Whisper's Edge

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Whisper's Edge Page 26

by LuAnn McLane

  Tristan jumped up so fast that his chair almost tumbled backward. “So, then you’d move to Cricket Creek?”

  “I’d have to list my house, wrap things up, but yes, that would be the plan.” She stood up and gave Tristan a big hug. “This way you can practice law while I lay the groundwork for expanding and improving Whisper’s Edge.”

  “This is too good to be true.”

  Maggie laughed. “When you were a little boy and we’d be at a baseball game or something like that, you would often turn to me and say, ‘Mom, this is the best day ever.’” Her eyes filled with tears.

  “I think this qualifies.”

  “Yes, as long as you get back to Savannah early enough to make it to the dance. Let’s wrap things up here so you can get on the road.” She put her hands to her chest. “Tristan, she sounds wonderful. I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “You’ll love her,” Tristan said with a smile. “Now, I’ve got to hightail it back so I can make it to the Hoedown Throw Down.”

  After wrapping up the final paperwork, Tristan was finally on the road. He tried calling Savannah several times with no luck and his exuberant mood dulled a bit. She knew that there was a chance that he wouldn’t make it back in time, and her lack of response could no longer be shrugged off. This wasn’t like her at all.

  Something wasn’t right.

  But as luck would have it, pouring rain made for slow going. Still, he turned on the radio and tried to keep his spirits up. He gobbled up the miles as fast as the weather would allow and sang along, very poorly, with the radio.

  “He went skydiving…” Tristan was belting out the Tim McGraw song when his car started feeling…weird. Frowning, Tristan turned off the music and listened.

  Thwap, thwap, thwap.

  “Please be the road,” he prayed but deep down he knew what was wrong. “I think I’ve got a damned flat tire!” he grumbled beneath his breath. After easing off to the side of the road he got out into the pouring rain and confirmed his suspicion. Uttering an oath, he opened the trunk and hefted the spare tire out. Water sluiced down his back and soaked his jeans. “Ahhh! Damn!” he shouted when mud splattered the side of his face. Cars whizzed by, unnerving him as he worked as fast as he could, considering the circumstances.

  Forty-five minutes later Tristan was wet to the core and splattered with mud and grime. He had about an hour to go but hopefully he would make it there for the last part of the Hoedown. Shivering, he turned on the heat, only to have the windows steam up. But he forged on and smiled despite his discomfort. Whatever reason Savannah had for not returning his calls would fly out the window when he gave her the news that his mother was going to be his investor in expanding Whisper’s Edge.

  “Ah, finally!” Tristan exclaimed when he came to the Cricket Creek exit. A hot shower was calling his name, big-time. As soon as he pulled into the parking lot, he hit the ground running. Once he was inside his condo he made a beeline for the shower, pausing only to text Savannah that he was home and would head over to the dance as soon as he could.

  A few minutes later he was warm and clean but a glance at the clock had him grimacing. The digital numbers said that it was nearly midnight. Tristan sighed. The dance would surely be over by the time he got there. But he wanted to see Savannah, and so he decided to head over to her place instead. He picked up his phone and called her. The no answer once again sent a shot of alarm up his spine but he left a message, sat down on the bed, and decided to wait for her to call back.

  * * *

  When Tristan opened his eyes, rays of sunlight were reaching through his blinds. “What the hell…”

  He glanced at the clock. “Damn, it’s almost seven o’clock in the morning.” How could he have fallen asleep? He looked down and realized that he was in the jeans and shirt he had changed into after his shower. In a bit of a panic he picked up his cell phone and frowned. Savannah hadn’t called or texted him. Something was definitely wrong. Without waiting, he decided to drive over to her house and find out what was going on with her in person.

  As he headed through his condo he spotted the cowboy hat she had promised, sitting on his dining room table. He hadn’t seen it last night. Tristan grinned. If she left the hat, surely she wasn’t angry, just disappointed, and he sighed in relief.

