Guarding Lauren: Brotherhood Protectors World (Texas Guardians Book 1)

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Guarding Lauren: Brotherhood Protectors World (Texas Guardians Book 1) Page 10

by Barb Han

  “There’s something else I learned this morning.” Gunner shifted an ominous gaze to Jaden.

  “Go ahead and say whatever you need to. I trust her.” Jaden stood behind his vow.

  “The Marshal he was talking to has been killed,” Gunner said.

  “Max was turning state’s witness?” Lauren asked.

  Gunner nodded.

  She turned to Jaden. “Did you know?”

  “That intel wasn’t part of your file.” He shook his head. “You think Menendez figured it out?”

  It would make sense. Revenge would be a good reason for the kidnapping. Making Max’s family suffer before killing him was right up their alley.

  “Can’t say for sure,” Gunner said.

  Anger had Jaden clenching his fists before he realized he was doing it and stopped. As much as Max might’ve been a criminal he deserved a chance to make his life right. “Does Helena know any of this?”

  Gunner glanced from Lauren and back to Jaden again. “It’s possible.”

  Jaden didn’t state the obvious fact that people rarely ever got out once they went in this deep. There were two paths for those like Max, prison or death. “Did Max owe money?”

  “We have no intel about debts.” Gunner turned to Lauren. “Excuse me for saying, but your recent financial records indicate you’ve taken out loans and cleaned out your bank account.”

  Her angry eyes flashed. “Then you already know I brought one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to the island with me.”

  “Sorry for the intrusion.” Gunner’s tone was genuine but Lauren didn’t seem to take the invasion of her privacy lightly.

  Lauren’s lips thinned. She didn’t speak.

  “I’d say it’s just part of the job, but I can imagine how this must appear and feel to an outsider,” Gunner said regretfully.

  “Degrading. And I didn’t do anything wrong.” She held onto the blanket tightly. “If my brother wanted out, why didn’t he just disappear? He had to know these men were dangerous.”

  “You go rouge on these guys, they tend to go after your family,” Jaden said quietly. His words seemed to strike Lauren like a physical blow.

  “He stuck around to protect me.” She lowered her gaze. “Sounds like something the old Max would do.”

  Gunner took off his raingear. “If someone like Ruiz wanted his territory they might take him in order to extort money.”

  “I’m certain Menendez’s boys were on the beach,” Jaden said.

  Gunner paused for one thoughtful moment. He glanced at his phone. “Gabriel will be here in a minute. Says he has something to show you.”

  Lauren twisted her hands together. “Could they be after me to hurt my brother even more?”

  Jaden took her hand to reassure her. “I’m afraid so. If he gave them any indication hurting you would be his ultimate pain.”

  “Our intel says you don’t have any other family,” Gunner said quietly.

  Lauren’s back teeth clenched.

  Chapter 15

  Lauren didn’t talk about the past with anyone. She’d told Jaden more in the short time she’d known him than any other human being. She didn’t tell any of her employees at the flower shop. Or customers even though she made arrangements for their tables for holidays and heard all about the big meals they had planned and the family and laughter they anticipated.

  If it would help Max, she would have to. She took in a fortifying breath. “There’s no one else. I mean, they could be alive. Who really knows? I’d be the last one to be told.”

  Gunner’s green eyes darkened with what looked like sorrow when he said, “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this. Our intelligence says your mother passed away five years ago.”

  A few tears welled in Lauren’s eyes. Pain that shouldn’t be there pierced her insides anyway. It shouldn’t matter that her mother was gone. It shouldn’t hit Lauren this hard. After all, her mother was a stranger. They hadn’t seen in each other in more than a decade and the woman certainly hadn’t been around when she was growing up. At least not sober. And yet, she was still her mother. Lauren fought the urge to release the emotion burning her chest.

  The rain pattern shifted to a rhythmic pulse as Jaden pulled weapons from cabinets, tucked them in his waistband, and handed others to Gunner. He looked ready to wage war.

  “Are you sure it was her?” she asked.

