Matings and Magic [Fury 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Matings and Magic [Fury 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 3

by Marcy Jacks

As though he was waiting for Gold to tell him that this had all been a mistake and that he couldn’t bring himself to give Sebby the things he’d said he would.

  Just because they’d had that talk and just because Sebby had taken care of Gold didn’t mean there weren’t some issues between them that needed to be addressed.

  If Gold still wanted to keep the separate bedrooms, Sebby would have no right to complain. He didn’t want to push himself on Gold if the man wasn’t ready.

  Gold seemed to think about it, about whether or not to make love in Sebby’s bedroom.

  Then he shook his head. “No, Christ, too many memories.”

  Gold smiled wickedly at him, his fingers still playing with Sebby’s hole, making him forget all about his fears.

  “Down here. On the couch.”

  Sebby smiled at that. “The couch is fine. You go and sit down. I’ll go, uh, bring the stuff.”

  He already felt his body heating up just saying that.

  And Gold was more than ready to tease him for it.

  “The lube. You mean you want to go and get the lube.”

  Sebby tried not to scowl at the other man. He really did. “Yeah, that. Do you need help into the—”

  “Nope.” Gold got to his feet, groaning a little, no doubt at the pain from having been on his knees on a hard tiled floor. “I can get in there. Then I’ll have some of that breakfast you’re making.”

  “The pancakes will be long cold.”

  Gold shrugged. “Cold pancakes with bacon are more than fine with me so long as you made them.”

  More heat in Sebby’s cheeks. “I can at least make the eggs hot. I didn’t pour them into the pan yet.”

  At least there would be that. Sebby could rescue breakfast that way.

  Gold shook his head then planted a hot and heavy kiss on Sebby’s mouth.

  It was quick, too quick, before the other man pulled back, still smiling at him. “Anything you make for me will be more than fine, sweetheart. Don’t worry so much about it.”

  But he did worry. How could he not?

  Sebby didn’t want Gold to get too caught up in Sebby’s insecurities.

  He just kissed his mate again on the mouth, very quickly, before righting his pants and rushing away from him.

  Because of the many other times they’d had sex, Sebby knew where Gold kept his lube. He didn’t have to ask where to go.

  There were a couple of places, as if the man wanted to be able to just reach out and grab it whenever he wanted to make love to Sebby.

  Most of the stuff Sebby enjoyed was in the downstairs half-bathroom.

  The lube that warmed was in there. He went for it, plucked the bottle out of the drawer, and then went back to the sitting room.

  When he made it, Gold was already sitting on the couch, and he’d pulled the curtains shut.

  Ah, good. “Making sure no one sees us?”

  Gold grinned at him. “I don’t mind who sees me with my mate. I figured you just might want the privacy.”

  Sebby couldn’t help but blush a little harder at that. He felt the heat rushing all the way through his body from his chest to his neck and face and even in his ears.

  Gold chuckled at him. “God, you’re bright. Come on over here.”

  Sebby did as he was asked. He went to his mate. Gold leaned back against the sofa, spreading his knees. Sebby stepped between them.

  Gold was silent as he placed his hands onto Sebby’s waist. He looked up into Sebby’s eyes, as if there was no one else in the world but him. As if there was no one else in the world who mattered, except for him.

  And Sebby’s heart pounded.

  Don’t think too deep into it. Just be grateful for what you get.

  But how could he not dare to hope for more when the man continued to pour heat into Sebby’s body with his hands? It was as though the man had eyes for no one else in the world aside from Sebby.

  And Sebby liked it. He was greedy for it. He wanted so much more of it.

  Please, let me have as much of this as I can get, for as long as I can get it.

  “You as so fucking beautiful,” Gold said. His voice was soft, and Sebby almost didn’t make out the words, but then his brain went into scattered mode again as he felt the other man undoing his pants.

  “Baby, I need you.”

  Sebby swallowed hard. He nodded, allowing Gold to pull him down onto the sofa with him after getting his pants off.

