Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood #1)

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Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood #1) Page 8

by Cayce Poponea

  In today's day and age, it might be odd that my mother doesn't have an email account, yet my eighty year old grandmother not only has email, but two Facebook pages. She's very computer savvy and it drives my mom insane. I haven't had a recent email from her and I was going to have to give her shit for it. I would have to tell Kennedy about the oddity that was my family.

  To: CupCakeCutie

  From: Michaels. Zach, L.T.


  Subject: How are you?


  Hey! I recently came in contact with a young lady who had the misfortune of being caught by a scam artist. I don't know how much of the news you follow, but a new scam has victimized young men and women who are trying to find a little companionship and maybe a chance at love. It specifically involves individuals who are interested in active duty military. This person, Virginia Greyson—the crazy bitch who is now sitting in a jail cell somewhere—sadly attempted to victimize a wonderful girl I have become friends with. Her name is Kennedy and she is from near where you and I live. Please, do your poor brother a favor and stick to dating someone close. Have Zane check them out. I have enough to worry about over here, without you doing something crazy. Mom and dad always told us everyone has someone special out there for them. I know it's hard to wait, hell I've waited longer than you have, but be patient and let it happen. I love you and can't wait to see you.

  Your brother,



  I’d been dreaming of a girl dancing in a field of wild flowers, her dark hair splashed with the rays of the sun running down the long strands of her hair and fingertips reaching out to caress the tips of the tall grass surrounding her. Her smile, wide and welcoming, with straight white teeth surrounded by red inviting lips. “Viper,” her voice called to me, giggling as she continued to walk backwards, beckoning me with the curl of her index finger. “Viper...” her soft voice changed to a much deeper one, the delicate skin of her face fading into a cloud of white.

  “Viper, Captain needs to see us.” Ghost’s voice replaced the beautiful girl, the dip of my heart forcing my body to jolt up in my bed. “Sorry, Sir. Captain just called a meeting.”

  Captain Brown was a fair and decent man and a graduate of West Point. When I first arrived, he did his standard meet and greet, letting me know exactly what was expected of me. As I sat in his office that afternoon, I noticed behind him on the wall was a picture of, who I assumed were, his family. Two dark haired, blue-eyed children stood on either side of a beautiful, middle-aged woman. He noticed me looking and pulled the wooden frame off the makeshift shelf. They were his twins, Corey and Carney; they had just turned four in the picture. His wife, Natasha, was from Russia and they had tried for over ten years to have their children. They went to doctor after doctor, trying treatment after treatment. Finally, Natasha came to the decision children were not possible; three months later she became pregnant with the twins.

  “Gentlemen, sorry to wake you so soon after the last mission, but this comes from POTUS directly. An American student, Alyssa Nicholson, twenty two, was kidnapped nearly two weeks ago by who we’ve now confirmed was Aarash Konar. Intel as of two hours ago, has him returning to the area with the kidnapped girl." My thoughts immediately went to Kennedy, even though I knew it wasn't her, it was an instantaneous reaction.

  "I'm counting on the best of the best to go in and bring this girl home to her family."

  He dismissed us and excused himself, Chief following behind him. I've been on countless missions like this very one, kidnappings and ambushes happened all the time. This girl, this American, was more than just your standard issue college student, she was some Senator or Governor's daughter. More than likely, she was being used to get back at her father for crossing the wrong terrorist in his attempt to get what he wanted.

  “You know, Diesel would have loved this one.” Ghost commented as he shoved a handful of flash grenades in his pack. “You're right, he would have.” I agreed, zipping my own pack.

