Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood #1)

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Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood #1) Page 19

by Cayce Poponea

  “I’m assuming you raped each of those girls? Bastards like you think you can take what you want and not care what happens to your victim.” I grabbed a wire hanger dangling on the back of the bathroom door, twisting off the top hook to deliver the first dose of pain. Reaching down into the water, I grabbed his dick in my gloved hand, shoving the metal into the slit of his flaccid cock. “How many of those girls were virgins, saving themselves for their wedding night?” Ethan thrashed about, spilling some of the water onto the floor. I made sure the hook disappeared into his flesh, rupturing his bladder in the process.

  “Alice Bennett, eighteen, has a burn mark on her left shoulder. It looks to have been inflicted just prior to her death.” Austin's voice holds an eerie calm, considering the line of work Diesel said he did.

  Reaper picks up the discarded remnants of the hanger, bends it, and then places it under the flame of his lighter. Pressing Ethan's head against the tub, he jams the red hot metal into one of his nostrils. “How do you like that? Smells real good, huh?”

  “Lori Stone disappeared on her twenty first birthday. She had gotten engaged the weekend before—to a Marine.” Reaper and I shared a look. We would never know the name of this marine, but it didn't matter, Ethan would feel his grief. I pulled the two bottles from the pack on my back, being careful to mix them in the proper order. “Open his mouth and shove this in there.” Handing the tube to Reaper.

  “Did you follow her home from the bar, lie to her and say you wanted to help her?” Pouring the acid into the funnel, I watched Ethan's eyes as it entered his mouth and began to burn. Giving him the Havoc cocktail would limit the pain he would feel, given what he had inflicted on those girls. “Start reading off each of those names, Keys.”

  As he read each name, Reaper and I repeated them, and then slashed his skin with our knifes. When the last name was set free, the water in the tub is clouded red with his blood, our mission complete.

  Reaper cleaned up all the evidence of our visit, turning up the volume of the television so security would be called to investigate. By the looks of the room, it had been a while since the cleaning crew had even stepped foot inside. I almost felt bad for the poor bastard who found him several hours from now, his death a guarantee. Reaper’s final check was to Porter's carotid. "Welcome to Hell, Motherfucker."


  I knew Kennedy had been to my house the second I walked in the darkened door. I could smell the faint scent of her perfume still lingering inside.

  The sun would be up any minute and I hoped she was still fast asleep. Deep down, I knew she was as awake as I was, her imagination of why I hadn't been home running like wild fire. Wondering about the strange girl she had found in my kitchen, according to Rayne. I knew I stood a good chance of losing her. There was a real possibility she wouldn't accept my explanation, the only one I would give her.

  The exhaustion of my night reared its ugly head, but I knew sleep would not be found until I was able to speak with Kennedy. Just as I was about to head over to her apartment, my cell phone chimed with a text message. I sent a silent prayer before looking at the screen; my heart sank as I read the message sent from John.

  Good luck, she just showed up. Taking my girl out for the day.



  In the past year a boy has stalked me, while another didn’t exist. Now, the one I gave my heart to, played with it until it broke. I wasn’t naive enough to think the news report and my father's sudden urgency to return to his office were coincidental.

  My father was a man of means. He was quite capable of hiring a man of certain characteristics to tidy up the situation with Ethan. The media can spin any explanation they want on how he died, but it doesn’t take a genius to know a man on a mission isn’t suicidal.

  I pulled into the stables where we kept my horse, Chestnut, a racehorse who had outlived her usefulness to her previous owners. She was found by a couple of hunters when her foot got caught in a barbwire fence. They called a family member who happens to be a veterinarian, but Chestnut had been too weak to do any real damage to herself. My mother agreed to let me have her after I let it slip the media had done a story on her, in hopes of finding her a forever home.

  I walked over to the stall where Chestnut has made her home since that fateful day. How many times have I come here to share the secrets I couldn’t tell anyone else?

