Nine Months

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Nine Months Page 12

by Beverly Barton

“Even if we aren’t going to marry, I want to fulfill my obligations.”

  “All right,” she reluctantly agreed.

  He took her to lunch at European Café on Market Street, a three-story renovated brick warehouse decorated with antique carved-oak paneling. They dined on one of the chef’s specialties, filet mignottee “monsieur Louis” and discussed the Lamaze classes they agreed to take together.

  They spent hours at Cherry Creek North, checking out the wonderful boutiques and stopping for a late afternoon dessert at one of the sidewalk cafés strung along First, Second and Third Avenues.

  Jared made every decision. He chose every item for her and the child. As much as she loved having a new maternity wardrobe, she would have enjoyed it more if she’d been able to choose it herself.

  This is what it would be like being married to Jared, she told herself. You aren’t even married to him and he’s already running your life to suit himself!

  They filled the back of the Jeep with boxes of maternity clothes and matching accessories, and Jared made arrangements to have all the items he had purchased for the baby shipped to Grand Springs.

  By the time they arrived at the Brown Palace Hotel on Seventeenth Street in downtown Denver, it was after six in the evening and Paige was exhausted. When the bellhop opened the doors to their suite, Paige’s mouth fell open. Stopping just inside the sitting room, she surveyed the fine antique furniture, lamps and mirrors. She had never seen anything quite so luxuriously elegant outside the pages of a magazine.

  “Take the lady’s bag in there,” Jared instructed the bellhop, then turned to Paige. “Why don’t you go on into your room and take a nap before dinner? I know you’re exhausted. I’m afraid I let you overdo it today.”

  “We’re sharing a suite?” Paige asked.

  “Separate bedrooms,” he reminded her.

  “Oh, yes, of course.” The bellhop opened the door to her room and carried in her small overnight bag. Paige followed, pausing in the doorway to turn and smile weakly at Jared. “I am tired. I think I’ll take a short nap.”

  “Rest as long as you’d like,” Jared said. “I’ve planned a late dinner here in the suite. I thought that would be better for you after such a tiring day.”

  “Yes, thank you. Dinner here would be nice.”

  Once alone in her bedroom, she closed the door and took a deep breath. Even at his best, Jared was the most aggressive, overwhelming, take-charge man she’d ever known.

  Despite wearing low heels, Paige’s feet ached from the hours of shopping. She kicked off her shoes, removed her coat and fell across the four-poster bed. Looking straight up, she gasped when she saw her mirrored reflection staring down at her.

  Scooting off the bed, she glanced around the Victorian-style room while she undressed down to her slip. There was no telling what this suite cost per day, she thought, but then what did it matter to a man as wealthy as Jared.

  She lay on top of the bedspread, nestled her head in the crook of her arm and dozed off to sleep, thinking about Jared. Jared with the mesmerizing green eyes. Jared with the devastating smile. Jared with the hard, lean body. Jared. Jared. Jared.

  * * *

  Jared reclined on the sofa. A half-finished rusty nail on the rocks rested on a coaster atop the coffee table, within arm’s reach. A copy of the Denver Post lay on the floor at his side. He had accomplished a great deal today, far more than just touching base with some potential investors. Of course, his main objective had been to persuade Paige to accept his offer of a maternity wardrobe and a complete layette for Angela. She had protested at first, but then once the shopping bug bit her, she’d been unable to resist temptation.

  What woman could have resisted spending his money? This was the first time in Paige’s life that she’d been able to afford the best of everything.

  After seeing, firsthand, what it could be like as his wife, with unlimited resources, would Paige start pursuing him? Now that he wasn’t begging her to marry him, would she realize that she wanted to accept what he was offering—marriage without love—once she’d signed the prenuptial agreement protecting his assets in case of a divorce?

  The ringing telephone roused Jared from his memories of a pleasant afternoon. He picked up the receiver. “Montgomery. Yes, that’s right. Eight-thirty. No, I don’t want any champagne. I ordered sparkling cider. The lady is pregnant. Just make sure everything is perfect.”