  Sebby straddled the man’s waist. He hadn’t kicked off his jeans right, and so they were still stuck around his right ankle.

  It would have been funny if his cock weren’t pulsing so badly with need right now.

  Gold pushed down his pajama bottoms just enough to bring his dick out. He put them both together, holding them in place.

  Sebby’s head fell back as he groaned, already thrusting into that wonderful hand.

  “Oh, fuck yeah,” Gold groaned. “Ride me, baby.”

  Sebby did, to the best of his ability. It was usually Gold who was on top of him. Sebby didn’t often get the chance to move his hips like this, and though part of him worried he might need a little more practice because he probably looked like a complete fool right now, the pleasure and desire rushing through him made it all but impossible to care.

  “That’s nice. I love the feeling of your dick against mine. You should see yourself right now.” Gold lifted Sebby’s shirt up to his nipples with his free hand. He leaned in, putting his sweet, gorgeous lips around one and sucking tightly with his lips and his teeth.

  Sebby could do nothing but hang on as the sensation became almost too much to bear. He’d already come once before less than five minutes ago, and already he felt the threat of another orgasm looming over him as he fucked into Gold’s fist, their cocks stroking together.

  Gold seemed to like talking. He’d never done much talking before. Maybe he’d never allowed himself to because of the nature of their mating.

  He talked a lot right now.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous. You need to feel your dick against mine. Like this.” He reached for Sebby’s hand, took ahold of it, and brought it down to their joined pricks.

  Sebby had touched his own erection plenty of times before in the past. He was a healthy young man, after all. He did get himself off from time to time, but this was something else entirely. He could never have expected this to feel so good.

  Gold’s cock was much bigger than Sebby had thought it was. He’d had it in his mouth before, and inside his ass, but to touch it in his hand like this, even with his own prick in the way, really drove it home how big the man really was.

  Even if Sebby’s dick wasn’t in the way, he doubted he’d be able to wrap his fingers all the way around and get them to touch on the other side.

  He couldn’t believe he’d had that inside him. It was kind of crazy now that he thought about it.

  And he couldn’t stop staring.

  It wasn’t until Gold gripped him around the waist so much tighter and flipped Sebby onto his back that he snapped out of it. Gold’s mouth attacked his in a sharp, desperate kiss. The man’s tongue pushed inside as though breaking the doors open and settling back into home.

  Sebby moaned. He went with it. He liked it.

  He’d never had another lover aside from Gold before, so he was still figuring out what he liked in bed, but when Gold was a little rougher with him, that seemed to get him off the most. Sebby liked that. He liked it when his mate was a touch on the aggressive side.

  And he gripped Sebby hard, tightening his thighs around the Sebby’s waist until Gold suddenly tensed and pulled back.


  “Wh-what is it?” Sebby didn’t need to ask. He realized what the problem was immediately after asking.

  All he had to do was look at Gold’s arms.

  They trembled from the effort of holding himself above Sebby’s body. He was struggling. His strength still depleted.

  “Oh, well, it’s okay,” Sebby said.

nbsp; Gold groaned. “No, it’s not. Fuck, I need you.”

  Sebby could tell what that voice meant. Gold wasn’t just being dramatic. The man was serious. There was something he needed from Sebby while he still had the chance. He needed the comfort of his mate’s body. He was suffering under the mating heat, and he needed to get off.

  Sebby needed it, as well, but he supposed that the orgasm from his recent blowjob made it easier for him to go without.

  Sebby thought about it quickly as he pushed Gold up and off him. He wiggled out from beneath the other man’s body then eased Gold down onto his back before hooking his leg over Gold’s waist.

  “We’ll do it like this.”

  Gold looked up at him, seemed to think about it, and it didn’t take him long before he nodded quickly. “This…this is good.”

  Sebby smiled at that. It looked like he was about to get some more practice with being on top.

  Chapter Four

  Gold honestly should have put some more thought into this because this was a fantastic idea.

