Forbidden Temptation Volume 2 (Taboo Erotica Five Book Bundle) (Forbidden Temptation Taboo Erotica)

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Forbidden Temptation Volume 2 (Taboo Erotica Five Book Bundle) (Forbidden Temptation Taboo Erotica) Page 12

by Anya Merchant

  Tim, Kate, and Marco exchanged a quick series of looks.

  “What the hell have you gotten us into, Tim?” asked Marco. Kate glared at him, and then rubbed Tim’s arm reassuringly.

  “Just sit back and enjoy the ride, Marco,” he said, patting his friend on the back. “Of course at this point, you don’t really have any other choice.”


  As Tim looked round the deck, he spotted some of the staff members of the ship. His jaw almost dropped as they made their way over. They were all gorgeous women, tanned with curvy and luscious bodies. As far as Tim could tell, there was not a single man in the bunch.

  “Hello, I’m Leah,” one of the women said as she stepped forward and introduced herself. “You must be the one that Jarovian told us he would send?”

  Out of all of the women, Leah was the most attractive, by far. She was wearing the same ship uniform as the rest of them, which consisted of a pink bikini top and a long, purple skirt that seemed to billow outwards like hanging flow petals. She had nice breasts, a thin waist, and curvy hips that filled out her body in all the right places.

  “Yeah, I’m your guy,” he said to her with a smile. “For that, and more. My name is Tim.”

  He felt his sister elbow him hard in the side. Leah, just like all of the girls he encountered since undergoing the curse, seemed to flirt with him through her eyes. She stood a couple feet away, and her body language seemed open and inviting. Tim felt his heart pound slightly as he looked at her. For the first time since this had all begun, he had found a girl that seemed naturally beautiful and attractive to him.

  “Nice to meet you, Tim,” said Leah. “If there is anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

  Every one of her words seemed to be punctuated in a way that sent blood rushing to Tim’s dick. They held eye contact for a moment longer, and the tension between them was hot and almost visible. Finally, Leah stepped back to the group of women, and they walked inside the ship. Kate shot daggers at them with her eyes as they left.

  Mathias led the three of them below decks and down several winding hallways. The entire ship seemed to be encased with an almost antiseptic gleam. It felt as though it had been cleaned several times over in anticipation of them, and everything looked new and fresh. As they walked through the main lobby, Tim noticed not one, but three chandeliers hanging from the ceiling at various intervals.

  “How is this possible?” he asked Mathias as they walked. “I have never heard of Manai before, where is the money for a ship like this coming from?”

  “We take advantage of our small profile,” he replied. “There are many among the rich and elite that would prefer an island vacation experience that is a little more nuanced, and hidden from the public eye. They pay top dollar for what we provide.”

  The group turned down another corner. Ahead of Tim was a hallway of identical looking doorways. Mathias stopped in front of one right in the middle.

  “We have cabins that sleep two or three, but I assumed each of you would want a private room,” he said, handing them keycards and gesturing to the doors on either side of the one he was in front of. “Head inside and take some time to get settled, we will be departing very shortly,”

  He walked back the way they had come. After sharing a quick glance with Kate and Marco, Tim inserted his keycard into the doorway and then pushed it open.

  The room was immaculate, and full of everything anyone would expect out of a luxury cruise liner. The three teenagers walked inside, and gaped at the attention to detail that had obviously gone into every corner of the suite.

  “Wow, not too shabby,” said Kate. She walked over to the large, king sized bed, and collapsed backwards onto it. “Hop on, bro, it’s so soft.”

  Tim smiled, and then walked over and sat down on the bed.

  “Yeah it is, I definitely won’t mind sleeping on this tonight,” he said. “If they keep up this treatment when we get to the island, I might have to take my time tracking down this girl.”

  “I’m going to drop my stuff off in my room,” Marco said. He shouldered his back pack and walked over to his room.

