Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood #1)

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Signed, SEALed, Delivered (Trident Brotherhood #1) Page 22

by Cayce Poponea

  Her hands shook as she slowly retrieved the white paper, turning it over several times, but not a single question left her lips. I watched and waited as my own anxiety increased. Only two possible answers could be given to the words that were scripted on that paper. As a soldier, I've waited on insurgents in some uncomfortable conditions—heat, stagnant water, and dead animal carcasses to name a few. Yet standing here, surrounded by the smell of the tent, the sounds of the cool Atlanta night and the labored breathing of the most beautiful girl in the world, was by far the worst situation I have ever braved. In all of those other times, I had an out, a way to fight to the death or walk away to battle another day. This time, she had the ability to give me the response I had dreamed about for weeks, or shatter my heart into pieces that would never mold together again.

  Four words written on the page clenched in her fingers. To anyone else, it would take less than five seconds to read and respond. Yet with an unknown amount of time clicking past, my heart rate increased to immeasurable speeds, as her eyes flicked back and forth over those four words.

  As if a ray of light were cast down, sharing its joy by separating the storm clouds and ending the loneliness felt by the pelting rain, her smile filled the tent as her words brought peace to a crumbling man.




  "Only days after prominent Atlanta attorney, John Forrester, served his wife of nearly twenty five years with divorce papers, a spokesperson for the family announced the engagement of his youngest daughter, Kennedy, to another society mogul, Zachary Michaels, son of Dr. Jonathan and Emma Michaels. No date was given for the young couple's nuptials.

  A trusted source reveals Claudia Forrester was recently escorted out of a high-end boutique when her credit card was declined and Mrs. Forrester became angry. Reports state the Atlanta police were called, however, no arrests have been made at time of this printing."

  “Yes, Mother. I have seen the paper this morning.” My eyes squeezed shut, my index finger massaging my left temple as the pounding of a headache appeared on the horizon.

  “How can he do this to me? After all I’ve done for that man!”

  I was able to recall a number of reasons off the top of my head. Claudia Forrester was reaping what she sewed.

  “Just you wait! Zachary will find a younger, prettier version and you will end up just like me, a discarded housewife.”

  Disconnecting, I tossed my phone aside, as the tears made their angry appearance. Turning quickly, I nearly stumble over one of the boxes Jason still needs to pick up and take to his new home. I had to get out of there, away from the anguish my mother's words had filled me with. How had the happiest of times taken such a downward spiral?

  Sitting behind the wheel of my car, I had no a clue as to how I arrived outside Zach's house. Not caring if the car was secure, I flew from the driver's seat and through the back door, the alarm announcing my arrival. I knew where he would be at this late hour. Zach was nothing if not reliable and stable. The sound of the late night news anchor he always watched to wind down for the night filled the hall. I didn't bother to remove my shoes or care where my keys and purse landed as I jumped into his bed, his arms catching and pulling me close.

  "She called again didn't she?" He reached over and silenced the television, holding me tighter as the sobs returned. "Let it out, Sweetheart," he instructed, keeping his true remarks to himself.

  Zach had a long, heated conversation with his mother and future mother-in-law the last time my mother had upset me. Claudia proclaimed I was an ungrateful child and would suck the Michaels family dry. Her words were venomous and Zach watched in horror as they sank their deadly fangs deep into my heart. His mother, the lady that she is, wrapped her arm around me, whispering she didn't believe for a second what Claudia said. Zach had been too angry to say anything to her as he followed us out of the room.

  "I told her to go to hell, Zach." I whispered, nestled against his neck, clinging to him as if my life depended on it. "She said you would stray when you figured out I was useless for much of anything." My words caught his attention and he turned us both, taking my face in his hands, his eyes searching mine.

