The Bound Lily

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The Bound Lily Page 5

by L. L. Chance

  I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but did what they asked, and was surprised to see them return before long. We had several cups of coffee and made small talk, and I became more and more confused about why they were ignoring their clients.

  I decided to say my goodbyes in case they were trying to be polite to me, so they could get back to the work they were supposed to be doing. They each gave me a hug and a peck on the cheek, and after asking if there was anything else I needed, left me to my own devices.

  It didn’t take long to pack my small bag, but I couldn’t find the skirt I’d worn yesterday. I finally remembered I’d left it in Claude’s office after our erotic interlude, and debated if I should just leave it there or not.

  After humming and hawing for several minutes, I decided to quickly grab it on my way out, and simply ignore whatever was going on in the dungeon. That was easier said than done, though. The moment I stepped through the door, the crack of a whip with an accompanying whimper of pain drew my eyes to the mirror like a moth to a flame.

  A voluptuous woman was tied to some X-shaped beams on the far wall, with Claude in front of her wielding a whip. She already had several nasty looking red streaks across her stomach and breasts, with a new one being added every few seconds.

  She might have been doing more than whimpering in pain if it wasn’t for the bright red ball holding her mouth wide, held in place by a spider web of straps. She was also wearing a blindfold, and not being able to see any of the blows coming must’ve made it twice as hard for her.

  Sylvia sat in a small chair next to a man in a far more imposing one, calmly watching the proceedings and occasionally stroking the mans exposed and hard cock. He had a look on his face that suggested he was close to cumming, but he was tightly strapped down and couldn’t do anything to rush it.

  All he could do was moan and mumble around the gag that was identical to the one the woman was wearing, while being forced to watch her torture. I should’ve left immediately, but couldn’t seem to tear my eyes away any more than the man could.

  Claude kept whipping her until she was nothing but a mass of red welts and she was hanging limply in her bonds. Only then did he cut the ropes holding her up, allowing her to collapse to the floor. Picking her up around her stomach, he placed her over a waist high bench and buckled a single wide strap over the small of her back.

  I didn’t realize what he was up to until I saw him removing his pants, and only then did I turn away from them. He was going to fuck her right in front of everyone! I spotted my skirt in the corner and grabbed it, running away as quick as I could, while being careful to not make any noise that might let them know I’d been watching.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about that poor girl all day. Even after going to bed, I still found myself reliving the scene, unable to get my mind to focus on anything else. Even worse, I found my panties were soaking wet again, and I couldn’t help but wonder what it was she truly felt.


  I didn’t exactly dodge Sylvia’s numerous calls over the next few weeks, but I used every excuse in the book to avoid going over there. I needed to sort out my feelings about the whole BDSM thing, and it was something I felt I needed to figure out on my own.

  I’d stopped wearing panties to bed since they just wound up wet and stained, and simply put a towel under my butt to protect my sheets. I found myself constantly aroused, and even masturbating before bed did nothing to stop my flow of juices during the night. I was a complete wreck.

  To make matters worse, it started affecting my job, and after several customers complained about my lack of performance, my boss put me on notice. I knew I could’ve gotten some answers by taking Sylvia up on her offer of another visit, but stubbornly saved that as a last resort.

  It wasn’t until I was up late one night watching TV that I started to figure it out. It was a crappy B-list movie that I was only peripherally watching, but a scene where the heroine was kidnapped and tied up had me fantasizing it was me bound and gagged in the chair.

  I took the belt off my robe and tied an end around my ankles, making a slip knot in the other end for my wrists. When I pulled the loop tight, it was like a jolt of electricity shot through my body, and I gasped at the power of it.

  Without even thinking about it, my hands went down between my legs and straight for my clit. My fires were burning like mad, and only driven higher when I’d unconsciously arch my body or stretch my legs, which pulled my hands away from the special spot.

  I think it took a whole two minutes of simple caresses before I started to cum with a force I’d rarely felt before. In fact, the only time I’d ever cum this hard before was with Claude. Thinking of Claude sent my passion another notch higher, and I imagined it was him in control again, making me cum against my will… or at least my conscious will.

  I knew it was wrong to think about him that way, but I couldn’t help it. Somewhere along the way I’d fallen for him, and I think I even felt the same way about Sylvia. I wasn’t a lesbian, but if she was to walk into the room right now, I’d probably jump all over her. Or more to the point, I’d be begging her to jump all over my tied-up body and ravish me until dawn.

  I still didn’t have all the answers, but I knew for sure the only way I’d be able to get them was to pay my friends another visit and lay it all on the line. I’d call Sylvia when I was on my lunch break tomorrow, and see if I could spend the weekend with them again.

  They were open-minded about sex and well-attuned to the nuances of people’s emotions, so hopefully confessing my fantasy to them wouldn’t ruin our friendship. One way or another, though, things were about to change.


  “Fired?” I said, completely stunned.

