I was stunned at what I had just said. Would they think I was weird, or corny? Would they boo me out of the gym? I didn’t care. I didn’t say what they wanted to hear. I wasn’t trying to be a perfect leader. I was being me. I said what I felt. The faces staring back at me were softer and thoughtful.
Tiffany moved forward, with a loud snicker. “Don’t listen to what she says. She doesn’t mean it. She’s just trying to get herself out of this. You saw the logo she made.”
I stared at her triumphant smile. Everything became clear to me. Of course, she had changed the logo. I didn’t know how she had pulled it off but she had done it.
“That wasn’t my logo and you know it.” I yelled. Anger raged through me, beating against my ribs. I dropped the microphone on the stand and stormed through the crowd till I stood before her.
“What happened to my logo?” I demanded.
“How would I know? Really Ashlee, you’re causing a scene and embarrassing yourself,” she said rolling her eyes. “Your innocent act isn’t working. You’ve always pretended like you were for the consolidation but you never fooled me. Everyone knows that’s your logo. You changed the large mustang with the small eagle and put a huge Carlton eagle with our tiny mustang. You are so naïve to think we would buy that.”
She said too much and she knew it. She drew a sharp breath and bit her lower lip as if she wanted to take it back.
“The only way you would have known….” I stopped. I was the class president. I couldn’t make accusations in front of a crowd. The kids close to us had quieted down and could hear what we were saying. “Let’s go into the hall so we can talk privately.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“Look, Tiffany,” I kept my voice low so only she could hear. “Do you want to explain to everyone how you knew my logo had a large mustang with a small eagle on its back? We can either discuss it right here in front of everyone, or in private. It doesn’t make any difference to me.”
She glanced warily around her then lifted her chin defiantly. With a nonchalant shrug she wheeled around and exited into the hall.
I followed her so closely that I almost stepped on her dress. The door closed softly. “Why did you do it?”
She whirled around sharply. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yes you do. You don’t have an audience anymore so talk. How did you change the logo?”
“I didn’t change it. The only reason I came out here was to shut you up so the dance could continue. At least I’m thinking of the other kids. But all you care about is yourself and your stupid logo. Everyone hates it and that’s killing you.”
“Of course, no one likes the logo because what they saw was yours. No one saw mine. The only reason you came out here was to save your face. You didn’t want anyone to know you changed the logo.”
She tapped her toe impatiently. “You’re wasting my time. I didn’t do anything to your stupid emblem. It’s just like you to try to blame it on me.”
“It’s just like you to deny it,” I snapped. “You tampered with school property. That jacket and logo belongs to the school. But you don’t care. You don’t have any regrets.”
“The only thing I regret is that you haven’t gotten kicked out of school for your stupid logo. But that may happen when Mrs. DeGraff sees it. It’s your problem, not mine. I didn’t come here to stand in this hall and argue with you.” She pushed me aside and grabbed the gym door.
I jumped in front of her. “Not so fast. That isn’t my logo and Principal DeGraff knows it. She was with me when I put it in the closet. And she will know you are the one that ruined it.”
Her face was flushed, her breathing hard. ”I didn’t touch it,” she said through clenched teeth.”
“A five year old could have sewn on the logo better. You did a sloppy job.”
She raised her hand as though she were going to slap me. “My sewing is perfect. You can’t even see where I put the stitches and,” she stopped and put her over her mouth .
I crossed my arms. “The truth finally comes out.”
She stared at me, then after a moment she shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I still outsmarted you because everyone believes you did it.”
“This isn’t a game to see who is the smartest. I only want to know how you found out about the logo and how you did the sewing. I have to admit the stitching is perfect.”
She snickered. “Of course the stitching is perfect. I’m going to be a fashion designer. I’ve been sewing since grade school. Finding out about the logo was simple. You made it easy for me. I pretended I was working with you and the uniform company told me all I needed to know.” She lifted her head proudly. “All I had to do was wait until you made the last check on that boring little jacket. Then I went in and changed it.”
“There wasn’t time to put on a new logo. You were at the dance all night.”
“I was gone about five minutes, and the logo was already done. It was on my tennis letter jacket in my locker. All I had to do was switch the jackets and hide the real one. No one will find out I did it.”
“Mrs. DeGraff will know.”
She smiled. “How? Anyone could have done it.”
“She’ll believe me when I tell her.”
