Safe with You

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Safe with You Page 25

by Shelby Reeves

  In no time, we arrive on the scene. I jump out and run as fast as I can in search of Cassie.

  “Cassie!” I yell at the top of my lungs. I look around frantically trying to spot her.

  “J!” Dad calls, motioning me over to him and another officer.

  I stop short when I see a body cover up with a sheet behind Dad. No, no. It can’t be her, she can’t be gone!

  “J, son, it’s not, Cassie. Her parents have been shot and killed.”

  All the air rushes back to my lungs. Oh, thank God!

  “Where is she then?”

  “Son, Cassie isn’t here. We think Zack has kidnapped her.”

  “Well, let’s go find her!” We have to find her.

  Dad looks apologetic. “J, we already have police patrolling the area. We are working on getting an Amber Alert out and notifying the surrounding police departments. Right now, we are doing all we can.”

  All this waiting around is killing me. I need Cassie in my arms so I can hold on to her and never let her go. Dad and the department are doing all they can, I know they are. I’m just worried that Zack has hurt her or worse. I swallow the bile that rises in my throat. I want Cassie back with me, safe and unharmed. Word has been spread all over on the news so I pray that someone will see them and call. It’s been ten long hours since I was told my whole world was gone. I’ve been alternating between pacing back and forth and praying.

  By now we have returned home since the crime scene has been cleaned. Mom and Bo have been filled in and are just as worried.

  I see Dad walk up to another officer and shake hands. I don’t recognize him at all. Dad is listening intently to whatever the man is saying. It seems important so I walk closer so I can hear.

  “…and he said he was on his way back home to Indiana,” the man tells Dad. Indiana is where Cassie and Zack are from. This guy has talked to Zack it seems. Could he hear Cassie in the background?

  “That may be his original plan, but now he may change course. Do you know of anywhere else he would go?” Dad asks the man.

  The man pauses for a moment, thinking. “His parents own a condo in New York City since they visit there at least three times a year. You can try there.”

  Dad shakes his hand again. “Thank you, Stan. You’ve been a great help. I will still make a call to the Indy Police Department to make sure they are on the lookout, just in case he is really heading there.”

  The man nods. “Just let me know if I can be of more help.”

  When the guy walks away, I jog up to Dad. “He’s talked to him, hasn’t he?”

  “Yes, J, he has. Stan is a family friend of his parents, one whom Zack has been staying with. Zack apparently has been raving to Stan about how he and Cassie have been a thing for some time. He knew their history so he didn’t think much about it.”

  I want to know more about the made up story, but first I want to know about Cassie. “Did he ask how Cassie was?”

  Dad sighs heavily. “Son, Zack is claiming he knows nothing about it. He said the reason he is going back home is because his relationship with Cassie is a lost cause. Stan didn’t hear any background noise at all.”

  I am trying to stay positive, but negativity is slowly taking over. The hope I have of Cassie being in my arms again is slowly dwindling each minute that ticks away.

  “J, I will be leaving soon with Officer Stan to go to New York to try and retrieve Cass-”

  “I’m going with you,” I say, cutting him off mid-sentence.

  “No, J, it’s too dangerous.”

  “Dad, I’m not going to sit here and do nothing while Cassie is with that lunatic! I feel helpless, Dad! I should be doing something to bring her home to me, safe and sound.” If something were to happen to her, I’d never forgive myself for not trying to save her.

  “J, let me do my job, please. I know this is hard for you-”

  I look Dad straight in his eyes. “I’m going with you or I’ll go alone. Your choice.”

  I turn and run back to the house to pack an overnight bag.

  Mom is sitting on the couch, crying softly with Bo by her side comforting her.

  She looks up at me with tear filled eyes. “Anything?”

  “We have a lead that he might be heading to New York. Dad and I are going up there.”

  “J, it’s too dangerous for you to go! What if you get hurt?”

  “Mom, Cassie is with some crazy psycho, and I have no idea if she is okay or not. Like I just told, Dad, I’m either going to New York with him or I’ll go alone. Either way, I’m going.”

