Ruin Her

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Ruin Her Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  His body didn’t have a single ounce of fat on him. He was all strength and tight muscle.

  She didn’t know how he did it but his touch ignited a fire within her. Never had she picked a guy up in a bar or gone back to his place. For all she knew, this man could be some kind of axe murderer, and she his next willing victim. She hadn’t come here by force.

  The problem was she didn’t want to walk away from him either. For one night, she wanted to do something crazy. Why not with a man who wanted her as well?

  He gripped her hip and she didn’t want him to be kind or sweet. No, she wanted it dirty, hard, so she could enjoy it and not think about it after apart from wistful dreaming years later.

  No names.

  Just memories.

  He tore her panties off and she gasped as he pushed her to the bed, joining her. He still had on his pants and made no move to take them off. He flicked the catch of her bra, his gaze falling to her chest.

  “Perfect.” He cupped the mounds before taking one nipple into his mouth.

  She cried out. The tight pleasure as he sucked on her went straight to her clit. She tried to press her thighs together but he kept them open, his hand holding her down.

  He didn’t linger long on her tits, instead, kissing down her body, over her stomach, and to her pussy.

  She looked down as he slid his tongue between her folds, sucking on her clit. She moaned some more, unable to keep the pleasure from her voice.

  He didn’t stop though, and kept on licking and sucking at her pussy, teasing her. He brought her to the brink but didn’t allow her to orgasm as he pushed two fingers inside her. Then he worked a third one in her, making her burn. It had been a long time since she’d been with a guy.

  Picking up strangers wasn’t something she ever did. When she had sex, she was usually in a relationship. A nice, long one, but as he touched her body, she felt the pain ebb away. She was already wet.

  “You’ve got a nice, tight pussy. I don’t want to hurt you, but I’m not small.”

  She chuckled. “I’m sure you’re hard and big.” She meant it as a tease.

  This man, whoever he was, pulled away, removing his pants, and she caught sight of just how big he was. It was no joke. He wasn’t small at all.

  He somehow found a condom, sliding it over his length before he came back to her. Nudging her up the bed, he spread her thighs wide. The tip of him opened her up and as he slid in deep, she gasped, crying out.

  He didn’t give her time to get used to his penetration as he slammed to the hilt in her.

  Pleasure and pain mingled together. She didn’t know which was stronger than the other. Each one an equal match so that as he pulled out of her and slammed in again, she was mindless.

  He captured her wrists, pinning them to the bed and using the headboard for leverage as he showed her what real fucking was all about.

  It wasn’t sweet, tender, or beautiful.

  This was harsh, deep fucking.

  He pounded inside her and she met him thrust for thrust.

  Suddenly, he pulled out of her, flipped her over with a speed that took the breath right out of her, and he was back inside, taking her from behind. He spread the cheeks of her ass, and she tensed up as he stroked right over the puckered hole of her anus. He didn’t stop.

  Releasing a chuckle, he touched her clit with his other hand, making her groan. The sounds echoed off the walls.

  “I take it no man has ever fucked this pretty ass.”

  She shook her head. Words failed her. This wasn’t any kind of man she was used to.

  He reached over her and then she felt something cold touch her anus. “Well, I better get you used to it, then.”

  Before she knew what was happening, he pressed a finger against her ass. Rather than turn her off, she felt herself going wild against his cock. He’d stopped thrusting, but he was still balls deep inside her. One hand on her pussy, the other at her asshole, working his finger inside her.

  “Come for me,” he said.

  She didn’t even know his name and he had a finger up her ass. Pushing all her thoughts out of her mind, she allowed herself to feel. He fingered her pussy and her orgasm began to build as he stretched her anus with one finger.

  She was so close that as he added a second finger, she came hard, pushing back, taking his fingers as he stretched her.

  Rocking on his cock, she needed him more than anything else.

  He didn’t stop touching her, stroking her clit until she was into a second orgasm. She was about to beg him to stop, but she didn’t need to.

  He stopped touching her, removing his fingers from her ass as well. He grabbed her hips and began to fuck her even harder. Used her as leverage to get deeper, harder. He was a long, thick, hot brand within her, and she knew she was never going to be the same again.

  This man, whoever he was, ruined her right then and there.

  He commanded her body, took what he wanted, and she loved every single thrust.

  When he came with a groan, she followed him into pleasure, feeling another small orgasm as it washed over her body. She collapsed to the bed, panting.

  The man behind her dropped a kiss to the base of her back as he eased out of her, leaving her alone.

  She was still in a bent position when he came back.

  “Spread your ass for me.”

  His bossiness shouldn’t be so sexy. There was no way she should do as he asked.

  She grabbed her ass and spread herself wide. Glancing over her shoulder, she was surprised to see he was rock-hard again. Licking her lips, she tried to think, but it was impossible to do so, not as he came to the bed, gripped her ass, and plunged two fingers inside her, drawing them back to her ass.

  “I think it’s time I fucked this ass and give you something to remember.”

  Words failed her again.

  He left the bed and she watched as he grabbed a condom and some lubricant and returned to the bed.

  This is crazy.

  You don’t know this guy.

