Guarding Lauren: Brotherhood Protectors World (Texas Guardians Book 1)

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Guarding Lauren: Brotherhood Protectors World (Texas Guardians Book 1) Page 7

by Barb Han

  The silence between them reassured Lauren. It shouldn’t. She reminded herself she should be angry and hurt that he’d held back information after everything they’d been through together.

  Then she really saw the hollow cast to his eyes. The dark circles. The story that lurked just beyond those cool baby blues. The pain. He’d opened up to her a little. For a man used to being alone, it must’ve taken a lot.

  Just then, he leaned in so close that his lips grazed her hair, and he whispered, “I believe in you.”

  His soft words and warm breath on her neck made her lightheaded. She took in a steadying breath, fearing that if he got any closer the gravitational orbit that surrounded him would take over, pulling her into his solid-wall chest where she’d melt.

  A crush of emotions knotted in Lauren’s stomach, climbed, and lodged in her chest. Her throat tightened, making it impossible to swallow. Quietness blanketed the room as deafening as the roaring winds had been. She could hear Jaden’s heart beating steadily, securely inside his chest. The rhythm comforted her.

  The winds outside calmed as though Mother Nature had a remote control and had hit pause.

  “We need to make our move soon,” he said.

  With her index finger, Lauren outlined the muscles in Jaden’s forearm—his thick, ripped arms.

  How sexy was he?

  Her head was spinning, her body tingling. He was perfection. And she had to fight every instinct she had to wrap her arms around his strong neck and beg him to kiss her again. The thought of their last kiss made her lips tingle, wanting more. “Do we have a few minutes to come up with a plan before making our next move?”

  Jaden’s finger traced her lips before moving to outline her jawbone, his every touch flaming her insides, sending volts of desire through her. She wanted to let go, to trust it would all work out, but her childhood hadn’t been spent dreaming of white towers, horses, and handsome dark knights. Hers had been spent protecting herself from nearly everyone.

  She refocused her attention on Jaden’s face. Taking in all the pain behind those dark eyes, she asked, “You said you had a brother. Is there any other family back home?”


  “Surely there’s someone you need to get back to,” she said.

  “If you’re talking about women, there’ve been a few.”

  Next time she felt the urge to ask a question she didn’t want the answer to, she’d try to remember to keep her mouth shut. She had a past. He had a past. Did they really need to know every detail?

  “This job doesn’t exactly lend itself to long-term relationships. Not when I’m gone with assignment eleven months out of the year. Not a lot of women are willing to put up with that,” he said with his dry crack of a smile.

  She figured plenty wouldn’t mind waiting for a man as sexy as Jaden. She couldn’t help but wonder how many women had trailed behind him trying to get him to leave his job and commit. A few? A couple dozen?

  One look at him said the number had to be high. She had eyes. The man was drop dead gorgeous, dark and mysterious. A potent combination that would drive most women into frenzy.

  Out of the corner of his mouth he said, “There’ve been a lot of women. But no one special.”

  Not sure if she dreamed he’d said it or if she’d even heard him correctly. It didn’t matter. She wanted nothing more than to feel his warm skin against hers.

  The man in front of her was real. Made her body flame with passion. Desire made every nerve ending from the crown of her head to the tips of her toes tingle with anticipation, need. A distant little voice reminded her how truly dangerous a man like him was.

  When his erection pressed against her, all rational thought flew out the window. She’d wanted this man from the moment she saw him. He brought her entire body to life, and she didn’t know how much longer she could hold back.

  They were face-to-face. Body to body. Skin to skin. She had nothing more than a towel wrapped around her.

  Jaden wasn’t thinking clearly, couldn’t formulate a coherent argument as to why the moment between him and Lauren shouldn’t happen. It had all the earmarks of disaster written all over it, but he was too involved to care. Being with her made him wish for things he shouldn’t.

  So he defied logic and pulled her closer, moving to the back bedroom to ensure a moment of privacy.