  I get my parents are concerned with my safety, but Cassie is in a lot more danger than I am right now.

  “Mom, let him go. If it were me, I’d be doing the same thing,” Bo says softly.

  I give him a hard nod, thanking him then walk over to Mom to hug her. She latches on to me for the longest moment until I pull away. I kiss her cheek and tell her I love her before running to my room and showing a change of clothes into a bag.

  When I return to the living room, Mom is begging Dad not to let me go while Bo is trying to get them to see it my way.

  Finally, Mom gives up and hugs me hard once more. “Please, be careful,” she says in a shaky voice.

  “I will, Momma, I promise.”

  She cups my face in her small hands. “Go bring Cassie home.”

  “I will, Mom.”

  Dad and I hurry up and finish our goodbyes and head out the door.

  “Are we drivin’ the whole way or are we flyin’?” I ask Dad and Stan as Dad drives away from the house.

  “We are going to have to fly, son or otherwise we will never catch them.”

  Thank God. I thought I was going to have to explain to them how at least twenty hours in a car will be pure hell. We’d never get to them at that rate.

  Two long hours later and we are boarding a plane to New York City. I close my eyes to try and get a nap in before we land. It’s been a long twenty- four hours.

  The moment we land we rush out of the terminal straight to the exit. We hail a cab and Stan gives the driver the directions to the condo Zack’s parents own. Dad and Stan are immediately on their phones figuring out a plan.

  While they are doing their thing, I gaze out the window at this huge city. Tall skyscrapers line the road, making it hard to see the beauty of the sky. No stars are seen in a city like this. The lights are too bright for it. And there is way too much traffic for my liking. We are barely moving and I’m getting impatient. I am seriously contemplating just walking to our destination.

  When Dad and Stan are off their phones I wait expectantly for their plans. “So, what is the plan?”

  Stan speaks first. “We have a lead, a strong one. They were seen walking into his parents’ apartment building. The police are surrounding it now.”

  My heart is pounding in my chest so hard I feel like it’s going to burst. I know Cassie has to be scared out of her mind right now. Please, let her be okay. She’s my world, I need her. My life is brighter with her in it.

  Dad looks to me. “J, I know it’s going to be hard, but you have to stay out of the way. Promise me, son, that no matter what you see or what is happening you stay back and let us and the NYPD handle it.”

  I force a nod, but I can’t fully promise him that if the lunatic is hurting Cassie I won’t intervene. I’m won’t be able to stand there and watch it unfold in front of me.

  I hope and pray this ends tonight with Cassie safe with me, my arms around her, crushing her against me. I love her and I know I have told her already, but I will remind her of it every day, ten times a day. Saying “I love you” will never get old and I will never get tired of hearing it fall from her beautiful lips.

  She may think she needs me, but by God I need her more. I need her love more than she will ever know.

  I’m getting my girl back tonight, one way or another.

  Chapter Forty- Three


  “Zack, I’m tired of riding. Are we clos
e to where we are going?” My butt hurts, my legs are going numb, and my back aches. We have been on the road going on sixteen hours now. We have only stopped for food twice and to use the restroom about three times. I couldn’t ditch Zack at the bathrooms because he would just follow me in like a creeper and stand outside my stall. One lady even asked him why he was in the women’s bathroom and he claimed I had been puking my guts up so he was concerned about me. The crazy lady accepted the lie and left the bathroom. I swear people are idiots!

  “Almost there, babe,” he assures as he reaches over and pats my hand.

  I push his hand away and shoot him a glare. “Don’t call me that, I’m not your babe, Zack.”

  This journey has been the longest of my life. Zack’s hand either has tried to hold mine or he has tried to rest his hand on my leg. I’m getting tired of denying him. It’s like he isn’t hearing a word I say. It’s really pissing me off.

  His hands clench the steering wheel. “You used to be.”

