The Bound Lily

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The Bound Lily Page 10

by L. L. Chance

  With that, she turned and strode from the room, leaving me standing stunned and speechless over what she expected me to do. I saw the door swinging shut and leapt to catch it before it closed, or I’d be stuck in here and pretty much screwed.

  I just barely caught it in time and stepped through so it wouldn’t happen again, but now I was at a loss. Ok, I needed to do more thinking and less whining… I only had my mouth and feet to work with, so what jobs could I do without the use of my arms?

  If I could get to the cleaning supplies I might be able to scrub a floor by shuffling my feet around with some rags. I might be able to hold a duster in my teeth and get some of that done, although I’d be clumsy that way and have to stay away from anything valuable and breakable.

  I was limited, but I should be able to manage at least a few simple things. If her plan was to deliberately set me up for failure so she could punish me for last night, then I’d do my best to figure this out and beat her at her own game.

  Ok, first things first… I needed to get to the supply closet and see what I had to work with. Luckily that door had a handle and not a knob, so I was able to get it open and take a quick inventory of the things I could reach.

  It was better than I’d thought. Most of the cleaning fluids were on the bottom shelf, and there were lots of clean rags on the second. Sponges, old toothbrushes for cleaning crevasses, wood oil, and the mop bucket were all handy, and I began to feel better about my chances of pulling this off.

  I loaded some rags and a jug of soap into the mop bucket, figuring I’d start with the kitchen floor. I thought it’d be the easiest thing to do, but after pushing the bucket all the way there, I ran into my first problem. Where was I going to get water from?

  Shit. If I put the bucket in the sink I might be able to work the lever with my head, but lifting a full bucket out would be impossible. The laundry room would be even worse, but maybe one of the bathrooms would work. I could fill it from a shower and although it’d be slow, I’d be able to hook the handle on one of my legs and move it to the floor.

  In fact, screw the kitchen for now… I’d clean the main floor bathrooms instead. I reloaded my bucket and made my way back down the hall to the first one, eager to see how well my plan worked. The answer was not very well.

  Sure, I was able to eventually get a bucket of soapy water together, but only by completely drenching myself in the process. I wound up making more of a mess than my so called cleaning fixed, and had to go over the same small area time and time again in order to make things right.

  Ok, so maybe cleaning the floors was a stupid idea, but my other plan still had some merit. I put the bucket back in the closet and grabbed the feather duster. I picked the library for my trial run since it seemed to generate dust faster than any other place in the house, and didn’t have as many breakable knick-knacks like most other rooms did.

  Claude was in there reading a newspaper, and he didn’t even glance up when I walked in.

  “Lily?” he said.

  “Yes Sir,” I replied.

  “Sylvia wanted me to remind you that you’re to remain silent today.”

  I rolled my eyes up and shook my head. If the bugger wanted me to keep quiet, then he shouldn’t have called my name. Then again, he probably did it deliberately, and if the paper wasn’t obscuring his face, I bet I’d see a smile on his lips from the way he tricked me.

  I started off by dusting the lowest shelves of books using my feet to hold the duster and take care of the bulk of it, then went back and touched it up by clenching the duster in my teeth. I did my best to ignore him while I worked, but it wasn’t easy.

  Every time I heard him move or clear his throat, I’d turn to see if he wanted me for anything, and while he hadn’t so far, I was presented with a very distracting view. The only thing he was wearing was a short, thin lounging robe, and from my current vantage point on the floor, I was treated to an unhindered view of his crotch.

  Of course Sylvia chose to walk in at the exact moment I was staring at his privates, and easily put two and two together. I quickly looked away, but the damage was already done. Dammit, why couldn’t I catch a break?

  “Lunch will be served on the patio in fifteen minutes,” was all she said before walking back out.

  “I’d hurry, if I were you,” Claude said as he stood and followed her.

  “Yes Sir,” I replied, biting my tongue a second too late.

