BBW ROMANCE: Taming my Alpha Dragon (BBW Alpha Male Shape Shifter Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Science Fiction Fantasy Short Stories)

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BBW ROMANCE: Taming my Alpha Dragon (BBW Alpha Male Shape Shifter Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Science Fiction Fantasy Short Stories) Page 8

by Raeden West

  “Ahhhh! My breathing is escalating out of control…”

  “Ahhh! Ahhh! I think you’re going to cum!”


  “Cum, cum in me!”

  “What does that mean?”

  He didn’t feel any release imminent but she sure started losing all control of her limbs. Amy shifted back and forth, her pussy swallowing up more of his hard cock while her breasts bounced. The sight of her convulsing breasts drew him nearer and he sucked her big erect nipples again, feeling another pang of passion.

  “Ohhhh God! Oh fuck!”

  “What is fuck?”

  “Ohhhh fuck! Fuck!” Amy screamed, grabbing his head and pushing it deeper in between her sweating breasts.

  “Oh God! Prince, you’re going to make me cum.”

  “What do you mean? I thought I was going to…”

  “Nooo! Women can cum too!”


  “Like this!” she screamed, her face shaking and heaving as if death had come over her. Her body vibrated and her legs squeezed his hips with every bit of muscle she had. Everywhere went tense—even her pussy hole seemed to clench his cock tight, wrestling with it, and daring it to explode.

  “Ohhhh I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” she screamed, unleashing a tidal wave of lubricant all over his dick.


  He wasn’t sure what happened, but the intensity of feeling a beautiful woman wet herself and transfer that energy to him was enough to make him lose all control.

  He felt his pelvis quaking and his aching hard member become even more incensed—like it was imploding from the inside. “Ohhh…I think this is it,” he said, taking in a big inhale. “Ohhhh this is too much. I can’t…I can’t hold it anymore…”

  Prince Radiant grabbed Amy’s tummy and throttled her body with hip shaking power. He cried out to the ceiling, his eyes shutting in agony, and his sweat dripping fast. He couldn’t stop squeezing Amy’s body—so lustily craving her touch, so madly desiring to possess her shape, to fondle her every crevice.

  “Ohhh it’s coming out!”

  “Yessss!” Amy screamed, widening her legs so he could shoot more volume out—as much as the big boy needed to.

  “Ohhhhh!” he screamed, watching his penis shaking and firing away loads of semen into her hole, each spurt feeling like a death wound that robbed him of all energy and will.

  “Aahhhh!” he cried again, still rapid-firing cum into her, staring at her wet pubic patch—another sight that caused him to summon up more volume in pure, uninhibited expulsion.

  “Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!” Amy sang in thanks, feeling those monstrous sperm cells clobber her egg, and for sure impregnating her in a hurry.

  “Oh Amy,” the Prince gasped. “What did we go? That was…intense.”

  The Prince was still hard, but gradually weakening. He felt awkward and decided to pull his still leaking cock out of her snatch, eyeing her wetness in curiosity. Such strange organs the humans had. But his species had the same. Why did they suppress it and switch over to automated procreation? It literally seemed as if they just wanted to deprive themselves of the joy of love—the act of lovemaking.

  “Oh Jesus,” Amy said. “I can feel it…I already feel…weird. I’m going to have a baby.”

  “Do you have the consent you need now?” the Prince asked with a smile.

  “Yes. But…you are taking me home?”

  “Well…” the Prince sighed. “Not exactly. After committing this unnatural and illegal act, I’m probably going to be barred from the empire. Just the surveillance footage alone would incriminate us.”

  “Ohh…” Amy said with a nervous grin. “Accidental sex tape star.”

  “So…I take it alien-human relationships are not accepted on earth, either?”

  “No, not really.”

  “Then it looks like we’re going to have to search for another solar system that’s friendly to our kind of love.”

  Amy smiled. The man was so clueless and charming about all matters of love. Love didn’t happen overnight. Not even a baby together could create love by force. But maybe her hard cynicism could be cured by the Prince’s earnest and logical devotion. She knew, as she stared into his excited eyes, that the man was a good catch. Kind, powerful, naïve and yet unpretentious in every way—even while rejecting all male stereotypes with prejudice. He was also hung like a space probe.

  Amy wasn’t sure what the future held. But as long as she could have a baby with him, her knight in shining armor, her intergalactic savior, somehow tomorrow seemed much more hopeful than yesterday.


  Chosen by the Alien Shifters

  Chapter 1

  Dawn Lewis was a curvy, busty Black woman who had a college degree in woman's studies. She didn't realize when she got her degree, that there wasn't going to be a lineup of jobs available when she was fresh out of college. She had finally gotten a job and worked at a suicide hotline as a counselor, and after a year of working there she felt like maybe it was time to move on. Not that she minded helping people who wanted help, but many of the people who called in just wanted to hear themselves talk. She knew that was a horrible thing to think in her head, but it was true.