  He glanced at his watch. Seven-fifteen. He hadn’t heard a sound from Paige’s room since they first arrived. In sock feet, he crossed the sitting area, eased open her bedroom door and peeked in. Lying there on her side, in her half-slip and bra, her long red hair spread out across the pale bedspread, Paige looked like a sleeping beauty. Warmly flushed. Soft and delicate. Small, vulnerable and helpless. And sexy as hell.

  He had told this woman he wanted them to be friends, and he did. But he wanted more. Paige had given herself to him once, freely, completely, going wild in his arms. But he now realized that her total abandon with him that night in the elevator had been uncharacteristic behavior for Paige Summers. She wasn’t the type of woman who went around having sex with strangers, and he’d bet his last dollar that he was the only man who’d ever made her lose complete control.

  He knew for a fact that she was the only woman who’d ever made him lose complete control. And that fact scared the hell out of him. He refused to allow anyone to have that kind of power over him.

  Jared’s sex hardened instantly and he cursed himself for wanting Paige. And why this woman, more than any other? What was so damn special about her? He could pretty well have his pick of women—everyone except the woman he wanted most. In every former relationship, no matter how passionate he felt about the lady, he never completely lost control. He made the rules. He said when things started and when they ended. And he’d never been enamored for more than a couple of months at a time.

  But Paige Summers had changed everything. One wild, impetuous encounter with her in a stalled elevator had wreaked havoc on his orderly life. She’d turned him into a crazed lunatic, panting after her, begging her to marry him. And now, when he thought he’d finally taken back control of his life, he found himself longing for her more than ever.

  Easing quietly across the room, he looked down at Paige. Her lush, Madonna-like femininity took his breath away. Her full, round breasts, already enlarged and preparing to nourish his child, strained against the lace cups of her bra. Her once flat stomach now bulged slightly, cradling the baby girl they had created together in their passion.

  Unable to resist the lure of her beauty, Jared sat down on the bed beside her. He ran the back of his hand gently across her cheek. She stirred, sighing deeply, then opened her eyes and smiled.

  “It’s nearly seven-thirty,” he told her. “We’re having dinner in an hour. I thought you might want to freshen up first, maybe even take a bath.”

  She stretched lazily, like a newly awakened kitten, then glanced down at her undressed state. “Oh, I—I—” She crossed her arms over her breasts.

  Jared pulled her hands away, grasped her wrists and lifted her arms over his shoulders as she rose into a sitting position. Her breasts brushed across his chest. She sucked in a startled breath.

  “I’ve seen you in less,” he said. “Don’t be embarrassed.” He found it difficult not to take advantage of their intimacy, not to draw her into his arms and kiss her. But he didn’t dare. If he gave in to his desire for this woman, he’d be lost. And this time, he might not have the strength to regain control. Rising slowly from the bed, he took her hands into his and dragged her across the wrinkled spread. “I’ve ordered a platter of fresh fruit, breads and cheeses. I remembered from our lunches together how much you like that stuff.”

  She knew she should feel uncomfortable standing there in her underwear while Jared discussed their dinner menu, but she didn’t. Somehow it felt natural to be alone with him, in her bedroom and partially undressed.

  “I think I will take a bath and c
hange clothes,” she said. “I feel pretty grimy after all that shopping and then my nap.”

  “Take all the time you need.” Reluctantly he released her hands.

  Before he closed the bedroom door behind him, Paige rushed into the bathroom. She had to escape, had to get away from Jared before she made a fool of herself. No matter how many times she told herself that she couldn’t possibly be in love with a man like Jared, her heart and her body told her the exact opposite.

  She had no control of the sexual attraction she felt for him, the pure animalistic lust that overpowered them both. She didn’t want to love Jared. She’d tried not to care about him. He was arrogant and overbearing, qualities she disliked, but he was also a strong, dependable man with a sense of honor she admired. He might think himself incapable of love. but she knew better. He had shown her how very caring and generous he could be.