  I faintly heard him chuckle, but he was long gone by the time I made it back to my feet. Everyone was already outside by the time I encountered my next problem; the sliding patio door was shut, and I couldn’t work the latch to open it. I tapped on the glass to try and get someone’s attention, but they ignored me.

  If they weren’t going to help me with the door, then the only way I could get there was to go out the front door and around the whole house. I tried banging on the glass one final time and knew it was loud enough for them to hear me, but they never even glanced my way. Crap.

  I was panting heavily by the time I made it around back, but was happy since I remembered to keep my mouth shut this time when they greeted my arrival. Billy had already laid out a plate of fruit I could handle on my own, and my glass had a straw in it, but I needed help with my sandwich. It was an awkward lunch, and I was glad I’d eaten such a large breakfast this morning and wasn’t too hungry.

  “So tell me,” Sylvia began. “Did our little Lily get anything accomplished this morning?”

  “It was a bit of a hit and miss affair,” Billy replied. “She had more imagination than I did when you made me do it, so I guess I’d give her a passing grade.”

  She’d made Billy clean like this before? How interesting… maybe this wasn’t a way of setting me up for extra punishment, but simply a part of her training regimen.

  “I guess congratulations are in order then, although she hasn’t made it through the afternoon yet.”

  They all laughed at that, and I wondered what she had in store for me next. She didn’t expand on the mysterious comment, and I couldn’t ask; all I could do was wait for further instructions. She eventually dismissed me and told me to wait for her at the dungeon.

  None of them made a move to open the patio door for me, so I had to go around to the front again, giving her the chance to beat me there. I knew it was deliberate and tried to not let it get to me, but it was still frustrating.

  Once we were inside she removed the counter from my neck and made a theatrical tsk-tsk sound when she read the counter, but didn’t tell me how good or bad I did. While I knew I didn’t screw up and actually speak too often, I had no idea how sensitive the thing was, and feared my grunts and groans through the day might have triggered it a lot more than I thought.

  She continued to remove the straitjacket from me, wrinkling her nose a little at the smell of my sweat, and gave me two minutes to stretch my limbs and go to the bathroom. I took full advantage of the free time, but wished it was longer so I could’ve washed the sweat off.

  She was waiting with a rubber armbinder when I returned, and I positioned myself in front of her without saying a word, unsure if I was allowed to speak yet or not. She didn’t say anything herself and just slid it up my arms, working the belts gradually tighter until my elbows were actually touching behind my back.

  It was a lot harder on my arms than the straitjacket was, especially since it seemed like the strong rubber kept trying to pull my arms even closer together whenever I allowed them to relax. Heavy rubber shackles went over my ankles and were connected by an eighteen inch hobble chain, which made me think this afternoon was going to be even harder than they’d hinted at.

  Next up was a latex hood that had a built-in penis gag, small holes for my nostrils, and even smaller holes for my eyes. My hair was pulled out the top in a tight ponytail before it was zipped shut, and a small plug was removed from the center of the gag to give me a little more air.

  “Back outside, little one,” she said, holding the door open for me.

/>   She gave me a slap on the ass as I passed her, which almost made me stumble, but I kept going since I knew the stairs would be a real bitch to climb like this. I’d expected her to go on ahead and make me take the long way again, but instead, she kept close behind me the whole way.

  Maybe she wanted to watch me struggle, or maybe she wanted to make sure I didn’t fall and break my neck going up the stairs, thus ruining whatever ‘fun’ she had planned for me. Either way, I was grateful for the safety net she provided.

  I saw that Claude and Billy were already in the pool by the time we returned, and had a bad feeling about what I might be in for. Sure enough, she steered me over to the edge of the deep end, and it took everything I had to keep from trying to run away.

  “Even through the pinholes I can see the fear in your eyes,” she whispered in my ear. “Trust, obedience, and common sense… remember those three things and you’ll be fine.”

