“Lou, this is Mr. Hammerson he’s CEO of the finance company that funds these parties” she smiles him.
“Oh well I do simply adore you sir. As you know it is a very good cause and one close to my heart. I was just telling my friend how simply adorable the little flowers that the waiters all have on their ties are, you should be very proud of the hard work you put into thinking of that” I gush.
“Umm ... yes we are” he frowns at me.
“Presentation is everything” I nod seriously “I do have one suggestion though, maybe in the future you could co-ordinate the hair color of the waiters to match the flowers that would be simply divine”
I have to shout the last part because Cat drags me away not able to hold onto her laughter any longer.
“Where do you come up with this stuff?” she asks wiping her eyes.
Amber comes over to us and kisses us both on the cheek. “You both look beautiful” she smiles at us.
“As do you sugarplum, that color is marvelous, you must give me the number of your stylist” it slips out before I can stop it.
Cat starts giggling but I ignore her “Shit, sorry. It’s really hard to stop once I’ve started. You look gorgeous Amber” I quickly hug her.
“What’s hard to stop?” she looks amused so Cat fills her in “Come on, see for yourself”
“Who am I embarrassing myself in front of now?” I ask not that bothered because my friend is having a good time.
“That over there is Geoffrey James” she nods to a man stood by himself assessing the awards board.
“I’ve seen him before” I nod.
“He doesn’t get along with you’re father, they fell out when he thought your mother was just brainless arm candy” she says amused.
“Well let’s go have some fun then ladies” I smile and walk over to the man.
“Mr. James, how are you this evening?” Cat asks polite as ever.
“Very well thank you Miss Skye, yourself?” he asks sounding very posh.
“Oh I’m doing wonderfully, your wife couldn’t make it sir?” she asks
“No dear, she had other commitments I’m afraid, who are you’re friends?” he asks turning to us with a professional smile.
“This lovely lady is Amber” Cat introduces.
“Amber Barry, it’s a pleasure sir” Amber shakes his hand smoothly.
“And who is this gem?” He asks Cat turning to me, his eyes also dipping to take in my dress.
“This would be Louise sir, Louise Banks”
“Ahh I have never had the pleasure of meeting you before dear, I do believe your father has kept you hidden away all these years” he says shaking my hand.
“Oh no, not at all. I simply had other commitments myself” I smile at him.
“I have heard great things about you, what is a bright young woman like you doing these days?” he asks me giving me an opening to be just what he accused my mother of being.
“Oh I have lots of priorities, I am currently having a rather large, worrying problem with the local pet groomers here in town” I sigh and turn my expression troubled.
“What is the problem? Nothing bad I hope, I have done business with them in the past” he looks at me expectantly and I force the waterworks, he is surprised by my silent tears but I don’t act embarrassed leading him to believe there is a real problem.
“You see, it’s my poor Angel, she is a full pedigree poodle but those awful people at the grooming parlor refuse to dye her to match my outfit when I take her to shows. I have had to stop taking her out because she clashes with me and it’s simply unbearable. I cannot be an embarrassment to my family like that, you understand don’t you sir” I sniff dabbing at my eyes with a handkerchief Cat hands me.
“Umm ... well” he coughs looking appalled.
“Oh I know” I say cheerily, all my tears forgotten now and look up at him as if he is god himself. “Do you think you could maybe talk to them for me? I can tell just how much of a complete sweetheart you are and I just know that Mrs. James would be delighted that you helped such an inspiring cause”
Before he can answer both Amber and Cat drag me away from him.
“What are you three giggling about?” Travis asks watching us suspiciously.
“Oh don’t you look adorable in your little suit darling” I say squeezing his cheeks like a proud grandmother making Amber and Cat laugh even harder.
“Have you been drinking?” he asks looking into my eyes but I know they don’t give anything away.
“There you are honey” Chris grins wrapping his arm around my shoulder and passing both me and Cat a glass of champagne.
I clear my throat and shoot Cat a shut it look.
“I’ve been looking for you” I smile up at him “It’s been very boring without you” I lean up and kiss his cheek to distract him from the snorts of laughter coming from Cat and Amber.
“Do you want to dance?” he asks quietly into my ear then leaning down to kiss my neck.
“Sure” I smile and move closer to his embrace.
“See you all after my speech” I grin at Amber, Cat and Travis who all shake their head at me smiling.
Chris pulls me closer to him when we settle on the dance floor. I wrap my arms around his neck and his rest on my waist.
“I missed you today” he mummers kissing me softly.
“Me too” I agree smiling, god I love this man.
“I know you were up to no good earlier, what were you doing?” he asks smiling at me.
“Cat was introducing me to a few people, they think I’m a trophy girlfriend” I smile back.
“And why do they think that?” he asks raising an eyebrow.
“I have no idea sir; I don’t care to dwell on the inner musing of other people. You’re mind is all that matters to me” My posh accent slips on the last sentence as I look into his eyes.
“You’re the only one that matters to me too” he says kissing my head softly when I place it on his shoulder and close my eyes melting into him and the dance.
Our dance is interrupted when someone pats Chris on the shoulder informing him it’s time for the speeches. He makes his way to the stage and I head over to Jen.
