
Home > Romance > CarnalTakeover > Page 15
CarnalTakeover Page 15

by Tina Donahue

  Daniel broke the kiss first, his features transformed with awe. Bewilderment slowly replaced it, as though he wasn’t certain what had just happened between them.

  She wasn’t sure either but wanted to explore where it might lead.

  “Come on,” he said, suddenly gruff. With his arm around her waist, he led her to the sofa.

  They were going to play here with whatever he’d brought? “What’s in the bag?”

  He handed it to her.

  Alexandra stared at its contents. “What is all this?”

  “Dinner and entertainment. As far as dinner’s concerned, you have the four major food groups—sugar, salt, fat and chocolate.”

  No kidding. She pulled out a 3 Musketeers candy bar and a Snickers. Beneath it were Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Milky Ways and—Ohmygod. The ends of Alexandra’s hair bobbed with her bouncing. She squealed at the four twin packs of Twinkies. This afternoon at the office, she’d eaten the last of her hoard, and hadn’t had any stashed in the cabin since her last delivery came. More than a week ago. “How’d you know I like this stuff?”

  “I saw the empty wrappers strewn around your office.”

  She stopped bouncing. “You went in there today?” He’d looked for her while she’d been searching for him?

  His smile faded. “I didn’t go in your desk. I just followed the trail of cellophane to your empty waste can. You do know what those things are for, right?”

  She’d have to be neater in the future. Alexandra kissed him hard on his mouth, then breathed, “Thank you.”

  “For not rummaging through your stuff?”

  “No. This.” She held the bag to her chest as she would a much-loved puppy. “I didn’t know the grocery store was stocking Twinkies again. I thought they were out.”

  “They are. I got those from the guys. Had to go a couple of rounds with one of them before he agreed to—”

  She stopped Daniel with another kiss and didn’t let go until he was breathless.

  “Uh-uh,” he gasped, stopping her from tearing open the first package of Twinkies and devouring them. “You have to earn that.”

  Sounded interesting. Her pussy perked up even more. “By doing what?”

  “Look in the bag.”

  She dug deeper and pulled out two DVDs. Titanic,the Leonardo DiCaprio-Kate Winslet version, the other a porn adaptation of it. Alexandra laughed. “You get these from the guys too?”

  “Only the X-rated one. The other came from the grocery store.”

  “You want us to enact the smutty one before I get my Twinkie?”

  Daniel’s shoulders shook with laughter. “There’s a thought, but no. I’ll show you what I want in a minute.” He snuggled his mouth to her ear and murmured, “Which would you like to watch first?”

  He was letting her decide? Her mouth trembled. He’d gotten her the best movie of all time, X-rated or not, and all the junk food Lucius had never allowed her to have once her mom left. Afraid she’d cry, Alexandra eased back and waved her hand in front of her face.

  Daniel looked confused, then worried. “Are you okay?”

  “Absolutely. Here.” She offered him the X-rated version.

  He took the Hollywood one, popped it into the player and grabbed the remote.

  She waved her hand again. His concern for her pleasure and happiness wasn’t what she’d expected. Sure, he’d screw her senseless. But him providing her favorite snacks and playing the movie she really wanted was beyond anything Alexandra could have anticipated. And they hadn’t even started their night.

  “Uh-uh,” he said, grabbing her arm before she could sink down to the sofa’s cushion. “I tell you when to sit.”

  Their evening had officially begun. Dutifully, Alexandra straightened. Daniel lounged on the north end of the sofa, one leg stretched out across the cushions, the other bent at the knee, his foot on the floor. He took the bag and gestured her down. Like a rock, she sank beside the furniture, ready to serve. To eat him as her entrée, then finish her meal with the Twinkies as dessert.

  Daniel worked his mouth, fighting a smile. “Sit here.” He patted the leather between his thighs.

  His cock lay on his balls, a magnificent gift from whatever god had created them and this crazy, mixed-up world. Right now, even the endless wind and horrible weather seemed heavenly to her. She settled between his legs, his shaft nestled against the seam of her ass. Daniel slipped one arm around her waist and held her in his heated caress as he ripped open the first package of Twinkies.