  When she finished speaking she pushed hard and sent me flying into the pool. I knew my arms were bound immobile behind me back, but that didn’t stop me from trying to flail them around so I could swim to the surface, and I tried to do the same with my hobbled feet.

  I thrashed around in a blind panic for an ungodly long time before someone pulled me to the surface so I could breathe again. I was held there until I stopped struggling and then was dragged to the stairs on the shallow end and helped to my feet.

  “Return to Sylvia,” Claude said.

  I was still freaked out, but knowing he would keep me from drowning helped a lot, and I shuffled over to where she was waiting. The moment I got there she pushed me back in again, and while I still instinctively tried swimming, I didn’t flail around in the blind panic of my first immersion.

  It was Billy who pulled me to the stairs this time and told me to return to Sylvia. I didn’t see the point to this torture and was getting pretty mad at her for doing this to me, but I returned as ordered for my next dunking.

  I couldn’t see much through the small holes in the mask, but I could tell Sylvia wasn’t in a good mood, and I resigned myself to an afternoon of hell at her hands. Why didn’t the guys stop her from this needless and dangerous torture? Or was I missing something?

  With that thought in mind, and knowing what to expect, when she shoved me into the pool this time, I added an extra leap of my own to get closer to the shallows. I still needed help getting out, but now I had a plan.

  When she pushed me next time I not only leapt into the water, but turned so I landed belly first and kicked my legs in unison to give me some forward momentum. I made it all the way to the steps on my own and climbed out without any assistance from the guys.

  “Congratulations, little one,” she said when I returned, giving me a big bear hug in the process. “Common sense isn’t very common and sometimes it doesn’t make much sense, but you eventually figured it out.”

  She removed the nasty hood and helped me to sit in a chair, while Billy went inside to get some champagne. I’d finally done something praiseworthy in her eyes, and she thought I’d done good enough to warrant a small celebration. It was a small victory, but after the mess I’d been making of things I was more than willing to take it.

  Secondary Lessons

  While I still had the chastity belt locked in place, she relaxed a bit on the restrictive outfits after the pool lesson, and let me get some actual work done around the place. Nobody even blinked an eye at the fact I was working in the nude every day, and it didn’t actually bother me either.

  The only thing that made me nervous was that Claude seemed to be around me more than usual, and while nothing happened, I was afraid of setting Sylvia’s jealousy meter off again with all the attention he was giving me. It kept me on edge in what was an otherwise pleasant respite from her structured torments.

  I wish I knew how to make it up to her, because I really did love her, and I hated how I’d gotten in between the two of them. It wasn’t until one night when I was ‘off duty’ and relaxing in the hot tub with everyone that inspiration struck.

  Billy had jokingly suggested he was available for oral practice any time I wanted to hone my skills, and while I wasn’t opposed to his idea, I had a far better one.

  “You know, Billy,” I began. “When you’re right, you’re right. I do need to work on my oral technique.”

  I knelt in the middle and flashed him a smile, but when I dove underwater it wasn’t in his direction. I went straight between Sylvia’s legs and spread them wide so there wouldn’t be any mistaking my intentions before coming up in front of her.

  “May I please practice my oral skills, Ma’am?” I asked in my best little girl voice.

  “You may,” she replied after only a moment’s hesitation.

  She was far too worldly to be surprised by much, but I think I succeeded in catching her off guard. I threw her a lopsided grin, took a deep breath, and dove back down. Eating her out underwater was anything but easy, but Claude and Billy thought it was a rare fun show and helped out by holding her legs wide with one hand, while the other fondled a breast.

  Sylvia appeared to be in heaven at our combined attentions, but I couldn’t seem to bring her to climax, and I was starting to get dizzy from holding my breath for so long. It was frustrating, and I didn’t know what the solution was, so I cheated.

  “Now that she’s nicely worked up, would you care to finish the job for me, Sir?” I coyly asked Claude.

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” he replied, taking my place between her legs.