“You stopped messing with people heads yet?” she asks swapping my empty glass for a full one when a waiter walks past us.
“For now” I wink at her and turn my attention back to the front of the room. Chris is walking up to the stage. “I’m up first by the looks, I’ll see you in a bit” I kiss her cheek but don’t make my way forward yet.
“Evening ladies and gentlemen” he says into the microphone getting everyone’s attention. “Now I’ve heard that a few of you may have already had the pleasure of meeting by beautiful partner Miss Louise Banks this evening” a few people nod and I hear Cat laugh, I turn to look at her and she’s stood with Tom, Amber and Kyle. Amber is giggling too and Kyle is looking at her questioningly.
“Well I can assure you that she is amazing and has a very impressive mind” Chris continues and I smirk over at Cat and Amber because they are now being shushed by their other halves.
“May I introduce to you the lady herself, who has a few words to say to you all” Chris ends his introduction and a few heads turn my way as I make my way to the stage.
“Not so bad yourself darling” I wink at him when he passes the microphone over.
“Behave” he chuckles making me pout.
“Hi everyone” I smile at all the faces in front of me.
“Let me just thank you all for inviting me to such a lavish party. As a few you may know this charity is one that is very close to my heart. A year ago my mother died of breast cancer; it was a very hard time for myself and my family. The volunteers for this charity however went out of their way to support us during that hard time. I cannot express how grateful and admired I am by them. What they do on a day to day basis is extraordinary and greatly appreciated.
“During those last horrifying days of my mothers life, they helped us focus on what wa
s important, not grieving for her life which was not yet taken or hoping for a miracle which was very unlikely but to putting all our efforts into saying goodbye. I really admire what they do and I know I’m not the only person.
“My father couldn’t make it this evening but he has a donation that he has asked me to give to you. Once again I thank you for all the support you gave us. It is because of you that we are still a strong family. I only hope that some day I can help someone like you helped me.” I put the microphone back on the stand and everyone applauses.
The organization leader shakes my hand and kisses my cheek before he introduces the next person.
Chris takes my hand and leads me over to Cat and Tom.
“That was a beautiful speech Lou” Tom hugs me.
“Thanks” I smile up at him awkward from the attention.
“I’m sorry about your mother Lou, I didn’t know” Kyle says quiet enough for only me to hear when he pulls me in for a hug. I smile up at him and accept the hugs from Amber and Cat just the same.
“Umm Kyle, you remember Chris?” I ask turning to the two men who know each other but never really spoke to each other.
“Yes, of course” he smiles at him shaking his hand.
“And this is Amber, Kyle’s Fiancée” I smile at Amber as I introduce her to my boyfriend. Kyle truly has done well, Amber is kind, sweet and gorgeous, I don’t think there is a bad bone in her body.
“Pleasure” she smiles at Chris “Louise has told me a lot about you” I frown at her lie but then immediately feel bad because when we met and she was gushing about her fiancé I never once mentioned that I was with someone. Kyle notices me frowning at his fiancée so I quickly smooth my expression into smile. When Tom pulls Chris into a conversation I lean over to whisper into Amber’s ear.
“Thank you, I can’t believe I never mentioned him once, I feel so bad!”
“Don’t worry about it, you probably couldn’t have gotten in a word edge ways” she whispers back.
I notice Kyle frowning at us but Amber winks at me so I turn my attention to Cat who gestures for me to follow her.
We stop at the bar and she orders two shots and two glasses of wine.
“They’re serious” she says turning her back to the bar, I follow here gaze and notice she’s watching Kyle and Amber, not wanting to watch I turn back to the bar.
“Well I hope so, they are getting married” I say dryly.
“Yeah but they are really in love, they can’t keep their eyes off each other”
“Good, Kyle puts everything he has into it when he’s in love and I’m glad he’s chosen Amber she’s really nice” I take a sip of my wine, not wanting to take my shot without her.
“You’re not mad?” she asks turning back to me.
“Not mad no, it’s a little uncomfortable to see him with someone else and I’m sad that I couldn’t make him as happy as he is but I’m gad that he’s finally happy, he deserves it”
“I’m mad that you’re airhead cover is blown, these things get boring after all the speeches” she sighs.
“It’s not over yet” I wink at her when I see one of the men she first introduced me to approaching us.
“What do you mean?” she asks following the direction of my eyes with her own.
“Watch and learn baby” I wink at her.
“That was an amazing speech you made up there Miss Banks”
“Please call me Louise” I smile at him.
“Louise” he smiles at me “When that young fellow introduced you as his partner I assume he meant business partner?” he asks me.
I scrunch up my face “I’m sorry I don’t understand” I shake my head at him.
“You’re in business together?” he clarifies.
“No, he works with boats, I can’t do that. The sea breeze makes my hair frizzy!” I say this in a way that he would feel stupid for even suggesting such a thing.
“Then what do you do?” he asks looking as though he regrets coming over here.
I slowly cross my legs so my dress drifts up and play with my necklace, his eyes follow the movement so I lean a little closer to him and lower my voice “I do a wide variety of things, sir”
“Is that so?” he swallow and clears his throat when his words come out a little huskily.
