Mated for Keeps Boxed Set: a BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance (The Lost River Pack)

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Mated for Keeps Boxed Set: a BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance (The Lost River Pack) Page 16

by Alexis Wilde

  Nico caught her before she fell, eased her to her knees on the living room rug as the other men watched in barely repressed hunger. She could feel them around her, taste them as they responded to the smell of her arousal.

  It only helped to strip the last of her fears away.

  Nico knelt by her side. “Ben.”

  The second-in-command didn’t wait for direction. He didn’t need it. He rose to his feet with a grace that belied his big body, loose strength reflected in the dark depths of his steady gaze. His wide, lush mouth shifted into a faint curve that eased her. “Can I?” he asked, but he wasn’t asking her.

  Nico tugged at her nipple, watching every ripple of pleasure reflect in her face. She gasped. “Do it.”

  “Spread your legs, Natalie.”

  The rich, baritone demand rippled down her spine. She sucked in a shaking breath, but did as Ben commanded. Her thighs strained, trembling

  “Good girl.”

  “Very good,” Nico echoed, and slipped his hand over the soft, sensitive skin of her stomach.

  Damien stirred. His brother reached up without tearing his gaze away, wrapped one large hand tightly around his twin’s nape.

  Both all but vibrated in place, a desperate tension that snapped taut between them.

  There was no room for shame. All Natalie knew was wanting—hunger and determination and something warmer than all of it. Something softer.


  Nico whispered raw encouragement as his fingers slipped between her legs. “You’re already so wet.”

  “Mm.” She grabbed his shoulder to steady herself as he eased one finger between the folds of her sex. Dipped just enough that it parted, that the nerves flickered like a candle under her skin. She shuddered.

  “Two fingers,” Ben ordered. His large hands dropped to his jeans, and she watched wide-eyed as he unbuttoned the denim and pulled the zipper down. “I want to see her melt all over your hand.”

  “Jesus,” Nico whispered, a rasped breath of laughter. But he obeyed.

  Natalie arched as he slipped two fingers inside her, thrusting into flesh already soaking. He crooked them perfectly, dragged them right over the spot inside her that had her seeing stars.

  She gasped. “Oh, God!”

  “That’s right,” Ben rumbled, warmth rich in his voice. She hung onto Nico’s shoulder and arm, watched helplessly as Ben pulled his cock from his open jeans. It was long and thick, hard in his hand and sensitive enough that he had to grit his teeth at the contact with his own skin.

  Her body shook beneath Nico’s onslaught, her senses fled before Ben’s hard, masculine beauty.

  The pressure surrounding her, the primal feel of the pack washed over her, flooded her mind, scraped out her thoughts until she couldn’t do anything else but lean against Nico in helpless abandon.

  Which let Ben take one step closer and touch her lower lip with his cock. “Open,” he ordered.

  “Fucking hell,” Damien gasped.

  She couldn’t see past Ben, but she didn’t try. Nico held her effortlessly on her knees, supported her as she opened her mouth obediently and let him slide the head of erection between her lips.

  A rumble behind her said Jackson could see everything.

  The sudden rush of heat to her sex, the ripple of her muscles around Nico’s fingers had him laughing gently. “You like this. You like being watched by the pack while Ben orders you to fuck us.”

  She couldn’t answer. Didn’t even try. Instead, her whole being split between the third finger Nico thrust into her body and the wide, warm heat of Ben’s cock in her mouth.

  More. She wanted more.

  Her hips twitched, then rolled in desperate demand.

  Ben’s breath hissed through his teeth. “Nico.”

  It was like they all operated on a signal she didn’t understand. Somehow, Nico knew what his second meant. He pressed his lips against her temple. “Slow,” he breathed.

  She whimpered. Ben’s teeth clicked when the sound vibrated his cock.

  “Alek. Damien.”

  Both men stood.

  “Keep her hands busy.”

  “Oh, man,” Damien said huskily, and she heard the sound of zippers.

  Heat rolled over her.

  “Soon,” Nico said. His tongue flicked over the shell of her ear. His fingers slid higher inside her, so deep that his palm bumped her clit, stayed there and ground hard. Ben caught the back of her head and eased deeper into her mouth.