  “Tim, we should curl up and watch a movie tonight,” Kate said. Tim noticed that she had slid over right next to him on the bed. Her finger tips began to caress his neck.

  “Uh, I don’t know, sis,” he said to her. It hadn’t been as obvious immediately, but she was under the effect of the curse, too. Tim was beginning to see it more evidently. “I might just turn in early, and get some sleep,”

  “Oh, come on!” She said to him, exasperated. Kate sat up on the bed and hooked her arm around her brother’s, resting her head against his shoulder. “It will be fun. We might even be able to get room service to bring us some wine, if we’re lucky…”

  “Can I get back to you on this later? Like, after I’ve found this Lucia girl and set everything back to normal?”

  “What are you so afraid of, Tim?” Kate’s hand had meandered its way down his chest and came to a rest on his crotch. It was only then that Tim realized just how horny and pent up he was. The sight of the staff girls from before had excited him, and apparently his dick was eager for action, as it quickly began to harden at his sister’s touch.

  “Kate, I don’t think you should…” his words trailed off as his sister began to massage his package. It felt amazing. Her touch seemed to melt his objections away like soft butter.

  “You have such a hard task ahead of you,” she said to him. Her voice had shifted into a tone that Tim had never heard before, soft and seductive. “It’s a very hard task, little bro. Just let your sweet sister help you out a little…”

  Kate began to unzip his pants. Tim felt like he was only half awake. The scene was so unreal, so dreamlike, and he couldn’t bring himself to stop it. His cock stood to attention as his sister pulled it out of his pants. She started stroking it gently.

  “That’s right Tim, it’s okay,” she said to him, drawing her face down closer to his cock. “Just let me work my magic…”

  A knock on the door interrupted them from their reverie.

  “Hey, can you guys let me in?” Marco’s voice could be heard from outside. “The doors lock automatically…”

  Tim snapped back to his senses. He pushed back the face of his beautiful sister and stuffed his cock back into her hands. Kate had a crestfallen look on her face. Tim put his hand on her cheek and kissed her on the forehead tenderly.

  “I love you Kate,” he whispered to her. “Let’s just keep things simple for now.”

  Tim got up and let Marco back into his cabin. A tense and awkward silence settled into the room immediately after he walked in.

  “What, what’s up?” he asked. Kate was blushing fiercely, and Tim did his best to avoid everyone’s eye contact.

  “Nothing, man,” said Tim, after another moment had passed. “Why don’t we all go and explore the rest of the ship?”

  “Good thinking, I’m starving,” said Marco. Kate gave Tim an embarrassed look, and then the three of them walked out of the room and into the hallway.


  They soon discovered that the ship was much larger than any of them had expected. It took them several minutes just to make it back to the lobby full of chandeliers. The ship was like a maze of catacombs, and it was easy to get lost. Everything seemed like it had been designed for a load of passengers a magnitude greater than what it was currently carrying. Eventually, they made their way back out onto the deck.

  The sky had opened up, and the sun was in full bloom. The ship had been out of port for a while, and Tim could only just see a hint of the shoreline behind them. Ahead was nothing but the open ocean, and served as a sobering reminder, to him at least, of the uncharted nature of the journey ahead of him. They walked over to the edge of the deck and looked over the railing at the azure blue waves and sea foam below.

  “It’s nice, isn’t it?” Leah had made her way over and smiled at
the three of them as they gaped at the ocean. “I like the trips we go on with a smaller passenger group. It makes for such a peaceful trip.”

  She was gorgeous, Tim again realized. Her eyes glinted at him like beautiful green gemstones, and at first he could only smile back.

  “Yeah, it is,” he said. “If my entire journey is going to be like this, I might as well start calling it a vacation.”

  A shadow passed across Leah’s face, and for a moment, she was quiet. She leaned against the railing next to Tim and put her hand on top of his.

  “I hope your entire journey is like this, Tim,” she said to him somberly.

  Another moment went by in silence. Then Marco took a step back, and sighed loudly.