  “And Lauren. I’m not like those men from your past. You don’t have to be afraid of me.” He set his jaw, wanting her to hear those words and take them to heart. “I’ll take care of you if you let me.”

  She looked up at him with wide golden eyes, glittery with desire, before squeezing them shut and burrowing into his chest. Before he could say or do anything he found himself holding onto the shaking beauty. Lauren. She was right there in his arms where he wanted her. And it felt so right.

  “I believe you,” she said.

  He stroked her hair as he leaned forward until his lips were within an inch of the nape of her neck. His heart thumped against his rib cage.

  The pain rifling his body a distant memory, replaced by an ache to feel her bare skin against his. To wrap her in his arms and feel her long legs alongside his.

  A thin piece of cotton couldn’t insulate the raw sexual heat between them.

  Her body quaked under his touch, while something deep within him needed to make her feel wanted and safe. His breath thickened. He couldn’t think straight. She felt so right in his arms, fit him perfectly.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked, and it was important for him to know the answer. She’d already told him she spent way too much of her childhood fearing men. He needed her to believe he wasn’t like them.

  “Yes,” she said.

  Sure, she was flawless. Big brown-gold eyes. Taut body. That wasn’t what made the image of her replay in his mind relentlessly like a hit song on the radio. It wasn’t the soft curve of her hip, endless legs, the way her full, luscious lips fell into a pout. It was the strength and courage she displayed in the face of danger. And something more, something deeper that he didn’t want to examine further.

  Jaden trailed his finger along the tender part of her arm. Should he even be touching a woman who was tightly linked to his case? An asset?

  Consequences be damned.

  He couldn’t stop if he tried.

  The way she reacted to his lightest touch, her body quaking under his fingertips, made him want more.

  Without another word, Jaden pressed a kiss to the small freckle above her lip before his lips found hers, pressing down hungry and needy. Her mouth moved against his, her tongue teasing his.

  The creak of the slider opening in the next room scarcely registered over the sounds of the rain and the thundering of his own heart.

  Agency guys wouldn’t sneak in.

  This wasn’t good. Their position had been compromised. How in the hell had that happened?

  The obvious answer was that someone in his agency couldn’t be trusted.

  He eased back to look Lauren square in the eyes as he pressed his index finger to his lips.

  In barely a whisper, he said, “I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the boat. So, believe me, we’re going to finish this later.”

  The reality only headquarters and Gregory knew his location weighed heavily on his thoughts. And Helena, he corrected.

  Her call might’ve put him in jeopardy.

  Her phone could be hacked.


  That was exactly why he didn’t want her anywhere near this case.

  “Someone’s here,” he whispered to Lauren.

  Chapter 11

  Lauren fumbled for her jeans and t-shirt, her heart racing as Jaden disappeared down the hall. She located a bra, which was a little too small but would do, quickly dressed, and crouched low on the side of the bed.

  Tension braided her nerves. Jaden had already proven he was more than competent at his job, but if something happened to him she’d be alone with whomever or whatever lurked on the other s
ide of that wall.

  Had she really become dependent on him this quickly? Granted, he had saved her life more times than she could count in the short time she’d known him. Even so, it wouldn’t do any good to get too comfortable in the feeling Jaden would always be there to save her.

  He was a professional. This was his job. As soon as this was over, he’d be gone.

  Where would that leave her? Heartbroken? The admission startled her. She was allowing herself to get carried away with a man she shouldn’t trust.

  Besides, if anything happened to her where would that leave Max?

  “We have to move. Now.” His tone was hushed but clear as he rounded the side of bed.

  A wave of relief washed over her at seeing him again.

  “I heard noises,” she said, swallowing hard. “Is it the guys from the beach?”

  His hand closed on hers protectively as he led her into the bathroom where they both slipped behind the door.

  She clamped down the urge to ask about Gregory. Was he out there, too?

  The voices in the next room might be low, but they could have been standing over Lauren shouting for the effect they had. Her stomach free-fell to her toes when she heard those terse South American accents. There were at least two. One was familiar. She recognized it from the phone call the other day.

