The Bound Lily

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The Bound Lily Page 28

by L. L. Chance

  It was actually pretty boring as far as parties go, since other than a brief greeting when someone new arrived, I was left alone. This wasn’t my show today, and I couldn’t interfere in anything anyone did unless a hard limit was being broken, and there weren’t a lot of those.

  Almost predictably, it was Claire who decided to test Nancy’s resolve, making her the center of attention while almost torturing the poor girl. Still, I’d done far worse than using clothespins and nipple clamps on both of them, so I couldn’t complain.

  She was ordered around, teased and tormented all day long, but actually seemed to be enjoying the attention, and I finally started to relax a little. We might get through this after all. Jill and Sherri almost went too far by trussing her up as the center piece for our dinner table, including a giant red apple for her mouth, but stayed just inside the rules.

  I was a little sullen over the whole thing by the time we were close to the end, but the last scene they set up had Nancy trapped under my chair with only her head sticking out through the seat. She made up for lost time and then some. We’d both made it and had only one month left to go.


  There wasn’t another trial at ninety days, it was simply our wedding day. She was going into this as a slave bride instead of an equal partner, so it meant a lot of extra preparations and goofy customs, but I was willing to put up with almost anything at this point, just to get it over with already.

  Jill and Sherri were getting Nancy ready, while Monica and Shelly were helping me. I was more than a little sad Sylvia hadn’t returned any of my calls and wasn’t here today, but my pre-wedding jitters kept me from dwelling on it. I even came close so many times to ruining the fifty-grand wedding dress Laste had ordered for me, that Monica threated to hang me by my wrists if I didn’t stop pacing. I hoped Nancy was doing better than I was.

  When it was finally time to start, she came into the glade in a true blaze of glory, looking like a mythical Valkyrie being pulled in a chariot by Sherri in her full formal ponygirl gear. I really hoped people were filming this, because I knew I’d never see the like again if I lived to be a thousand.

  She stood tall and proud as Sherri struggled to pull her uphill at a steady pace, the sunlight glistening off the gold inlay on her corset and collar and her white veil flowing in the wind. She truly looked like a goddess wearing ceremonial armor, and I couldn’t tear my eyes off her.

  Laste may’ve been hosting the event, but Claire presided over our ceremony with an almost obsessive attention to detail that probably had two dozen submissives quailing in their boots all month. It was almost anti-climactic when she pronounced us married within fifteen minutes of Nancy kneeling in front of me at the altar.

  Her collar was replaced with a jewel studded masterpiece and her pearl studded dress was replaced with leather cuffs. I faltered momentarily when the locks I grabbed didn’t seem to have any keys to them, but then she made things clear to me.

  “May I speak, Mistress,” she asked.

  “Yes, of course.”

  “I was told it’s traditional for a slave to present a gift to her Mistress on this day, so I commissioned a full set of golden locks to be made. Each lock has a small jewel set in it, and the color of the gem indicates which key will open it.

  “The new jewelry you’re wearing are the actual keys to these locks and each key has a matching gemstone to the lock they open. I believe the one you’re looking for right now is located on your right ear.”

  I’d been so nervous earlier that I’d barely noticed what Monica had put on me in the way of jewelry. Sure enough, each piece was in the shape of a small key, color coded with precious gems to indicate what they were for. To say I was pleased was like saying the universe covers a few acres of ground.

  I used as many locks as I could and wound up restraining her far more than I’d initially intended, but she seemed to be loving it even more than I did. I had to hand-feed her dinner, but I considered that a bonus, not a chore.

  Dancing followed dinner, and I made sure to gag her so she couldn’t refuse anyone a spin on the floor. I was kept busy dancing myself, but I made sure I kept her in sight since one of the additions I’d made to her outfit was a small vibrator. I teased her every chance I could, but since we were partners, I wore the same type of toy she did, and she held the control for mine.

  It was an interesting evening, and only got better when we retired to our ‘honeymoon dungeon’ for the night. It’d been a long time since we were able to share a night of intimacy with each other, but we made up for lost time until we were practically comatose. Life was good.

  The Good Life

  If someone didn’t know us, they might’ve thought we were nymphomaniacs with the way we carried on during our honeymoon, but to hell with what others thought. We were newlyweds in love and simply having some fun. Screw ‘em if they can’t take a joke… or a poke.

  One of our wedding gifts was the use of a Villa down in Belize, and we spent a whole month down there enjoying the scenery, the ocean, and the Mayan ruins. I joked I was going to tie her to an old altar at the top of a temple, and she would’ve gone for it if there wasn’t such a risk of causing damage. Maybe we could build something suitable when we got back home.

  Even after all this time, thinking of home still made me think of Claude and Sylvia’s house, so after a brief discussion, we decided to fly back via San Francisco so we could stop by for a visit. I hadn’t talked to any of them in ages, and was quite nervous about showing up out of the blue.

  We hadn’t been on bad terms when we parted, though, so hopefully I’d get the warm welcome I’d been dreaming of. I also hoped my new relationship with Nancy wouldn’t be too big of a shock, but Sylvia was infinitely open-minded so it should be ok.