  Ten minutes later Tristan stood on her doorstep, knocking. Her car was in the driveway but she failed to answer. Thinking she must already be working, he drove his car over to the front office. Tristan’s first clue that something was terribly wrong was when he waved at Clyde Camden across the street and Clyde—or maybe it was Clovis—flipped Tristan the bird! Then Miss Patty walked by and didn’t even wave, and damned if Willie seemed to give him the snub.

  Perplexed, Tristan entered the office. Savannah’s desk was empty, but Kate plunked away at the keyboard. When she looked up and spotted him, she glared.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Um, I own the place, remember?” he said lightly as a joke but her eyes remained narrowed.


  “Where’s Savannah?”


  Icy fear slid down his spine. “Gone?” He walked closer to Kate. “What do you mean…gone?”

  “On vacation.”


  Kate’s chin came up. “None of your business.”

  “When did she leave?”

  “Yesterday evening.”

  “But yesterday was the Hoedown.”

  “The residents surprised her with a birthday gift.”

  Tristan felt his heart sink. “Her birthday?”

  “It’s Saturday. She turns thirty. It was a bit tough on her so everybody got together and got her a nice gift.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me her birthday was coming up?” Why hadn’t she told him? A cold ball of fear formed in his gut. Something wasn’t adding up.

  “We were keeping it on the down low so the gift would be a surprise.”

  “So the gift was a trip?”

  Kate nodded. “Some people care about her.”

  Tristan ran his fingers through his hair, quickly losing patience. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on here, Kate?”

  “I don’t have to do anything more than my job.”

  Ben entered the room and gave Tristan a dirty look. He walked over and stood next to Kate’s desk like he was her bodyguard. “Is there a problem?”

  “You tell me,” Tristan said tightly.

  Kate threw down her pen. “We know what you’re doing.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “Selling Whisper’s Edge to Mitch Monroe!” Kate spat at him. “Tristan, how could you let us believe you were saving this place when you were selling all along?”

  “I’m not selling.”

  Kate glanced at Ben and then back at Tristan. “What do you mean?”

  “Mitch Monroe made me an offer but I turned it down. Well, at least I’m going to.”

  Kate blinked at him. “Go on.”

  “Look, I’ll be honest. I bought Whisper’s Edge with the intention of selling it for a quick profit or developing it into something different, like a bigger marina and a riverfront restaurant.” He shrugged. “I only knew this as a fishing camp as a kid. I didn’t realize that it was a tight-knit community.” He smiled. “And I didn’t have a clue that I would fall in love with the social director.” Oh wait. They weren’t smiling back.

  Kate looked up at Ben.

  “What’s going on here?” Tristan wanted to know, and then his eyes widened. “Wait. So everybody really thinks I’m selling? Why?”

  Ben cleared his throat. “Um, well, I overheard Mitch Monroe talking to his wife about buying Whisper’s Edge. Seems we might have jumped the gun a little.”

  “A little?”

  Ben gave him a sheepish look. “Okay, a lot. But in my defense I only repeated what I heard.”

  Tristan sighed. “And thought the worst of me.”

  “Sorry. I really a
m. But hey, you weren’t forthcoming either, Tristan. You should have let us know what was going on and we wouldn’t have jumped to conclusions.”

  Ben had a point. “So where is Savannah? Let’s clear all this up.”

  Kate winced. “Hawaii.”


  “Two nights on Oahu and then to Maui.” Kate’s chin came up. “Look, Tristan, the residents have scrimped, saved, and planned this for her for over a year. We whisked her away early before you could give her the news about selling Whisper’s Edge.”

  “I didn’t sell it!”

  “We didn’t know that,” Kate explained.

  “Well that explains why one of the Camden brothers flipped me the bird.”

  She winced again. “Only a few people were told so we could get Savannah out of here a couple of days early. But news might have…spread.”

  “Oh, goody.”

  “You were supposed to go with her,” Kate said sadly.

  “Sorry, Tristan,” Ben said in such a sad voice that some of his anger actually cooled.

