Travis - An Alluring Indulgence Novel

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Travis - An Alluring Indulgence Novel Page 2

by Edwards, Nicole

  The kitchen was rather large, but the placement of the island and a small butler’s pantry didn’t suit the space. Her brain automatically began calculating what additional square footage she could free up by remodeling the room entirely.

  Just past the refrigerator, there were two additional doorways. One led to an oversized utility room with a door that would lead outside. The other led to… Kylie squealed a little as she stepped into the hallway. There in front of her was another set of stairs, this one much narrower with steep steps leading to the second floor.

  “This is amazing,” she muttered to herself as she quickly ascended to the next floor.

  From what she could tell, the second floor was where the bedrooms were, the doors on one side while opposite them was the magnificent view of the stained glass window overlooking the side of the house. Kylie peered out, realizing the decayed remains of the garage were visible. Without question, they were going to have to tear it down and relocate somewhere else. She did not want anything obstructing Gage’s breathtaking view through the multi-colored glass.

  She wandered through the first three bedrooms quickly. They were spacious and each led to a covered terrace that overlooked the back yard. One had a decent sized bath attached, the other two were connected by one large Jack and Jill bathroom.

  Out the door and down the hall, Kylie came upon two additional bedrooms. She spent the most time wandering through the last two and the shoebox sized bathroom between them. Strangely enough, one of the rooms was the largest of all the bedrooms, but there was no possible way she could expect this to be the master suite with the miniscule shower, pedestal sink and toilet in what was supposedly a bathroom.

  Daring to look, she moved to the other side of the small bath and opened another door, where she would have expected to find a closet. Not a closet. The door led to the other room, though this was much smaller, possibly used as a nursery at one time or another. The idea to steal some of the space from the smaller bedroom for the bathroom and use the rest as a large walk in closet hit her and made her smile brightly once more.

  God, she wanted this job. She’d been doing this – restoring historic homes – for the last eight years, but never had she taken on a project quite this large.

  “You still interested?” Gage’s deep, thundering voice filled the interior of the tiny bedroom she was standing in.

  “Are you kidding?” Kylie was grinning from ear to ear as she stared at the cracked plaster and the hideous floor. She wondered whether there were hardwood floors beneath the dingy, shaggy, olive green wall-to-wall carpet.


  Kylie pivoted around, staring back at the man filling the doorway. She could’ve sworn the relatively small space seemed somewhat larger before he walked in. As she stared at the sexy, dark haired cowboy with the seductive brown eyes, she still found it strange how he’d blown a mountain-size hole in her life in just a matter of weeks with his unexpected arrival on her doorstep looking for her specifically. The fact that he lived about an hour away according to him had made her question why he’d seek her out to help him in this endeavor in the first place.

  Although she didn’t normally take such ambitious projects so far away from home, the longer she stood there, the more interested she became, and she couldn’t help but wonder whether the attractive cowboy cop played into her enthusiasm just as much as the house did. And she was no longer wondering how he’d found out about her or whether she would want to have to live out of a hotel for the foreseeable future just to be close to the house she was working on.

  Just that morning, Gage had talked to her about a timeline and getting things rolling. According to him, he was tired of living in his modest rental in town, and was looking forward to moving into the house that had been in his family for generations just as soon as the renovations were completed. The sooner the better he’d told her. Kylie didn’t make him any promises as far as timing was concerned because he hadn’t even allowed her to see what she was getting herself into until now.

  If she did take on the project, she’d be able to work on a home that appealed to her unlike any other since her own house, and she’d have the opportunity to continue pursuing this relationship with Gage. Although he seemed genuinely interested in hiring her to do the work on his house, he also seemed open to the idea of them getting to know one another better.

  Over the course of two months, they had become quite relaxed with one another, hanging out, going to dinner, movies, playing miniature golf. All of the things a couple would do if they were dating. And although they hadn’t ventured down the path that would lead them to what would likely be scorching hot sex, Kylie didn’t doubt that it was in their future.

  For all of three seconds, back when she first met him, Kylie had worried whether mixing business with pleasure would cause problems she didn’t want to have to deal with. But the longer she was in Gage’s company and the more she got to know him, the more she wanted to have her cake and eat it too.

  Her dating life had been dormant for quite some time – or maybe a better term would be nonexistent. The reason? Well, she’d used one excuse after the other, most of them pertaining to her being too engrossed in work to have time for anything else. No way would she have entertained the idea of a relationship, but that was before Gage walked into her life. Not that what she and Gage had could be considered a relationship, but she knew for a fact that it was more than friendship. Or she hoped so. After all, the couple of times he’d kissed her sure didn’t feel like just friends to her.

  “You ok?”

  Caught a little off guard, but more than grateful for the distraction, Kylie turned away briefly, trying to wipe the smile from her face. When it didn’t work, she gave in and turned back.

  Gage truly was one of the most attractive men she had ever seen. Dark hair, dark eyes, and a body that tempted her to sin like the devil. “Fine, why?”