  “Exactly, that was over two years ago. I don’t know why you have this idea that we are getting back together. I’m with J and I love him.”

  Zack’s jaw twitches. “You kissed me. Remember that?”

  “I didn’t kiss you, it was the exact opposite.”

  “Don’t say that, Cassie. Please, just don’t,” he murmurs, sounding pained.

  I throw my hand in the air in frustration. “Why not? It’s the truth. Why won’t you accept it?”

  “Because I can’t live without you. I love you, Cassie.”

  “You’re going to have to let me go. We were never meant to last. Right now, J is my future. And who knows, some day we may decide to split.” Lord, I hope not. “My point is, you have someone you are meant to be with and it’s not me.”

  “I don’t want to be without you, Cassie. There is no one else for me. You are it and I’m going to prove it to you,” he vows and a sick feeling settles in the pit of my stomach.

  I don’t know what to say to that. If he hasn’t gotten the hint by now there is no point in wasting my breath anymore.

  Thirty minutes later, Zack parks his car in front of a tall building. We are in New York City, a place I’d never thought I’d see in my life. And I have no intentions on staying here either. Surely, I can get away from him at some point. Zack is crazy if he thinks he is going to hold me hostage with him for the rest of our lives.

  I take a look at my surroundings trying to plan. Even if I can just sneak a phone call or text to J’s phone I’ll be okay until someone arrives.

  Zack pulls the handcuffs from the glove department and pockets them. I don’t know why he would need them. Now, I have scary thoughts running through my head.

  Per usual, Zack has a firm hold of my hand as we walk into the lobby. We still have our hats and sunglasses on, like we are just a normal couple.

  My plan is to build his trust a little more. If I try to build his trust again soon. The problem with that is I don’t know how long it will take. I’m getting impatient. I need out of here, away from Zack.

  Zack pulls me into the elevator and puts in a code on the keypad. He stands behind me, my back to his front with his hands resting on my hip. Inside I’m cringing. We are whisked up to whatever floor we are going to. When the elevator opens a spacious living room comes into view.

  “Who lives here?” I ask as we step out of the elevator.

  “My parents own it. Nice isn’t it?”

  I hear a little bitterness in his voice. Maybe I can get him talking again. That seems to calm him down a little.

  “Yeah, it’s beautiful.” The place is very spacious, very open. You can definitely tell by the decor a woman decorated it.

  “Too bad we are only going to be here for a few hours.”

  Alarm bells are going off again. I don’t like where this is going. “Where are we going after we leave here?” I ask tentatively.

  “I haven’t figured it out yet.”

  “Zack, we can’t just keep running. I’m sick of it. First my parents and now you! I won’t do it anymore!”

  I turn and make a run for the elevator door, which was stupid since I would have to wait on it to arrive, but it was the only way out I knew of.

  Zack’s arm shoots out, his fingers clamp down on my arm, jerking me to a stop. His other hand grasps my other arm in the same motion. He turns me so I am facing him.

  “You are not going anywhere without me, got it? Here is how it’s going to be. First, we are going to eat, then we are going to take showers, and then we will sleep for a few hours before we hit the road again. Everywhere I go, you go. Do you understand now?”

  “No, I don’t understand why you are forcing me to be with you?”

  “I’m not forcing you, Cassie. You want this with me.”

  Good grief, he is delusional.

  I shake my head, giving him the same response I do every other time.

  “We’ll sit and talk about this over dinner. We’re both hungry.”

  He pulls me along behind him towards the bar in the kitchen.

  “Sit,” he orders.

  I roll my eyes and climb up on the stool. I pull off my shades and the cap that probably has given me hat hair by now.

  I run my fingers through my hair, trying to get the tangles out. Yeah, I’m going to need a brush.

  Zack sits beside me and pulls out his cell phone from his pocket. “What do you want to eat?”

  I ponder on it for a moment. I don’t want to order something expensive, in case we run out of money. Speaking of. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Within reason.”