  She reeled.

  Damien and Alek flanked her, caught her by the hands as she grasped desperately for balance. Warm and strong, steadying. And when they each wrapped one of her hands around the thick, so-hard length of their cocks, she moaned in ragged appreciation.

  Fingers in her pussy. A cock in each hand.

  One in her mouth.

  She felt deliciously dirty. Wickedly wanton.

  Confident between them.

  This wasn’t enough.

  She knew when Jackson stepped behind her. Felt the heat of him, the familiar weight of his presence as he knelt.

  He didn’t touch her. She wanted him to touch her.

  Ben’s voice growled. “Where?”

  Oh, God, anywhere.

  “She’s wet and ready,” Nico answered. His fingers slipped out of her, leaving her empty. Aching.

  She tried to protest, but Ben’s hands tightened in her hair, pulled her snug on his cock. “Trust us,” he said, so husky that she could feel the tremors of his control even through the sound alone. “We’ve got you.”

  And they did.

  Jackson did.

  He wrapped his arms around her from behind, crowded her closer to Ben. Alek and Damien knelt at either side, and she gripped them hard in her hands—the way Jackson had taught her. Damien’s eyes were closed as he thrust his hips against her grip, but Alek watched in narrow-eyed approval while Jackson fit himself to her wet entrance.

  Nico held her flush to his body, every lean muscle firm. Every ounce of his power taut around them, wrapped like a net that didn’t tangle but supported them all. Heady and strong, lush in her senses, sweet under her skin.

  Her wolf rolled in the sensations assaulting her, free as she’d never been, and tears filled Natalie’s eyes.

  Ben’s flared, and she felt him stiffen—sensed the fear that he’d hurt her.

  She groaned and strained to keep him firmly in her mouth. Clamped her lips around him and sucked hard, jerking him back into place with a sudden, savage curse.

  Jackson laughed, a wild sound. “Ben, I swear to God…”

  “Do it,” he grunted.

  This time, it was Alek who groaned as Jackson’s hips surged forward. Natalie who keened around Ben’s flesh as Jackson’s cock filled her so completely, so perfectly. Her fingers tightened around the twins, and they jumped almost in unison.

  “God,” Damien said hoarsely. “Even her hands. Natalie, you’re amazing.”

  She was. As heat coiled inside her belly, as fear gave way completely to the spiraling tension, the low burn at her spine, the emptiness that faded under the savage wonder of the werewolves who loved her, Natalie knew she was perfect.

  That this was right.

  That she’d made the right choice.

  Right here, right now, all she knew was pleasure. Satisfaction.


  And when Nico eased his legs between her thighs, when he settled himself just under her hips as Jackson thrust inside her sex, she didn’t even question his intent.

  She trusted.

  Trusted that she knew her body. That Ben, for all his wild need, watched her carefully.

  That Alek and Damien’s groans, the smell of their sweat and the sharp, bitter fragrance of their rising climaxes, didn’t mean they weren’t equally as aware of her.

  Jackson wouldn’t let anything go farther than she could handle.

  And she could handle this.

  The head of Nico’s cock nudged the tight seam where Jackson’s
already stretched her. Natalie trembled violently, arms splayed, hands slick with the twins’ arousal. She almost choked on a gasp but for the fact that Ben—in tune with her body—withdrew himself from her mouth, stepped back just far enough that she could suck in ragged gulps of air while he stroked his own cock in a large fist.

  Nico’s hands skimmed over her waist. His eyes, so exotic, flared with such dominant hunger that she couldn’t have denied him even if she wanted to.

  But she didn’t want to.

  One of Jackson’s hands curled around her throat in a way that soothed even as it claimed. His fingers slid over her lip, and she opened her mouth to let his index and middle fingers dip into her mouth as she took a deep breath. “Do it,” she repeated, and nipped Jackson’s fingers hard enough to force a savage grunt from him.

  “That’s my girl,” Nico whispered, and just as Jackson’s hips moved, just as his cock eased from her wet flesh, the other wolf surged upwards.