  “Yes, fired. You were already on thin ice, and coming in an hour late this morning was the last straw. We lost a valued customer because of you, and I’ve had it. Security has already cleaned out your desk and is waiting to escort you outside. Goodbye, and don’t bother asking me for a reference unless you want it to say things like ‘lazy’ and ‘careless’.”

  I was almost in tears at his harsh words, but held on to my dignity until I got to my car. Once the security guard put my belongings into the trunk and walked away, it was another story, though. I sat and cried in my car for over an hour before regaining enough composure to drive home.

  This was an absolute disaster. It’d taken me forever to find that job, and now I’d have to start all over again, and most likely in a new town as well. I thought I was set and paid off the last of my student loans, leaving my bank account pretty much drained, and even paying rent next month would be hard. I was completely and utterly screwed. I could only hope the back seat of my Corolla was more comfortable than it looked, because I’d probably be living there before long.

  It took me a while before I realized someone was knocking on my door every few seconds, and I got up to answer it in a daze. It was Sylvia, and her greeting died in her throat when she saw what kind of state I was in. She came straight in and gave me a big bear hug, kicking the door closed behind her.

  “I stopped by your office to see if we could do lunch today and found out the bad news. I’m so sorry, dear.”

  Her hug and words set me off again, and I began crying on her shoulder. She held me tight and let me cry myself out before helping me to the sofa. My lack of control made me feel even more miserable, but she didn’t seem to mind. I realized a shoulder to cry on was a very special and wonderful thing, and I was incredibly thankful she’d stopped by.

  I felt completely drained by the time I finished crying again, and doubted I could’ve broken her embrace if my life depended on it. I didn’t have to, of course, and she let me go on her own once I’d finished so she could make us some tea. The scalding hot liquid she returned with a few minutes later helped jar me back to my senses faster than anything else could’ve.

  “Thanks for the shoulder,” I said.

  “It’ll be there if you need it again, and I also have a secon
d shoulder in case the first one gets too damp.”

  The mental image I got of her jumping from one side of me to the other so I could cry on a dry patch made me giggle, and a faint smile actually crossed my lips.

  “I’m guessing you don’t feel much like going out for lunch right now, right?”

  “God, no,” I replied, thinking about how my face must look after all that crying.

  “Then how about this,” she said, turning my head to look me in the eye. “You go hop in the shower to freshen up, and when you’re done, you’re coming home with me. Claude has some crab being flown in from Alaska, and you can pretend it’s your boss while you beat the hell out of it. Now nod your head yes because I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “That sounds both fun and delicious,” I agreed.

  “Good, then it’s settled. I’ll call ahead so Billy knows to expect one more for dinner, and I’ll wait right here for you. Take as long as you need.”

  “I won’t be long; I just want to wash my face a little.”

  I’d worry about the job situation tomorrow, but for now I could at least tackle one of my problems. On another note, the thought of a fresh crab dinner was heavenly when I knew my immediate future would have a lot of Ramen noodles and hot dogs in it.


  I didn’t need to pack anything since Sylvia had stocked the guest room so well for me, and I didn’t even have to take my car this time. I almost regretted that when I found out how fast Sylvia liked to drive, but if nothing else, holding on for dear life sure made me forget my sorrows for the duration of the trip.

  She practically ordered me into a bathing suit when we got there, since her prescription to help me get over my troubles was equal parts of sun, swimming, and margaritas. It was actually quite a pleasant way to spend the afternoon, and was highly effective in cheering me up.

  Smashing the shit out of my crab dinner was equally fun, although I went a little overboard on occasion and had a tough time gleaning out all the tasty meat. All in all, I thought it was one of the best days of my life, as long as I didn’t count how badly it started.

  Of course, just thinking that thought sent me back into a funk and undid all the good their generosity had done for me. Sylvia noticed immediately and suggested a soak in the hot tub, not even waiting for an answer before dragging me over.

  The hot water did feel wonderful, and it started unwinding my tense muscles almost immediately. I wondered if she had more than a soak in mind, especially once Claude joined us, but they behaved themselves this time. I was both relieved and disappointed.

  Between everything that’d happened today, I was truly spent by the time we climbed out, and could barely keep my eyes open long enough to get to my room. I slept like the dead that night with no dreams to disturb me, and no more confusion.

  Tomorrow I’d confront them, reveal my feelings, and hope they’d have an answer for me. God help me.


  I’d slept in until noon again, feeling dehydrated and a little hung over. Not the most auspicious start to a day that was so important to me. A nice long shower did a lot to restore me, though, and I left my room feeling pretty good.

  I found I’d missed lunch, but Billy was still there cleaning up and promised to whip something up for me. He said Sylvia was down in the dungeon getting things ready for a client coming over later, so I went down to thank her for all she did for me yesterday.

  I felt a chill that had nothing to do with the temperature as I walked through the dungeon door. This was the first time I’d actually been in the room, and I found it a little scary, even though I was just there to say good morning.

