sound had been inside his own head.

  He called out to the man. “Lightning?”

  Lightning looked at him from the distance. His arms were already crossed, but he glared hard at Sebby.

  “What do you want?”

  Lighting was an albino dragon shifter. His skin, scales, and bones were considered useful potions ingredients. The spells were supposed to offer more power, add years to a warlock’s lifespan, and increase sexual stamina from what Sebby had heard.

  It only made sense a man like that wouldn’t like having a real live warlock here. His red eyes made him look perpetually angry at everything.

  The man probably wanted to kill him.

  For that, Sebby always made sure to be extra polite around him.

  “Did you hear that noise?”

  “What noise?” Lightning sounded suspicious at first then angry. “What are you getting on about?”

  “That banging sound? Didn’t you hear it?”

  “There was no sound. Stop wasting my time.”

  It wasn’t as if he’d been doing anything other than standing there, keeping a lookout for something that was not likely to come.

  Sebby nodded anyway, and he went back inside.

  Could it have been a premonition trying to break through? He’d thought he’d seen smoke as he’d thought of his mate inside his mind. Maybe…

  No. No, Gold was fine. He was all right and he was coming home.

  He was coming home, and then they could start…what?

  Sebby didn’t go back to kneel in the living room. He paced up and down the hall instead. He grabbed at his hair. He started his paranoid thinking and listed all the bullshit reasons inside his head as to why Gold wouldn’t want him.

  Or why he would change his m

  They’d fucked. They’d had a nice talk, and they’d agreed to give the mating a proper chance.

  Gold had told Sebby he forgave him for accidentally putting that mating spell on him.

  Sebby had been so happy to hear that, so happy to know he could start with a clean slate.

  If Gold came back and had a change of heart, Sebby wouldn’t be able to hold him to any promises.

  Not that Gold would have a change of heart.


  But it could happen.

  God, he really wanted to tell that little voice in the back of his head to shut the hell up.

  Another bang sounded. This time it was as if the entire house rattled and rocked. Sebby crouched down low, waiting for something to explode.

  When the house didn’t fall down around him, he realized this might be something else.

  A form of vision maybe? Something was trying to get his attention.

  Or get him out of the house.

  He was shit at magic, but like any warlock, he still occasionally received signs.

  And if he was to go outside…

  Sebby ran back outside. He rushed down the deck stairs, keeping his eyes toward the sky.

  It was still dark. It had become dark hours after Gold had left him to rescue those omegas, but the moon was out, bright and big in the sky.

  He could see just enough in the distance to be able to tell the difference between the clouds and what looked to be birds coming in far off in the distance.

  Lightning walked over to him. “What the hell are you doing?”

  Sebby said nothing. He pointed.

  Lightning frowned, glanced up, cursed, then quickly shifted before taking to the skies.

  Gold was coming back. He was barely staying in the sky. He was falling!

  And Sebby could do nothing but watch.


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