  Sebby took the bottle of lube from where he’d dropped it on the floor, and he did the honors of pouring some into his hand and slicking his fingers.

  Watching as his mate reached back, knowing without seeing that Sebby was pushing his digits into his tight little hole, made Gold’s dick throb and ache the likes of which he’d never thought possible.

  He could have come right there from watching that.

  Instead, he pulled himself together and gripped the base of his cock, forcing some self-control onto himself.

  He stroked leisurely and slowly just to make it look as though he wasn’t desperately trying to keep from coming too soon.

  He couldn’t look away from the cute way Sebby bit down on his bottom lip as he thrust his fingers inside himself.

  He was totally getting himself off as he was preparing himself for Gold’s cock.

  “You like what you’re doing to yourself, don’t you?”

  Sebby blinked widely as he stared down at Gold. His cheeks, which were already a bright shade of pink, turned bright red. “I…”

  Gold shook his head. He let his free hand move up and down the man’s thigh. “Don’t be embarrassed. I like watching you do that. You have no idea how sexy you are.”

  The color dimmed to something a little more flattering on those freckled cheeks. Sebby smiled, as though pleased by the compliment.


  Didn’t he already know? The man had seen himself before in a mirror, hadn’t he?

  “Yeah, sweetheart, you are.”

  Of course, he possibly shouldn’t have complimented the man at all because it seemed to distract him a little. Sebby stared down at Gold as though he didn’t know what to do.

  Gold decided to give the poor guy a hand.

  “Lift your hips.”

  Sebby seemed to snap out of it. He did as he was told, raising himself up just enough so Gold could adjust his cock.

  He sighed when he was able to press the head to Sebby’s stretched hole.

  “That’s it. Now sink down on me.”

  He held tightly to Sebby’s hips then hissed as his mate did as he was told.

  Slowly. So slowly it almost hurt.

  God, he wanted to grab Sebby’s waist and fuck into him hard and fast. He wanted to give the other man everything he had and more.

  He couldn’t. Sebby moved too slowly. Inch by aching inch sank inside, hot, tight, wet.

  Sebby moaned, his eyes clenched shut, his mouth parted slightly before he grabbed himself by his prick, gripping the base as though to keep himself from coming already.

  That nearly brought Gold off right there.

  Then Sebby sighed as he settled himself rightfully on top of Gold’s lap, fully breached. And it was good. So good.

  “Baby,” Gold moaned. He clenched his toes and stretched his fingers out before gripping Sebby’s waist tightly once more. “That’s it. Move for me. Come on.”

  Sebby did. The motion of his hips was short and shy at first. As though the man was finding his rhythm.

  He had a little help. Gold was still a little too weak, and it was embarrassing how he couldn’t quite pick up the pace to where he wanted to be, but he was still able to hold on for this ride as he fucked into the other man.

  “G-Gold…that feels good.”

  “That’s the point.”

  Gold almost laughed at how adorably innocent his mate was. Every time with him was like they were having another first. This time especially.

  Because Gold had been so fearful he wouldn’t be able to come back, that he wouldn’t be able to see Sebby again after everything was said and done.

  Sebby eventually found his rhythm. He moved with more energy now. With more strength, bobbing up and down, he fell over Gold’s chest, barely holding himself up with one hand while the other stroked his dick.

  Gold grabbed him by the back of his neck and head, fingers threading through those soft hairs. He brought their mouths together again. Kissing his mate, licking him deep, claiming him while Sebby rode him.

  And it was so…so…

  Gold came. He shouted his pleasure into Sebby’s mouth, and there was nothing he could do to stop himself now that it was there.

  It was as though the feeling suddenly cascaded on him, and before he could even try to hold it back, he was done.

  Sebby pressed his forehead against Gold’s collarbone as Gold came inside him, his body spasming and racking with each thrust as Sebby brought himself to the end.

