Demon Warriors 3: Rainerio

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by Lynn Hagen

  Demon Warriors 3


  Taken from a life in the human realm, Dillon must adjust to being surrounded by demons. It’s not hard when he has his sights set on one delicious looking warrior. From the moment he first laid eyes on the handsome Rainerio, Dillon knew what he wanted.

  Rainerio finds the human, Dillon, persistent, pesky, and unrelenting. He also finds him hot as hell. There’s only one thing stopping him from taking Dillon up on his not-so-casual offer. He’s seen the other mates used as pawns against the warriors, and that’s something Rainerio’s not willing to risk. Even if Dillon isn’t his mate, he won’t budge.

  When Dillon is used to test for a new drug that has emerged, Rainerio must fight to save him. But when the Black River overflows, indicating that the stolen crystal is being used, his problems of protecting the human have just multiplied, especially when he finds out Dillon is, in fact, his mate.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fantasy Length: 35,498 words


  Demon Warriors 3

  Lynn Hagen



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove RAINERIO

  Copyright © 2011 by Lynn Hagen

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-714-5

  First E-book Publication: August 2011

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Demon Warriors 3


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  “Holy fucking Jupiter, that is one fine looking man.” Dillon rested his chin in his hands as he watched Johnny Depp swing across the television screen. Dillon dreamily kept his eyes locked on those sweet succulent lips. Give him five minutes and he would…Dillon shuddered. All kinds of possibilities ran through his mind of what he could do in five minutes.

  He ground his cock into the couch cushion, wishing someone else would give him five minutes. Dillon was stretched out, belly down, as he watched the action playing on the screen, wondering why Rainerio, a fierce Demon Warrior, wouldn’t give him the time of day.

  Dillon sighed heavily as he imagined Rainerio on the screen instead. Man, his cock was getting hard as steel just thinking about the warrior in a pirate outfit. Oh yeah, he could plunder Dillon’s booty any time he wanted to. Dillon smiled as he thought of the different ways Rainerio could plunder him.

  “Stop molesting my couch,” Snooke said as he set the popcorn on the glass coffee table.

  “I wouldn’t have to hump the couch if a certain someone would molest me.” Dillon looked over his shoulder at Rainerio, who was sitting in the chair across from him. When the warrior ignored him, Dillon rolled his eyes and looked back at the screen.

  He lift his right leg, scratching his left calf with his foot as he imagined Rainerio getting out of the chair he was sitting in and blanketing Dillon’s body with all those strong and vibrant muscles.

  And Rainerio had plenty of them.

  Dillon glanced back over at Rainerio and then back at the television. No such luck. The warrior didn’t move a muscle. Dillon pressed down a little harder into the soft cushion, wishing a certain someone would help relieve his rock hard problem between his legs.

  How had he gotten into this mess anyway? He was human. These men were demons. They were two worlds apart, literally. All he had been doing was trying to help a friend out. When Snooke came to him, crying about screwing up the only chance he had with a gorgeous man, namely the warrior Kane, Dillon felt compelled to help him woo his man. He went from living a mundane life to living in a realm of weirdness.

  All because he wanted to help a friend.

  It wasn’t all that bad, though. All the warriors who lived in this apartment building were smoking hot ass men that one might find at a paradise resort, but Dillon only wanted one of them, and Rainerio didn’t seem interested one bit.

  He wasn’t even sure the masturbation fantasy sitting across from him was gay. Dillon shuddered at the thought of lusting after a straight man. What a nightmare that would be.

  Rainerio was well over six feet tall. He wasn’t an expert at height, but he would guess him to be around six five. That would be six five of pure muscle and totally lickable skin. Every damn inch.

  Dillon tore his eyes away from Mr. Make-My-Cock-Hard-in-Under-a-Second and looked back at the movie they had been watching.

  Why couldn’t he have a relationship like Snooke and Kane?

  Dillon looked over at the couple. They were sitting in their usual spot.

  Kane was in the chair and Snooke sitting between the warrior’s legs on the floor. Kane was running his hands through Snooke’s hair absently as they watched the movie, both looking content and happy.

  “I don’t know if I’m feeling this movie. I’ll never understand how a human can get shot at multiple times and never get hit, not once,” Rainerio complained as he slouched down in the chair. Dillon’s eyes zeroed in on the bulging crotch between the warrior’s legs and then averted his eyes. His mouth was watering to bite that bulge.

s just a movie, for entertainment,” Snooke replied.

  Rainerio waved his hand at the television while he shook his head.

  “But give me some realism.”

