Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress and Other Poems

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Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress and Other Poems Page 19

by Christina Rossetti

  And the rain hurried forth, and beat

  On every side and over it.

  Some clung together, and some kept

  A long stern silence, and some wept.

  Many half-crazed looked on in wonder

  As the strong timbers rent asunder;

  Friends forgot friends, foes fled to foes;—

  And still the water rose and rose.

  'Ah woe is me! Whom I have seen

  Are now as tho' they had not been.

  In the earth there is room for birth,

  And there are graves enough in earth;

  Why should the cold sea, tempest-torn,

  Bury those whom it hath not borne?'

  He answered not, and they went on.

  The glory of the heavens was gone;

  The moon gleamed not nor any star;

  Cold winds were rustling near and far,

  And from the trees the dry leaves fell

  With a sad sound unspeakable.

  The air was cold; till from the South

  A gust blew hot, like sudden drouth,

  Into their faces; and a light

  Glowing and red, shone thro' the night.

  A mighty city full of flame

  And death and sounds without a name.

  Amid the black and blinding smoke,

  The people, as one man, awoke.

  Oh! happy they who yesterday

  On the long journey went away;

  Whose pallid lips, smiling and chill,

  While the flames scorch them smile on still;

  Who murmur not; who tremble not

  When the bier crackles fiery hot;

  Who, dying, said in love's increase:

  'Lord, let thy servant part in peace.'

  Those in the town could see and hear

  A shaded river flowing near;

  The broad deep bed could hardly hold

  Its plenteous waters calm and cold.

  Was flame-wrapped all the city wall,

  The city gates were flame-wrapped all.

  What was man's strength, what puissance then?

  Women were mighty as strong men.

  Some knelt in prayer, believing still,

  Resigned unto a righteous will,

  Bowing beneath the chastening rod,

  Lost to the world, but found of God.

  Some prayed for friend, for child, for wife;

  Some prayed for faith; some prayed for life;

  While some, proud even in death, hope gone,

  Steadfast and still, stood looking on.

  'Death—death—oh! let us fly from death;

  Where'er we go it followeth;

  All these are dead; and we alone

  Remain to weep for what is gone.

  What is this thing? thus hurriedly

  To pass into eternity;

  To leave the earth so full of mirth;

  To lose the profit of our birth;

  To die and be no more; to cease,

  Having numbness that is not peace.

  Let us go hence; and, even if thus

  Death everywhere must go with us,

  Let us not see the change, but see

  Those who have been or still shall be.'

  He sighed and they went on together;

  Beneath their feet did the grass wither;

  Across the heaven high overhead

  Dark misty clouds floated and fled;

  And in their bosom was the thunder,

  And angry lightnings flashed out under,

  Forked and red and menacing;

  Far off the wind was muttering;

  It seemed to tell, not understood,

  Strange secrets to the listening wood.

  Upon its wings it bore the scent

  Of blood of a great armament:

  Then saw they how on either side

  Fields were down-trodden far and wide.

  That morning at the break of day

  Two nations had gone forth to slay.

  As a man soweth so he reaps.

  The field was full of bleeding heaps;

  Ghastly corpses of men and horses

  That met death at a thousand sources;

  Cold limbs and putrefying flesh;

  Long love-locks clotted to a mesh

  That stifled; stiffened mouths beneath

  Staring eyes that had looked on death.

  But these were dead: these felt no more

  The anguish of the wounds they bore.

  Behold, they shall not sigh again,

  Nor justly fear, nor hope in vain.

  What if none wept above them?—is

  The sleeper less at rest for this?

  Is not the young child's slumber sweet

  When no man watcheth over it?

  These had deep calm; but all around

  There was a deadly smothered sound,

  The choking cry of agony

  From wounded men who could not die;

  Who watched the black wing of the raven

  Rise like a cloud 'twixt them and heaven,

  And in the distance flying fast

  Beheld the eagle come at last.

  She knelt down in her agony:

  'O Lord, it is enough,' said she:

  'My heart's prayer putteth me to shame;

  Let me return to whence I came.

  Thou who for love's sake didst reprove,

  Forgive me for the sake of love.'


  (Macmillan's Magazine, March 1864.)

  LIKE flowers sequestered from the sun

  And wind of summer, day by day

  I dwindled paler, whilst my hair

  Showed the first tinge of grey.

  'Oh what is life, that we should live?

  Or what is death, that we must die?

  A bursting bubble is our life:

  I also, what am I?'

  'What is your grief? now tell me, sweet,

  That I may grieve,' my sister said;

  And stayed a white embroidering hand

  And raised a golden head:

  Her tresses showed a richer mass,

  Her eyes looked softer than my own,

  Her figure had a statelier height,

  Her voice a tenderer tone.

  'Some must be second and not first;

  All cannot be the first of all:

  Is not this, too, but vanity?

  I stumble like to fall.

  'So yesterday I read the acts

  Of Hector and each clangorous king

  With wrathful great Æacides:—

  Old Homer leaves a sting.'

  The comely face looked up again,

  The deft hand lingered on the thread:

  'Sweet, tell me what is Homer's sting,

  Old Homer's sting?' she said.

  'He stirs my sluggish pulse like wine,

  He melts me like the wind of spice,

  Strong as strong Ajax' red right hand,

  And grand like Juno's eyes.

  'I cannot melt the sons of men,

  I cannot fire and tempest-toss:—

  Besides, those days were golden days,

  Whilst these are days of dross.'

  She laughed a feminine low laugh,

  Yet did not stay her dexterous hand:

  'Now tell me of those days,' she said,

  'When time ran golden sand.'

