Bought and Sold

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Bought and Sold Page 23

by Tessa Valmur


  Vanessa opened the door and gingerly entered the Colonel's private rooms. Engaged in discussions with the two most senior masters, the Colonel ignored her for a moment and Vanessa was made to stand in awkward silence.

  It had been the day before that one of the masters had summoned her and told her that she was to serve the Colonel.

  'But I thought Zoe was serving him?' she said.

  'She was receiving her final training from the Colonel which is nearly completed. She is now nearly read to be sold.'

  'Sold! To who? Where?' Vanessa asked.

  'That's none of your business! You will take her place and like each girl before you, once the Colonel grows bored with you, you'll be sold too.'

  So now Vanessa stood, wondering not just what lay in store for her in the short term as the Colonel's plaything, but what fate lay in store for Zoe and before too long, for her as well. It was rumoured that the girls who were chosen to serve the Colonel enjoyed a privileged, though brief time in his private apartment and as Vanessa stood expectantly she wondered where Zoe was and how she would be after her time as he Colonel's private plaything.

  'Ah, the new girl. Vanessa, come here!'

  Vanessa dutifully went and stood before the Colonel.

  'So you are going to replace Zoe. Are you looking forward to serving me?'

  'Yes, Colonel,' Vanessa answered demurely, lowering her gaze as the man circled her.

  'You have the most magnificent breasts I've seen on such a slender, young girl. Most magnificent...'

  Zoe felt the warmth of the man's breath close behind her and then his hand stroked from her shoulder down her arm before moving on to caress her right breast.

  'Come into the gallery girl and let me show you what you can look forward to. We will be in time to see the conclusion of Zoe's afternoon meditation.'

  Obediently Vanessa followed the man into an adjoining room.

  Zoe hung suspended from two wooden poles to which she was bound by numerous slender ropes. There was one pole pressed against her back, with her arms pulled and tied behind the pole. Her ankles were tied to the second smaller pole and both poles dangled from ropes secured to the ceiling. Zoe hung a few feet above the floor, her head and breasts dangling down. Her naked body, shiny with perspiration was bound repeatedly with the slender white rope around her stomach, across her chest and around her ankles. A blindfold of black silk covered her eyes. Standing before her was one of the monks and he gave a respectful nod of acknowledgement when he saw the Colonel.

  At the sounds of their arrival, although blindfolded, Zoe lifted her head and looked in the direction of the door by which Vanessa and the Colonel had entered. The Colonel signalled to Vanessa to remain silent.

  'This has been Zoe's meditation position every day she has been here. She has learnt to focus on the nature of the ropes. How they bind her and how they give her deliverance. In the early days, a knotted rope was drawn tightly between the lips of her sex and after an hour or so she would be so sensitive there that the merest stimulation would bring her deliverance. She has learnt that once she has her orgasm she will be freed from the ropes but until she does, all she can expect is to remain bound by the ropes. She has quickly learnt to welcome the different ways we can stimulate her.'

  Whilst the Colonel spoke the other man circled the tethered girl, whose blindfolded face moved following the sounds of his footsteps.

  'How are you feeling Zoe? Do you wish you could come? Are those slender limbs of yours aching with so much discomfort that you'd do anything to be freed from the ropes?'

  'Yes, Master Simon... please... help me to come...' Zoe whimpered, wriggling ineffectually against the web of ropes that tightly held her.

  'So tell me Zoe, how can I help you? I have more ropes but you have to tell me what you want me to do.'

  'Need to come... want to come... please, make me!'

  'Tell me what you want to feel then.'

  Vanessa watched mesmerised as Zoe sighed and shook her head in frustration and longing.

  'Bind my breasts... make them ache, please... you know what I like!' Zoe begged, her arms jerking now against the ropes and poles that held her so uncomfortably suspended.

  'Does it feel good if I do this to you?'

  'Yes... mmm, yes...'

  Vanessa watched, speechlessly as the man slipped a fine cord around one of Zoe's breasts and drew it tight. As he wound it repeatedly around her Zoe gasped and sighed appreciatively until the man knotted off the end of the cord and her breast was a crimson hued cone of tightly bound flesh. Without another word spoken the man then dealt with her other breast.

  'Does that feel good? What else would you like me to do for you?' the man asked, smiling with satisfaction at the condition of the blindfolded girl tethered before him.

  'I think you've seen enough now, follow me,' the Colonel ordered, placing his hand on Vanessa's shoulder and turning her from the spectacle before her.

  As the door was closed behind them, Vanessa could hear Zoe begging the man to whip her and the last thing she heard was the other girl crying out loudly, though whether in pain of pleasure or most likely a mixture of both, Vanessa was unsure. The Colonel lifted Vanessa's chin with one hand and regarded her body critically.