  Unfortunately, even with all his millions, Jared lacked the most important thing in the world. Love. And it was obvious to Paige that he was a man greatly in need of love. Perhaps that was why she was so drawn to him on an emotional level, why despite all his faults, she wanted to give him the one thing his money could never buy.

  * * *

  Dinner arrived promptly at eight-thirty. The waiter placed the meal on the table, arranged the small centerpiece bouquet and lit the candles. Jared turned off all the lights, except one table lamp, allowing the candles to create a cosy, comfortable atmosphere. All this scene needed was music, he thought, and remembered the digital clock radio on his nightstand. He flipped hurriedly through the stations until he heard the incomparable strains of a Strauss waltz.

  At precisely eight-forty, Paige entered the sitting room. The sight of her in a dusty rose cotton dress with an empire waist and embroidered bodice took Jared’s breath away. She’d left her hair loose, and the mane of burgundy silk cascaded down her back.

  How the hell was a man supposed to control his baser instincts when he was presented with such a ravishing temptation? He’d been a fool to think that he could spend the night alone with Paige, even in separate bedrooms, and not want to make love to her.

  The moment Paige observed the dimly lit room, the elegant dinner, complete with flowers and candles, her stomach tightened painfully. When she heard the soft, sweet music floating through Jared’s open bedroom door, she halted abruptly.

  “You look lovely,” he said.

  She stared at him. He was smiling at her, damn him. Didn’t he know what his smile did to her? It turned her knees to jelly and set free a hundred tiny butterflies in the pit of her stomach.

  He held out his hand and her instincts told her to flee, to turn around, run back into her bedroom and lock the door.

  Had he set this romantic scene intentionally? If so, why? Had he been lying to her when he’d promised not to pursue her, not to ever again ask her to marry him? Or did Jared have another scenario in mind? Were his motives less honorable?

  But during the next hour, she couldn’t fault his actions in any way. He was the perfect gentleman, engaging her in conversation while they enjoyed the delicious meal. They discussed the legal document Jared’s lawyer had drawn up concerning their child and tentatively agreed to the terms.

  “Are you sure you don’t want your dessert?” Slicing off a piece of the chocolate cheesecake with his fork, Jared coaxed her to take a bite as he waved the sinfully rich concoction under her nose.

  “Don’t tempt me anymore,” she pleaded. “With my inherited tendency to gain weight easily, I could end up looking like a baby whale by the time I deliver. You should see the pictures of my mother when she was expecting me.”

  Jared laid his fork on his plate. “Are your parents upset that we aren’t going to get married?”

  “Mama understands.” Paige wiped her mouth with her linen napkin, then folded it and laid it beside her plate. “Daddy’s another matter. He’s so old-fashioned. He just doesn’t want his unmarried daughter to have a baby and be a single mother. Besides, he likes you. He and Austen think I’m being a foolish female and that I’ll regret not…” She lifted her glass and downed the last drops of chilled water.

  “Do you think that there’s even the slightest chance your father and brother are right?” Jared asked. “Is there a chance that you might regret refusing to marry me?”

  Grasping her folded napkin, she twisted it tightly. “Oh, it’s not just my father’s and brother’s opinion, but Kay’s, too,” Paige admitted. “They all think I’m nuts for not agreeing to marry you. After all, you’re everything a woman could want. Rich, successful, handsome, intelligent—”

  “And your baby’s father.”

  “Yes, and my baby’s father.”

  Jared reached across the table, removed the wrinkled napkin from her grasp and took her hand in his. “Do you think that someday we’ll both regret not marrying?”

  “I honestly don’t know.” Their gazes met and held. Paige’s heartbeat accelerated. “Do you think we will?”

  “Maybe.” He caressed her knuckles with his thumb. “Probably. The first time Angela asks us why we didn’t get married.”

  Tilting her chin, Paige shook her head. Her long, loose hair bounced back and forth across her shoulders. She closed her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip. “You’re determined to name our little girl Angela, aren’t you.” Opening her eyes, she glanced across the table at him and laughed softly.

  God, she looked delectable enough to eat. Her light olive skin all creamy perfection. Her cheeks glowing with healthy vibrance. Her lips moist and pink and inviting.