  Pain burned through her manic hunger just enough that she bit down on a strangled cry, but when Nico’s breath trembled out, when Jackson’s groan strangled behind her, pain shifted abruptly to stunning, crystal clear awareness.

  The twin’s breath coming in short, sharp pants.

  Ben’s white-knuckled restraint as he fisted his own erection.

  And the mind-altering feel of Jackson’s cock, of Nico’s, stretching her sex, pushing her farther than she’d ever been. Different than before, so utterly different—savagely captivating, wildly feral. They rubbed inside of her, slick against each other as they thrust in tandem, widened her; alpha and the mate she desperately wanted.

  Five men. Five heartbeats pounding hard enough that even her own submerged into the cadence of the pack that surrounded her.

  Nico rasped a knuckle against her clit, rubbed at the sensitized flesh until she leaned back against Jackson in boneless, mindless pleasure. In and out, hands and cocks and fingers and everything—she wasn’t Natalie Baker anymore, she was a throbbing mass of flayed nerves and wet, lush demand. She was a female werewolf, and her body was made for them.

  “More,” she groaned. Jackson’s hand tightened at her throat. “Give me everything. Give me—”

  “Ohmygod,” Damien groaned, locking his knees when his hips surged against her hand. She stiffened her arm in pure reflex.

  Alek’s hand wrapped around her wrist, so tight her fingers went numb. “Dema,” he rasped. “Don’t…Damn!”

  Ben cursed, a staccato sound as the twins doubled over almost un unison. The sharper fragrance of semen pattered the air, splattered to her shoulders, her chest, and Natalie threw back her head in fierce satisfaction. She slammed her hips down on both men inside her, rolled them so hard pain almost overwhelmed the surging note of pleasure.


  Nico’s fingers plucked at her clit, even as his eyes clouded over. “So damned good.”

  “Let it go,” Ben said, dark and deep. “Let it all—” He growled. “I cant—Nng!”

  Jackson’s murmur of approval, breath hot against her skin, was all she needed. Her climax rippled up from the so full pressure between her legs, snaked through her on a tide so beautifully sharp, so fundamentally pure that she had no chance to fight it. Nico and Jackson rocked her between them, held her steady. Jackson’s teeth nipped at the back of her neck.

  Natalie buried her face against Nico’s neck and sobbed her release. As one, all three men gave everything—more hot semen joined the transparent stain on her breasts. A hot flood washed between her legs, spilled so deep she knew she’d never get the smell of it out of her skin.

  And that was, she thought as she sagged bonelessly between Jackson and Nico, exactly how she wanted it.

  No wolf—biped or otherwise—would miss this.

  She may have started as the Yellow Canyon Pack’s breeding female, but Natalie was so much more. Wanted so much more.

  Damien crouched beside them, rested his head at her shoulder with a long, loud sigh.

  Gentler, with more caution, Alek’s lean hand brushed her cheek. “She’ll smell like one of us, now.”

  Ben’s voice graveled. “She is one of us.”

  Her heart warmed.

  She’d given it everything she had. Done everything she could. Her wolf had loved the attention, but hadn’t surged ahead the way Natalie had felt it in the bedroom with Jackson.

  If she was the problem, she’d just made that problem theirs. Victor was smart. He’d know the difference—and he’d see it for the slap it was. But this, this armor made of their fragrance and their mutual claim, was her only hope.

  Please, she thought. She raised a trembling hand, and Ben’s firm fingers twined with hers. Jackson held her close, and Nico pressed a sweaty kiss to her cheek. Please let this work.

  “I want to stay with you,” she whispered.

  It was Alek who answered her. “You will.”

  Whatever wavelength they shared, it pulled them closer together—wrapped them tight around her in a protective, supportive knot. For this moment, as their heartbeats slowed in unison, Natalie let herself believe it.


  Chapter Eleven

  It was a beautiful day to start a war.

  The sun streamed down over the woods, dappling the ground in shimmering patterns of light and shadow. Winter cut the wild wind with a sharp bite, but the sunlight helped ease the worst of it as Natalie walked step by shaking step closer to the meeting place.

  Beside her, Nico matched his pace to hers, his customary bare feet apparently unaffected by the chill. She shot him a sidelong glance as they forged through the foliage, searching for any sign of nerves.