  "You don’t need me to tell you how wonderful you are, but since she has planted a seed, I'm going to pour on my own brand of poison and make certain it never grows. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. You’re kind, even when it is not warranted. You're giving, even when you have nothing left to give. You treat people, even the ones who don't deserve it, with respect and decency. You brighten each and every room you enter, and you make every day I get to spend with you a lot better because you're in it. You give me everything I need and then some."

  His eyes stared into mine; reassuring me he was telling me the truth. Zach had the ability to give me the strength to face all my demons. My mother, who had cast me off, and any other obstacle I would ever encounter, I knew he would be by my side. But first, I had something I needed from him, something I had been afraid of.

  "Zach—" My voice trembled, not with fear, but with the promise of what I was about to ask. He didn't respond with words, but a soft kiss to my damp cheek. "I—I need you to...”

  "Anything, Kennedy. Anything you need from me it’s yours."

  His words were the key I needed to unlock my courage, freeing myself from the self-imposed prison I had created. I was ready to experience life in it purest form for the first time.

  "Make it go away." I pleaded, not only for the hurt my mother had caused, but the doubt Ethan Porter had given me. Doubt in my ability to have a normal relationship with a man like Zach. I knew he didn't need any explanation or further instructions on my request. I also knew I could stop him at any second and he would continue to love me and keep me safe.

  With a final search of my eyes and a lick of his lips, Zach dove in. The heat of his breath sent chills down my spine. His hand took a firmer grip on my face, directing my head in the direction he needed it to go. Finally releasing it, he wrapped his arms around my body pulling me tighter to him.

  I could feel him, feel his muscles tightening as he caressed my skin. Opening my mouth to his, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him impossibly closer as his tongue met my waiting one. Round and round, back and forth, touches sometimes brief and others long and inducing sounds from me I haven’t heard myself make. I tried to pull back slightly, but Zach was unwilling to break the connection and followed me back into the comfort of the mattress, as he continued to explore my mouth with his pointed tongue.

  Warm, rough fingers soon make an appearance along my ribcage, traveling at an easy pace in the direction of my satin covered breast, as his pelvis ground into mine. He was taking my request seriously and the reason for my late night visit was slowly starting to vanish.

  Open-mouthed kisses lead the way toward the hand holding one of my newly exposed breasts. He pulled back slightly, long enough to remove my shirt and unfasten my bra. Moving me back to the sheets, warmed by our body heat, his mission resumed once again. Wet pressure encircled my left nipple, the sensation causing me to gasp, yet not allowing me to voice my pleasure. Zach was in control and I was along for the ride. A ride that would take me to a place I had only read about, but never visited, even by myself.

  His pelvis made deliberate and even paths against my center, each thrust bringing more pleasure than the one prior. Bringing his mouth back to mine, his tongue buried deep in my mouth, my brain was on vacation as his fingers passed over the stitching on the hem of my pants. I felt his hesitation as he closed in on my panty line and, in a bold move, I reached down, directing him past the silk fabric, to the area of my body that wanted him the most.

  With his lips attached to my neck, Zach pulled his lower body back enough for me to remove my pants and panties. With the material gone I could feel his erection, and yet I yearned to feel more. While he continues his assault on my neck, I ventured my right hand down his shoulder, passing over his pecks and fi
nally to the soft cloth of his boxers. Refusing to second guess myself, I dipped my hand inside and took his engorged shaft gently in my hand, stroking first with just my fingertips, and then adding more pressure as Zach's moans increased against my neck. I circled my thumb over the head as my remaining digits encircled his shaft. Zach smashed his mouth to mine, pushing his tongue inside; giving me a preview of what I hoped would happen next.

  Pulling his cock out of my hand, Zach slowly moved lower, kissing a trail all the way to the junction of my thighs. I should have been trembling, frightened of what was about to happen, but here, in this room, with only the flickering light from the television, I caught sight of the platinum ring he had given me just a short time ago. He had promised forever and placed a sign of that commitment on my finger for the world to see I was the love of his life. With the ring still in my vision, I spread my legs, watching as my future husband locked eyes with me and kissed the tip of my pelvis.