  The building where the girl was being kept was ten klicks away. Using the cover of night, we silently made our way to the target. One thing I appreciated about this place was the clearness of the nighttime sky, the stars shining like tiny twinkling lights above our heads. I wondered if Kennedy could see the same stars, or did clouds cover the sky? With the glow of a town fire illuminating in the distance, I began to scour the edge of the darkness. Everything was quiet; not even the barking of a stray dog could be heard. I called for radio silence as we closed in on the target building. The guards standing outside were taken down in one quick motion, dark blood spilling from their throats, death found them quick and painlessly. Once inside, I gave the word to secure the building. Signaling to Ghost I would take the left, I headed into the dark corners of the house. Room after room was cleared, but we kept our guard up until the signal was given the girl was safe, and we could head to the rendezvous point. I caught sight of Ghost and gave him the signal my side was clear, and he returned it letting me know the same.

  I had just stepped out of the house and onto the desert floor when it happened. From out of nowhere, a local woman came running at me, brandishing what looked like a hunting knife. She was quick as she swung the knife at me like a baseball bat, connecting with the lower half of my left arm. I could feel the warmth of my own blood run down my arm, but my adrenaline acted as an instant painkiller. I didn't hear Ghost run over, but he was quick to silence the screaming woman. He helped me sit down before taking off my belt and applying pressure to the gash in my arm.

  "Can you make it, Viper?” I nodded and he helped me stand up again. With the girl in tow, we headed to our rendezvous point. I'd been shot at more times than I could count, had a big motherfucker try to drown me in Belize once, but this was the first time I'd ever been attacked by a female.

  The trip back to the hooch felt like forever, I was a sweaty mess as I entered the infirmary. Corpsman came rushing to me; one with a stretcher helping me lay down as they began removing my pack and Kevlar. The second they removed the belt from my arm, pain shot up from my fingers.

  "Motherfucker!" I spat between clenched teeth. Taking a look at my arm, I got to see what the crazy bitch did to me. The cut was deep, I could see muscle and, dare I say, bone. The blade must have been jagged, as the skin and surrounding tissue was mutilated. One guy on my right had my arm in a blood pressure cuff; while another told me he needed to give me a tetanus shot.

  "I don't have to tell you it's a deep one, but it's fixable. We'll have you back out there in no time." Captain Taylor had arrived on the same flight as me. I had shaken his hand, telling him no offense, but I hope I would never need his help. He agreed, but wished me the same.

  Another corpsman came in with a syringe full of clear liquid injecting it randomly into the torn flesh, causing the sting of the wound to become less and less. I watched Captain Taylor closely as he maneuvered the curved needle, suture, and forceps like he was sewing a pair of socks. Almost an hour later, I had a bandaged arm and thirty stitches with orders to take at least forty-eight hours off.

  Back at my cot, I lie down with my left arm resting across my chest. The medication they injected me with kept the pain at bay, although I knew it would hurt tomorrow. I didn't want to dwell on it, so I went over the events that left me in this predicament. I had secured my side of the perimeter, but lost my edge, letting my guard down just enough it almost got me killed. Leaning my head back and closing my eyes, I thought of all the things I still wanted out of life.

  A steady job and a house to call my own. Someplace to have cookouts on the weekends, and super bowl parties during the season. I wanted to wave at my neighbors and bitch when I had to mow the lawn. But most of all, I wanted a girl by my side to enjoy it all with me. I meant what I said to Savannah, I do believe there is someone out there for everyone. I could sense my someone was only a plane ride away.


  Sleep could not find me, my overactive thoughts refusing to let my drea
ms take over. Pulling myself out of bed, I moved to the trunk that held my material possessions. Unlocking the metal flap, the lid opened with a haggard creek from months of not being used. I sifted through the various award letters and souvenirs I stored in there until I reached the bottom and the contraband I’d hidden there months ago.

  Closing the lid, shoving the glass bottle into one of my pants pockets, “Freedom Rock, 0530.” I ordered as my fist pounded on each door, continuing down the hall, not waiting for any of them to protest the early hour. Ignoring the smell of coffee and cooking meat coming from the mess hall, I flexed my stiff fingers of my injured arm as the meds they used last night had long since worn off. I didn't need to turn around to know three of my five men had already fallen in step behind me, silently following me into the shadows of the unknown.