  A perfect black nose greets me before I can get my hand out to stroke her face. “Well, hello to you too.” Running both hands along her healthy features, she nudges around me; looking for the crunchy treat I usually bring her. “Sorry, Chestnut, I didn’t have a chance to stop and get you an apple.”

  Unlatching the door, I keep one hand on her coat as I pass over the threshold. “Things have become complicated and I needed to see you.” My voice cracks as the hurt I’ve been holding back rushes forward, demanding to be heard.

  Chestnut allows me to lean against her, letting the tears roll off my face, sobs racking my body as the images of the girl from the night before haunt me. I’d never seen the shirt she had on, but I imagine Zach has a million stuffed in a drawer in his bedroom. I know I’m torturing myself as I ponder where he would have found her. Was she a client or someone from his past? Whatever the case, she had been beautiful.

  “Come on, Chestnut. Let’s go stretch those legs.” The stables employed several handlers to prepare the owner’s horse for riding, but I’d had my fill of men with fake smiles and ulterior motives. I’ve known how to saddle my own horse since I was ten. With the straps secure, I hoisted myself onto the back of Chestnut, kicking her into a walk, with no real destination in mind. Giving Chestnut the freedom to walk where she wanted, I lost myself in the trees and blue sky above, falling into my thoughts.

  I had to place at least half the blame on my own shoulders for thinking a man— particularly a man in Zach's position—would hold out until the perfect moment. A man who had spent that much time away needed to relieve the tension built up by his months of celibacy. The remaining half of the blame needed to be placed on his broad shoulders. He could have, at any moment, ended things with me and went searching for someone to bed.

  I refuse to accept any blame in the Ethan situation. I had done nothing to give him any hope I returned his feelings. Clearly, he had something twisted deep in his psyche.

  With my head somewhat clear, I focused my eyes on my surroundings. The edges of Ella’s fence stood out in the distance. Chestnut had walked the miles, which separated the two businesses. With her age in mind, I needed to let her rest and get something to eat and drink. I would call the stables in a little while and have them send over a trailer.

  Letting Chestnut continue at her leisurely pace, I cringed as she rounded the main office. The parked truck of the one man I didn't want to see, was sitting in the spot I usually filled. Of course he would be here, telling his family how my working here would be a conflict of interest, as he no longer wanted to play the game with me.

  Pulling back on the reins, I let Chestnut know her job is done and slide off the saddle, guiding her the rest of the way by hand. The stall beside Hercules is empty. I know I can keep her there long enough to cool her down and get a trailer over here. Swallowing the new set of emotions brewing in my chest, I walked past Ella’s office and down the long hall.

  “Hercules, this is my girl, Chestnut. You be nice to her, she’s had a long day.” Settling her into the stall, I remove the saddle and blanket. Hercules is acting like a busy body, staring at us through the bars separating the stalls. “Oh, don't be a creeper, she was my horse long before I met you.”

  I run my hand down the side of her neck, letting her know this is a safe place and the mammoth beast beside her would do her no harm. “I’m with you, Chestnut, boys make me jumpy too.”

  “Not every boy.” My body flinches and I turn to look at the man I’d spent the day trying to forget, standing not three feet away. “At least I didn't used to.”

  Shaking m
y head, I let my breath out. Responding to him would mean I want to talk, which I certainly did not. “What are you doing here?” I avoid looking at him, giving my attention to Chestnut instead.

  “I know you came by the house. We need to talk.”

  “Talk about what? How you lied to me about having a meeting and needing to get some rest.”

  “I didn’t lie, Kennedy. I did have something to do.”

  “Oh, really? Don’t you mean somebody? Since you know I came by your house, you also know I saw the half naked girl in your kitchen.” Regret fills my mind, I didn't want to have a conversation that escalated like this. The last thing I want is to have someone in my life who is there for the wrong reason.