  She had more than enough for everyone.

  Nico’s shoulders were firm, but his mouth rested in a loose line that belied the gravity of the entire situation. His black-rimmed, white irises gleamed like diamonds, sharper than the lazy cast of his features indicated. For all his easygoing appearance, his stride remained purposeful. Strong.

  On his left, Ben walked with a lumbering stride that made no secret of his authority. Someone who didn’t know better, someone who didn’t care to really look, might have mistaken the much larger man for the alpha.

  Behind them, spread out in a fan, Jackson, Alek and Damien walked with soundless purpose. Natalie was as aware of them at her back as she was of Nico at her side, and the warm, enveloping feeling of them surrounding her helped take at least some of the edge off.


  The feeling of wanting to throw up wouldn’t go away.

  As they came closer to the clearing where the meeting was to take place, the sound of birdsong faded away. The wind rustled through the trees, rifling through the overhead branches and carrying the scent of trespassers to them all. Natalie’s throat closed as Victor’s too familiar scent filled her nose.

  Her step hitched.

  Alek touched her shoulder. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t have to, but Nico slanted her a glance that merged encouragement and reminder. She wasn’t alone.

  Natalie wasn’t ever going to be alone again.

  Her heart thudded in her chest, but her hands fisted at her sides and she lifted her chin with deliberate care.

  She was ready for this. Ready for whatever came. She’d found the pack she wanted to be part of—no matter what.

  But then, Victor didn’t usually care what she thought.

  He was the first of the small group to distinguish himself as they cleared the rim of the clearing. Victor was a large man, bred thick like Jackson but tall like Ben. His powerful shoulders and heavily muscled arms bulged under his T-shirt, and his long black hair was held back in a pony-tail as thick as her wrist.

  Anyone else might have mistaken him for a bear—at least until they took a good look at the feral edges of his features. Victor wasn’t a handsome man, but he was powerful.

  And extremely dominant.

  The moment the wind shifted, his back stiffened. He turned in the midst of the other five werewolv
es loosely arranged in their side of the clearing, his eyes so sharp she could feel the amber gleam cut even from this far away. The rest of his group were on their feet seconds after Victor paced across the clearing in wide, angry strides.

  The wolves flanking her barely got a glance as Victor’s left hand reached out. Natalie’s breath caught in her chest as her whole body braced for a hand around her throat—for Victor’s brand of dominance.

  But it didn’t come.

  Jackson’s hand snaked out past Natalie’s face, and he was suddenly there at her side, his finger so tight around Victor’s thick wrist that the skin went white beneath. A single sound, a barely leashed snarl, warned, “Don’t.”

  The pack behind Victor picked up pace, two slipping into a slightly lower posture that would give them extra power if they had to clear the distance in a spring. It was a predatory move, a shift of balance and priorities.

  Natalie took a breath to say something, to defuse all of it, but Nico beat her to it.

  “That’s enough.” Two words. Softly spoken.

  Rife with command.

  Jackson let go just as Victor pulled his arm away, but he didn’t leave Natalie’s side. She was very much aware of the heat of him, the solid weight of his presence at her right shoulder. Aware, and grateful for it.

  For the first time, Victor’s gaze flicked to the others with her. His nostrils flared, jaw hardened to stony fury echoed in his tawny eyes.

  She didn’t have to look at them to know the Lost River wolves bristled. The tension in the air thickened as Nico shifted just enough that his shoulder edged up in front of Natalie’s left. The power thrumming under his skin only vibrated faintly. Just a taste.

  Just a warning.

  One wrong move, and there’d be bloodshed. Six against five. Ordinarily, Victor would have the upper hand, but this wasn’t ordinary. He didn’t risk it. Even after Jackson had touched him; as good a challenge in the language of wolves.

  Why? Natalie’s eyes fixed to his throat, to the bob of it as he barely swallowed a growl.

  Victor’s hand dropped to his side, fingers splayed to keep the pack he’d brought with him from following through on the unspoken tension. “Let’s go,” he said to Natalie, his voice a graveled order. “We’re going home.”


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