Valdez's Bartered Bride

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Valdez's Bartered Bride Page 10

by Rachael Thomas

  Because you’ve seen beneath the tough exterior, seen who he really is.

  He stopped abruptly and looked at her, the intensity in his eyes so wild, so very daring she could scarcely breathe as the elevator doors opened onto the opulent space of his apartment. ‘You should only walk through these doors with me if you want me to kiss you.’

  ‘I want that.’ She searched his face, looking for the man she had glimpsed, the man who hid behind the toughened exterior of billionaire businessman Raul Valdez. ‘I want you to kiss me, Raul, like you did the other night—in the rain.’

  He reached out to her, his thumb and finger lifting her chin a fraction, the heat of his touch almost too much as she swallowed back the nerves that threatened once more. Just as she thought she couldn’t look into his eyes any longer he moved closer, his lips so very close she could feel his breath, warm on her face.

  ‘If I kiss you again, Lydia, it will become far more than that. I don’t want a shy innocent in my bed. I want the passionate woman I know you are, the one you have kept hidden from me.’

  Did he really think that of her? She drew in a breath as a rush of panic skittered over her. She might not be a virgin, but she was still innocent to the ways of a man like Raul. She had only known one other man, her ex-fiancé.

  ‘I want to be that woman again, but this time I want more than a kiss. Much more.’ She blushed at the thought, trying to put aside his obvious dislike for a woman who had very little experience of sex. She would have to continue the act of confidence and sophistication if she wanted to experience a night with this man—and she did. ‘Tonight is for us, Raul.’

  In answer he brushed his lips provocatively over hers, sending a rush of heady desire round her until it unlocked the passion she’d been fighting since that first meeting in London.

  Desperate to hide her inexperience, she pressed herself against his body, the answering groan as he deepened the kiss setting light to her desire again. With her hands behind his neck, her fingers in the dark hair at his collar, she pulled him to her, her tongue slipping boldly into his mouth, teasing in a way she’d had no idea she knew how to do. Raul Valdez had turned her into a very different woman.

  With a swiftness that had her gasping in shock, he pulled away from her and, taking her hand in his, strode purposefully to his apartment, unaware she struggled to keep up in the heels she’d teamed with her dress.

  He pushed open the door and, with a wild look in his eyes, pulled her towards him, slamming the door shut as he did so. Before she could blink, his lean hard body pressed her against the door and any doubt she had that he wanted her no longer existed. The fire of need leapt to life as he pressed himself intimately against her.

  What are you doing?

  The sane and sensible Lydia surfaced once more and she looked into his brooding eyes, the feral darkness almost intimidating. She pressed her palm against his chest, exerting pressure, but he didn’t yield. Instead his lips came down on hers with such force her knees buckled and only the solid door and his firm body kept her upright. It was a plundering and ruthless kiss, one that swiped the sensible Lydia out of the room, and as his hands slid up her waist to her breast she knew that version of herself wouldn’t come back tonight—and she didn’t want her to.

  * * *

  Raul’s hand cupped her breast and the fire of need within him raged ever higher. He must be going mad. To want a woman so much, but now it was too late. Part of him had wanted her to stop him, to act the high and mighty woman he’d first met in London and coldly rebuff him. The innocent girl she’d been all those years ago when they’d first met had been replaced by a sassy and very sexy woman. One who made it clear she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  She’d encouraged him, drawn him deeper into this madness when they had arrived at his apartment, the change in her, the lack of resistance all too clear. Was it because she now knew she was free of him, that the threat of marriage, which had at first seemed the only way to clear her father’s debts, was now over?

  Whatever it was, he was incapable of rational thought at this moment and he intended to take all she offered—and more. He intended to lose himself in passion, to drown in desire, because right now it was the only way to block out the hurt that had been lurking in the shadows of his life for as long as he could remember. Hurt he had no control over, but passion he did.

  ‘This has to go.’ His words were as feral as his desire and he pulled at the strap of her dress, but it didn’t yield.

  ‘So impatient.’ Lydia’s husky voice, full of flirtation, threatened to push him over the edge. She wriggled against him as she tried to reach behind her and unfasten the dress.

  ‘Allow me.’ He fought to calm his wayward body as he stepped back from her, placed his hands on her arms and gently began to turn her.

  Her gaze met his for a split second before she willingly turned her back to him. He looked at the creamy soft skin, the sexy shape of her spine, and cursed the thin strap across her shoulder blades that had held the dress in place. Perhaps it was just as well the dress hadn’t been discarded in an instant because now he had a tighter rein on the desire she ignited within him. He watched as she breathed in, deeply and evenly, then slowly he unclipped the thin silver strap.

  ‘There’s another at my waist.’ Her voice was a husky whisper. She didn’t move but the sexual chemistry between them was building, getting stronger with each breath she took. The air around them so charged with fire and passion that if he struck a match they’d go up in flames.

  He didn’t say a word as he traced his fingers down her spine, smiling with satisfaction when she arched slightly beneath his light touch. She lowered her head forwards, her hair slipping away from her neck, and all he could think about was trailing his lips against the soft skin there and down her back.