  “We’re confident. She’d been sick for a few years leading to her death. She lived in a trailer park in rural Arkansas with a man identified as Jeb Stanton. Does that name sound familiar?”

  Lauren shook her head, steeling herself against the tsunami of emotion building.

  Gunner continued, “We couldn’t find your father.”

  Tears fell. Lauren took in a fortifying breath. She was determined not to lose it. She’d been expecting news like this about her parents someday. Confirmation hurt.

  Next thing she knew Jaden was by her side, his comforting arm around her waist.

  “Good luck finding him,” Lauren said. “God knows I tried.”

  “On your birth certificate, your mother wrote—”

  She pushed out a little puff of air. “Mike Mouse. I know. She had a fixation for all things Mickey Mouse from her childhood. Had quite the sense of humor didn’t she?”

  “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” Jaden’s comforting arm tightened around her.

  “I can’t ignore it forever,” she responded.

  “She ever talk about your father?” he asked.

  “Said he ran out on us before she had time to tell him she was pregnant with me. Max is the oldest. So, no, I never met my father. He doesn’t even know I’m alive. He might as well be dead for all I know of him.”

  “She didn’t mention his real name?” Jaden continued.


  “Max never mentioned it either?” Gunner asked.

  “We’re only two years apart. He was a baby when our father left. Why?” she asked defensively.

  Gunner pursed his lips. “I know this is difficult to talk about. But it’s important. We don’t know what information might be critical to figuring this thing out. It’s a long shot, I know, that your parents could be connected to this. I had to ask.”

  Were it not for his genuine look of concern Lauren might have been more upset with where this was going.

  The only thing rooting her to reality was Jaden. With his strong arm wrapped around her waist, she could handle anything thrown her way.

  “These guys kill if you happen to stand on the wrong side of the street. Life means nothing to them. But why go after Lauren? She has nothing to do with her brother,” Jaden said.

  Gunner nodded his agreement. “It wouldn’t take much to agitate them. Menendez is especially ruthless. He might have taken Max’s leaving personally and decided to get revenge before killing Max.”

  Jaden’s forehead creased even more with concerned lines. “They seem especially intent on finding her. The only other reason I can think of is if they’re planning on forcing her to use her shop in order to launder money to the U.S.?”

  Gunner seemed locked in thought for a long moment. “It’s possible. We’ve seen it before.”

  What have you gotten yourself into, Max? Without warning, tears streamed and, for once, she didn’t fight them.

  A few moments later, she felt herself being repositioned until her face burrowed in Jaden’s chest. He murmured soothing words into her hair. “Take your time. This is a lot to absorb. I’m right here. I won’t leave you.”

  Gathering her strength, she wiped her tears and looked toward Gunner. “When do we leave?”

  “We’ll take you home as soon as we get weather clearance.”

  She shook her head empathetically. “I’m not going home. I’m going with you to get Max.”

  “No can do. It’s too dangerous,” Jaden said quickly.

  “How can I even think about going home?”

  “Gunner and I will get Max. You�
��ll stay here. We’ll bring him back, and you’ll go home together.”

  “I need to be there to see he’s okay,” she stated.

  Jaden pulled her to the side. Anger flashed in his eyes. “Too risky.”

  “This is my problem. He’s my brother. I think I realize what we’re facing. I have the bumps and bruises to prove it.”

  “We don’t even know what we’re facing. If there’s a leak from my agency, we could be ambushed again,” Jaden said, anger pulsing off him in waves. “Did you hear Gunner before? Did you see the blood on his coat?”

  “I have to go with you. I don’t expect you to understand. But information is leaking on your side and you can’t guarantee my safety if you leave me here. The only way you can watch over me is if I’m with you.”

  Jaden’s face twisted. He looked to be contemplating her words. It was true. No one could deny it.

  Gunner’s cell buzzed. Lauren froze.

  Gunner’s gaze shifted from his phone to Jaden. “Helena’s out front with Gabriel.”

  “Helena’s here? I thought she was in the States.” Jaden sounded startled.

  “Guess not.” Gunner shot a look.