  She was thinking of going back to school. Get a degree in something she could use to get a job. Or maybe find a husband, or both also could be nice. A husband and a better job. She wasn't sure yet exactly what she wanted to do, but if she had to be nice to one more depressed person on the phone she was going to snap. While she occasionally got someone who actually was serious and needed help, most of the people who called in just wanted attention. To have someone talk them down, and make them feel better about themselves. It just got old sometimes. She wasn't sure if she actually made a difference in anyone's life, and she often felt like she was wasting her time and energy on people who didn't even care.

  She knew it was insensitive and her feelings were keeping her from doing the job as well as she could. It’s why she felt it was time to move on. Let someone else take her place who had the energy and positive emotions to counsel the people who needed it. She was jaded. She was tired.

  Thinking that her day couldn't get any worse, her car broke down on the way home on an isolated street in the middle of nowhere. She lived out in farm country about thirty minutes from the city. It was cheaper out here, but it smelled like cow poop. Sighing, she got out of her car and walked to the front. Using her phone as a flashlight, she lifted the hood of her car. It was hissing and steaming and had overheated. She wasn't sure exactly what to do. She had some bottled water in her car, and she went back to get it when a bright flashing light blinded her. Covering her eyes, she looked up thinking it was a helicopter.

  The next thing she felt was a dart in her neck and seeing the ground coming towards her face as she fell forward into the mud paralyzed. Her eyes shut, but she could hear men talking. If she could have moved or screamed, she would have been fighting back for her life and completely panicking.

  "She's rather pretty isn't she?" A tall White man with blond hair leaned over her unconscious body and picked her up like she weighed nothing.

  "Get her on the ship before she wakes up and can struggle. We need to get back to our home planet before they know we are missing. If we are going to prove we can find females and reproduce with them to save our species, we need to get moving." The black haired man said and gave the other man a shove towards the ship.

  "You worry too much. It's all going to work out fine. What could go wrong?" The blond man grinned at him, but quickly walked aboard the ship.

  Dawn could feel her body being carried like a rag doll, and in her mind she was thinking about all the ways things could go wrong. Like her cutting off their balls when she finally gained back her ability to control her limbs. She was not a brood mare, and this weird situation where it sounded like they were aliens talking about spaceships had her completely freaked out.

  She wished she could see them. What if they we
re complete monsters?

  Chapter 2

  Dawn woke up a few hours later. She was in a dimly lit room on a bed. There was a white table and two chairs in there, and nothing else. The bed had a blanket and pillow, but it reminded her of a prison room.

  She could wiggle her toes and fingers and move her head, so she tried to sit up. She was dizzy for a moment, the drugs they'd given her finally wearing off. She walked over to the door and expected it to be locked. Instead, when she approached the door it slid open when she turned the knob letting her leave.

  Okay, so not a total prisoner. They apparently were either very stupid or didn't see her as a threat. Walking down the long and twisted hallways, she finally ran into one of the men who'd taken her earlier.

  He was almost seven feet tall and besides slightly pointy ears and purple eyes, he looked human. His blond hair was a golden honey color, and when he smiled at her he had regular human looking teeth.

  "What are you?" she asked him, shocked.

  "I am called Uth. My brother, who you will meet shortly, is called Brog. We are Nalids. Shapeshifters. Our other selves are demonesque in nature, red and black, with sharp teeth. Don't piss Brog off. He likes any excuse to shift and scare people," Uth told her, grinning at her. Then he reached out to touch her hair.

  Dawn stepped back, confused. Shapeshifters? Aliens? What is going on? She must be completely losing her mind.

  "We mean you no threat. Come, let's walk and talk. I'll take you to the pilots’ room and we will try to explain everything to you," Uth told her and linked his arm through her own, not really giving her a choice.

  Dawn reluctantly let him lead her to what she was sure was her own destruction and then stood in awe when she entered the room after he pressed a button. It looked like something right out of Star Trek, a big command room with a large window looking out into space. And it was very clearly the middle of space. There were no planets, just stars and endless blackness as far as the eye could see.

  Feeling sick, she stumbled and tried to breathe, having a panic attack.

  "It's okay. Shh. We don't plan on eating you or harming you if you cooperate," Uth told her, and rubbed her back gently, his expression changing to one of mild concern.

  "Don't make promises you can't keep, Brother. I like my sex rough," Brog joked, and then stood up to stand in front of Dawn. He was as tall as his brother, but where Uth was fair, Brog had red eyes and black hair, though his skin was the same pale White. He also had pointy ears.

  Besides their tall stature and slight differences, they could easily pass for humans. If they were at a comicon, they'd blend right in. Shaking her head, she almost started to laugh to herself. Realizing that she felt like this was some horrible weird dream, an expression of wanting change in her life, and her mind trying to tell her to get out while she could from her day job.

  She pinched herself hard enough to make her say ow, and both brothers exchanged looks and then looked at her.

  "Are you addled girl?" Uth asked her, walking over to her and looking at her arm.