  'Then men were men of might and right,

  Sheer might, at least, and weighty swords;

  Then men in open blood and fire,

  Bore witness to their words,

  'Crest-rearing kings with whistling spears;

  But if these shivered in the shock

  They wrenched up hundred-rooted trees,

  Or hurled the effacing rock.

  'Then hand to hand, then foot to foot,

  Stern to the death-grip grappling then,

  Who ever thought of gunpowder

  Amongst these men of men?

  'They kne
w whose hand struck home the death,

  They knew who broke but would not bend,

  Could venerate an equal foe

  And scorn a laggard friend.

  'Calm in the utmost stress of doom,

  Devout toward adverse powers above,

  They hated with intenser hate

  And loved with fuller love.

  'Then heavenly beauty could allay

  As heavenly beauty stirred the strife:

  By them a slave was worshipped more

  Than is by us a wife.'

  She laughed again, my sister laughed,

  Made answer o'er the laboured cloth:

  'I rather would be one of us

  Than wife, or slave, or both.'

  'Oh better then be slave or wife

  Than fritter now blank life away:

  Then night had holiness of night,

  And day was sacred day.

  'The princess laboured at her loom,

  Mistress and handmaiden alike;

  Beneath their needles grew the field

  With warriors armed to strike;

  'Or, look again, dim Dian's face

  Gleamed perfect through the attendant night;

  Were such not better than those holes

  Amid that waste of white?

  'A shame it is, our aimless life:

  I rather from my heart would feed

  From silver dish in gilded stall

  With wheat and wine the steed—

  'The faithful steed that bore my lord

  In safety through the hostile land,

  The faithful steed that arched his neck

  To fondle with my hand.'

  Her needle erred; a moment's pause,

  A moment's patience, all was well.

  Then she: 'But just suppose the horse,

  Suppose the rider fell?

  'Then captive in an alien house,

  Hungering on exile's bitter bread,—

  They happy, they who won the lot

  Of sacrifice,' she said.

  Speaking she faltered, while her look

  Showed forth her passion like a glass:

  With hand suspended, kindling eye,

  Flushed cheek, how fair she was!

  'Ah well, be those the days of dross;

  This, if you will, the age of gold:

  Yet had those days a spark of warmth,

  While these are somewhat cold—

  'Are somewhat mean and cold and slow,

  Are stunted from heroic growth:

  We gain but little when we prove

  The worthlessness of both.'

  'But life is in our hands,' she said:

  'In our own hands for gain or loss:

  Shall not the Sevenfold Sacred Fire

  Suffice to purge our dross?

  'Too short a century of dreams,

  One day of work sufficient length:

  Why should not you, why should not I

  Attain heroic strength?

  'Our life is given us as a blank;

  Ourselves must make it blest or curst:

  Who dooms me I shall only be

  The second, not the first?

  'Learn from old Homer, if you will,

  Such wisdom as his Books have said:

  In one the acts of Ajax shine,

  In one of Diomed.

  'Honoured all heroes whose high deeds

  Thro' life till death enlarge their span:

  Only Achilles in his rage

  And sloth is less than man.'

  'Achilles only less than man?

  He less than man who, half a god,

  Discomfited all Greece with rest,

  Cowed Ilion with a nod?

  'He offered vengeance, lifelong grief

  To one dear ghost, uncounted price:

  Beasts, Trojans, adverse gods, himself,

  Heaped up the sacrifice.

  'Self-immolated to his friend,

  Shrined in world's wonder, Homer's page,

  Is this the man, the less than men,

  Of this degenerate age?'

  'Gross from his acorns, tusky boar

  Does memorable acts like his;

  So for her snared offended young

  Bleeds the swart lioness.'

  But here she paused; our eyes had met,

  And I was whitening with the jeer;

  She rose: 'I went too far,' she said;

  Spoke low: 'Forgive me, dear.

  'To me our days seem pleasant days,

  Our home a haven of pure content;

  Forgive me if I said too much,

  So much more than I meant.

  'Homer, tho' greater than his gods,

  With rough-hewn virtues was sufficed

  And rough-hewn men: but what are such

  To us who learn of Christ?'

  The much-moved pathos of her voice,

  Her almost tearful eyes, her cheek

  Grown pale, confessed the strength of love

  Which only made her speak:

  For mild she was, of few soft words,

  Most gentle, easy to be led,

  Content to listen when I spoke

  And reverence what I said;

  I elder sister by six years;

  Not half so glad, or wise, or good:

  Her words rebuked my secret self

  And shamed me where I stood.

  She never guessed her words reproved

  A silent envy nursed within,

  A selfish, souring discontent

  Pride-born, the devil's sin.

  I smiled, half bitter, half in jest:

  'The wisest man of all the wise

  Left for his summary of life

  "Vanity of vanities."

  'Beneath the sun there's nothing new:

  Men flow, men ebb, mankind flows on:

  If I am wearied of my life,

  Why so was Solomon.

  'Vanity of vanities he preached

  Of all he found, of all he sought:

  Vanity of vanities, the gist

  Of all the words he taught.

  'This in the wisdom of the world,

  In Homer's page, in all, we find:

  As the sea is not filled, so yearns

  Man's universal mind.

  'This Homer felt, who gave his men

  With glory but a transient state:

  His very Jove could not reverse

  Irrevocable fate.

  'Uncertain all their lot save this—

  Who wins must lose, who lives must die:

  All trodden out into the dark

  Alike, all vanity.'

  She scarcely answered when I paused,

  But rather to herself said: 'One

  Is here,' low-voiced and loving, 'Yea,

  Greater than Solomon.'

  So both were silent, she and I:

  She laid her work aside, and went

  Into the garden-walks, like spring,

  All gracious with content,

  A little graver than her wont,


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