  Instead he focused his attention on unfastening the dress, which had clung to her slender hips, sparkling invitingly all evening, daring him to want her. Slowly he slid his hands up her bare back, pushing his fingers beneath the straps at her shoulders, then as if in slow motion he watched the straps slide down her arms where they stopped in the bends of her elbows, preventing him from seeing her gloriously naked.

  With a stab of shock, he realised she stood with her palms flat against the door of his apartment, her head lowered, her breathing deep and rapid with desire. When had he ever wanted a woman so much he hadn’t been able to get further than the front door? Never. He hadn’t ever wanted to claim a woman as his with the urgency that flooded him now. What was so different about this woman?

  He should lead her to the bedroom before they went any further, but even as the thought flitted through his mind he dismissed it. Before he could stop himself he had moved closer to her, his hands going inside the heavy sequined material that hung loosely from her. He slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him and smoothing his palms over her stomach, then her ribs and then up to her breasts. The scent of her perfume, seductive rose and jasmine, only served to notch up the tension even further, heightening his need for her.

  He kissed her neck and she sighed softly, but as his fingers teased her nipples the sound became distinctly more untamed. ‘We should take this to the bedroom, should we not, querida?’

  He could feel every deep and erratic breath she took as his hands caressed her breasts. Still her hands were pressed flat against his door, but the whole sensation was so different, so erotic, he could stay like this, enjoying the mounting desire, for far longer than if she were now completely naked on his bed.

  ‘Yes.’ That one word was so loaded with sexual tension he nearly groaned aloud, then she looked back at him, her green eyes so dark they resembled the depths of the forest, hidden from the sun. ‘We should.’

  She turned to him; the dress that had been so seductively tight over her breasts now lingered alluringly on her arms, tempting him, and he bit down on the wild desire to all but rip the silver fabric from her.

  ‘This way, querida.
’ He held out his hand to her, giving her one last chance to back away, one last chance to stop the madness of the desire that was flowing like a raging river between them.

  She didn’t falter as she took his hand, and as they walked towards his bedroom her heels tapped on the hard floor. Each step she took was firm and decisive. She wanted this as much as he did.

  The urge to rush, to take her swiftly and make her his had subsided, in its place a need to be calm, gentle. That way he could lose himself in desire, forget the world beyond whilst he savoured every moment of the night with Lydia, determined to wipe out all she meant, all she was connected to. He wanted to forget who she really was for one night. Somewhere in the recesses of his mind he knew she was different, knew this was a glimpse of the kind of life, the sort of love he could have had if his past hadn’t shaped him into a hard and emotionless man.

  This was the kind of woman a man could love, the kind of woman he could love if he allowed himself to. But that would never happen. Love was a weakness and he would never be weak.

  * * *

  Lydia stood in his room, the large opulent bed dominating the space, competing with the man whose hand she had taken willingly as she’d walked with him towards this moment. She should have turned and run, as far as she could, when he’d given her the chance—and he’d given enough of them. She hadn’t because she wanted this too much, wanted him, wanted this one night.

  ‘Turn around.’ The firmness of his voice was tempered by the husky desire lingering in it. She did as she was told for no other reason than she wanted to. She wanted to go back to the moment of minutes ago when she could feel his touch, his breath warm on her neck as he’d kissed her, his body, firm and hard against hers; she wanted to believe this was something special, something more than the one night it so obviously was.

  She shuddered as he placed his hands on her shoulders, sliding down her arms and taking the dress with them. The air was cool on her naked breasts as the dress slithered down over her hips and to the floor. Then, just as he had done before, his fingers trailed fire down her spine, pausing to make circles of pleasure on her skin as they reached the thin straps of her thong.

  ‘Very sexy.’ A feral depth had entered his voice and she couldn’t help but smile. He certainly knew how to make a woman feel attractive and desired. Something she definitely wasn’t used to.

  Emboldened by the heady desire that coursed through her, she turned, scarcely giving a thought to the dress at her feet. All she wanted was to meet his passion, to lose herself in the moment.

  She reached out to tug at his bow tie, pulling it slowly whilst looking directly into his eyes. ‘I’m feeling a little underdressed at the moment.’

  His brows rose in amusement, but his voice had become a hoarse whisper. ‘I disagree, querida. Stilettos and those sexy panties are perfect.’

  She let his tie drop against his white shirt as she moved closer, his arms pulling her against him, the soft fabric of his jacket brushing against her bare breasts. Just when she thought she couldn’t stand it any longer he lowered his head; slowly and very seductively he brushed his lips over hers. Her arms wound around his neck as a soft sigh of pleasure slipped from her, only to be stolen by his lips as he deepened the kiss, giving into the fierce need that enveloped them.

  With purpose he moved against her, pushing her back towards the big bed, but as her legs met it her knees buckled and she tumbled back, bringing him with her. His weight pressed her into the soft covers, the hardness of his arousal pressing insistently against her thighs, sending her desire to new heights.

  ‘I want you, Raul.’

  He looked down at her, his eyes so dark it was like looking at the velvety midnight sky and so easy to brush aside what this really was, so easy to fool herself into believing it was so much more.