“Of course she believes what you say because it’s Little Miss Perfect’s logo.” She mimicked, swaying her head from side to side. “She trusted you to do it like you showed her in the office. But she’ll begin to doubt you tonight. I made sure of that. She’ll remember the guys that have been complaining to her about some of your conversations they’ve overheard. Guys will do anything for me.”
“What conversations?”
“Conversations you’ve had with Tanner and that little mousy Sarah. “ She examined her red fingernails. “I remember what you said very well and the guys told Mrs. DeGraff everything.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I know how you really feel about Westview. And the truth came from your own mouth.” She pointed a finger at me. “Remember? ‘No one wants to go to Westview. I wish Carlton were still open. The consolidation is the worst thing that could’ve happened to Carlton.’ “Remember saying that? And who could forget what you told the school board?” ‘If you close Carlton I’ll do everything I can to make Westview suffer.’ “Those were your own words and don’t try to deny it.”
She was right. I had said that but I never thought she was listening. “I was angry when I said those things, especially when I talked to the school board. And anyway, that was before I was elected co-president. I didn’t mean it.”
“You meant it all right. And now everyone knows what you’re really like.”
“That was a long time ago. I love Westview now. You changed my logo and I will make sure Mrs. DeGraff knows.”
Tiffany chuckled sarcastically. “Try your Little Miss Perfect act on someone else. I only did what you’ve wanted to do since school started. You should be thankful that I changed the logo to the way you really wanted it. I did you a favor.”
“That isn’t what I want and you know it. You’ve always tried to hurt me. I don’t know why.”
“I had everything until you came along. Tanner’s mine and I should have been his date tonight. I wanted to be co-president and I would’ve been if it weren’t for you. You don’t care about Westview but I do. Well, now you can see what it feels like to be on the outside. You won’t be Miss. Popularity anymore. Not after this. You’ll get expelled and Tanner will despise you.”
My stomach turned. “Tanner knows I didn’t do it and so does Mrs. DeGraff.” I wanted to believe that, but the contempt on Tanners face when he saw the logo was still vivid.
She raised her eyebrows. “You’re just like all the other girls. They all fall for Tanner. But he can’t stand you. He belongs to me.”
“Tanner deserves better. He should have someone who loves him.”
“Like you?”
“Yes.” I almost choked the word out. There
wasn’t any use in denying it. She’d known for a long time.
She snickered. “Too bad. You don’t stand a chance. Tanner thinks you made that logo.“
“I’ll tell him what really happened.”
She laughed. “He won’t believe you.”
“You’re wrong, Tiffany.” Tanner stepped around the corner of the hallway.
I turned to face him at the same time Tiffany did. Where had he come from? Had he heard everything?
Chapter Ten
“At first I thought she had done the logo.” Tanner said to Tiffany. “But only because it took me by surprise.”
He turned to me. “I’m sorry. Deep down I knew you wouldn’t do anything like that. You’ve worked too hard for this consolidation.”
My heart soared. “Do you really believe I didn’t do it?”
“Yes, and thanks to Mrs. DeGraff, everyone else knows. She found the real display you prepared hidden in the storeroom and she brought it into the gym.” He squeezed my hand. “I’m sorry I doubted you even for a second. The logo is just what the school needed. Everyone loves it.”
“No,” Tiffany broke in, “she has you fooled. She has everyone fooled. She’s always acted innocent. Ashlee has never cared about Westview. She’s not like me, Tanner. I’ve always loved our school.”
He shook his head. “If you cared about Westview you wouldn’t have ruined her logo. It could have split the school again.”
She put her hand on his chest. “I didn’t do it. Can’t you see?” She looked up at him innocently. “She’s just trying to put the blame on me?”
He brushed her hand away. “I heard you admit you did it.”
“She made me say that. She wants you to think I ruined her logo. She’s trying to turn you against me.”
“No, she isn’t. I know you’re guilty and so does Mrs. DeGraff.”
“Just because she found another jacket with a logo doesn’t prove anything. Anyone could have changed it.”
“Mrs. DeGraff knows it’s you,” Tanner said. “Tim told her that he saw you in the janitors closet before they brought the jacket out.”
She stepped back. “That still doesn’t prove anything. I’ll tell her I was checking to see if the jacket was safe. She’ll believe me. She knows I’m a loyal Westie.”
Tanner shook his head. “I’ll tell her that you admitted it. You actually bragged about it.”
Tiffany studied him. “So you’re a snitch. Well, she still won’t believe you. Sam is crazy about me. He’ll tell her I was with him the whole evening. You know, I used to think you were a nice guy, but you’ve changed. I can’t believe I thought I was in love with you. Not anymore, we’re through. There are plenty of guys who would love to take your place.”