  He drew the moist sponge cake across her upper lip. It smelled nearly as awesome as he did. She moaned lustily and licked the bottom of it.

  “Don’t take a bite,” he warned, not giving her the chance. He put the Twinkie on the sofa next to his thigh. “Remember, you have to earn it.”

  By doing what? “I’m prepared to beg,” she said.

  His chest quivered with his subdued laughter. “That’s not what I want.” He flicked on the film. The FBI warning came up.

  “You want me to turn myself in to the feds?” she asked. “I’ll admit to anything, even that I keep a bald eagle for a pet, if you give me the damn Twinkie.”

  He leaned around to see her face. “You have a damn bald eagle as a—”

  “Of course not. But I’ll gladly say that I do.”

  “Still not what I want. See the time?”

  The clock above the TV was impossible to miss. “Yeah.”

  “If you can last ten minutes, you get the Twinkie. If you don’t, the next time I’ll expect you to last twenty minutes.”

  “Last at what—god. Don’t,” she cried. “I’m ticklish!”

  “You think?” He kept at it, running his fingers up and down her rib cage. “No sounds.”

  Alexandra shrieked.

  “Quit moving,” he ordered.

  She elbowed him again.

  “Damn—ow.” He muttered, “You are so in for it.” He held her tight and tickled her senseless. Alexandra wheezed and gagged. Finally, he stopped and panted, “You didn’t last ten minutes.”

  Her mouth hung open. She hadn’t lasted five seconds. “This is too damn hard,” she whined.

  “Maybe. How’s this?”

  Aw holy mother of…

  A low, throaty moan slipped from her.

  Daniel stroked her nub again and murmured, “No sounds this time. No closing your eyes. No wiggling around.”

  She stopped squirming.

  “You’ll watch the film,” he said. “And you’ll endure this. If you come before ten minutes are up, there won’t be any Twinkie. We’ll start again. We’ll keep at it until you obey. Even if it takes the rest of the night.”

  A drop of perspiration ran into her left eye, burning it. She blinked wildly, wishing for the first time that she’d been frigid or hated Twinkies.

  Given their earlier thrashing, Daniel had smashed the poor little sponge cake beneath his thigh. Those pulverized globs sent up a luscious aroma of vanilla and sugar. Not wanting to torture herself with the scent, Alexandra breathed through her mouth and rested the back of her head against his shoulder.

  He played with her cunt much like a cat would toy with a mouse. His fingers circled her clit, then rubbed it one, two, three times, only to retreat as he slipped his hand down the length of her slit, then suddenly brought it back to brush her nub again.

  She inhaled deeply.

  The old lady in Titanic said something. Music swelled.

  Alexandra couldn’t have given a crap about that. Daniel was playing with her clit and breasts now, tugging her nipples, lightly stroking her nub. The play of hard and soft unsettled her. Sensations built in her cunt, then her boobs…no, her pussy again. Those wondrous bursts of delight surged to her tummy, warming it, then flowed down to her inner thighs, deepening the tension.

  She ground her teeth and stared at the clock. Only two minutes had passed. Wait. Maybe it was three. Might’ve been five. Alexandra couldn’t recall what time they’d begun. Damn.

sp; Oh, oh, oh.

  Daniel had rubbed a bit harder. Shit, she was toast, unable to hold off, uncertain when in the hell it would be okay to climax. “Wait,” she cried. “When did we start this? I can’t remember.”

  “Five minutes ago.”

  Thank god.

  “But now we’ll have to start over because you talked.”

  Prick. She curled her toes at him rubbing her nub again.

  “You’re not supposed to move either,” he said.

  Shivering, Alexandra bargained. “Half a Twinkie for five minutes. In fact, I’ve already earned it.”

  Daniel caught her wrist before she could scrape the treat from his thigh. “That was before you were bad. Now it’s ten minutes before you earn half.”

  She dug her nails into his leg.

  “Draw blood,” he murmured, “and you don’t get any more orgasms.”

  Like a good girl, Alexandra withdrew her claws.

  Daniel resumed his carnal torment, lingering on her clit, rubbing and stroking it without pity. She wasn’t supposed to curl her toes or fingers, didn’t dare try to wiggle away, couldn’t scream, growl or spit. Time stood still, her vision too blurry to see the clock, her body slick with sweat. Her cunt even wetter. Kate Winslet’s voice wafted from the screen, no doubt with Leonardo lusting after her.