  “I need to get some food! Can we get to the dining room, already?” he asked.

  “Yes, of course,” said Leah. “We’ve already had lunch, but there should still be some left down in the kitchens. Most of our dining staff is back on Manai…”

  “Thanks, Leah,” said Tim. Her hand was still on top of his, and he squeezed it encouragingly. Her face broke out into a beautiful smile, and she returned the gesture. Tim let the moment hang on the air, and then a thought popped into his head.

  “So did the old man command you guys to come out and pick us up?” he asked. “It seems weird that someone with so much authority would be working in a dingy prop shop…”

  Leah shook her head. “Jarovian did many great things for the islanders while he was in power. Just because he has been exiled does not mean that the people of Manai hold no love for him.”

  Her response only seemed to raise more questions in Tim’s head than it answered. He looked to Marco, who seemed oblivious to anything other than the possibility of food, and then to Kate, who seemed like she was pouting over Leah being present.

  “Why is everything concerning this man and his daughter explained to me and such a cryptic way?” he asked. “You’d think that he would want to explain the whole story to the one tasked with her rescue…”

  “She is not just his jewel, but our nation’s…” said Leah. “I really don’t know if I should be telling you this, all things considered, but I mean that literally. Lucia is the royal princess of Manai, by birthright, and Jarovian is our former ruler, now in exile.”

  It made perfect sense, but hearing it said out loud gave Tim pause. None of this was anything he could take lightly. This would not be an easy task. Tim’s mind began to race with questions, and he couldn’t stop himself from asking the most pressing one to Leah.

  “Why did he send me?” he said. “What do I have to do with anything?”

  As she opened her mouth to answer, Mathias walked over to the group. He was dressed in much finer garb than they had last seen him in, and held a large drink glass with a colored straw in one hand.

  “How are you enjoying the accommodations?” he asked them. “The three of you are our guests of honor, I hope you know.”

  “Everything had been wonderful,” Tim replied. “We were just on our way to the dining hall to get some food,”

  “Just rest for now, we will be having a celebration tonight. A feast will be provided, along with entertainment. Authentic Manai dancing and cooking, we owe it to ourselves to give you a true taste of our culture.”

  Tim looked over at Kate and Marco and saw that they were just as clueless as he was.

  “We appreciate that, but just what have we done to deserve all of this?” he asked.

  “It’s not what you’ve done, but what you will do,” Mathias replied. “And more importantly, who you were sent by. I have a couple more preparations to take care of, for now just rest, and we will send for you when the festivities are primed to begin.”

  Mathias turned and walked back towards the door he had come from, followed by Leah.

  “Well, we might as well see what else we can find on this thing,” Tim said. “I see no reason not to enjoy their hospitality.”

  Tim led his friends up a flight of stairs and onto one of the upper decks. He was greeted with a sight that made all of their spirits instantly lift up.

  “A pool!” cried Marco.

  “Not only that, but there is a waterslide, and a fountain!” said Kate.

  Tim took a moment to bask in the reality of the situation. It wasn’t going to be easy, finding Lucia and bringing her back. But at least it was providing him with some interesting sights and situations along the way.

  One of the female staff members was seated behind a counter to the side, and when she saw them eyeing the pool, she called them over and provided them with swimming suits. They were adorned with patterns similar to the one they had seen Leah wearing before, and the three of them made their way to the locker rooms and quickly changed into them.

  When they were back up on the top deck, Tim caught sight of his sister and had to work to keep his jaw from dropping. He noticed that she was having a similar effect on Marco.

  “Dude, I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this before, but your sister is-“

  “Shut up, Marco,” Tim said, cutting him off. He couldn’t disagree with the assessment, however. Kate’s already large tits seemed like they wanted to pop right out of the fabric of the top, and the bottom of the bikini clung to her hips and rear in a way that made amazing use of her curves.

  “Let’s do this!” called Kate as she made her way over.