  Kate raised her eyebrows. “The good news is that she doesn’t know that you were selling the place.”

  “You thought I was selling,” he corrected. Tristan drew in a deep breath. “I would remain super pissed but I know you did this out of sheer love for her. But if she doesn’t know this false truth of yours, why doesn’t she answer my calls?”

  “Well, she was probably on the flight,” Kate explained.

  Tristan shook his head. “No, I tried way before that,” he said and then groaned when he remembered the hat sitting on his table. “Oh, no.” He scrubbed a hand down his face.

  “What?” Kate asked.

  “She brought a cowboy hat over to my condo. There was a map of Whisper’s Edge that I’d made notes on. It indicated a marina, restaurant…” His voice trailed off.

  “Oh shit,” Kate muttered. She looked up at Ben. “Oh, Ben, she knew all along but didn’t realize that we knew! She didn’t want to ruin the Hoedown or the birthday presentation. Bless her heart. How did she ever keep it together?”

  “May I remind you that I’m not selling the place?!” Tristan nearly shouted.

  “You’re not?” Miss Patty asked from the doorway. “Did I hear that right?”

  “You heard right!” Tristan said loudly, but then grinned at the utter joy on Miss Patty’s face. “Now, go and tell everybody so I don’t get tarred and feathered.”

  “Let’s go, Willie! We’ve got some damage control to do.”


  “But Savannah still thinks so,” Kate wailed. “Oh, her trip is going to be ruined!”

  “Not if I join her,” Tristan said, determinedly. “Let me fix this debacle.”

  “Good idea,” Ben said.

  “Where in Hawaii is she?” Tristan asked and then grinned. “Let me guess. Maui?”

  “On Saturday. We had to add a little excursion on Oahu since she couldn’t get into the condo until Saturday.”

  “Her birthday,” Tristan said. “I’ve got to get on a flight there.”

  Kate nodded. “Joy arranged it all. We’ll get her in here, and if luck is with us you can beat her to Maui and give her the surprise of her lifetime!” She put up a finger. “Hold on. I’m calling Joy.”

  “I’m so sorry about all of this, Tristan,” Ben said while Kate chatted with Joy.

  “Like I said, you did it out of love and caring. And I’m mostly to blame as well. I should have told Savannah…and all of you…what my plans were. Secrets always come out.”

  Ben nodded. “No matter how old we get, we still live and learn.”

  “Well,” Kate said when she hung up the phone. She grinned at Tristan. “Here today…gone to Maui!”



  SAVANNAH DROVE HER CUTE LITTLE RENTAL AWAY FROM THE Maui airport and felt a sense of personal pride. She had never flown on an airplane or traveled out of the country before, and doing this on her own was scary! But she ignored her fear and forged ahead. Of course, Joy’s extensive and detailed itinerary was almost like having a tour guide traveling right along with her.

  Her stay at the beautiful pink Royal Hawaiian Hotel, overlooking Diamond Head and the Pacific Ocean, had been breathtaking! And visiting Pearl Harbor was an emotional experience she would never forget. Savannah took a deep breath of sea-scented air drifting in through the windows that she had rolled down. As much as the knowledge of Tristan’s betrayal had knocked her world right off its axis, she was determined to make the most of this trip. She was so touched that the residents had pulled this vacation of a lifetime together. So she pushed away the sadness that tugged at her heart, and lifted her chin.

  “Life will go on. It always does,” she said in a firm voice, even though her lips trembled. When she thought about Whisper’s Edge being plowed over for a restaurant her eyes filled with tears. Maybe they could fight it and win, she thought. “Don’t think about it today. You’re in Maui!” she shouted and smiled, even though she really felt like crying. But she’d conquered her sadness before and she’d do it again. After all, what choice did she have?

  Savannah glanced at the map and then took a skinny road that led up a bluff overlooking the ocean. The condo complex was at the top. When sadness crept back into her thoughts she reminded herself that tomorrow she’d be lounging at the beach sipping on a mai tai, a drink she’d already tried. After drinking two last night at the Royal Hawaiian lounge, she’d almost called Tristan. Savannah shook her head. Perhaps she’d better stick to soft drinks.