  Jaden’s response was a quick nod. “I should’ve known. Must be what Gabriel wanted to show me.”

  “You need to decide what you’re going to do with her.” Gunner’s head inclined toward Lauren.

  “She stays,” he barked.

  “No. I don’t. Besides, you guys have been talking about a mole or whatever. How am I supposed to defend myself against one of yours? Especially if they come here?”

  Anguish and frustration scored Jaden’s forehead. “Dammit.”

  Gunner dragged his hand across the stubble on his chin. “She’s right. We don’t know how they’re staying ahead of us, but they are. She might be vulnerable here. The only way to ensure her safety is to keep our eyes on her at all times.”

  Jaden grabbed a jacket and tossed dry clothes to her. “Fine. She goes. But she stays inside the vehicle.”

  Lauren wouldn’t argue. She took the clothes and dressed.

  “I’m ready,” Lauren said when she emerged from the bathroom. Jaden’s hand closed on hers.

  He didn’t say a word as he led her out the door. His dark, brooding expression tied knots in her stomach. He didn’t need to speak for her to know what was on his mind. This mission might be a death trap.

  Lauren climbed into the back of Gunner’s SUV at Jaden’s urging. His heft blocked her view of the driver until she sat down and found her seatbelt being strapped around her. “I got it. Thanks.”

  Her nerves would’ve been completely unhinged by now, but physical contact with Jaden kept her a notch below panic. He’d wedged himself in the middle seat, and his thigh brushed against hers. Electricity hummed between them.

  Her first glimpse of the man in the front passenger seat almost made her smile. Were all operatives seriously this good looking? Gabriel had sandy-brown hair and the greenest eyes. She guessed he’d stand an inch or two shorter than Jaden. He was almost as muscular.

  Gabriel turned around, smiled, and winked. “Nasty weather today.”

  Jaden’s shoulder came forward, blocking more of her view. “There’s no good weather for what we’re about to do.”

  She strained to get a good look at Helena.

  Huge dark brown eyes looked at her from the rearview. Long thick lashes framed them.

  “You’ve had quite a day,” her smooth voice said. “We’ll get your brother out of there.”

  A band of jealousy tightened around Lauren’s heart.

  Jaden’s muscles tensed. “When we do, you and I need to have a sit down, Helena.”

  The dark beautiful eyes blinked. Dark. Beautiful. Dangerous.

  Lauren saw a flash of rage behind those eyes.

  “I’ve been watching this place today. Hoping. They weren’t there this morning. They must’ve brought him when things went south at the beach,” Helena said.

  The drive was short. Fifteen to twenty minutes max. The house was located in the center of town.

  “What now?” Lauren quietly asked Jaden.

  “We assess.” He paused a beat. “But you wait.”

  “I didn’t ask for any of this. I wish my brother hadn’t dragged me into it too. But I’m here. I don’t plan to sit in this car while you guys risk your lives.”

  “We’re trained. You’re not.”

  Motion from the driver’s seat caught Lauren’s attention. Helena turned in the seat with the butt of a gun toward Lauren. “She can use my backup weapon. We need all the fire power we can get.”

  Jaden’s hand covered Helena’s, and a tidal wave of jealousy rolled up, burning through Lauren’s chest.

  “We don’t risk civilians,” he said, his eyes flashing a warning.

  The face that came with the cat-like eyes was staggering to look at. Her hair, dark and radiant, framed an almond-shaped face. Sultry auburn streaks could be seen around the edges. She shifted her head slightly as she spoke, and light seeped in, barely settling on each strand, revealing a brilliant shine breaking through everywhere the storm’s darkness didn’t obscure.

  “Like it or not, she’s involved. Her help might just mean the difference between life and death.”

  Jaden’s body, poised for battle, stiffened. His fists clenched. “I said—”

  “We have enough manpower without her,” Gunner interrupted.

  Helena’s gaze intensified. “Leave her in the car and someone has to stay back to watch her. We’ll be more vulnerable if we split up. Besides, we’ve already lost five men. It’s not prudent to risk more. I’ll cover her inside.”