  They jumped into the pool and spent a while playing games in the water. It was relatively deep, at least compared to what Tim had expected, and they took turns doing cannon balls off the side. After about an hour, they made their way back onto the deck, right as one of the female staff members was on the way over.

  “It’s almost time for the dinner celebration,” she said to them. “Will the three of you be joining us?”

  “Of course,” said Tim. “Trust me, if there is going to be food and dancing, you need not even ask.”


  Tim, Marco, and Kate made their way back to their rooms. More clothing had been laid out for them on their beds, light island shirts and shorts for the men and a nice summer dress for Kate. They met up in the hall after they had all changed.

  “I am officially starving,” said Marco. “I hope their food is up to par with the rest of their hospitality,”

  “There’s only one way to find out,” said Tim.

  They made their way back to the chandelier lobby. Leah was waiting for them there.

  “Our guest of honor!” she said, greeting Tim with a hug. He could hear Kate releasing a frustrated sigh as he wrapped his arms around Leah. Her breasts were soft, and pushed up against his chest as they hugged.

  “I am your guest, but not so honorable, I think,” he said to her. She still had her arms around him, and he could feel heat spreading through his body.

  “I wouldn’t mind discovering more about that later tonight,” she whispered into his ear. They broke their embrace, and Tim glanced back at her sister. The angry look plastered on her face left no ambiguity over whether or not she had heard the last comment.

  Leah led them out onto the main deck. Only a sliver of the sun’s orange glow could be seen on the edge of the horizon. The staff had set up a small stage, and several long tables, on each of which was a large variety of exquisite looking food.

  “Finally,” groaned Marco. “I thought I was going to starve at sea,”

  “That would be a tragedy, indeed,” mocked Tim.

  Mathias was standing in front of the stage, and gestured for them to grab plates as they approached him.

  “Eat up, my friends,” he said. “The festivities will begin shortly.”

  Tim helped himself to a plate of food. There was a table full of coconut gourds, and he helped himself to one of those as well. He took a sip of the liquid inside, and was slightly surprised to taste alcohol.

  “I wonder if they know that we’re all under 21?” he asked Kate, with a grin plastered on his face.

  “Well, we’re over 18, and I think we’re techn
ically in international waters at this point,” she said, grabbing a coconut for herself. “We might as well enjoy.”

  After they had grabbed their food, the three of them sat down at one of the tables in front of the stage. None of the staff seemed to be joining them, at least not at the tables, and Mathias seemed to be busy directing people around. It left the three of them to be the sole guests of the ship, with no illusions otherwise.

  They ate their food and enjoyed themselves. For all intents, it seemed as though they were at a nice restaurant, and they took advantage of the hospitality provided, sampling the wide variety of dishes and eating their full. After a couple of minutes, Leah walked out onto the stage. She was in an elaborate costume. Her dress was made of feathers, gems adorned a skimpy top which only managed to just barely cover her bountiful breasts, and her arms and stomach had patterns drawn on them with glitter encrusted body paint. She stood still for a moment, staring at the ground, and then music began to play.

  Leah started dancing. A spotlight beamed down onto her from one of the higher decks. She smiled broadly, and swung her hips around, slowly and sensually, to the beat of the music. Her breasts bounced as she moved, and Tim couldn’t take his eyes off her. She walked toward the end of the stage and leaned forward, giving the audience of three a generous view of her cleavage. One of her arms extended out towards where they were sitting, and with one finger she beckoned for Tim to come up on stage. He gathered himself out of his seat, did his best to hide his growing erection, and made his way over.

  As he walked up the steps and onto the stage, Leah faced him, and began to dance close to him. She brushed her butt against his crotch with her gyrating movements. He could feel his erection throb in rhythm with the music. She turned towards him, and their eyes locked together. Tim couldn’t help himself. He reached out and grabbed her around the waist, and brought her body against his. She smiled, and wrapped her arms around him.


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