Salvation At Sunset (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 5)

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Salvation At Sunset (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 5) Page 4

by Donalyn Maurer

  When we arrive downtown, Garrett finds a lot to park in. We get out of the truck and stroll hand in hand towards one of the stone staircases that lead down to the river walk and make our way down the steps. It’s not too crowded for this time of the day, but there’s still quite a bit of tourists drinking and taking in the river that’s been dyed green in celebration of Saint Patrick’s Day. For the next couple of hours, Garrett navigates us up and down the river walk all the while never releasing my hand or maybe it’s me that’s not releasing his. Either way we hold hands or he places his hand on my lower back, guiding me through the crowd when we cross through narrow passages. At one point, I lose his touch and I actually feel panicked and whisk around looking for him. I find him, eyes on me but talking to a sidewalk vendor that has stopped him. He reaches out for me, and I quickly walk back to him. When I get within his reach, he pulls me next to his side and I settle in like we’ve been together for years and years. As his warmth fills me, a feeling of calmness overtakes me almost like sinking into a hot tub of water.

  It’s late afternoon and it’s almost dinner time but I don’t want to say goodbye.

  “Garrett, do you have somewhere you have to be or can you stay a while longer?” I ask, trying not to sound too desperate.

  “Bella, I’ll stay as long as you want,” he whispers.

  Goosebumps spread across my skin at his soft reply.

  Forever? My heart begs silently. His heart must hear because his eyes go gentle and he wraps his arms around me and brings his lips down to mine. When they touch, my knees grow weak. My eyes drift closed on a sigh and I fall against him. He takes my weight easily, pulling me closer. I thought this kind of feeling, one where fireworks explode was a myth or just Hollywood. Until now I thought weak knees were just in an exaggeration in old movies but I now know it’s real. Our kiss could last for an eternity and it wouldn’t be long enough. Garrett breaks the kiss and whispers in my ear. “What do you want to do?”

  I shiver from his warm breath, but before I can respond, Garrett’s phone rings. He releases one of his arms around me, still keeping me close with the other and pulls out the phone and looks at the screen.

  “Hang on. It’s Jack.” He kisses my head, drops his other arm ending our embrace and immediately I don’t like it.

  He swipes the screen and answers. After listening for a few moments he says, “Sure, Okay. Nope. Not a problem. I’ll head over now.”

  I can’t help but frown at the news.

  “Rain check?” His tone shows his disappointment as well.

  “Of course. Everything okay?” I force a smile.

  “Water pipe broke in the kitchen. He caught it before it flooded the entire downstairs. The water is off throughout the house, though, and he needs help fixing it. Got to say, I’m not sure I feel great about leaving you alone after those text messages, Bella. You going to be okay?” he asks concerned.

  “My parents live a few blocks over. If anything else happens I’ll probably call them. I can stay there.” What I offer doesn’t appease him so he just keeps his eyes on me, saying nothing and I get the message. “Not probably. I will. If anything else happens I will call and have them come get me.” I vow.

  “Okay, good,” he responds, relieved.

  We make our way back to his truck, and Garrett takes me back home. When we arrive, he walks me to my door. I reach for the screen door but stop when I’m pulled back. Garrett's about to say something but hesitates a few beats. “Can I get your number? I’ll call you in a bit if you want.”

  “Yes, I want.” I smile.

  After we exchange numbers, Garrett draws me in for a kiss that’s so soft and sweet it causes me to melt into him again. He releases me and saunters back to his truck. I go inside and watch from the door as he pulls away before reluctantly closing and locking it. I flop down on my couch and sigh, feeling like part of me is missing now that Garrett is gone. How weird is that? Later that night, my phone chimes and I reach over and grab it. When I see its Garrett, I smile.

  Lunch tomorrow?

  Yes. I quickly reply.

  Pick you up at noon?