  Freedom Rock, its name coming from a gun battle between the first battalion of Marines who arrived here and Aarash’s men. Two days of exchanging bullets, ten Marines dead, but the line they needed to push back had been established, which included the rock in the side of the hill, with the American flag still waving in the wind from the top.

  The snapping sound of the flag whipping in the wind above my head was all I heard as I crouched down, my legs bent at the knees providing a place to rest my aching arm. Warm oranges, gold, and hues of pink announced the arrival of a new day, giving clarity to the decision I had made. Pulling the jar from my pocket, hoping it would give me the courage to deliver the news to my team. I set the clear liquid on the rock of the hill between my legs, waiting until everyone arrived.

  “Well, y’all know this ain’t a mission brief, but some heavy shit if Viper is violating military code with a jar of moonshine.” Doc was right on all counts. This conversation was going to be one of the heaviest we've ever had, and the moonshine at my feet, could get me sent to a review board and a possible dishonorable discharge.

  Doc being the last to arrive, his right boot was untied, the strings flapping around with each step. He dropped his tired body down on the rock to join the rest of us. With five sets of eyes looking back at me, I take in what I hope is enough air to get the words out.

  “Ain't no easy way to say what I’m about to say.” I began, refusing to look away from the five sets of eyes who watched me, my need to pay tribute to all of the times they covered my back. “Last night I let my mind wander and it nearly cost me my life. I’ve lost my edge.” Swallowing thickly, my next words were almost a whisper. “I’m getting out.” A collective silence remains across the group, not a single muscle flinching as my confession is reviewed.

  Ghost is first to acknowledge my words, his head bobbing as he chucks a hand full of pebbles to the dirt below. “Me too,” brushing the dirt and sand from his palms, “I wasn’t certain until now, but this,” he motions to the tent city below, “isn’t how I want to live anymore.”

  “Ghost, while I appreciate—”

  “What? You think you're the only one of us who has seen enough?”

  “He’s right, Viper.” Havoc reaches over, taking the jar into his hand, unscrewing the lid, and taking a whiff. “Hell, I’m waiting for the Navy to kick my ass out any day now.” He moves the jar in a toasting motion before tipping it back to his lips. His face squints as the burn of the alcohol goes down his throat.

  “Might as well sign my package while you're at it.” Reaper takes the jar from Havoc, repeating his toasting motion, as he enjoys his own drink, minus the admission of how strong the moonshine is.

  “I'm the oldest some-bitch in this group, and I ain't got it in me to train another set of motherfuckers.” Chief takes his turn at the community drink. “Hell, I’ve been ready to go stateside and get a real job for a while. “Chief motions for me to take the jar from his hand,

  “Hurry up, Viper. Ramsey noticed you leaving in a huff. He’s been sneaking up the side of the ridge for the past few minutes, looking over here with a set of binoculars.” Nothing Ramsey did would ever surprise me, he wanted to be on my team more than he wanted his next breath.

  “This goes without saying,” the emotion of the situation hitting me like a brick. Taking a long pull from the jar, I ignore the protest my throat is giving me about the burn. “Y’all are my family. Anyone of you fuckers needs me—” Doc takes the jar from my hand, rescuing me from dealing with the emotions surrounding me.

  “Hey, man, it ain’t like you’re getting out tomorrow.” Kicking my boot, he flashes me a watery smile. “It could be worse, you could have the kinda time I have left.” Doc had signed up so the military would pay for med school; he still owed them a considerable amount of time. “Hopefully, they’ll stick me in some cushy stateside job until my time is served.” Doc had a way of looking at things, always trying to get our minds off the madness around us, making light of the intense situation.

  “With your luck, Doc,” Reaper pulls the jar toward him, rising to his feet. “You’ll spend the next fifteen months on bedpan duty.” As the rest of us join Reaper, our bodies in a tight circle.

  “Hey, you know me, I’ll do anything to see a little ass.”