  Still holding her hand, Jared rose from his chair, rounded the table and drew her up and into his arms. She made no protest, verbal or physical, simply waited for him to make the next move.

  “I think we can dance to this music.” His lips brushed her ear as he whispered to her.

  She responded by placing her left hand on his shoulder and stepping closer into his embrace. Her mind told her that she shouldn’t be doing this. Her heart told her that she should.

  “We’re playing with fire, aren’t we, honey?” Pressing her closer, allowing her to feel his arousal, he lowered his head and pressed his cheek against hers. “I don’t want you to think that I set this evening up to seduce you. I didn’t. At least not consciously.”

  “I believe you.” Laying her head on his chest, she listened to the hard, sturdy beat of his heart. “You’ve been kind and gentle and understanding. You’ve done everything you could to make this day special for me.” She looked up at him at the precise moment he looked down at her. “You can’t help it any more than I can, this insanity between us.”

  “You know how much I want you.” He held her gaze with his as surely as his strong arms held her soft, ripe body.

  “Yes, I know.” She gazed longingly into his eyes. “You want me as much as I want you.”

  “Paige.” He closed his eyes, blocking out the sight of her, willing himself not to lose control. Burying his face in her hair, he breathed in the sweet, fresh scent of her.

  He kissed her throat. She groaned. Holding her in his arms was like possessing a little bit of heaven, but knowing he didn’t dare make love to her was pure hell.

  “We can’t do this to ourselves, honey.” Leaning into her, Jared opened his eyes and brushed his lips across hers. “It’s tearing me apart wanting you the way I do and knowing our making love again is the worst thing we could do to ourselves.”

  “I know. I know.” If he didn’t kiss her—completely, thoroughly—and soon, she thought she’d die from the wanting.

  “You need a man who can love you for the wonderful person you are. I can’t give you that.” He caressed her buttocks. Cupping her firmly, he lifted her enough to fit her femininity against his throbbing sex. “All I can give you is this.”

  His mouth covered hers. She parted her lips, accepting his probing tongue. Easing her hand up the back of his neck, she threaded her fingers through his thick, dark hair and held his head down, encouraging
him to deepen the kiss. The world around them disappeared, replaced by a sensual haze, and the only thing that mattered was getting closer, giving more, taking more and appeasing an insatiable hunger.

  Swooping her into his arms, Jared carried her to the sofa and sat down, holding her in his lap. With great urgency, he unzipped her dress and lowered it to her waist, all the while kissing her, taking her breath away with the frenzy of his caresses.

  She stilled his hands as he eased her bra straps down over her shoulders. “Please, Jared, don’t. I can’t let you make love to me and then later pretend…” She had almost said pretend I don’t love you and that it doesn’t matter that you don’t love me. “We’ve already decided that we aren’t going to get married, so if we make love now, after you’ve spent so much money on me today, it will make me feel as if you’ve bought and paid for me.”

  “Dammit, Paige, you know it isn’t like that!”

  “It would be so easy for me to give in to what we both want,” she admitted. “But afterward, I’d hate myself. And I’d hate you, too.”

  He eased her off his lap and onto the sofa, then stood and glared at her. “Have it your way!” Without a backward glance, he stormed off into his bedroom and slammed the door.

  Paige stumbled as she made her way across the sitting room, a sudden burst of tears almost blinding her. If only things were different. If only Jared loved her the way she loved him. But he didn’t. If only he could accept her for the woman she was and not expect her to change to suit him. But he couldn’t.

  She didn’t dare put herself in a position to be hurt even more. She had given in to her deepest desires once, without considering the consequences. Now she was in love with a man who didn’t love her. And she was five months pregnant with his child.

  Chapter Seven

  “I’m sorry, Paige. I let things get out of hand last night,” Jared told her. “What happened was my fault, and I had no right to get angry with you and storm off the way I did.”

  “It wasn’t all your fault,” she said. “I’m as guilty as you are. There just seems to be this magnetism between us that we can’t resist.”


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