  My old security code for the gate still worked, and my heart was racing with excitement as we pulled into the drive. Something was wrong, though. The first time I ever came here, I couldn’t believe how immaculate the place looked. That look was completely gone now.

  The lawn used to be kept so perfect, I once joked that the gardener cut it with a pair of scissors and a ruler, and the flower beds were almost mathematically precise. It wasn’t exactly overgrown and abandoned, but it had all the charm of your typical public park now.

  I still had my keys, but didn’t feel right about just walking in and shouting ‘I’m home’, so I rang the doorbell and waited… and waited… and waited. Once it became obvious nobody was home, I walked around back to the patio where we’d spent most of our time, and was shocked to find the pool empty and all the furniture put away.

  Looking through the patio door, I could see drop cloths covering everything inside; nobody lived here anymore, and I had no clue where they went. I called Sylvia and got no answer, and her voice mail was full so I couldn’t even leave a message.

  I tried Billy and found the same thing, so I tried calling Claude. His number was no longer in service. It felt like a bomb had gone off in my gut. These were some of my dearest friends, and it seemed like they’d cut our ties for good.

  I was feeling pretty bummed out by the whole thing and couldn’t seem to process it properly. I stood there for quite a while, and almost jumped when I heard the back-up beeps of a big truck in the distance. I rushed back around to the garage and saw him just pulling into place when we got there. I asked him if he knew how to reach Sylvia, but he had no idea. He was just a mover who was told to load up some stuff from the garage for immediate shipment.

  I decided to check the garage before leaving to see if there were any clues, and found it almost empty. The only things left were the green Jaguar XJR that Claude gave me to use when he saw how much I admired it, and some cardboard boxes next to it with ‘Lily’s room’ written on the sides. The shipping labels were all marked Argentum Seges, care of Lilith Chance.

  Well, at least I wasn’t totally forgotten, but why hadn’t she called me? The movers had loaded up all the boxes while I stood there lost in thought, and were
trying to figure out how to get the car in there since there were no keys.

  That brought me back to myself a little, and a quick glance at my key ring showed I still had my key for it. I was going to hand it over, but said screw it; I told them I’d take care of it myself. They looked nervous about me taking it, but relieved they wouldn’t have to move it themselves. Nancy returned our rental car and we decided to drive ourselves home, but on a roundabout route.

  We spent a couple of weeks in San Diego and visited all the tourist traps like the theme parks, zoo, and aquarium. It was kind of fun, but my heart wasn’t really in it. I suppose I’d brought this all on myself by choosing the path I did, and I wondered if I would’ve made different choices back then if I knew what the outcome would’ve been.

  It took me about a week to get my head back on straight, and I finally decided yes… for better or worse, I made the choices that needed to be made, to prove I could stand on my own. I had good, close friends, and of course, Nancy. I had my own life and it was a good one, so there was no use in lamenting what might’ve been.

  It still hurt, but not quite as much once I began thinking about it in the proper perspective. By the time we arrived back at the club, I was pretty much back to my normal self again.


  It was a good thing I worked my feelings out during our trip, because things got busy from the moment I walked through the door. In addition to the regular activities which could easily fill my days and nights, I had a mountain of paperwork to go through. Claire also wanted to borrow some of the unused warehouse space we had, so she could hold her Christmas party indoors this year, turning it into a huge winter carnival.

  She went all out for this one, hiring crews to make a skating rink dance floor, install snow machines, a ponygirl (reindeer girl, actually) hayride, kinky carny games, and sexy life-cast ice sculptures. It was absolutely amazing, and the most fun I’ve ever had with my clothes on.

  Our associates on the other side of the pond didn’t want to be outdone, so working together, they hastily put their own winter BDSM carnival together and made both Laste and myself promise to attend. I actually didn’t want to go since it was too close to Christmas, and the girls had to stay behind, but it wasn’t a bad trip.

  Getting home was a lot more fun, even though it took us an extra day to travel due to some unexpected weather. Most of the fun was because Nancy had been tightly wrapped up as a candy cane and left under the tree for me to find. We both missed the big turkey feast that night, but it was well worth it.

  Christmas morning was also unexpectedly fun because I hadn’t celebrated it since I was a kid, and waking up to find presents under the tree made me feel like I was eight years old again. Of course, the toys I unwrapped were definitely not suitable for an eight year old, but I thought they’d be a lot more fun than the Barbie doll I got back then.

  Before I got a chance to play with them (and with Nancy, of course), Laste called and said he had an emergency and needed my help. Shelly was pretty sick this morning and he had to take her to the hospital to get her checked out.

  He was expecting company at the house, and wanted me to fill in as hostess until he returned. Some new people moved in next door, and he wanted to impress them, so I reluctantly put my new toys away and agreed to help.

  The whole lot of us decided to head over since we’d planned on getting together for dinner anyway, which turned into an eye-rolling few hours for me. I thought his neighbors would most likely be a stuck-up vanilla couple who’d run away screaming if they saw the girls the way they were initially dressed.