  “How are we going to keep running? I mean, we would have to have a lot of money to do it.” Here’s to hoping we either run out or someone finds us before we make another move.

  “Don’t worry about money, Cassie. We’re set.”

  That is not what I wanted to hear.


  “Don’t ask questions you really don’t want to know the answers to. Now, what do you want to eat?”

  Fine, I’ll ask later then or maybe I will save all of my questions for the boring drive that’s coming.

  “A burger and fries.”

  He nods and dials a number.

  Twenty minutes later, the food arrives and I’m relieved. The last twenty minutes consisted of Zack staring at me and caressing my cheek. The first time, I batted his hand away he threatened to bring out the handcuffs.

  I don’t even want to know what he has planned for those.

  I scarf down my food like I haven’t eaten in a while. The drive was exhausting so I’m ready to wash away the grime, but only if I can shower alone and with the door locked.

  “Um, I don’t have any clean clothes or anything to take a shower with.”

  “My mother keeps this place stocked so we will find something.”

  Well, I guess that settles it then.

  I wipe my hands with a napkin after my last bite and push my plate away.

  “I guess I’m going to take a shower.”

  He nods and I hop off the chair.

  “It’s down the hall, second door on your left.”

  “I need clothes.”

  “I’ll bring you some.”

  Heck no. “I can get them.”

  “Fine. Last door on your right is the master bedroom.”

  I release a breath I didn’t know I was holding as I make my way down the hall. Once I’m inside the master bedroom, I immediately search the bedroom closet. I grab the first shirt and pants I can find. Surprisingly, his mother has clothes for downtime and not all dressy, expensive crap. I walk over to the dresser and pull out the top drawer then shut it back, deciding that even though I need clean underwear, I’m not about to wear someone else’s.

  I notice there is a bathroom attached to the bedroom so I figure I can just use it instead. I lock the door behind me and strip off.

  I start the shower, letting it get warm. I didn’t have to search for shampoo or body wash since
it is all sitting on the built in shelf inside the immaculate shower. I grab a couple towels and a washcloth, laying them on the counter so I will have them when I’m done.

  When the water is hot enough I step in. In no time, I’m freshly showered and I feel clean. After I dress, I quickly brush all the tangles and knots out of my hair. Satisfied, I unlock the door and walk out.

  Zack is still sitting at the bar, only this time he looks freshly showered himself.

  “You’re already showered?” How did he do that so fast?

  “Yep, I figured it would be best since we need to get some sleep before we leave.”

  I really hope he will let me sleep in a separate bed. It may be my only chance of escaping. Or heck, I’d even sleep on the floor beside the bed as long as I didn’t have to share a bed with him.

  “Where am I sleeping?”

  “With me, where else?”

  Crap, I knew it. “Zack, please, can I sleep on my own tonight?”

  Zack throws his head back and laughs. “Good one, Cassie.”

  He thinks I am joking? “I’m serious, Zack. I want to have a bed to myself. I sleep better that way.”

  His laughter dies as his face grows serious. “No, I don’t trust you enough yet. You’ve already tried to leave me once.”

  He stands and steps in my direction, his eyes never wavering from mine. “You need to get it through your pretty little head that letting you get away from me again is not an option.”

  Zack is relentless about me being with him for the rest of ours lives. It’s official, Zack is insane. He holds out his arm in the direction of the bedrooms. I inwardly sigh and start walking. Zack follows right behind me, right on my heels the whole way. When we are close, he grabs my elbow, steering me toward the master bedroom. At least the bed is huge so I won’t have to be right up against him.

  I throw back the covers and climb under the softness of the sheets. Then, I grab one of the gazillion pillows piled on the bed and place it in the middle of the bed behind me. I am not about to let him touch me more than he already is. The hand holding is too much to begin with. I don’t even want to think about how I will feel is he touches me elsewhere.

  I cringe when I hear the bed shift behind me. I keep my back turned to him and the pillow wedged between us. I hear him chuckle softly, almost like he is laughing to himself. It must be because of the pillow.


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