  Zach spread me open, as the tongue he had explored my mouth with, discovered hidden treasures. He took his time closing his eyes briefly. I pulled myself up on my elbows to get a better vantage point, watching as his tongue played with my swollen nub, while his fingers disappeared in my opening, bringing about a deep, breathy moan. I could feel his calculated motions as he searched for something deep inside, gasping when I felt the quiver deep inside my pelvis, knowing he found what he was looking for.

  I wanted to continue watching his tongue as it pleasured me over and over, but the feeling was too great and the sensations caused me to fall back and close my eyes, my fingers pulling tightly at the sheets. I knew I was close not only by the tidal wave building in my pelvis, but at the wet sounds coming from Zach's tongue and fingers. I had read enough romance novels to know what to expect and had a general idea of what was happening. Nothing could have prepared me for the overwhelming sensations I felt as my entire body jerked and my spirit seem to float above the bed. The utopia of it all explained why men and women craved this act so much. No drug could ever replicate this and I was certain I never wanted to share this with anyone else...ever.



  The soft pattering of the slowing falling rain against the window, kept time with the rhythm of her breathing. She had come into the shop just before close, wasting little time as she took her place, straddling my hips and taking my lips hostage. Since the blow out between her and her mother, she had become more comfortable with herself. Gone was the young girl killing herself to make everyone around her happy. Now, in her place, was a headstrong, sexier, and confident woman. One who wore my ring with admiration and pride, yet kept the simple life on her compass. A prime example was how she kissed the life out of me, and then turned on all her womanly charms just to get me to take her to the little barbecue place down the street.

  She loved to sit down on their wooden benches, eat the free peanuts, and then toss the shells on the floor, laughing as she watched the patrons around her doing the same. It was defying the rules, being a rebel, even if it was expected by the owners. I loved watching her interact with the wait staff, complimenting them on their appearance or how they pronounced their name. She would look to me for advice on ordering her food, knowing I would eat anything she left behind. It was incredibly erotic watching her lick the sauce from her fingers, moaning as the sweet, sticky concoction stimulated her taste buds. I loved listening to her as she commented on each person sitting around us, sometimes making up stories about what they were doing there. Listening to her talk as she drank draft beer until she began to slur her words and holding her tightly against me as we left the restaurant. I was always careful not to let her trip and fall from her alcohol intake, but also to let every swinging dick in the place know that she was mine.

  After we returned to my house, a place she found herself most nights—although our level of intimacy had not increased since that fateful evening—she would waltz up to the entertainment center, take out a stack of movies, and announce whichever movie landed face up, was the one we would watch. As she leaned over to pluck the winning title off the floor, I would place my hand over hers, and give my one and only condition. It didn't matter what we watched, as long as it was done from under the covers in my bed.

  With the house secured and Kennedy warm from her shower, the movie began to play. Yet my attention was consumed by the perfect creature residing across my chest. Her leg was placed carelessly between mine, the softness of her skin against my much rougher, conditioned exterior. All those years as a SEAL changed more than just my outlook on life. The sweet smell of her freshly washed hair reminded me of the aroma from my mother making fruit pies. I could feel her quiet giggles as the comedy played out on the screen. Kennedy would hug me tighter when the male actor would do something she liked, or in some cases, didn't. But most of all, it was the tiny feather like kisses she would give me at random intervals. As wimpy as it sounds, all of these little things made my heart beat faster.

  My decision to marry Kennedy wasn't one that came without question. Although we both grew up in privileged circles, we had vastly different role models. Where my parents didn't go two seconds without the exchange of 'I love you', or loving touches, Kennedy has witnessed nothing but coldness and formality. Her parent’s marriage had been one of advantage and convenience, instead of love and honor. My job of showing her everything love has to offer won't be an easy one, something I’m prepared for. I have prepared myself for many arguments, hurt feelings, and hours of groveling. I'm also prepared for make up sex.