  When your last boyfriend wanted to do this, you wouldn’t let him. Why are you letting this stranger do this?

  His fingers returned to her asshole and there was no fighting it. She loved the darkness. The dirty. The temptation. She didn’t know this man’s name and in the morning it wouldn’t matter because she wasn’t going to stick around.

  One night of complete sex.

  No consequences.

  Nothing to worry about.

  It would be nothing more than a dream.

  He added a second finger, stretching her ass, and within seconds, he pulled out of her, and his latex-covered cock was at her anus. Slowly, inch by inch, he began to rock inside her. He took his time, sliding in and out. The pain was there but he knew what to do to soothe it. How to work her body so it wasn’t too painful.

  She wanted more of him. Hungered for him.

  He took her harder and paused the moment he was balls deep inside her ass. There was nothing about her that was virgin anymore. He grabbed her hips and rocked within her, going deeper, filling her, driving her.

  She touched her pussy as he fucked her, startling her with how quickly she came. Anal sex was shocking, strange, and she didn’t know if she liked it or not, but as she came for the third time that night, she knew she would never forget this.

  Afterward, her mystery man came back with a cloth to clean up her ass. Any other time, she would have been embarrassed, but this time, she wasn’t. She lay on the bed and he joined her, wrapping his arms around her. She expected him to fall asleep, but they ended up having sex twice more.

  She didn’t fall asleep.

  When she was sure he was no longer awake, she climbed out of bed, gathered her clothes, and left the one crazy night behind, never wanting to see him again.


  “Please tell me you had a better night than me. I need to know there’s some hope in this world and you had a much better time of it,” Raphael said as Antonio joined him
for breakfast at one of their restaurants.

  “You took home three girls. How could you not have a good time?”

  “One of them was trying to get me to fuck her without a condom. Another kept wanting me to use her ass, and the last one couldn’t give head for shit. It was boring. Do you know what it’s like to be chased by women wanting to catch you? They really think I would marry one of their cheap asses just because they let me fuck it.” Raphael groaned. “How was your night?”

  Antonio smiled. “Eventful.”

  “I know that smile. You hit the jackpot with the woman, didn’t you?”

  Antonio sipped at his coffee, not spilling any details.

  “Damn it. You called dibs on the girl before I even got a look.”

  From the moment she’d entered the bar last night, he’d wanted her.

  “So who is she? Is she another gold-digger? A plant? A rat?”

  “She doesn’t have a single clue about our world.” He opened his jacket, pulling out her driver’s license. He’d snagged it from her jeans while he’d been kissing her at his door. “Ellie Taylor. She used to be a foster kid. Never attended college even though she had high grades. Just no one wanted to give her a scholarship. No parents. They died when she was a baby and that’s why she ended up in the system. She does a lot of odd jobs, including waitressing and dog walking. Pays her taxes. No criminal record, not even a single complaint. All of her employers have nothing but nice things to say about her. All in all, she is a sweet, model citizen.”

  “And you got all of that since last night?”

  “Nope, a couple of hours ago when she snuck out of my apartment while she thought I was sleeping.”

  “You stole her ID?”

  “That I did.” He had to make sure he wasn’t wrong about her, and he hadn’t been.

  His breakfast was brought to the table. The waitress gave Raphael a nice smile, which he didn’t return.

  “You know, they’re going to start spitting in your food,” he said, as a way of warning.

  “They wouldn’t dream of it. They know their place. It’s in my bed, and nowhere else. Why did you take her ID? I thought it was going to be a one-night thing. That’s all you do, remember?”

  He didn’t allow himself to get close to anyone. Women were a pleasure for him, but he wouldn’t change the way he felt. They were useful for one thing only, sex. He didn’t believe in love or marriage. If the Family demanded it, he’d marry. They didn’t need anyone tied to their enforcer. They preferred him to keep up his appearance as being a cold-blooded killer.

  It was what he was.

  Taking Ellie’s ID wasn’t a good thing. He didn’t even like why he’d done it.

  The sex had been amazing, but he’d fucked his fair share of women who’d been amazing. There was nothing special about this woman, apart from her sweetness and her complete lack of fear when it came to him.

  He liked it. It was new.

  Again, he didn’t fucking know why, because he had no problem with being the monster he was. He lived for the screams of his enemies.

  Ellie also worked part-time as a librarian and as far as he was concerned, a woman who loved books didn’t mingle with monsters like him. She was too kind for him and what he did.

  Running her ID across his lips, he had to think of what to do next.

  Raphael’s phone beeped and he groaned. “Boss has called. It’s time to go to work.”

  Whenever it was busy, Raphael never referred to Romeo as Father. Getting to their feet, they paid for their breakfast then headed out. Their men were waiting with a car. Driving toward The Boss’s mansion, Antonio pocketed Ellie’s ID. He was going to see her again, and soon.

  Within half an hour, they sat in front of The Boss, along with four other capos.

  There had been an attack on three of the Family restaurants. Four of their people had been killed and it was up to them to find the men responsible and make an example out of them. Antonio wouldn’t be needed until he had to hurt people; it was what he did best. He did have a way of finding who was responsible, which was why six hours later he stood outside the small library where he knew Ellie worked part-time.