  “Kennedy, I had to meet one of the guys from my SEAL team. We had a mission we had to carry out. The girl—”

  “Stop! I don’t want to hear anymore. If you think for one second, I believe you were on some secret mission for the military, you're crazy. Even with all the technology we have today, there is no way you traveled across the world and returned in less than twenty-four hours. Unless you want to try and convince me NASA has been hiding a time travel portal in Area 51. Or are you just that elite, where you can jump in and disarm the situation in seconds, hopping back in your Doctor Who telephone booth and arrive back home in a few hours.”

  “Kennedy, not all missions take place overseas. What I needed—”

  “Stop, I don’t want to hear about this secret mission you had to go on. I don’t want to hear how the half naked girl appeared in your kitchen.” I looked at my watch, sick to my stomach with the direction this conversation has headed. “Don’t you have a shop to run?”

  “I’m the boss, so it opens when I say.”

  “Well, I’m not the boss around here and I have things to do. If you will excuse me, I need to get Chestnut home.” Stepping around him, I pull my cell from my back pocket, and charge down the hall, not really caring if he followed me or not. I had nearly made it to the front of the building when Ella blocked my path.

  “Hey, did I hear my nephew's voice?” Her eyes say it all, as she reaches out for me. “Kennedy, are the two of you arguing?”

  “No, we are in complete agreement. He wants to see other women and I won’t stand in his way.” I move again, sidestepping around her. “I’m sorry, Miss Ella, if you would excuse me.” She could find her nephew and get all the juicy details from him.

  Walking until I was a good distance from the barn, I chanced a look around, recalling the first time I set foot on this property. It was my dream to work here, to learn from the best of the best. Now, I wanted to rewind time and never send that letter, staying ignorant of the skills Ella has shown me. As I scrolled through my contacts, trying to find the number of the stables, I passed a number I hadn't had to call in ages. Glancing over my shoulder, I made sure Zach hadn't followed me out. Leaning against the edge of the fence, I pressed the green circle beside her name.

  “Hello, Kennedy. How are you?”

  Hearing her voice brings the sting of tears to my eyes and I fight the sob bubbling in my chest. “Hey, Sabrina, I’m fine. Missing you, but fine.” Glancing up, I notice Zach is standing at the edge of the yard, his eyes in my direction.

  “You don’t sound fine, my love. Want to tell me what’s going on?” I don’t. I don’t want to admit to anyone I allowed yet another man to pull the wool over my eyes. “Sabrina, you were married to a military man for a number of years. Tell me, how did you handle him going off and not being able to tell you where he was?” Zach walked over to lean against the edge of his truck , even from this distance; I could see the exhaustion in his eyes.

  “Honestly, it wasn’t always easy. There were a few times he was called to work and I didn’t see him for a few days. I’d question if he was out catting around. But when he walked through that door, looking tired and happy to be home, I tossed those thoughts away.”

  “So you chose to believe him?”

  “No, I chose to love him. The rest seemed to fall into place.”

  I changed the subject to a technique I’d been working on with Ella. I watched as Zach waited for a few minutes, but seemed to surrender to his body's need for rest. As I was finishing up my call with Sabrina, he climbed into his car, not saying a word as he passed me on the road.



  “Zach, I’m so sorry about Kennedy.” Rayne and Reaper had agreed to hang around for a few days until I could get Kennedy to listen to me. “It was so late, I never dreamed she would come over and find me in your kitchen.”

  I tossed my head against the back of the couch, feeling like a dumbass for not being able to figure this shit out. “Rayne, it’s not your fault. The second she went upstairs and found my bed empty, she would have been just as pissed off.” I reasoned.

  “Would an Uncle Ray story cheer you up?”

  I turn my head to Reaper, “Not unless it holds the secret to getting Kennedy back.”

  “Maybe I could talk to her? Let her know I'm with Matt, and not you.” While I knew her intentions were good, I needed her to understand why this was such a bad idea.