She gave me a scornful glance then looked back at Tanner. “I never thought you would stoop so low that you’d be interested in her type. I thought you had better taste. But you can have her.”
“That’s enough, Tiffany,” Tanner’s jaw tightened and his fists clenched.
“Just remember this,” she said poking a finger at him, “you didn’t break up with me. I broke up with you.” She yanked open the gym door and slammed it behind her.
I stared dumbfounded at the door half expecting her to storm back out. An awkward silence filled the air. I wanted to say something but no words came out.
Before I could speak Tanner broke the silence. “I’m sorry I ever doubted your innocence,” he said turning to me. “And I’m sorry Tiffany did this to you.”
“That’s all right. What will happen to her? Will she get away with everything?”
“I don’t think so. Mrs. DeGraff is convinced she did it. I don’t know what she’ll do. She might get expelled for a while.”
I nodded, shifting uneasily. “I feel bad that she broke up with you over this.”
“She didn’t. I ended everything a month ago but I didn’t tell anyone.”
“A month ago? I don’t understand.”
“She’s not like you,” he said, putting his hands on my shoulders. “Tiffany acts tough but she’s been insecure since her parents divorce. She begged me to keep our break up a secret. I promised to make it look like we were still going together. So I met her in the halls in the mornings and after school whenever I could. I promised to keep it a secret until after the Frolic. She said if everyone knew it would be too humiliating to come tonight. And it wouldn’t be good for Westies morale, especially if they knew why I did it.”
“What do you mean? Why did you do it?”
Tanner shook his head. “First, answer me, did you mean it?”
“You said you loved me, do you?”
A lump formed in my throat and I stared at the floor. Nothing had changed. Sure, he had broken up with Tiffany but that didn’t mean he loved me. He probably wanted to know so he could let me down easy.
He lifted my chin. “Ashlee, look at me. Answer me.”
His eyes had the same dizzying effect on me that they’d always had. His expression tense, searching. “I can’t.”
“I don’t know how you feel and it would ruin everything if I told you.”
His emerald eyes questioned me. “Are you saying that you love me?” he asked. His thumb gently stroked my face, willing me to answer. “Tell me, please.” He moved closer, resting his forehead against mine.
He sighed deeply. “I was afraid you would say no.” Before I could respond his lips met mine in a sweet embrace. His kiss was even better than before, deeper and searching, as if he wanted to make sure I was sincere. “I love you too.”
Tanner loved me. I wanted to cry. I wanted to laugh. I had to remind myself to keep breathing. This wasn’t a fantasy anymore. I was living my dream. Could anyone explode from happiness? I kissed him again. He was really mine.
He held me tight. “I’ve wanted to tell you for so long. But I was afraid. I didn’t think you felt the same.”
I pulled away slightly. “You couldn’t tell? I thought the whole world knew how I felt, but I couldn’t tell you. I thought you loved Tiffany.”
“Tiffany and I almost broke up before summer started. I had doubts about her then. She’s changed so much. But we decided to stay together. And for a while I actually thought I still cared for her, but that didn’t last long. I think everything changed when I saw how she pushed your chair at the first council meeting. I confronted her about it and things went downhill from there. Then as soon as I realized how I felt about you, I broke up with her for good. I told her in the courtyard. She was upset and I felt guilty. I didn’t know how the kids would react if I broke up with a Westie to be with you. I didn’t want to ruin the Frolic so I agreed to keep quiet until after tonight. I tried to tell you when we were dancing.” He kissed my cheek. “I couldn’t pretend that I cared about Tiffany when you were in my arms. I’ve wanted to tell you for weeks but you acted so cool. You barely even talked to me.”
“I couldn’t. I was afraid you would see how I felt. Besides, you were acting strange. You were pretty distant.”
“I know. I thought if I ignored you, it would help me get over you. But all it did was make me more miserable.”
I lay my head on his shoulder. “I’ve loved you from the first time I heard your voice. I didn’t even see your face, but I loved you. Although I fooled myself into thinking I despised you.”
“It’s taken me a while to admit how I felt about you too. I‘ve loved you since I saw you stuck in that stupid locker.”
“Can you believe I used to think you were my rival?”
He chuckled. “I kind of like kissing the enemy,” he whispered, just before his lips covered mine.
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Ashlee's Rival Love Page 15