  Damn fool, you’re going to die.

  Alexandra figured she’d be right behind him. Already she was sinking fast, unable to pull in enough air. Minutes ago, her brain had turned to goo. She’d used up at least a year of heartbeats in the last few seconds. Yet the sensations in her pussy kept growing and growing and—

  She wailed her release, the sounds filled with agony and pleasure. Loud. Uncivilized. Alexandra didn’t care anymore if this was the last orgasm she’d ever have. It had been fucking perfect, fierce and draining.

  Her lids slid down.

  Daniel touched her cheek. “Are your eyes open?”

  “No. And they won’t be,” she pouted. “I don’t want the stupid Twinkie anymore.”

  “Sure? You earned it. Twenty-two minutes, to be exact.”

  He hadn’t stopped at twenty and allowed her relief then? Alexandra twisted around, ready to bitch, but didn’t. Daniel held the crushed treat in his palm, his fingers smeared with its sugary guts, offering it to her. She ate like a starving woman, licking the crumbs from his hand, sucking the creamy filling from his thumb.

  He smiled, then tongued a stray morsel from the side of her mouth and whispered, “Care to try for thirty minutes this time?”

  Before Daniel could stop her, Alexandra slipped off the sofa and fell beside it.

  The thud of her hip against the floor must have hurt. “You okay?”

  She stopped rubbing herself and muttered, “Perfect.”

  Sure. Feeling mischievous, he taunted, “Couldn’t take any more, could—what are you doing?”

  After breaking the second Twinkie in two, she smeared the filling down the length of his cock. “Seeing how long you last.” She smashed the cake against his curls, then took the remaining cream that had escaped and slathered it over his balls.

  Jesus. He felt those strokes to the roots of his teeth. Digging the heel of his foot into the cushion, Daniel lifted his ass from the sofa.

  “You okay?” Alexandra asked, parroting his earlier question to her.

  He was a fucking mess, literally and figuratively, enjoying this far too much. Liking her to the point that he’d taken great pains to get her favorite junk food and had pondered over what movie she’d enjoy. And now, he was letting her take charge. Not like him at all. Again, he wanted to run but couldn’t budge.

  She smiled. “I’m sentencing you to sixty minutes. No breathing, thinking or moving. At all. I don’t even want your cells dividing, or we’ll start over and it’ll be an hour and a half the next time. Good fucking luck.” Holding his cock to the side, she dragged her tongue over his sac.

  Daniel’s hair stood on end. His protest died in his throat.

  She licked the cream off his balls as if it were mandatory for her survival, her eagerness palpable. A tsunami of pleasure crashed into Daniel, stealing his restraint. With each sweep of her tongue over him, he grunted and groaned. That and her whimpers mingled with the lapping noises she made. Fleetingly, he wondered which taste she liked best, the Twinkie or him.

  Doesn’t matter.

  This was about fun and proving he could last as long as she damn well demanded. An hour, she’d said. He’d go two. Since she hadn’t told him to be quiet, Daniel made lewd noises that turned downright crude and glared at the clock. Only three minutes had passed and already he was drenched in sweat. His jaw ached from clenching it so tight. Didn’t stop waves of heat from building in his groin, drawing his focus to that one spot.

  She’d finished with his sac and moved to his thatch, eating the stuff she’d mashed on him. Her teeth tugged playfully at his curls, her hair kept dragging over his thigh, tickling it. He noticed those sensations for a second, until she scraped her thumbnail down his left ball. A shot of pleasure rocketed through his body, dimming his peripheral vision.

  She tongued the edge of his pubic hair. Her mouth’s wet heat dampened his skin and kicked up his sensitivity to everything she did. Fearful of surrendering so quickly—like Junior for Chrissake—Daniel tightened his ass and locked his knees.

  “You moved.” She smiled smugly, then lost it in a solemn stare. “We’ll have to start over and recalibrate to an hour and a—oh no, you don’t.”

  Alexandra slapped Daniel’s hands away, not letting him haul her up and take her as he wanted. “You’re gonna show me what you got.” She ran her fingertip around his navel. “Unless you don’t think you can stand it.”