  'It has taken just a month to teach Zoe just how much she loves to submit herself to the deliverance of pain. Now I will sell her and then commence work on you, Vanessa. Being younger and less strong willed than her, you will be like putty in my hands. I will mould you into the perfectly compliant submissive and then sell you too. And you see, there's no escape, because just like Zoe, deep down you want to be treated like this and so you've already sealed your own fate!'

  * * *

  Vanessa knew she had to escape. Of course being treated as a sexual submissive was one thing, she got off on it, she couldn't deny that, but to get so addicted to it that she was in danger of ending up as a sex slave for the rest of her life, was another thing altogether! If she wanted to play the submissive that was fine, but to be held in some foul place like Shrevra and brainwashed into wanting pain to get her sexual kicks was not Vanessa's idea of a fun time.

  As luck would have it the Colonel absented himself for three days, it was rumoured to go on a trip to buy more girls. This gave Vanessa a chance to try to talk Zoe into joining her in her bid for freedom. To her delight, Zoe was more than willing.

  'My God Zoe, I thought they'd turned you into some brainwashed, torture loving sex-slave!' Vanessa exclaimed, when Zoe readily agreed to join her.

  'No way, I knew I just had to play along with their games. I don't mind someone giving me a good whipping but I'd like to be able to choose who it is and how much I have to suffer!'

  'But when I saw you trussed up and what Master Simon was doing to you, you seemed to be really enjoying it.' Vanessa suggested.

  'Maybe I was!' Zoe laughed, blushing. 'Up to a point, anyway!'

  They knew from talk amongst the natives that the whole valley was owned by the sect, as well as much of the next, including where the airstrip was. However at the southern end of the neighbouring valley there was a small village and a tea plantation that was owned by an Englishman. There was a rough dirt road from the monastery leading out of the valley and into the next which went past the airstrip and on down to the village. Needless to say the monks had it guarded. Zoe's idea was therefore to climb straight over the hills into the next valley and to make for the Englishman's plantation villa. Her plan was not to try to escape unseen in the middle of the night, when the guards were at their most vigilant, but to walk calmly out of the front gates in the middle of the day.

  'I wonder how much longer I've got before I get sold?' Zoe asked.

  'I reckon that your time will be up when the Colonel gets back.'

  'Then it's time to get out of here. And pretty damned quick!'

  * * *

  'Brother Daniel,' Vanessa stood demurely before the monk, her hands folded behind her back, shoulders
drawn back so that her breasts were prominently thrust forward.

  'Brother Daniel, I'm so clumsy, I've spilt my water pail. Can I get another please to wash myself with?'

  'You clumsy thing,' the man muttered reprovingly but there was little anger in his voice.

  Vanessa bent provocatively from the waist as she reached to fill her bucket with more water. The lascivious gaze of the monk was held by the sight of her naked body and he didn't see or hear Zoe creeping up behind him. With one skilled karate blow against the back of his neck, Zoe knocked out the man and freedom, for the two girls, seemed to edge a tantalising step closer.

  It was not unusual for the monks to shield their faces from the glaring midday sun by wearing the hoods of the robes drawn up and no-one gave a second glance to the blonde girl being led naked by a leash across the courtyard and towards the main gates. During the day the gates stood open, though guarded, but the guards didn't give the monk a second glance. By the time that Brother Daniel's absence was noticed and he was finally found, gagged and bound, the girls had secured themselves a half an hour head start on their pursuers.

  Zoe made them climb slowly, conserving their energy. She made Vanessa crawl after her through the tea plantation that overlooked the monastery and only once they got into the rhododendron forest of the upper slopes, did she allow them to walk normally. The climb barefoot had left Vanessa with cuts and blisters on her soles and when they reached the wooded upper slopes, Zoe gave the younger girl the monk's sandals to wear and she herself went barefoot. Had anyone seen them they would have made a striking sight; one girl in a monk's habit and the other quite naked. After crossing over into the neighbouring valley Zoe led them down a short way and in a thicket of stunted beech trees they rested.

  'Can't we keep going?' Vanessa asked.

  'No point. You saw the truck and Landrover leaving the monastery a couple of hours after us. By road they'll be ahead of us by now. Let them search the place down there while we rest up here. We'll work our way down tomorrow when they may have relaxed their watch.'

  After a chilly night's sleep under stars Zoe woke first, just as the first rays of dawn were slipping over the distant hills. Vanessa was curled around her, both driven by the bitter cold to nestle for warmth in the other's embrace. They quickly set off down hill, cold and hungry but their spirits high after evading capture for so long.

  Their luck held and they reached the village without falling foul of any natives or monks who might have been scouring the countryside for them. Vanessa stole some clothes from a washing line and they were wondering whether the village might have a telephone or how they could get to the tea plantation owner's villa when the sounds of vehicles sent a shiver of fear through her. The sounds were coming from both directions the road went in.

  'What do we do?' squealed Vanessa.