  Warmth spurt onto Gold’s stomach and chest. Sebby’s hand moved hard and fast as he brought himself to the end. And it was so good. So utterly sweet. Especially when Sebby collapsed on him for real, unable to hold himself up any longer.

  Gold panted for breath, enjoying the warmth of his smaller mate.

  Did Sebby only feel heavy because he was so weak? Or was it because Gold just wasn’t used to having the man on top of him like this?

  Either way, he liked it. He lifted his trembling arms and wrapped them around Sebby’s body, holding his mate tightly, soaking him in.

  “I want this with you every night.”

  Sebby nodded, and Gold was happy.

  * * * *

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t able to find your father.”

  Sebby looked up from the meal of pancakes, omelets, bacon, and hash browns he’d made, confused at the tone of Gold’s voice and the almost ashamed expression on his face.

  He smiled. Not a true smile, but he was still content. “That’s all right. I’m glad you didn’t see him. He’s kind of a powerful warlock.”

  Gold growled a little at that. Sebby had to help him to sit at the table after the sex. He gripped his fork as though it were a weapon. “It’s not all right. After what he did to you—”

  “I promise, it’s okay.” They sat next to each other, so it was a simple matter of reaching over and taking his mate by the hand. Squeezing it tight.

  Sebby was thrilled when Gold squeezed his hand back. “I'm just glad you're safe, and you forgave me. That’s enough.”

  It was more than enough, and with each moment that passed, Sebby was becoming more and more confident that Gold wasn’t going to take that back or say he’d thought the matter over and couldn’t forgive him after all.

  That he wanted to end the mating.

  It seemed to still be a sore spot for Gold, who growled a little before sucking back a deep breath and letting it out hard.

  “Well, I’ll just have to find that asshole the next time around.” He looked at Sebby, and Sebby started to feel shy all over again. “I’ve got enough to keep me occupied with now that you’re here.”

  “I need to take care of you anyway,” Sebby said. “You still need to rest.”

  Gold had almost fallen asleep on the sofa, but he’d insisted on getting up, on waking himself up. He was currently on his third cup of coffee.

  “You can take care of me all day long if you can cook like this. I s
hould let you in the kitchen more often.”

  Sebby preened under the compliment. “I think that’s why my dad kept me around so much. When you show promise baking and cooking, it’s supposed to be good for making your elixirs and even some poisons.”

  Gold’s eyes widened.

  Sebby probably shouldn’t have pointed that out.

  “Not that I would poison you,” he said quickly.

  Gold laughed. “Don’t worry. I believe it, but you never made poisons for any of the other warlocks to use, did you?”

  He asked it so carefully, as though he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer.

  And Sebby didn’t want to give it to him.

  He looked away from his mate. He wasn’t sure how to answer that, but he didn’t need to.

  His silence was answer enough.


  “I lived in that coven. I had to.”

  “Did your poisons ever kill anyone?”

  Sebby cringed. “I don’t know. I’m being honest about that, I swear!”

  He didn’t want Gold to discover this about him and change his mind. He didn’t want his mate to forever look at him and wonder if he’d made the choice in being with Sebby at all.

  He didn’t want his mate to be suspicious of him or regret his choice.

  Gold sighed. He looped his arm around Sebby’s shoulder, bringing him close. He pressed his mouth to Sebby’s forehead. “It doesn’t matter anymore anyway.”

  Sebby’s heart clenched. “It doesn’t?”

  Gold shook his head, pressing his cheek to Sebby’s hair. “No. Not anymore. You’re mine now. That’s all that matters, and you won’t ever have to make one of those poisons ever again.”

  “I won’t. I swear I won’t.”

  Now his heart beat in a panic. He could hardly believe this was happening to him, that he was being forgiven for not only forcing Gold to mate with him but that he was also being let off the hook for helping his coven create poisons and elixirs that could hurt people.

  It had been his only talent, really.

  A talent he hadn’t wanted.

  Gold really was letting him off the hook so much with all the stuff he was finding out about Sebby.

  Sebby couldn’t believe how lucky he was.


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