  Another one of them was getting closer.

  Jaden held up a steadying hand meant to calm her.

  In his other hand, metal glinted. She couldn’t make it out, but prayed it was something useful, like his gun.

  The sound of wet shoe clamping against the white tile floor echoed down the hall.

  Other than that, everything was quiet.

  Eerily quiet.

  Lauren feared her heart beat so loudly those jerks would hear it and she and Jaden would be caught.

  An intruder poked his head into the bathroom.

  In a sweeping fluid motion, Jaden pulled the guy inside and knocked him unconscious with a powerful jab. Whatever he had in his hand was blunt enough to knock a grown man out cold.

  Lauren gasped despite herself.

  As Jaden dragged him into the tub, Lauren saw he wore jeans, tennis shoes, and a white shirt. Jaden pulled out his cell, snapped a pic of the guy’s face, and hit Send. Before she could blink, his phone was back in his pocket, and his attention was on the door.

  Quick footsteps pressed the tile. The second prowler must’ve heard her.

  Jaden slid behind the shower curtain as assailant number two rounded the corner and faced Lauren.

  He was tall and muscular. She had to look up to see his face. Lightning flashed. Black, beady eyes stared at her. His wicked half grin said he didn’t mind them being alone. An icy chill ran down her spine.

  The floral shower curtain must’ve shielded his buddy and Jaden from view. Beady Eyes holstered his gun and made a move toward Lauren.

  The power surged, and lights blinked on.

  Beady Eyes’ expression tensed as Jaden appeared from behind the curtain, gun drawn and pointed directly at a spot on the Latino’s forehead. His facial expression changed from triumph to panic. His pupils dilated from fear. His hands came up in surrender. “I’m not here to make trouble.”

  “Too late for that,” Jaden said.

  Lauren fought the urge to panic. “I recognize his voice. He’s one of the men who hurt my brother,” she said, still stunned, her own voice thin and scared. “It’s him.”

  “You better start talking faster than a preacher on collection plate Sunday,” Jaden said.

  “I won’t tell you jack shit,” the man said.

  Jaden’s finger twitched on the trigger mechanism. “You want to do this the hard way? Fine. Hands against the wall.”

  Beady Eyes hesitated.

  “If you think you can pull that gun from your holster before I can squeeze this trigger, go for it.” Jaden’s tone left no room for doubt.

  A look of resignation crossed his features. He placed his hands against the wall.

  Lauren took a step back into the tub and plastered her back against the wall, hoping it would hold her upright. The palpable smell of blood made her knees weak. Her stomach dry-heaved. “Where’s Gregory?”

  Jaden shook his head.

  “Get a gun,” he said to Lauren, cocking his head toward the crumpled guy at her feet.

  Her heartbeat kicked up another notch, pounding painfully in her chest. She had no idea what to do with a weapon. Her gaze shifted from Beady Eyes to the man at her feet. Jaden needed her help. Never mind that she was fighting the urge to faint. These men hurt Max, and would kill her if they had the chance. She held her breath, bent over, and fumbled around for a weapon.

  “Good job,” Jaden said to Lauren as she palmed a gun with a shaky hand and pointed it at Beady Eyes.

  “If he so much as flinches, shoot.”

  Could she kill a man? Even this man? A man who’d beaten her brother? Possibly killed him? Anger rose in her throat burning a hot trail. She said a little prayer it wouldn’t come to that.

  Jaden disarmed Beady Eyes, and then thrust his arms behind his back.

  “Who was responsible for what happened on the beach? Where’s Max?” The anger in his voice startled Lauren. Then she remembered his friend was dead. Given Jaden’s background, he was most likely showing remarkable restraint.

  Beady Eyes turned his head, and then he winced as his face was shoved against the door.

  Lauren kept his gun trained on him.

  His gaze narrowed as he focused on her. “Chuparla, bitch.”