  Zoe listened hard. The vehicle coming from the direction of the airport was the monastery truck, she recognised its engine sound. The vehicle coming up the hill though didn't sound like the Landrover the monastery had, so perhaps their luck was still holding.

  'Run for it! Downhill!' shouted Zoe.

  Rounding a bend in the road as they fled past the last house of the village they saw an old jeep coming straight towards them, a man in a safari jacket at the wheel.

  They half fell exhausted and breathless across the bonnet and were babbling their story to the man when a shout from behind made them turn. Two monks and two natives armed with long sticks were marching down the road.

  'Always thought they were a weird bunch! Jump in girls. Let's get out of here!'

  Vanessa and Zoe tumbled into the back of the jeep as the man executed a rapid three-point turn. A moment later as they sped away in a cloud of dust the girls realised that they were at last on the road to freedom.

  * * *

  Zoe lay on her back and gazed up at the mosquito net that hung draped over the bed. The man reached for the glass of gin and tonic from beside the bed and drew an ice cube from it. He trailed it from her neck down her naked body. Her erect nipples tingled as he rubbed it over each in turn.

  'Damn glad I chanced to take a drive into the village the other week,' the man grinned as he slid the ice cube over her stomach then across the pink lips of her sex which were swollen with arousal and sticky with his come. Zoe gave an appreciative murmur... Delhi really was far too hot for energetic sex, she thought dreamily.

  'Glad because you got to save two poor girls from a life of torment and suffering?' Zoe asked.

  'No, glad because as a thank you they invited me to take them to Delhi and to spend a few days with them!' the man laughed, slipping the ice cube into Zoe's aching sex.

  'That'll cool you down a bit, you randy little bitch!'

  'Only for a while. Meantime, maybe Vanessa's ready for another fuck?' Zoe asked.

  'Give me a rest girls, I don't know where you two get all your energy from!' the man complained with good humour.

  Vanessa emerged from the bathroom, rubbing her damp hair with a white fluffy towel, her tanned body was dripping wet and glowing warm and scented from her bath.

  'Someone talking about me?' she asked, tossing the towel aside and lifting the chilled bottle of champagne from a silver ice bucket and refilling her glass. After a day in the capital's most luxurious hotel, the trauma of the last few weeks was already receding.

  'Marcus and I were just wondering if you'd like to screw him again, Vanessa?'

  'Mmm, love to. Which way this time?' Vanessa asked.

  'Which way do you fancy?' the man asked.

  'Anyway you like as long as it doesn't involve me being tied up. I've had enough of that for while!' Vanessa shot Zoe a glance and smiled. 'At least for the moment anyway!'

  The man rolled over onto his back and looked down at his flaccid cock.

  'Perhaps we should take a couple of hours break,' he suggested.

  'Maybe later...' Vanessa smiled, taking a large gulp from her champagne. Crouching between the man's legs, without swallowing the fizzing liquid in her mouth, she slipped his cock into her mouth. The man sighed, stroking his fingers through her damp blonde hair. With one hand she caressed his balls and as she let the icy cool champagne bathe his cock she felt it stirring in her mouth, swelling again like something coming to life under her touch.

  Zoe slid from the bed and walked bare foot across to the tea tray that had only recently been delivered to their suite of rooms by one of the immaculately liveried hotel staff. It was good to be back in civilisation and enjoying a little luxury once more, she thought. Behind her she heard the man groan appreciatively. She poured herself a cup of tea and carried it back to the bed in time to see Vanessa draw back, releasing the man's cock from her mouth.

  'My turn,' she announced.

  Taking a mouthful of tea she knelt beside Vanessa and slid her lips down over the now semi-flaccid cock. The man groaned loudly. Zoe drew back and gestured for Vanessa to take a turn. Taking a fresh mouthful of champagne, Vanessa took the cock in her mouth. The man gave an appreciative gasp and when this time Vanessa drew back, his cock was gleaming hard, arousal juice dribbling from its tip.

  'Mmm, looks good, come on then,' Vanessa dropped down onto her knees and forearms and thrust her bottom up invitingly. The man didn't need any more encouraging.

  Zoe slid from the bed and wandered across to where the champagne rested in its bucket of icy water. Replenishing her glass, she took a sip, savouring the taste and reflecting on how good it felt to be back in control of life. On the bed Vanessa and the man were hard at it and watching them Zoe felt her own arousal quickly building again. The young blonde, her rump thrust obligingly backwards, was grasping the twisted, polished wood pillars of the bedhead with both hands while the man screwed her. Zoe wondered whether she was secretly wishing that her outstretched arms were bound at the wrists to the bed. The delicious sensation of defencelessness served so effectively to heighten such an experience, she well knew and Zoe began to contemplate how she might persuade th
e man to bind her own wrists, when it was her turn.

  Soon, very soon she would be desperate for another fuck and if she was bound and perhaps even whipped first, she knew the experience would be all the sweeter. For the moment though, she was content just to sip her champagne and watch Vanessa having her fun.

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