  I wanted to give them as much privacy as I could with four naked people in the same small area, so I turned to Billy and dove down again. Unlike the work I’d done on Sylvia, Billy was incredibly easy to please. I think I could’ve gotten him off within a minute, but deliberately held back in order to let Sylvia cum first.

  I didn’t have to stall for long, though, since Claude easily finished what I’d started and brought her to a stunning orgasm in a few short minutes. I smiled when I came up for air and got serious about sucking Billy’s prick, getting him to cum on my very next dive.

  Claude came sometime during my last underwater excursion, and the atmosphere was very laid back as everyone relaxed and enjoyed their post-coital afterglow. Everyone but me, that is. Still, it was mission accomplished as far as I was concerned, and I was content. Maybe I could stop screwing up in the future if I remembered to think with my head instead of my groin.


  It almost seemed like I’d passed some sort of test that night, and after Sylvia made double sure this was a road I wanted to go down, my oral training started for real. It was almost comical with how creative she got with my training, like feeding me a banana with every meal and making me practice on it before allowing me to eat my real food, or making me lick up a plate of tapioca pudding using only the tip of my tongue. Have you ever licked up a bowl of peas one at a time? I did.

  I spent at least an hour each day learning how to deep throat a rubber dildo and another hour with my face between the inflatable legs of a blow-up sex doll. Actual contact was almost non-existent compared to all the practice she made me do. Only once each night was I allowed to eat her out so she could tell me what I needed to work on, but I was allowed to blow Billy as many times as I wanted.

  She still didn’t seem to trust me around Claude, and while I sucked Billy off so many times the poor guys ball were practically dry, Claude’s penis was in a no-blow zone. Still, I progressed at a rapid rate and knew I was light years ahead of when I first started. Plus it was a hell of a lot of fun.

  Everything was going great except for one small thing… I was so horny after giving all that pleasure and getting nothing in return that I’d probably fuck the horn of a rhino if given the chance. That was a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much. I needed Sylvia to take the damn chastity belt off me before I went bonkers. She had to forgive me eventually, right?

  The only good thing about all my pent-up sexual frustration is that it gave me the
energy for a cleaning spree that left the house immaculate. Even if I was cuffed and hobbled for the day, I went at it with a vengeance that shocked everyone and occasionally earned me a ‘rest break’ in the newly revamped servant’s quarters-cum-playroom, or any handy piece of furniture for that matter.

  Their intentions were good, but being bound without any way of getting relief was more of a torture for me than I think anyone realized. That went double for when the convenient chair I was restrained in was the one in Claude’s office. I especially hated that since he’d barely glanced my way lately with how slowly my training was progressing.

  Not only was I forced to stay in his presence for hours without being able to touch him or resist thinking about him, but sometimes Sylvia was in plain sight through the two-way mirror which made me feel guilty again. I didn’t know what to do, and it wasn’t long before it was making me miserable, which caused additional problems.

  It meant I did shoddy work which led to stricter training that I often failed, or harsh nighttime punishments that left me stiff and sore the next day. It was a nasty feedback loop that I couldn’t seem to break. It was Billy who finally noticed how wrong things were going and confronted me on it.

  I was cleaning in the playroom wearing only shackles, manacles, and a gag, when he came in and locked the door behind him. It surprised the heck out of me since I didn’t think anyone even knew where that key was, let alone want to use it. Still, it didn’t alarm me since I knew he wouldn’t do anything to harm me.

  I’d grown extremely fond of him over the last few months, and I thought maybe Sylvia was expecting company and he wanted some privacy for a bit of fun with me. I didn’t mind at all since I enjoyed giving him all the pleasure I could, even though I didn’t love him the same way I did Sylvia and Claude.

  I didn’t think anything of it when he released one of my cuffs and had me turn and kneel in front of him so he could refasten them behind my back, but when he looped the wrist chain under the ankle chain before relocking it, I began to suspect he was up to something. I was stuck here until he released me.


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