  Beady Eyes whirled around, and Jaden slammed his knee into the guy’s gut. Before he could react, the Latino ended up flat on his back on the ground in the hallway with Jaden straddling the man’s torso. His arms were tight to his side, trapped by Jaden’s unyielding thighs.

  Jaden’s gaze swept the hallway, reminding Lauren other bad guys could be lurking nearby.

  She stepped over the unconscious guy in the tub and stood over Beady Eyes. “Where’s my brother? What have you done to him?”

  He grinned. White crooked teeth contrasted against his dark brown skin.

  “You heard the lady. Where’s her brother?” Jaden demanded, shoving the barrel of his gun into the guy’s forehead hard enough to leave a mark.

  Beady Eyes glared at them. “Do you see him here?” He paused a beat. “Me, either.”

  “Right. You’re nothing. Your bosses would never trust you with important information,” Jaden taunted.

  “Do you think he knows where Max is?” she asked Jaden.

  “You sure this is the guy?”

  “Yes. I think. I mean I was so freaked out on the phone I can’t be sure, but it sounds like him.” Hearing his voice again had her shaking with a mix of fear, anger, and resentment.

  With one hand, Jaden pulled his cell from his back pocket, snapped a pic, and hit Send. His other held the insurance Beady Eyes wouldn’t move to his forehead. “Gotcha.”

  He pocketed his cell, and then jerked Beady Eyes to his feet, forcing him to walk in front of them. “Move.”

  Lauren followed closely behind as Jaden led them into the living room. She gasped when she saw Gregory slumped over in the corner. His lifeless eyes were open and a wire wrapped around his neck.

  Jaden made quick work of tying Beady Eyes to a chair before moving to Lauren.

  “Gregory,” she said in almost a whisper.

  Jaden’s lips thinned and she could see the frustration and grief in his eyes. His presence brought a sense of calm it shouldn’t have as his hand closed around her arm reassuringly, moving her out of earshot.

  “If this guy doesn’t know where my brother is, does that mean Max is…?” She couldn’t bring herself to finish the question.

  “They most likely transferred Max to another location. The guys heading operations like these don’t take chances. They move victims around, using different people each time. I doubt this scumbag would know where the new location is. But he’d know if he han
ded Max off alive.”

  Alive? Oh, God. Lauren thought she might be sick.

  His attention turned to the screen on his phone. “The first scumbag has been identified. He works for the Menendez cartel out of Venezuela. We know a few of their hiding spots. One of our female agents, Helena, has been working with them for months. She’ll know where to look.”

  “Won’t matter if they think they don’t need Max, right?” She could barely bring herself to ask.

  “I’m sure he’s okay,” Jaden said. “We haven’t figured out the real reason they took him. It wasn’t money.”

  “Sounds like an operation they have down pat,” Lauren said, hating the panic in her voice.

  “These are the same guys who smuggle little girls out of our country and sell them into the sex trade. When they’re not doing that, they’re funneling money in. They have sophisticated channels set up like you wouldn’t believe.”

  Lauren’s shoulders dropped forward. With effort, she forced her back straight, refusing to let them win. She wouldn’t cry anywhere near those jerks. They didn’t deserve the satisfaction. “It sounds so hopeless.”

  “Not hopeless, sweetheart. We’ll find him. I can’t figure out one thing though. Why are they looking for you? They must want you something awful to come looking in a hurricane.”

  A shiver ran down Lauren’s spine. Why would they want her? She hadn’t done anything wrong. She’d never once so much as cheated on her tax return. She drove the speed limit. “They don’t know me, except that I’m related to Max. I haven’t gotten mixed up with anyone bad that I know of. Work is my life.” She searched his face, needing him to believe her. “Is it the money?”

  He shrugged. “None of it makes sense. You’re not involved. So why keep coming at you?”

  “How on earth did they find us here? And Gregory…” Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “He could’ve been involved. We find Max and we’ll get answers to both our questions,” Jaden said quickly.


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