  Of course he couldn’t. Only a dead man would’ve been able to withstand the sweep of her sweet tongue, the brush of her hot breath, her slavish attention to him. She’d abandoned his navel to stroke the insides of his thighs. Daniel’s belly quivered and his pulse jumped. He bared his teeth. “Bring. It. On.”

  “An hour and a half,” she warned.

  “Let’s make it two.”

  She laughed and patted his knee as she would the head of a cretin. “Sure. Whatever you want.”

  “You’re wasting time.”

  “You’ve got all night,” she purred sweetly, then bent her head to devour him again.

  It took her shitting forever to eat the Twinkie gunk off his groin. She kept pausing to savor and moan, making certain she fondled his balls or stroked his shaft while she did so. He played dead on the outside even as arousal simmered and churned within him. By the time she got to his cock, the fucking thing was hard enough to penetrate a block of ice.

  She murmured, “Isn’t it nice that guys can’t fake arousal?”

  He spoke through gritted teeth, “You’re so wet, you’re leaving a trail.”

  Her complexion darkened. In regular light, it would probably be bright red. She played at being nonchalant despite her blush. “We’re talking about you. And you shouldn’t be talking or making one sound. We’ll have to start—”

  “To hell with that, your demands didn’t include—shit.”

  She’d taken him in her mouth, all the way to his cock’s root, her tongue swirling as she suckled. Loving that part of him in a way her cunt never could.

  Hold off, hold off, hold off.

  He’d made it this far, a whole ten minutes. God, he was screwed. He couldn’t manage more of this any better than Leonardo was containing his lust as he sketched Kate in the nude.

  Idiot, put down the pad and jump her. You don’t have that much time left before the damn tub—

  Alexandra tongued the back of Daniel’s crown. He gasped and stiffened.

  She finally noticed when he didn’t relax. Even in the gloom of the fire, he saw her face pale. Her apprehension. Letting his rod slip from her mouth, she rested her hand on his belly. “Are you all right?”

  “Better than you.”

br />   He was already off the sofa. Quicker than she probably suspected, Daniel pulled Alexandra to her feet and threw her over his shoulder.

  She pressed the heels of her hands against him and tried to push up. He smacked her butt twice, the cracks precise and sharp. “Don’t. I mean it.”

  Instantly, she stopped fighting and cooed, “’Bout time you got back to this.” She ran her hands down him and stroked his ass. “Gonna tie me up in the steam room again? Have your way with me?”

  He headed for the stairs.

  “Whoa.” She gripped his butt cheeks. “We can’t go up there.”

  Daniel climbed the first step. “I’ll come back for the junk food later.”

  “Forget that. You can’t carry me up the stairs.”

  “Why not?” He was already on the third step. “I did it the other night when you conked out on me.”

  “But I’m—you’re…”

  When she didn’t finish, he paused on the fifth step. “You’re what and I’m what?”

  “Never mind.”

  He frowned at how embarrassed she sounded.

  “Let me down so I can walk,” she pleaded.

  “No. You’ll run back downstairs for the Twinkies.”

  “Daniel, I’m too heavy. You’ll hurt yourself.”

  She was worried about her weight? He tightened his grip, refusing to allow her to get away from him. “Don’t talk like that. Ever. Got it?”

  Her sigh warmed his back. It sounded sad.

  A flood of feelings welled in Daniel. Sorrow. Empathy. Anger. “Did your grandfather bully you about your weight as a kid?”

  “No…yeah…sometimes. Actually, he’s never stopped.”

  Daniel muttered an oath beneath his breath. “I know he’s family. But trust me, he has no right to say anything. You’re fine as you are.”

  She laughed self-consciously. “You don’t have to be nice.”

  “Nice?” He smacked her ass again. “You call that nice?”

  She made a wanton sound. “I call it arousing. Don’t stop.”

  He did. The last step clanged beneath his foot. In the bedroom, Daniel flicked on the lights, then put Alexandra on her feet and pointed his finger at her. The tip touched her chin. She tried to lick it. He pulled his hand back so she couldn’t. “Don’t move from this spot. I mean it.”


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