  “If you want realism, walk out of here and into the world. I, for one, enjoy a fantasy break where anything and everything is possible,” Snooke countered.

  “I guess.” Rainerio shook his head again as he sat back and became quiet.

  “I like the movie,” Dillon threw in. He waited for a response from his fantasy, but Rainerio ignored him.

  Once again, for the thousandth time, Dillon felt stupid for trying to talk to someone out of his league. Who was he kidding? He was too short, too skinny, and too nerdy. Why in the hell would Rainerio be interested in someone like him when the man could obviously have his pick of anyone he wanted?

  And Dillon was obviously someone he didn’t want.

  He got up from the couch, determined to save some of his dignity, and walked into the kitchen where his brown and black Australian Terrier, Tulip, lay asleep. “Hey girl.” Dillon bent down and scratched her behind her ear. “You want me, don’t you?”

  Tulip licked his hand and then rolled over, going back to sleep.

  Dillon sat on the floor next to her, feeling homesick. The warriors said he couldn’t go home to the human realm, that it wasn’t safe at the moment since some men came after Snooke and tried to kill him.

  Dillon had been in Snooke’s apartment at the time, so now the bad guys knew not only where he lived, but what he looked like.

  They were afraid the bad guys who broke into Snooke’s apartment to kill him would use Dillon against Snooke. It wasn’t so much that he was homesick as he was frustrated. He knew he could be happy here, as weird as this place was, if someone would give him the time of day.

  “Everything cool in here?”

  Dillon looked up at the man of his dreams. Was Rainerio really talking to him? “I miss home.”

  Rainerio sat his glass in the sink and then walked over to him.

  Dillon’s heart was beating out of his chest. He could hear blood pulsing in his ears as the warrior knelt down next to him. He tilted his head back and blinked up at the man who haunted his dreams, wondering if Rainerio was going to kiss him.

  “Cute dog.” Rainerio reached out and scratched Tulip’s belly. Her legs began to twitch as her tongue hung out. Dillon was envious of Tulip and the attention she was getting from Rainerio. “I think we can safely take you home when we get this mess straightened out. Just hang in there.” Rainerio smiled at him and stood. “It’s not that bad here.”

  Dillon watched one fine-looking ass walk away as Rainerio left the kitchen. He got up and wiped the dust off of his bottom. There was no use sitting here feeling sorry for himself. He did have friends in the building. Well, men that treated him friendly enough. That was better than having no one to talk to.

  Snooke and Kane were in their own little world since they had become a couple. The relationship was too fresh, and all Snooke did was stare dreamy-eyed at Kane all day.

  Dillon walked out of the kitchen, through the living room, and out of the apartment door. He walked across the hall and began knocking.

  This was the strangest apartment building he had ever seen. The counters and cupboards were built for these large warriors. He needed a stepstool every time he had to get something from the cabinet or even to use the sink.

  “Hey, buddy, come on in.” Phoenyx, another one of the warriors, stepped aside as Dillon made his way through the door. “I thought it was movie night over at Kane’s?”

  “I’ve seen it before. Besides, Rainerio acts like I don’t exist, and it’s hard sitting in the same room with him.” Dillon hated the fact that he spoke everything that came to mind. It made it hard to keep his own secrets. He’d been like that as far back as he could remember.

  When he had turned fifteen, he and his mother were shopping in a mall when he just blurted out how hot some guy was. His mother had stood there in shock. So had Dillon. That was the moment he knew he was gay.

  It had been like that his whole life. It made people wary of him.

  Who would want to be friends with someone who told all of their business? Not too many people did. That was why when Snooke befriended him Dillon had latched onto him for dear life.

  “I was just about to head to the store. Do you want to come along?” Phoenyx asked as he closed the refrigerator and walked across the kitchen.

  “That depends on whether we are walking out of here or if you are using the shadows.” The warriors used shadows to get from one place to the next. Any darkened corner would do. They had brought Dillon to the demon realm through a shadow, and he had tossed his cookies afterward. He preferred to travel the normal way, using real doors.

  Phoenyx chuckled. “We can walk.” He held the front door open for Dillon.

  “That’s a relief. I wasn’t looking forward to hugging the toilet.”

  And he really wasn’t. The whole walk through shadows thing made him queasy, and it wasn’t something Dillon cared to be.

  His eyes widened and his heart beat faster when he spotted Rainerio leaning against the wall right outside of Kane’s apartment.

  His arms were crossed over his chest, and he had a scowl on his face.

  “You could let someone know when you leave.”