  “Rayne, let me ask you a question? Let’s say the roles were reversed and it was Kennedy standing in Reaper's kitchen. The relationship is fairly new and you have just been through a terrible experience with another man. How about we add into the mix, you and Reaper haven't gone much past a heavy groping session. Would you really want to talk with the half naked girl, when she shows up at your front door?”

  Rayne lowered her eyes to the rim of her coffee cup, “No, I wouldn’t want to speak with her. Rip her eyes out maybe, but no way would I talk with her.” It was oddly adorable how gentle and kind Rayne is, considering the gruff, mountain of man Reaper is.

  “Wait, you went through all of that last night and today, but you haven't slept with her yet? Hell man, either she is more like a little sister or a good friend, or...”

  “I bought the ring two weeks ago.” My admission hung heavy in the room.

  Rayne rose from her seat by the door, walking with a smile on her face as she sat on Reaper’s lap. “You know, Zach, back before I met Matt, I was getting ready to marry a man I didn’t love, or really even like. The people around me convinced me there was no one out there who would want to wake up to a woman who looks like me.” Her pleading blue eyes, latched onto my soul, pulling me into the deep pools her heart swam in. Rayne, like Kennedy, was a classic beauty. Both were blessed with simple features and soft lines. They didn’t need pounds of makeup to make them look natural.

  “I worked for a funeral home, getting people who have passed ready for their loved ones to say goodbye to them. I felt safe doing it, avoiding the judgment I found in the eyes of those around me. My brother had asked his long time girlfriend to marry him and she made it clear there was room for only one female in the home she would share with him. So I started looking around for a place to stay, no small task considering the size of the town I lived in. Anyway, one afternoon I was leaving the post office and ran into Matt here.”

  Sliding her eyes to meet Reaper’s, glowing smiles forming as they both relived the memory. “He seemed larger than life. When I looked into his eyes, what I saw looking back at me, made every bad name I had ever been called and every cruel joke seem to disappear. Mrs. Merkel, who ran the post office, tried to tell me he was some shifter blowing through town and to keep my distance. But when I needed his help, he was right there to save me.” Rayne turned in my direction, immeasurable joy on her face. “Matt told me why we needed to come here. I have to tell you, he made it clear if I chose to get in his truck, I was stuck with him forever. What Kennedy needs, is living proof of the kind of love you have for her.”

  Rayne didn’t need to come out and say I had to be honest with Kennedy, but she was right, actions always speak louder than words.


  “Oh, God, that’s creepy. You calling me by my first name.” I shivered, unable to recall
Reaper ever using my name.

  “Tough shit. If I keep using your call sign for every day, when I need to use it in a mission, it won’t protect you.” Fucker had a point. “I spoke with Chase and his brothers today while you were over trying to salvage your relationship. They’re offering to bring you in if you're still interested. According to Chase, they have more work than they know what to do with.”

  If I chose to join this group with my old teammates, it would mean admitting to Kennedy what I did when I was away. Hell, what I did for her last night. I can hire another artist to help Jason, only working there when we didn’t have a mission.

  “But you should know.” His voice is serious, which causes me to sit up straight. “I have to leave in a few days to go help Tombstone.”

  “What the fuck happened?”

  “You know he got shot and had to go to Germany to recover, right?” I nod my head, allowing him to continue. “Once he was well enough to fly back to the States, they tried to get in touch with his wife. When all attempts failed, his parents showed up and helped him home. He opened the front door to an empty house and divorce papers in the middle of the living room floor. His ex-wife had fallen in love with some guy she’d found in an Internet chat room and took off with him. While he wants nothing to do with her, he does want his kids back. I’m going to go help him get them back.” As a SEAL, we have been in countless missions like this. Granted the child was being used as a pawn or was a runaway to get Daddy's attention.

  “And you're taking Rayne with you?” I had to know what to tell Kennedy. If she would forgive me for what happened, I wanted her beside me.


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