  Impatience shot from Jaden’s glare. “Then she comes with me.”

  The house they watched wasn’t bigger than a shack. There was almost no yard, the buildings sandwiched right next to each other. Jaden scouted the area carefully. Lauren followed his gaze to an eighteenth century church across the street. Its whitewashed walls offered a hint of light in the darkness surrounding them. He glanced toward her, and then his gaze shifted back to the church.

  She nodded. If it goes awry, meet him in the chapel.

  Helena’s gaze locked onto Lauren, making her uncomfortable. “They say he has a tattoo of a dragon on his neck. The man who killed Tim,” she said, anger causing her voice to tremble.

  The front door of the shack opened as a black SUV roared up.

  “Get down!” Jaden said as he folded forward. One of Menendez’s top men had that tattoo.

  Lauren slid until her knees butted against the back of the driver’s seat.

  Their car was hidden from view, but no one seemed in the mood to take unnecessary chances.

  “They’re most likely moving him again,” Jaden whispered.

  “If they take him somewhere else, we’ll never find him,” Lauren said, desperation a lead weight sinking to the pit of her stomach.

  “This is good. We don’t know what we’re up against inside the shack. This way, we can follow them. Strike when we’re ready,” he said.

  The door to the SUV opened and closed, and then it was on the move again.

  Helena didn’t immediately move. “They’re watching. Two big men at the front door.”

  “Patience. We’ll catch up to them,” Jaden confidently said.

  Lauren’s stomach lining was braided from stress.

  “How do we know they have Max?”

  Chapter 16

  “We don’t for sure. This could be a decoy,” Jaden said to Lauren. His words weren’t exactly reassuring.

  Gunner leaned forward. “I’m betting they’re moving him. They’ll want to take advantage of the break in weather. They don’t normally leave a witness in the same place for long.”

  Lauren wished she felt more reassured.

  “They’ve gone back inside,” Helena said, starting the engine. “It’s safe.”

  She wheeled left, the same way the SUV had gone moments before

  “How will we fin
d them?” Lauren asked.

  “Easy, they’ll be the only other car on the street,” Helena said, her slight accent almost a purr.

  A stab of jealousy Lauren had no right to own hit her.

  Jaden’s left hand covered hers. Her body ached to be in his arms again. His right hand palmed his gun, reminding her of the danger they were in.

  In the front seat, Gabriel shouldered a weapon that looked like an assault rifle. Lauren knew very little about guns, but this one seemed especially threatening. Gunner had his weapon out and ready.

  The weight of just how deadly this situation was sent a shot of adrenaline rocketing through her.

  “Turn right,” Gabriel said. “Now!”

  Helena jammed the wheel in time for Lauren to see brake lights ahead as the other SUV turned down another side street.

  “There! I see it,” Lauren said, she held onto the gun Helena had given her with shaky hands.

  After a few twists and turns, Helena roared up behind the SUV. The SUV hit the brakes hard, and the Range Rove slammed into its bumper. Thankfully, the jolt wasn’t strong enough to deploy the air bags. Gunfire ensued as the SUV fishtailed in front of them.

  Helena maneuvered around the left side of the vehicle. Blacked out windows made identifying anyone inside impossible. Jaden bolted into action next to Gunner, firing his weapon.

  Tat. Tat. Tat. The noise was so loud Lauren’s eardrums rang.

  The passenger side window shattered.

  The other SUV jerked right.


  Helena hit the brake and slammed the SUV into Reverse as Jaden slipped out the door.

  “Bring them to me,” was all he said before he disappeared around the block.

  Helena hit the gas so hard the tires spun, trying to find traction on the wet concrete. They caught, and the SUV jerked forward. She rounded the corner and caught up to the other SUV. She came up on its right side, forcing it into a left turn.

  Helena forced another turn, and the knot in Lauren’s stomach tightened. She saw the minute Jaden stepped from a building.

  His shot must’ve been dead on. The other SUV jerked sideways before running head on into a building.


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