“Mmm hmm, I have a lot of appointments to keep” I sigh and cross them off on my fingers “Stylist, hairdresser, personal trainer, dog groomer, beautician”
He shakes his head slightly and mutters something about me being lucky to have a body like I do and walks away.
“You’re so bad” Cat laughs and nudges me playfully.
“What are we drinking too?” I ask picking up my shot.
“Good times” she announces doing the same. We both repeat it and take the shot.
“The dumb bimbo act isn’t going to work with the women though” she says challenging me with her eyes.
“No but I have others that will” I shrug.
“Can I see?” she asks excitedly.
“I’m glad I’m entertaining you by the way” I tell her rolling my eyes.
“Shut up its funny and you know it”
“I’m just glad I will never see any of these people ever again” I sigh. “I can do a good bitch, want to see that?” I ask when I see Jen coming over to us knowing that I can’t do it to anyone I don’t know.
“Oooh yes please!” she says nodding.
“Hey, great speech by the way Lou” she says standing next to us.
“Thanks” I smile “I think I forgot to tell you earlier, I really love your dress Jen”
“Thanks, I wasn’t to sure about it” she says fiddling with the hem of it.
“No it looks fine. Your ass really stands out in last seasons best”
She slaps me. Full on loud smack slaps me across the face. Cat laughs and Jen narrows her eyes at us.
“Oh god you wasn’t serious was you?” she asks remembering that we have messing with people all night.
I look around the room and notice a lot of people staring at us, waiting for an argument. I shake my head at her.
“Sorry reflex” she whispers laughing slightly.
“Great thanks” I mutter rubbing my cheek.
“You were right, you do the best bitch” Cat points out still cracking up.
“I don’t let her out often” I admit aware that it has gotten me a few slaps in the past.
“What’s going on?” Amber asks rushing over to us.
“I was showing Cat my inner bitch” I tell her shrugging it off.
“Oh can I see?” she asks excitedly, I shake my head at her but she pouts “please, no one has ever said anything mean to me before and I want to know what I would do if they did”
I look her over thoughtfully and shrug “Okay but promise you won’t cry or not talk to me ever again”
She rolls her eyes at me and stands there expectantly.
“You know you can sue him right?” I ask her keeping my expression blank.
“Who?” she asks frowning at me and the change of topic.
“The idiot who did your nose job, fuck ups that big deserve a law suit” I point to her nose.
Her jaw drops open and she slaps me.
Twice in one night, man I’m on a roll.
I blink at her completely shocked that she would resort to violence.
Cat and Jen find it funny by the sound of them choking.
“Shit, I didn’t mean to. My hand just flew up!” she says so quickly it just comes spewing out.
“Reflex” I nod at her and rub my other cheek.
“You slap like Jen, I feel sorry for the other woman if you ever get into a cat fight”
“What the fuck is going on here?” Kyle demands, rushing over to us with Chris, Tom and Travis.
“Did you hit her?” he asks Amber not looking happy at all. Amber just stands there like a deer caught in headlights. I decide to save her because she stood in for me earlier.
“Not in
the way you think” I tell him then smile and turn to everyone else.
“I should have asked one of you guys really, girls and spiders don’t mix well” I roll my eyes and laugh to lighten the situation. “Cat said I had a spider on my cheek and Jen saw it and freaked out but she hit the wrong side, Amber got it” I shrug at them “Thank you” I smile at Amber who smiles back at me silently sending me a look of thanks.
“Oh” Kyle frowns at us all.
Chris snorts and looks at Kyle as if he’s crazy for believing me.
“Dance with me” he says taking my hand and putting my wine glass on the bar, not giving me a choice in the matter.
I follow him the dance floor, not because I want to but because he’s all but pulling me along with him.
“What was that all about?” he asks me as soon as we start dancing “and don’t try any of that spider bullshit with me because I don’t buy it”
“We were just having a little fun that’s all” I smile up at him to try and reassure him.
“Is this to with Kyle?” he narrows his eye at me.
“What?” I ask truly surprised that he came up with that.
“Oh come on, your ex-boyfriend comes back, his new fiancée slaps you. It’s not hard to connect the dots” he snaps at me.
“It is if you’re looking at the wrong picture” I snap back at him but then sigh loudly when I notice Kyle watching us argue. “Why are you more effected by him being here than me?” I ask looking into his eyes trying to read him.
“I’m worried Lou, you loved him and he obviously loved you. She doesn’t know about you, you know” he says pulling me closer to him.
“What do you mean?” I ask pulling my face back to look at him.
“He hasn’t told her about you. Which makes me think that you either didn’t mean enough to him so he doesn’t think it’s worth bringing up, or and this is the or I’m worried about, he still loves you and doesn’t want her to pick up on it”
“I wish you would stop worrying about him” I look up at him and move my hand to his cheek “Don’t you have any idea how much I love you?”
“Of course, it’s just everyone’s making a big deal out of him being here asking me if you know that he’s back. Everyone thought you two were forever. It’s going to take time to it I guess. Can’t you invite Amber out with you tomorrow night?”
A Little Lost Page 2