  The smile he shot her direction made her tummy dance with a sweet tingle that she’d been oblivious to for longer than she cared to admit. Or maybe she just hadn’t had that tingle in a solid decade or so.

  “You’ve never heard of Coyote Ridge?” he asked, his attention directed to the chipped plaster that clearly needed some attention.

  The way he asked the question made her feel as though she should have heard about the tiny little town that this man called home. “Nope. Not until today,” she said casually, trying to redirect her wayward thoughts back to the house and the possibilities.

  Kylie had become somewhat accustomed to Gage’s random questions, most of them fairly personal in nature. He’d certainly asked more than his fair share over the last two months since she met him, especially considering how remarkably little he’d been willing to share about himself. He was just naturally nosey – or so was his answer after she scrounged up the courage to ask.

  Rather than squirm beneath the scrutiny of his gaze, Kylie slipped beneath his arm and out into the hallway once again. As she admired the finer details, she found that her thoughts about Gage weren’t ready to be wrangled in just yet.

  For the better part of two months, the two of them had been dancing around the subject of sex, neither of them fully embracing what was bound to come sooner or later. No pun intended. Considering they were acting very much like a well-established couple – one that had subconsciously agreed to a no sex clause – Kylie couldn’t help but wonder what the next step for them would be.

  They’d long since gotten past the getting to know you phase, which meant there were only two directions they could go from here. Either down the path to fervent sexual gratification, or they would turn around and head back the way they came, sticking with a more professional association.

  Kylie wanted the sex, plain and simple.

  Ever since the first night Gage took her out to dinner, Kylie had been thinking some rather heated thoughts about the man. They’d shared quite a few intimate meals together, and some much more casual dates, most of them spent chatting i
t up like long lost friends, with that very distinct buzz of sexual attraction in the background.

  Having not been on many dates where jumping into bed within the first ten minutes wasn’t on the guy’s agenda, Kylie was a little off kilter around Gage. She spent most of her time wondering whether they would jump one another’s bones the next time they saw each other or if he’d be content simply asking her personal questions about her past.

  With her hormones beginning to overflow, Kylie wasn’t sure how much more she possibly could store up before the lid blew off due to the pressure. If Gage kept up this perfect gentleman routine, she was going to have to buy stock in Duracell or Energizer just so she could function on a daily basis.

  She found herself wondering more and more why they hadn’t moved to the next phase of what felt like a potential relationship either. They’d had make-out sessions that were testing the limits of her smoke detectors, but never had they ventured farther than second base.

  If chemistry was all it took, they would have been horizontal for most of the time they had known one another because what happened between them when they kissed was explosive. But every time they got close to rounding the bases and heading for a home run, Gage put the brakes on. A sudden, abrupt stop that sent Kylie careening headfirst into the dashboard, her brain jarring from the impact.

  And of course, every time Gage halted their progress, Kylie managed to take a step back, taking advantage of the opportunity to reflect on what was happening between them. She genuinely liked him. They laughed, talked, and yes, he knocked her socks off with his kisses, but as far as going any further, she didn’t deny that taking things slowly was for the best. At least with them moving at a snail’s pace, she wouldn’t risk the possibility of getting too attached.

  Kylie Marie Prescott did not roll that way.

  Not after Travis Walker ruined her for all time.

  Damn it.

  Kylie instinctively closed her eyes, refusing to allow the image of Travis to come to mind. As a rule, she avoided any and all memories that involved him because as sure as the sun would rise in the morning, thoughts of him caused a painful ache to return, and the echo of long ago love still had a devastating impact.

  Even all these years later, her body reacted in strange ways to those lingering memories that hadn’t yet faded around the edges. Sort of like muscle memory, the feel of his skin, his mouth, his hands, it was as though he hadn’t been gone from her life for ten years. No, it felt more like yesterday. Considering how he walked out on her after they’d been married only three weeks, it would make more sense if she wanted to slap him, not jump him, but damn it if she didn’t want to just…

  Ok, totally inappropriate. Tune back in to reality, girl.

  Kylie knew that it didn’t help that they were still married, which was a painful reminder each and every day. A mere technicality, she told herself repeatedly. But one she hadn’t put much thought into rectifying until she’d started getting closer to Gage.

  In truth, the only thing real about their nuptials was the paper they’d received that validated it. It was easy to pretend otherwise because living with a man for three weeks did not a marriage make. Especially when he turned the other cheek and walked away as though she didn’t mean a thing to him.

  If only she thought she could emotionally survive seeing Travis again, she’d seek a divorce. Every year she convinced herself that she’d be stronger next year. Since she still didn’t believe she could handle seeing him, and since he hadn’t yet taken the initiative himself, Kylie was still married to Travis Walker.

  The only benefit was that she didn’t have to relive Travis ripping her heart right out of her chest and walking away with it still beating in his hands. Because sure as she breathed, seeing him would blow another crater right in the center of her chest.

  Ok, you’re cut off now, woman. No more thinking.