  “I was tired of ogling you.” Dillon felt his face flush as he looked down at his shoes. Damn mouth.

  He heard Phoenyx chuckling behind him, and Dillon wanted to turn around and punch the guy. It wasn’t funny. He glanced up at Rainerio to see a thick brow arched in the air. “You still should have told someone.”

  Dillon crossed his arms over his chest defiantly. “I made it across the hall without having to fight my way to Phoenyx’s door,” Dillon quipped. “Although I had a close call from the bug that crossed my path halfway through my harrowing journey.”

  Dillon could hear Phoenyx laughing hysterically behind him. A hand landed on his shoulder and shook it slightly. “You’re funny as hell, little man.”

  Dillon narrowed his eyes on Phoenyx. “Don’t call me that. I may not have grown to epic proportions as you obviously have, but five foot nine is an average height for a human male.”

  Phoenyx’s eyes widened as he continued to laugh. “You are not five nine, my man. More like five six.”

  “Three stinking inches, big deal.” Dillon began to walk down the steps, feeling both men staring at his back. Who cared? He was the odd man out here, and he knew it. They didn’t have to keep reminding him. He grabbed the handrail and walked down the numerous flights of steps until he came to the exit.

  That was another bizarre thing. Anyone could walk out of the exit, but there was no way in. If anyone stood outside of the building, they wouldn’t see the door at the bottom of the steps. The only way in was through the shadows. Coming back was going to be fun. Dillon groaned. He had forgotten about that when he agreed to go with Phoenyx to the store.

  Dillon exited out onto the street, waiting for Phoenyx to catch up.

  He was surprised when he saw Rainerio exit with the warrior as well.

  For someone who wouldn’t give him the time of day, Rainerio sure stayed glued to his side. This confused the hell out of Dillon. It was as if Rainerio had personally assigned himself the role of Dillon’s keeper.

  Well, he didn’t need a keeper. He needed something more. Too bad Rainerio wasn’t willing to be that more.

  “Can we stop at Jake’s Java? I’m very thirsty, and they have that new flavor out, Peach Delight,” Dillon asked as he headed toward the coffee shop without waiting for an answer. His friend Chris worked here. He liked Chris. The demon was very friendly to Dillon.

  “Sure, why not,” Phoenyx said as he walked behind Dillon. Once they entered the coffee shop, Dillon hurried to the counter. Knowing Rainerio was right behind him was unnerving. He reached his right foot up and scratched his left calf as he placed his hands on the counter.

  His calves
itched every time he became excited or nervous. It was a strange reaction his body had since childhood. At one point, he thought he may have gotten fleas from Tulip when he met Rainerio and his calves itched every which way from Sunday.

  He had tried various moisturizing lotions, but nothing seemed to help. “Hey, Chris.” Dillon smiled at the demon. “Can I try one of those peach drinks?”

  “Dillon, my man.” Chris smiled at him. “Of course you can. One peach smoothie coming right up.”

  Dillon tapped his fingers on the counter as he waited for his drink.

  When Chris brought him a very large cup filled with a smoothie and whipped cream on top, Dillon’s eyes bugged. “That’s pretty dang big.”

  Chris chuckled as he waved Dillon off. “On the house, buddy.”

  “Thanks.” Dillon plucked a straw from the container on the counter and peeled away the white wrapper. That reminded him. He needed to find a job. If he was going to stay here, he needed funds.

  “Are you hiring?”

  Chris looked at him in surprise before a smile crossed his face.

  “You’ll have to ask Jake, but I’ll put in a good word for you.”

  “Who’s Jake?” Dillon asked, and Chris pointed to a very handsome man talking with a customer. “Is every man drop-dead gorgeous here?”

  “Thanks, I didn’t know you found me hot.” Chris giggled.

  Dillon rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean.”

  “Most of the men are, but don’t tell Hondo I said that.” Chris winked at Dillon before starting another order.

  Dillon sucked on his smoothie as he walked over to the proprietor of Jake’s Java. “Excuse me, are you hiring?”

  The man stopped talking to the guy standing next to him and glanced down at Dillon. “Have you worked in a coffeehouse before?” he asked.

  No. Dillon had worked in a boring cubicle before, and he never wanted to go that route again. “I’m a fast learner.” He beamed up at Jake. “And Chris is my friend.” Dillon pointed over to Chris, who gave Jake two thumbs up.

  Jake looked hesitant as his eyes swung from Chris to Dillon. “I’ll give you a try. Why don’t you come in tomorrow morning at eight? We’ll see how things work out from there.”


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