  He’d called three men and the capos had the men responsible for killing locked in one of their warehouses waiting for him. Killing always gave him a rush.

  Again, he didn’t know why he was fucking here. Between hunting and killing, he’d called their real estate guy, bought a place not too far from the bar, and acquired another apartment.

  All for this woman. Staring down at her picture on the license, he frowned. She wasn’t smiling. She looked bored, like this was another step she had to achieve in her life, and not something of any real success.

  Why the fuck he was here, he didn’t know. Why he’d bought another apartment when he had a perfectly good place to use for fucking, he didn’t know.

  All in all, he had to see this through.

  Entering the library, he caught sight of several people who were aware of who he was. The ink on his body was a perfect sign, but so was the suit.

  The Giavanni name was known and respected far and wide, which was why it was such a shock for a woman to be in a bar and not know the relevance.

  She wasn’t behind the counter, and when he stepped up to it, a middle-aged woman looked like she wanted to run away.

  “Where’s Ellie?” he asked.

  “Er, s-s-she’s in the c-children s-s-section.” She pointed to the left and he made his way toward the room.

  Children’s posters led up to the door, and a big sign reading Adventure Section was above the door.

  He stood inside the room and saw her.

  Ellie sat on the floor, legs crossed, a kid on either side of her as she read a book. The mother, he assumed, was on her phone, texting away.

  He watched her.

  The mother sighed. “Time to go, kids.”

  The kids in question looked like they wanted to argue but kept their mouths shut.

  “Thanks, Ellie, you’re amazing.”

  “Anytime.” She got to her feet and the smile dropped from her face when she caught sight of him.

  The mother, though, kept on smiling as she passed him.

  “Do you have kids?” Ellie asked.

  “Why would I have kids?”

  “You’re in the kids’ section of a library. Oh, God. You’re married, aren’t you? Have a family?” Her face scrunched up.

  “I don’t have kids nor do I have a family.”

  She nodded. “Okay. You’re sure?”

  “Very sure.”

  “Then what brings you here? You know, this isn’t a bar.”

  “Very true. This is certainly more you, Ellie Taylor.”

  Ellie’s mouth opened and closed. “How do you know my name?”

  He pulled out her ID.

  “You stole it?” she asked, coming toward him. She tried to take it from him, but he held it out of reach. “That isn’t funny.”

  “I’m not trying to be.” He placed her ID back in his jacket.

  “Last night was only supposed to be one night. You can’t hold my ID hostage like this.”

  “I can do whatever the hell I want.” He just stood there, arms folded, appearing cocky.

  She wasn’t wearing sexy clothes. She wore a knee-length skirt and a modest blouse. Nothing showing off her curves, but he knew how tempting they were.

  “I want you to come to this address tonight,” he said, pulling out the card he’d already written the address on.


  “If you want your ID, you’ll come here.”

  “Are you seriously giving me an ultimatum right now? That’s my ID. It’s my license. You can’t force me to do what I don’t want.”

  “It’s funny, because that’s exactly what I’m doing.” No woman had ever argued with him.

  “Look, if this is because I snuck out … it was just a bit of fun last night.”

  He raised a brow. “This address, tonight. Nin
e o’clock. Don’t be late or I’ll come and get you.”

  She took the card from him. “And if I don’t turn up?”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see what I do to a woman who doesn’t do as she’s told.”

  “You were only supposed to be some fun,” she said.

  He reached out, unable to deny himself the pleasure of touching her. He tucked some of her hair behind her ear. Soft locks. Deep brown.

  “Yes, only I decide when the fun stops, and I’m not ready for it to be over.”

  “You don’t get to make decisions like this. It’s not fair. I have a life.”

  “That you do, but you’ll be there tonight.” He didn’t give her a chance to argue. Turning on his heel, he left her alone.

  It was now time for him to kill a bunch of their enemies. In a way, he was making the streets safer.

  Chapter Three

  Ellie paid the cab driver, climbed out, and stared up at the large building. It was a grand place. The kind a woman would love to have, but she wasn’t stupid. These kinds of properties came with a price, or a woman had a bunch of luck, earning the kind of income one needed to be to have a home like this.

  Rubbing a hand down her face, she took a deep breath. She should have stayed home.

  The thought of this man, whose name she still didn’t know, coming to her place, and … she didn’t know what he’d do. The man she’d slept with, no, fucked, shouldn’t have taken her ID or found her.

  She wasn’t used to this kind of attention.

  Stepping out of the way of a couple, she looked down at the ground. Whoever was at reception was going to send her away.

  Was this punishment for leaving this morning?

  She hadn’t even called Casey to ask about him, or if she had any idea of who he was. Clearly, he came from money, or was a businessman, wealthy in his own right. Knowing this didn’t make her feel comfortable, though. If anything, it made her even more uneasy.

  “Just get it over with.” She opened the door and walked through to the reception where there was a man dressed in a gray suit. He put the phone down, his gaze falling on her.

  “Hi, I’ve been given this address and been asked to meet him here.” She didn’t know the guy’s name. This was bad.


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