  After texting goodnight to Garrett I rush into my closet to pick out an outfit. I try on everything from shorts to summer dresses to jeans, nothing really catching my eye. While flipping through my drawers I run across my high school and college cheerleading uniforms. I pull them out and lay them across the bed. I think back to the days I wore these. Before the incident with Tad, when things seemed so easy. It would never be easy again. Early on in college, I cheered for him during games and the memory makes my stomach twist and turn violently. I gag and rush to my bathroom and turn on the cold water, splashing my face until the feeling passes. Staring in the mirror above the sink, my reflection looks the same but I feel so changed. The carefree girl is gone. I frown and a sob rakes through me as I think back to my friends cheering alongside me, and all the while I had no idea they were going through the nightmares they were. Shouldn’t I have seen their pain? Was I so self-absorbed I didn’t really see them?

  “Bella, you hid it too. No one knew,” I whisper to my reflection. Trying to ease my own pain and guilt. “You know now,” I assure myself.

  I take my uniforms and fold them up and place them back in my drawer then go back and sit on the edge of my bed exhausted. I lie back on my pillows and unbutton and pull off my shorts and crawl under the covers. I close my eyes on a sigh and drift off. When I wake in the morning, I find myself excited again. I pull a pair of low-rise jeans and a tank top out to wear. It’s something I’d wear any old day and I have the feeling Garrett will like it.

  Right on time, Garrett’s truck pulls into the driveway and my heart rate jumps into hyper speed. I squeal in excitement a little as I watch the truck door open. I quickly make my way to the screen door and when I hear Garrett’s footsteps coming up the porch steps my mouth waters. I’m pretty sure I drool when I finally see him. He’s wearing jeans, faded like mine, boots and an old t-shirt.

  Only the screen door is closed and locked and I look at him through the mesh and smile.

  “Hi,” I gush. Garrett is frowning as he looks at the flimsy door. Uh oh. “It’s locked,” I advise him quickly, and his eyes come to mine. “Annnnd,” I draw it out. “I just opened it a few minutes ago when I knew you were close to arriving,” I promise and unlock the screen and usher him in. As he passes me, his body brushes against mine and I let out an inner whimper.

  “Wow, Bella, this is nice,” Garrett compliments as he looks around. “And sorry. I didn’t mean to give you a hard time. Just after yesterday, I worry,” he explains.

  “I know,” I close the screen door and face him. “Please know that I’m not careless. I won’t put myself in unnecessary danger.” I move to stand in front of him. “I promise.” I lean up on my tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek but he turns so our lips meet instead.

  Garrett steps forward so our bodies are flush and lowers his head to deepen our kiss and my knees buckle. Quick as lightning both his arms wrap around me, catching me as my arms lock around his neck never breaking our kiss. Our tongues tasting one another causes a whimper to escape and with nowhere to go, Garrett captures it in his kiss.

  My body rests against his, relaxed. My bones, so tense last night, now feel like jello. My heart is beating steady and strong. My head clear of any worry or fear. I thread my fingers into his thick locks as one of his hands travels to the base of my neck and up into my hair, holding me exactly where he wants. It’s exactly where I want too. Too soon, Garrett slowly breaks the kiss. I’m not sure if it takes moments, hours or days but finally I flutter my eyes open and find Garrett’s hooded stare on me.

  “As much as I’d like to stay here and do this all day, I asked you to lunch,” he grumbles while brushing my hair back from my face. He runs his finger along my cheekbone, then my bottom lip before resting on my chin.

  “If I told you I wasn’t hungry could we stay here and do this some more?” I
ask while I observe his eyes that are watching the trail of his finger. Garrett smiles and his eyes come back to mine. “Because eating is overrated but I assure you this is not,” I explain seriously, but joking as well, and Garrett’s smile turns even brighter. His beautiful white teeth are showing and I feel his body begin to shake with laughter. God, this man is beautiful.

  He gives my forehead a quick kiss and steps back. “We’re definitely going to be doing this again, but for now, let’s eat. Do you need to do anything before we leave?” he probes as he looks me up and down slowly.

  My desire is to rush back into his arms and kiss him again, but instead I point at him and chastise, “You can’t look at me like that and not expect me to attack you.” I shake my finger back and forth and turn to grab my purse from my coffee table. He chuckles and I smile. Things are so easy with him. I feel like I’ve known him forever.

  “You’re right. I apologize,” he laughs. “Let’s get out of here before we can’t,” he growls from behind me. I turn around, ready to suggest again we just stay when he grabs my hand and drags me to the door. “Woman, now you stop.”