  "I have to read the book now." Kennedy said as she adjusted her arm resting between us. I waited patiently as she adjusted herself, getting comfortable.

  "Shouldn't you have done that first, before watching the movie?"

  The best part of Kennedy, the part I craved more than anything, is right before my eyes. Her smile, the one brightened even the darkest corner of the world, on display for me and only me.

  "Traditionally yes, but I have to see what happens when the train stops and the next movie in the series isn't out yet." Kennedy scrambled out of my arms and across the room, her soft bare legs gliding across the darkened room. She carried her iPad everywhere she went, it was her constant companion. I watched her slide her finger across the screen, awakening the sleeping tablet. After tapping repeatedly, with a single victorious laugh, she crossed the room and climbed back into my bed. She curled into my side once more and began reading the book she had purchased.

  Leaning closer, I read alongside her for several chapters. We found out the couple riding the train to the wall were still together, but running from their own people. My day finally caught up to me as I closed my eyes and fell into dreamland.

  I was walking on a skinny pipe, much like the male character in Kennedy's movie, pulling her behind me. Instead of Kennedy helping me escape a shrinking room, she was on her knees pulling my belt from the loops that held it against my jeans, her fingers working quickly to free me from my denim confines. Her mouth was so warm, for a moment I swore it was real and prayed to any God who would listen I didn't wake up covered in my own jizz. Her actions became fumbled and the image blurred. I could hear her talking, chastising herself for her lack of ability to complete the task. I reached out expecting the image to disappear, however I came in contact with the bed sheets covering something hard.

  I woke up and looked down, discovering Kennedy hidden under the camouflage of blankets, her warm hand wrapped around my stiff cock, which was still wet from her mouth. I pulled back the covers, getting my first glance at a frustrated Kennedy. Her lips wet and slightly swollen, her eyebrows furrowed in aggravation, and her tiny hand still wrapped around my now weeping cock.

  "Baby, not that I’m complaining there is an issue, but what are you doing?" My voice sounded slightly amused. In situations like this when Kennedy would try something new, and then somewhat back herself into a corner, not having a clue what she was doing. It was cute, and it made her all the more special.
  "I—I..." Her head lowered as she let out an exasperated breath, a piece of her now dry hair moving from the motion, swaying toward me and back into her face. I never wanted to make her feel small, like she was nothing in my eyes.

  "Hey," I spoke softly, reassurance and love my expressed intention. "Look at me." Her body shifted as she slowly and reluctantly raised her head. I gave her time to swallow her nerves, she was growing into such a self-assured person and I don't want anything to deter that.

  "I wanted to try it. I figured if I sucked at it, you would just think it was a bad dream and forget about it."

  Pulling myself into a seated position, I took her face in my hands. My eyes searched her sad and confused ones. "Baby, first off, what you were doing was amazing. I was having this dream you were doing exactly what you really were doing. No guy in their right mind would ever tell his girl that having his dick touched by her is anything other than fantastic." Her hand began to move slowly around the base of my cock, her smile returning.

  "And second?" She questioned, her movements not stopping.

  "Second,'ve made me forget what I was going to say." Her smile is full throttle, a sight I wanted to see every day.

  My eyes never left hers as I placed my hand over hers, giving her silent but encouraging instructions on how to touch me. Her eyes left mine as they studied her hand moving with mine; up and down, twisting slightly at the tip, giving just a slight squeeze as she descended to the base of my shaft.

  Finding her confidence once again, she lowered herself back down until she was again eye level with my cock. Her movements alone were causing me to twitch, but thinking about what may come, what I hoped she is about to do made my cock weep. With a smirk on her beautiful face, she opened her mouth wide, her eyes once again locking with mine. I watched as her tongue extended slowly, grazing the head with soft, innocent flicks.


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