  After checking in, she rolled her suitcase down the sidewalk behind her. The pretty luggage was part of her birthday gift and had been filled with a vacation wardrobe, courtesy of Violet’s Vintage Clothing. The residents had thought of everything from packing her bags to a Visa card loaded up with spending money. Savannah sighed as she rolled the suitcase to a stop at unit 40. She looked at the number and frowned. Ten years from today she would be forty years old. How many more things would she scratch off her bucket list by then?

  Savannah opened the door and lugged the heavy suitcase inside. She smiled when she glanced to the left and saw a pretty vase of fresh exotic flowers sitting on the table. An envelope was perched against the vase and had her name on it. Curious, Savannah put her purse down, leaned her suitcase against the wall, and walked over to the table.

  “Don’t open that yet.”

  “Eeeee!” Savannah squeaked and spun around. Her eyes rounded when she saw Tristan sitting on a floral and rattan sofa in the shadows of the living room.


  “W-what are you doing here?”

  “People keep asking me that.” He shook his head and stood up. “I came here to celebrate your birthday.”

  Savannah’s heart hammered against her ribs. “Well, I think you should…go.” She pointed toward the door, but her finger trembled.

  “Sorry. That’s not going to happen.”

  “Then I’m leaving,” she announced, trying so hard not to be happy to see him.

  “You’re on an island. It’s not that easy to leave.”

  “Watch me!”

  Tristan walked across the room to face her. “Savannah, I’m not selling Whisper’s Edge…despite popular belief.”

  “But you’re turning it into a marina! And a…a restaurant!”

  Tristan shook his head slowly. “No.”

  Savannah’s knees went weak with relief but she wasn’t fully convinced. “But I saw that map.…”

  “That map is no longer valid.”

  Savannah wanted to believe him, but fear crept up into her throat and she backed away. “When did you have this sudden change of heart? Before or after you told me that you loved me?”

  Tristan closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath. “Oh, Savannah. I didn’t do everything right. I should have been more forthcoming from the very beginning but I liked being the hero.” He smiled softly. “Especially your hero. I knew pretty quickly that I had to
change my plans. I just didn’t know how I was going to do it. But I fell in love with you along the way and that changed my way of thinking.”

  “Like feeling the need to impress your grandfather?” she asked gently.

  Tristan nodded.

  “And making piles of money?”

  He nodded again. “Savannah, falling in love with you has softened my hard edges. I look at life from a whole different angle. In a nutshell, my mother is moving to Cricket Creek and will invest in the expansion of Whisper’s Edge Retirement Community. She’s taking care of selling her house and my condo too. I only hope that I can move into your home until we can pick out a lot and build our own home. Unless, of course, you want to keep that little bungalow that’s such a reflection of you? It’s totally up to you.”

  Her heart sang with joy. “For real?”

  Tristan chuckled. “For real. Instead of tearing it down I’m going to build it up. You were the one who planted that seed.”

  She put her hands on his chest. “And together we’ll watch it grow.”

  “I’ll explain everything over the sunset dinner cruise that’s on Joy’s extensive itinerary.”

  Savannah felt another burst of happiness. She wrapped her arms around neck. “Oh, and Joy booked a whale-watching cruise, a trip to Hana, Tristan! And Laihana! Tomorrow there’s a luau and—”

  “All of that can wait, Savannah. For now all I want is to be with you.” He silenced her with a long and luscious kiss that took her breath away. A moment later he scooped her up and carried her to a big bedroom that had a picture-perfect view of the ocean below.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” Tristan said as he untied the knot at the back of her halter-top sundress. When her breasts tumbled free he dipped his head and took one into his mouth, making her gasp. “I love the taste of your skin.”

  “Mmmm, I love the feel and taste of you too,” she said and tugged his shirt over his head. She splayed her hands on his chest. “Luckily, while we’re here very little clothes are required.”


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