  We pull into the large gravel parking lot of a seafood place on the lake called Painter’s. By the time we arrive, the lunch crowd is dwindling so we head out onto the outdoor patio with the hostess leading the way. She starts for a table in the middle, but Garrett points to a table near the edge of the extended patio with the lake below us. She smiles, nods and takes us over there instead. We both take our seats and after handing us our menus she advises us our waitress, Sarah, will be over soon to take our order. I nod and my gaze goes to the scenery. It’s absolutely beautiful.

  “I had no idea this was here,” I admit, still looking at the smooth glassy lake. The only ripples in the water are tiny bubbles randomly popping up from some of the fish below peaking up to the surface.

  “Mrs. Holloway told me about it last night,” he shares then laughs and that gets my attention.

  “What?” I ask. He’s smiling wide again and it takes my breath away. I hope our children get his smile, I think then gasp. My eyes widen and a flush of powerful heat travels across my skin. I know he didn’t hear me, but I’m embarrassed just the same.

  “What?” he inquires, his eyebrows shooting up as he narrows his eyes on me.

  “Nothing,” I glance around the table for water, something, anything but I need a drink. Shoot, no one has taken our order yet. I try to ignore Garrett’s stare, but he’s relentless.

  “What were you thinking, Bella? You just turned red as a lobster,” he teases.

  I sigh then look back at him. “Your smile, it’s beautiful. You’re beautiful,” I admit and he blushes. “Now who’s red as a lobster?” I tease as the waitress finally arrives at our table.

  “Hi, I’m Sarah and I’ll be server, what can I get y'all to drink?” she asks with a smile.

  “Water,” Garrett croaks, and I laugh.

  “We have the most amazing sweet tea and lemonade. Y'all should really try them,” she suggests and I nod.

  “That actually sounds really good. I’ll have water and sweet tea,” I concede. “You want lemonade and we can share?” I ask him, and he nods, coughing again. He briefly smiles at the waitress before turning his attention back to his menu. Sarah's staring at Garrett, jaw dropped and it seems she’s lost her ability to speak.

  “Umm, I’m sorry,” she finally stammers as her eyes reluctantly leave Garrett and come back to me. “Whaaa…”

  “We’ll both have water and one sweet tea and one lemonade. We’ll share.” I manage to hide my giggle but not the humor in my voice. She finally hears me then gives me an apologetic look, and I smile and nod in understanding. Garrett is breathtaking.

  “You okay?” I ask him and he peeks up from his menu, now a little shy.

  “I’m fine and thank you.” He reaches across the table and takes my hands. “You’re the beautiful one though,” he grumbles then briefly reaches up and cups my face. “Do you know what you want?”

  “Oh, I haven’t even looked, but I usually order the same thing anywhere I go when it comes to seafood,” I share, scanning the menu for my favorite and when I find it my mouth begins to water.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t even ask. Do you like seafood?”

  “I love seafood. Love,” I promise. “But I have a favorite I just have to have. Usually I’m eating out with my family and they’ll share what they have or I just steal from their plate,” I confess and Garrett’s eyes widen. “Don’t worry. I won’t steal from yours.” I smile. “Well, I could be lying. It really depends on what you order,” I half tease when I notice his look of surprise. “You?” I should have studied myself while eating. This could be bad, my inner voice warns. Before I start an inner dialogue I tap the crazy down and give Garrett my attention.

  “Not much I don’t like,” he admits and sits down his menu giving me his attention. “Okay, so what’s your favorite?” he probes.

  "I love scallops. I usually order scallops and a loaded baked potato. It fills me up easily, but sometimes I want just a little taste of something else. Not enough to order a giant platter with minimal scallops. That just won’t work.” I purse my lips and shake my head.

  “No. That won’t work.” He smiles and leans back when Sarah comes back with our drinks.

  “I’ll do better this time,” Sarah mutters to me and I laugh softly. “Are you ready to order?” she asks me.

  “Fried scallops and a loaded baked potato.” I order.

  “Perfect.” She smiles then sighs before slowly turning towards Garrett.