  Her inner monologue with herself was enough to set her straight as she headed down the back staircase. She busied herself taking notes in the kitchen, jotting down the ideas she’d come up with so far.

  “Let me know when you’re done. I’d like to take you to meet some folks.”

  Kylie was leaning over the island, her pen tapping steadily against the notepad as she stared back at him. Dropping the pen because, quite frankly, she was getting on her own nerves, she exhaled and smiled. She was suddenly eager to get some fresh air. Whether it was the close proximity of this handsome man or thoughts of the one from her past, she wasn’t sure, but the room was suddenly getting a little warm.

  “I’m good for now. As long as you promise I’ll get to come back soon.”

  “Darlin’, you’ve got the job if you want it,” Gage said, grinning.

  “You don’t even know my price,” she informed him.


  Money had never been a subject they broached up to this point, but Gage’s nonchalant attitude when anything even close came up made her believe he wasn’t necessarily hurting financially. Which made her question other things because she knew for a fact that a cop’s salary wasn’t going to give him money to burn.

  No doubt, this project wasn’t going to be cheap, but at least she could do the work in stages. And she was extremely resourceful. She just needed some local crews to help because those she normally worked with weren’t likely to venture this far out. And if Gage was looking to save some money, he could add some elbow grease of his own.

  After Gage locked up the house and helped her into his truck, Kylie allowed her mind to relax as he drove. The familiar song on the radio made her want to tap her foot on the floor, but she refrained. It was rare that she was in a good mood after such pressing thoughts from her past, but for some reason, just being in Gage’s company helped. That, and the prospect of the new job, made her smile.

  For once, she just wanted to enjoy what life threw her way. It was high time she stopped trying to hide behind those events that had changed her life irreparably. Time to move forward.

  Still smiling, Kylie pulled herself back to the present as Gage turned onto a long dirt driveway. In the distance, she saw a lovely old farmhouse come into view, the fresh paint and new roof gleamed radiantly in the bright Texas sunshine. This one looked significantly different than the one they’d just left. This one was sporting a recent facelift.

  Refraining from asking questions, Kylie paid attention to the details of the house in case Gage was here to show her some ideas he had, her brain barely registering the men moving furniture into the house. As she focused on what they were doing, she noticed two more talking on one end of the beautiful wrap around porch.

  Kylie mentally cleared her throat because… Wow! Did this place only breed hot, sexy cowboys?

  When Gage pulled the truck to a stop, Kylie unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed out. She continued to stare up at the beautiful house, her eye for detail noting the few things they’d done to stick with the house’s former glory, although there were quite a few enhancements they’d made to modernize it as well. Either way, she was impressed. Wouldn’t have been her choice, but then again, it wasn’t her house.

  Gage surprised her when he walked around to her side of the truck, taking her hand in his. That tingle that had been stirring in her belly erupted into a volcanic explosion of activity, and she wondered if her palms were going to start sweating. God, she hoped not. At least not while he was holding her hand.

  Hoping she made a good impression on these people, whoever they were, Kylie pasted on a smile and fell into step beside Gage.

  Chapter Two


  Gage Matthews wasn’t quite sure what prompted him to take Kylie’s hand in his as he led her away from the safe haven of his truck and toward the house. But the moment their palms touched he knew it was a mistake.

  With her soft, delicate fingers linked with his, he felt that spark he’d grown accustomed to over the last couple of months. The one that ignited in his loins and radiated out through the rest of his
body, kick starting more than just his libido. Somewhere along the way, this woman managed to cause hope to bloom in the dark, cold corners of his soul.

  Holding Kylie’s small, cool hand in his, feeling the way she squeezed his fingers as though he just might be able to ground her in this unknown situation made him hate himself that much more.

  He knew he needed to cherish this feeling for as long as he could, because a few minutes from now it was going to be stripped away from him, and he had no one to blame but himself. His actions were about to have disastrous results on what little of a relationship they had built to this point.

  Ha! Relationship.

  As if he could even classify what was going on between him and Kylie Prescott as a relationship, but for the life of him, he hadn’t come up with a way to describe it any other way. Only his version was more on the fucked up side of things because lies and vendettas didn’t provide the necessary platform for a relationship, but that’s exactly how Gage had started out constructing this – whatever this was – with Kylie.

  Lies. Deceit.

  God, he was such an asshole.


  His stomach churned painfully.

  If he had had anything to eat in the last twenty four hours, he might be worried he would lose it right here and now. Except Gage couldn’t eat. He couldn’t sleep either. No, he spent most of his time trying to figure out just what the hell he’d gone and done.

  He wasn’t even sure at what point this had seemed like a good idea, but he knew he was past the point of backing out now. His first mistake was obviously getting so caught up with this enigmatic, funny, cute woman over the course of several weeks. And the more time he spent in her company, the more he’d let himself get carried away in some sort of selfish fantasy. One that he suspected would be shattered right along with the rest of his hopes up to this point.


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