  He levered himself off her, looking so sexy, so handsome she wondered if she was dreaming, but the huskiness of his voice left her in no doubt that this was real.

  ‘Nothing would give me more pleasure.’ He smiled, a lazy and intoxicating smile, as he shrugged off his jacket, opened his shirt, button by button in such a teasing way she bit down hard on her lower lip as the anticipation of being his, being made love to by this virile specimen of masculinity, rushed over her.

  Each breath she took as she watched him until he was completely naked was harder than the next. Her heart pounded wildly as he crossed the room with little regard for the fact that he was proudly erect. She watched as, with a hint of a smile, he opened a drawer next to the bed and took out the all-important contraception, placing the packet next to the lamp.

  ‘For our protection, querida.’

  How had she not even questioned that? Had he blinded her so much with desire that she’d given no thought to such necessities? She blushed as his smile widened then he moved back onto the bed, covering her completely, and the heat of his erection, with only the barrier of her skimpy panties, as it pressed against her made her gasp with pleasure.

  It had never felt like this before.

  ‘Tonight you are mine.’ Raul’s whispered words as he kissed her neck, his hands expertly making her body burn with fiery need, made anything else but the ultimate conclusion impossible.

  His fingers hooked into the strings of her panties and she gasped as he pulled. The sound of ripping stitches as erotic as the expression on his handsome face.

  ‘Don’t forget the condom.’ Her words held a hint of panic that she hoped he wouldn’t notice. Now was not the time to enlighten him to the fact that she was far from experienced in the art of lovemaking, so much so she hadn’t given a thought to contraception as desire had whisked her away.

  He kissed her lips then looked down at her. ‘Patience, querida. Patience.’

  Then before she could say anything else his hand slid from her hip to the heated centre of her desire and she raised herself up as his touch brought a sensation she’d never known washing over her. As the torment continued she was aware of him speaking, aware of the Spanish words, but had no idea what he was saying, only that it increased the desire to dizzying heights.

  In one swift move he rolled away from her, leaving her trembling in the wake of the pleasure that had just happened. She opened her eyes and looked at him. Would he have known that was the first time she’d ever known such pleasure?

  He looked at her as he opened the packet, the intensity in his eyes making them so very dark. With a suggestive raise of his brows he rolled on the condom, then before she even had time to blush his body was overs her, his long lean legs pushing hers apart. Without any encouragement other than the constant hum of desire within her, she lifted her legs, wrapping them around him, lifting herself up to his possession.

  With wild words in Spanish, so guttural she couldn’t make them out, he thrust into her, making her gasp and press her fingernails into his back. The erratic thumping of desire exploded wildly inside her as she moved with him, taking him deeper as he claimed her, harder and faster. It was explosive, wild, but completely wonderful.

  ‘I never thought...’ she gasped as she clung to him, the waves of passion crashing harder and faster over her, making her thoughts as disjointed as her words ‘ could be like this...’

  He silenced her with kisses as they moved together until the world splintered and she floated above the earth, barely conscious of his wild desire-induced growl.

  ‘Don’t think,’ Raul said between deep and hard breaths. ‘Tonight I will not allow you to think, not when such passion, such fiery desire still hums between us.’

  ‘It does?’ Her voice trembled as he slid away from her, her body cooling, and she was able to focus once more.

  His lips hovered over hers, his breath hot as he teased her. She closed her eyes, wanting his kiss and so much more. When it came the kiss was hard and demanding but he pulled back enough to look at her and she opened her eyes, trying to hide the need, the disappointment that it was over.

  ‘It does, querida, and we have the whole ni
ght ahead of us.’

  ‘All night,’ she replied in Spanish, kissing him and allowing all her hungry desire to show.


  THE WHISPERS OF a new day had begun to slip into the room as Lydia opened her eyes, acutely aware of the warmth of Raul’s body against hers. It also confirmed to her questioning mind that last night had really happened. The exquisite passion hadn’t been the dreams of a woman falling harder and harder for a man who’d coldly told her love was for fools.

  Last night had been very real, deepening her feelings to newer levels, but now what should she do? Should she slip from the bed and return to her room? Slowly she moved, pushing aside the covers very carefully. She looked at Raul’s watch, lying on the bedside table after it had been discarded last night. It was still early and as she watched the seconds ticking away the thump of her heart became louder.

  ‘You are not going anywhere, querida.’ Raul’s voice, heavy with sleep, instantly stilled her then his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her naked body back into bed and against his. He might still be in the clutches of sleep, but he wanted her, she was in no doubt of that.

  ‘Now that is such a tempting idea.’ She turned in his arms, trying to fight the rising desire in her, wanting to sound carefree and flirtatious, as if this were a situation she was used to. Last night she’d wanted him to think she was an experienced lover and now she wanted him to think she knew exactly how it went—the etiquette of waking up beside a man who had been your lover for one night only.

  ‘The night isn’t over yet.’ His husky voice sent a tingle all over her as his hands slid down her body to her hips, where his fingers lightly circled on her skin, teasing her until she knew she wasn’t going to be able to resist him.

  She laughed brightly, fighting the urge to give into the heady desire now burning brightly within her once more. ‘It’s almost morning.’


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