  Garrett's watching us and trying not to smile. Good Lord don’t smile at her Garrett. Poor Sarah will lose it all over again.

  When Sarah’s gaze finally reaches him, Garrett quickly looks down giving the girl a break. “Yeah, I’ll have this one.” He points at his selection on the menu.

  “Perrrrfect,” Sarah says breathlessly, and a loud laugh escapes me. I quickly cover my mouth and take a moment to gather myself. “I’ll just get these out of your way.” She reaches down and gathers our menus. “I tried,” she sighs and I laugh again.

  “You did,” I respond as she giggles then walks away.

  “I like Sarah. She has excellent taste,” I tease.

  “Whatever,” Garrett mumbles shyly again.

  “Okay, so what did you order?”

  “You’ll see.” He smiles. “So Bella, tell me more about you.”

  “I was just about to ask you the same thing.”

  “You first. What did you study in school?” he asks as he peels back the paper from one of the straws and sticks it in my sweet tea. He repeats the process and puts one in my water then his own. My lips part at the sweet gesture.

  “I received my BA in political science. I kept it broad. I didn’t really want to commit to a specialty. I always figured I could do that when I work on my master’s degree.” I share then remember the beginning of our conversation when he laughed at himself. “So what were you going to say after you told me Allie’s mom told you about this place?” I stare at him, daring him not to tell me.

  “Ah, well, I had the bedroom door open and well, I may have growled drawing her attention,” he mumbles.

  “Growled,” I laugh. “Why in the world did you growl?”

  “I wanted to look nice for you,” he admits, and looks out at the lake. My heart melts a little at his confession. He was just as nervous as me. “She came in and picked out this shirt and jeans—pretty much the last thing I planned on wearing—and told me to be myself.” He coughs to clear the emotion. “She’s really nice.”

  “She is,” I whisper. “And I did the same thing last night. I tried on so many outfits and finally I just decided on this.” I gesture towards myself. “This is pretty much my every day and I wanted you to see me this way.” I take a deep breath.

  “And you look more beautiful than ever.” He winks and I blush.

  Before we can say anything else, Sarah is back with our ord
ers. Garrett has ordered what has to be the largest platter on the menu. It has every type of seafood I could imagine.


  “This is enough for ten people so take whatever you want.” He offers and I smile at him.

  “Thank you, Garrett,” I whisper, truly touched by the gesture.

  Over lunch, we keep the conversation light as I steal a little of this and that from his plate. I show him how I like to dip my hush puppies in shrimp cocktail sauce and offer him a bite of one of mine. When he tastes it, he mutters his approval and I smile.

  After our plates are cleared, Sarah talks us into the most amazing peach cobbler a la mode. Even though we protested at first, we devoured every last bite. When she drops off the check I want to offer to help pay, but something tells me not to.

  “I’ll leave the tip if you want.” I offer, deciding to take a chance.

  “I don’t,” Garrett growls as he pulls his credit card and sticks it in the binder.

  “But…” I begin, and he pierces me with narrowed eyes.

  “Bella, I asked you to lunch. You’re my guest. I’m paying. Plus, I’ll be honest, I’m the type of guy that is not okay, and will never be okay, if I’m not paying for a date,” he admits.

  I huff and narrow my eyes right back at him. I’m torn between that being slightly chauvinistic and old-fashioned sweet. Sweet wins. “Thank you, Garrett. I really had a good time. But let me ask, what if I ask you out? Do I get to pay?” I challenge.

  “No,” he growls.

  “But…” I try again while laughing.

  “Bella, I don’t date. This is the first date I’ve ever gone on to be honest. I’ve been out with women, but I’ve never asked a woman out like this,” he confesses and I jolt a little in shock. I can’t believe he’s never been out on a date.

  “Listen, when I was in the military I went out, but it was in groups. If I did go out with a woman somewhere, it was usually because she asked and then we met up. I’ve never been to dinner or lunch or even a movie on a date. It never even crossed my mind. When I saw you at Holloway's, it was the first time I ever wanted, not even wanted, needed to see you again and that meant asking.” He smiles. “I would have asked you within the first five minutes if I could have found my voice.” He chuckles. “Okay?”


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