  She was sitting in front of a workbench with an array of toys on it waiting to be cleaned, oiled, or disinfected. It was a little disconcerting to see her turn and wave hello to me while holding a rather large, anatomically correct rubber penis in her hand, but I ignored it as best as I could and put a smile on my face.

  “Good morning,” I greeted her.

  “Good afternoon is more like it, sleepyhead.”

  “I wanted to thank you for everything you did yesterday. It really meant a lot to me.”

  “It’s what friends do,” she simply said. “On that subject, what else can we do for you?”

  “Oh, nothing right now,” I assured her. “I just wanted to come say thanks while Billy’s making me something to eat.”

  She’d resumed her work after greeting me, and seeing someone clean in front of me always made my fingers twitch. I stepped up to the bench and looked for something I could help with, deciding that cleaning the gags was something I could handle.

  She seemed a little surprised at my volunteering, but took it in stride and told me what she wanted done. Each one had to be scrubbed with a toothbrush to make sure everything was worked out of the crevasses (and tooth marks!) and then the whole thing was disinfected and the leather strap lightly rubbed down with mink oil.

  I actually began to enjoy helping her clean and organize things so much that I lost track of time, and Billy wound up bringing me my lunch down there. I learned more about leather care in the next hour than I thought possible, and learned even more about bondage paraphernalia.

  To me, some leather straps on the end of a handle was simply a whip. I soon learned the difference between a whip, flogger, quirt, and all the variation in between. I found out how weird some restraints could be, like the single glove armbinder, and wondered who thought these things up.

  I was thankful she didn’t make me clean any of the various dildos or other sex toys, but she still explained the virtues of each one to me as she cleaned them all up and replaced batteries on those that needed it. Before long, the room was immaculate and we both smiled at a job well done.

  “Thanks a million for all your help. I would’ve been down here forever without it.”

  “It’s what friends do,” I replied, throwing her quote back at her with a grin.

  “That was a lot more in my mind. My workroom hasn’t been this clean in practically forever… you wouldn’t want a job, would you?”

  “Doing this?” I asked, incredulously.

  “Actually, I’m talking about all kinds of housework, if you don’t mind being demoted to maid status. I despise cleaning with a passion, and Billy has to work his ass off keeping up with everything. I’d been promising him some help for ages, but never found anyone I both liked and trusted enough.”

  “Are you sure you’re not just making the offer because you know I need a job? I don’t need charity.”

  “Trust me… if you can clean the house as well as you cleaned down here, I may chain you up to keep you from getting away, and Claude would agree with me.”

  Her joking words echoed in my mind, and struck a chord deep inside me.

  “About that,” I tentatively began. “I have a lot of questions about that kind of stuff, and need to find some answers before I go crazy.”

  “I was wondering how long it’d be before you mustered up the courage to ask.”

  “You knew?”

  “From the first moment in the hot tub when you let me put handcuffs on you, I knew you had the soul of a submissive. My guess was confirmed when Claude played his little trick on you, and you didn’t complain afterwards or try to run away.”

  “It’s all so confusing,” I said, slumping down in a chair.

  “Let me ask a few questions to help you work it out. First off, do you trust us?”

  “Yes. Even when my arms were trapped behind my back, I felt safe for some reason.”

  “Good. My second question, and the more important one, is this: do you love us the way we love you?”

  That one rocked me. I knew they liked me a lot, but hearing it in such a matter of fact way made me see them in a new light. They had a different and unique way of looking at the world, and even more so with the people in it. My subconscious knew the answer before my mind did.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Do you want to find out mo


  “How far are you willing to go?”

  “As far as I need to and as far as you can take me.”

  “Even if some of the things we do don’t seem very pleasant at the time?” she asked, tilting her head slightly. “Our way of life includes things like harsh punishments, stringent bondage, crushing humiliation, and almost unbearable pain.”

  I thought back to the woman getting whipped practically unconscious while her husband was forced to watch, and shuddered slightly.

  “If you love me and I trust you, then I know you wouldn’t do anything that would really hurt me.”

  “That’s a surprisingly deep and insightful answer from someone who claims to be confused. Do you think you truly have it in you to submit to anything either Claude or I might ask you to do?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but I know I need to find out.”

  “That’s the perfect place to start,” she said, sounding satisfied. “I’m going to see if I can reschedule today’s client for tomorrow so we can discuss all this in detail with Claude. Keep cleaning if you want, or just go out back and wait for us. We’ll join you as soon as we can.”

  I sat there for several minutes with my mind racing at about a hundred miles an hour before finally coming to a decision on what I really wanted to do. Not only did I need to show them I was serious about this, but I needed to prove to myself that I had the guts to go through with it.

  After cleaning and organizing down here, I had a pretty good idea of where things were and how they were used. I gathered a few things in my arms and raced up to my room to prepare for the boldest move of my life.

  I quickly shed the clothes I was wearing and changed into the two-piece bathing suit I wore the first night in the hot tub, and gathered my courage. The first thing I did was fasten wide leather cuffs over my ankles and wrists, pulling them as tight as I could without causing discomfort.


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