  We walked as a unit down the ridge, each of us calling out a hello to the hiding Ramsey as we passed the shadow he retreated into. Captain saw us walking across the camp, his gaze remaining on us as he stopped his forward progression.

  “Lieutenant,” shifting his stance, he was a smart enough guy to know when something was up. “Something I need to know about?” Eyes flicking back and forth between the six of us, his brow furrowing with concern. “Yes, Sir. You got a minute?”

  Havoc had been right; his days in the military were numbered. Apparently, his last physical showed an area on his lung the military didn’t particularly like. Captain gave him his word he would make sure his final duty station would be close to home. Chief hinted around he would consider a civilian job with the medical unit, but with no real training his odds were slim to none. Reaper was offered an extension with a considerable bonus, but he turned it down, saying he could make more money brewing moonshine. When Doc asked to return to Bethesda, Captain gave him a worried look, and then reminded him this mission was far from over and his skills as a surgeon were still needed here.

  Ghost didn't say much of anything, thanking Captain as he signed his paperwork and left. We all knew he didn't want to return to Montana, fixing fences and herding cattle. He was a smart man and an incredible SEAL. Whatever he chose, he would do well.

  To: CupCakeCutie

  From: Michaels. Zach, L.T.


  Subject: Need your help


  Remember when I was home last time and we talked about you renting a building for your store? Well, I want you to call the same lady who helped you and see if there are any openings for my tattoo shop. I made the decision tonight; I'm done with this part of my life. It's time to open a new door and live my dream. I need somewhere with a good storefront location. I'm open to buying or leasing, just check it out and if you wouldn't run a shop from it, then I wouldn't either. I need to have everything up and running so use that power of attorney I gave you to make this happen. I'm counting on you. Oh, and tell Zane to save me a ticket for his home opener.



  P.S. We can talk on the phone if you can arrange it, just add in the time difference.

  Kennedy had been on my mind more than I was really comfortable with. It was unnerving for me, in nearly every one of my thoughts the faceless girl was there. Her last email had got me to seriously start thinking.

  To: HorseWhisperer

  From: Michaels. Zach, L.T.


  Subject: anywhere in the world.


  I must admit I am in agreement with you when it comes to staying in Georgia. I have traveled both with the Navy and on vacation with my parents to various countries. I've seen castles in Scotland, the Great Wall of China, and I floated in a gondola along the canals in Venice. The world is a beautiful place with mysteri
es yet to be solved and lessons to be learned. However, nothing beats the view from the top of the Stone Mountain, standing in line at the original Coke plant, watching the first pitch on opening day of Braves baseball, or the leaves change with the season. You asked me where I would open my shop, without a doubt it would be in Atlanta.

  You might be interested to know I've contacted my sister and she's going to start looking for a place to open my shop very soon.

  When I enlisted, I knew my duty and I've done it to the best of my ability. Recently, I went on a mission and came back with a pretty, sizeable gash on my arm. I have a good amount of stitches, but more than that, I have a new perspective on things. I want different goals and new adventures. I believe my new way of thinking really started when I began this friendship with you. I hope you don't find it forward of me, but once I get settled in Atlanta, I would really like to take you to a game or stand in line at the Coke plant. I understand if you are too busy or not comfortable, but maybe if you give it some consideration your brother can come with you? Give it some thought; I look forward to your next email.

  So tell me, if you could design anything for anyone, what would it be? Tell me about your horse. How would you handle having the freedom to work with them instead of what your mother dictates you to?



  The pain medicine had begun to wear off by the time I shutdown my laptop. I had some oral meds the Captain prescribed for me, so I popped two in my mouth and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.


  My arm was on fire when I woke the next day, forcing me to stop by medical, they gave me more painkillers and even added an antibiotic to the mix. I hated taking pills, but you never know what kind of shit was growing on the blade of a knife. My appetite was barely there but I knew I had to eat in order to take the pain meds and antibiotic. Once I forced some food down, I headed back to my cot to check my email.


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