  Once I got the clothing and restraint issue sorted out to my satisfaction, we piled into Jill’s SUV and made it there only slightly late. Most of his staff had the holidays off, but good old Alfred was there to greet us at the door.

  He said the guests had already arrived and were having a cognac in front of the fire in the library, but scurried off to check on the food without saying anything else. He was usually a lot politer, but I guess he was overwhelmed at the moment, especially if he was cooking. He wasn’t very good in the kitchen.

  I shooed everyone but Nancy after him to help out, and headed for the library with a big (although somewhat fake) smile on my face to meet his guests. I hoped they weren’t too uptight, or this would be a long, boring day.

  They were sitting in the high-backed, overstuffed armchairs Laste liked for sitting around the fire, so all I saw was the edge of a cognac snifter when I walked in.

  “Hello,” I called out. “Sorry I’m late, but the traffic was dreadful and my friends took forever to get ready.”

  “Better late than never, little one,” Claude said, his words freezing me in my tracks.

  “One might think our little Lily was bound and gagged with the way she’s stuck in place at the door, unable to speak,” Sylvia commented, peering out from around the chair.

  I was still too stunned to move, but they took care of it by getting up and coming to me, giving me a big three-way hug that lasted for a very long time. It wasn’t until we finally broke apart that I got my second big surprise, and was able to actually speak. It looked like Sylvia was pregnant.

  “Are you…” I started to ask.

  “Twins,” she confirmed, with a little pixy smile on her face. “We’ve already decided to name them William and Lily, if that’s all right with you.”

  “It’s more than all right, I’m honored. Is there any more of that cognac left, Claude? I think I need a stiff drink while you two start explaining things to me.”

  “You can have mine, dear. Alfred poured it for me since he’s a guy and didn’t notice I was pregnant.”

  I got to drop my own bombshell on them when I absentmindedly introduced Nancy as my wife, but left it at that since I wanted to hear their story first. I should’ve been mad at them for all they put me through over this last year, so maybe it’s a good thing I was in a state of shock. If nothing else, it let them tell their tale without constant interruptions from me.

  Claude’s overseas analyst job had gotten a little more dangerous than expected, and he had to go into hiding for a while. When it looked like it was going to be a long-term prospect, Sylvia had joined him, and really couldn’t say anything to anyone about it. I made a mental note to ask Claude what it was he really did for the government, but let them continue for now.

  To make a long story short, Sylvia was finally able to get pregnant, and they wanted my help with the children. They also wanted me to be the Godmother. She knew I’d never be able to go back to San Francisco with them, so rather than giving me an impossible choice, Claude bought the estate next to Laste’s and moved here.

  They still loved me and wanted me in their life.

  We talked for a long time and the others were fairly conspicuous with their absence, but I was glad for the chance to get caught up in private since there was more than a few tears shed by all of us. It wasn’t until conversation turned to more mundane things and we were laughing again, that the others made an appearance.

  Jill and Sherri came in first, followed by their friend Gary who brought a big platter of munchies. Monica and Alfred came next with a cart full of plates, glasses, and drinks, but it was the last couple who made my jaw bounce off the floor for the third time tonight.

  Billy was here as well, and with the way Barb was hanging onto his arm, it was obvious they were a couple now. Good for him! Barb was no Sylvia, but I knew she’d treat him right and give him the special attention he needed.

  The room was pretty crowded, but none of us minded in the least. It was warm and cozy and we were like a big, happy, extended family. It became even more crowded when Laste and Shelly returned, but what’s two more people among friends, right?

  Make that two and a half people, actually. Shelly was sick this morning for a very good, specific, and normal reason. It was too early to tell, but they were hoping for a girl since they’d already picked the name Monique, wanting to name her after Monica.

The rest of the evening turned into a big soppy mess I wouldn’t have traded for anything. This really was the good life now.


  The Bound Lily Chronicles

  Part 1: Lily’s Introduction to Submission

  Part 2: Training the Lily

  Part 3: The Lily Controlled

  Part 4: The Lily Unchained

  Part 5: Lilith the Dominatrix

  The L.L. Chance Books

  The Brat’s Taboo First Time

  The Brat’s Taboo Opportunity

  The Brat’s Taboo Valentine

  Truth or Dare with the Brat

  My Chained Valentine (with Edward Laste)

  The Brat’s Taboo Valentine (with Edward Laste)

  The Edward Laste Books

  The Bondage Doctor Series

  Part 1: The Kinky Bondage Doctor

  Part 2: The Kinky Doctor’s House Call

  Part 3: The Doctor’s Bound Assistant

  The Self-Bondage Series

  Part 1: Self-Bondage Fun

  Part 2: Self-Bondage Peril

  Part 3: Self-Bondage Mistake

  The Bondage Medical Group Series

  Volume 1: The Dentist’s Oral Exam

  Volume 2: The Brat’s Kinky Exam (With L.L. Chance)

  Volume 3: The Doctor’s Dungeon

  Volume 4: The Nurse’s BDSM Retreat

  Volume 5: Institutionalized By the Master


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