  "I'm fine. I was just making sure I wasn't dreaming. It's something we humans do, don't worry about it," she muttered to him, feeling silly suddenly. "So tell me more about why I'm here. You said you would."

  Brog opened his mouth to talk, then snapped it shut and shrugged at Uth.

  "We come from a planet where we have more males than females. We fight to the death, often over females, and it's causing our females to reject many of our males. They don't like being fought over. We figured if we could find more females and prove we could have children with them, we'd find a way to save our race. You're our test subject," Uth told her.

  "Wait a minute. What if I don't want to be a test subject?" Dawn said, apprehension rolling up her spine.

  Brog leered at her, giving her a look that had her recoiling back in fear.

  "Well, while I'm not interested in forcing my females, Brog's not above doing whatever's needed to get the job done." Uth shrugged and gave her a look that said he wasn't joking. "If you get my drift."

  "I get your drift, I just don't like it. Any chance of me going back home?" she asked quietly, wanting more than ever to just go home. "And what if we can't have a child together because our DNA isn't compatible or something?"

  "No, you can't go back home. Your planet is primitive, and we can't have you sharing stories about us. You'd start a panic on your world. We'd end up selling you on the galaxy slave market. I'm sure we'd get a good price for you. You're young, healthy, and quite adorable for a human."

  "Thanks, I think." Dawn realized she didn't know what would end up happening to her, but she felt safer with Uth than she did the with the unknown of a slavers market. "Why me?"

  "I found you hot. We used a DNA scanner to find a woman of child bearing age, in a remote location, with specific genetic traits I feel would benefit my offspring. You fit the bill and were just in the right place at the right time. Lucky girl," Uth grinned at her and patted her arm.

  "This is completely insane," Dawn said. "You don't even know my name!"

  "Do you want us to call you by your Earth name?" Uth asked her, seeming like nothing offended him.

  Dawn could feel the way Brog watched the interaction between the two of them, almost like he was a spectator waiting for his chance to join in and wreak havoc. It unnerved her. Uth was attractive in his own way, but Brog was the one she was worried about.

  "Dawn, my name is Dawn," she told him and sighed, crossing her arms defensively. "Do you even have the means to feed me or give me water maybe?"

  "We have both, yes. Relax, Dawn. We are fully prepared to take care of you while you gestate our offspring," Uth told her and patted her arm before walking over to look at Brog pointing out something on the screen.

  "This is ridiculous, do I not even get a say in this?" Dawn said, but the feeling of doing anything to survive kicked in. She knew if it was between sex and fighting for her life to survive, sex was the lesser of two evils.

  "As I said before, I will give you a chance to adjust to me. Brog on the other hand is not as patient. So I suggest you bring yourself to terms with this, so you can mate with us both. We do not care whose offspring you are pregnant with. We just need to prove it's possible for a human to reproduce with our kind. We can then petition our leader to bring more females to our planet," Uth told her and then ignored her.

  Dawn explored the room while the two men talked and plotted the course home. She could feel Brog's eyes on her, and it mildly creeped her out. She didn't know what she was going to do about this, but she felt like she was losing her mind.

  They might not call her a slave, but that's basically what she was. She was nothing to them but a cow being lead to the slaughter, or in this case, a brood mare. Something to use, get a benefit from, and discard if their plan failed.

  She had no way of getting back to Earth. So, she made the decision to deal with the hand that had been dealt her, and move forward trying to make plans to just survive. She didn't want to die, or be harmed.

  This situation sucked. It made her regret all the bad feelings she'd had about her job. If only her car hadn't overheated.

  Chapter 3

  "I want her first," Brog told Uth, and offered him his arm to wrestle for her.

  "I don't care either way, if you really feel that strongly about her. But you're a savage beast when it comes to females. Not all females can handle your amorous attentions. She's human. She's not even as strong as our kind," Uth pointed out. "Maybe it would be better if we shared her the first time, and you controlled some of your passions to keep from breaking her. We just need to get her pregnant."

  Brog pouted for a moment, but then shrugged. He was not understanding his desire to fight for the girl. She was human. She wasn't a fighter or a warrior. He didn't see her appeal, yet his demon side wanted him to fight for her. Something about her tickled his demon and he wanted her. He didn't want to admit the truth to Uth. His brother would give him crap about i
t being the mating bond, which was a myth in their culture. He'd never met anyone who'd actually been mate-bonded. As far as he knew, it was just a rumor to scare their males into avoiding intimacy and reproducing with as many females as they could instead of falling for just one. It also encouraged their females to mate as often as they could to find their mate-bonded male.

  Their females were as savage and vicious as they were. Their demon sides were often larger than then the male counterparts, and often even nastier in nature. Brog was a beast. He knew it, but he liked being in control and didn't want to deal with a female of his own kind challenging him during a courtship all the time. That was the only reason he'd agreed to Uth's plan to see if human females were compatible.

  His brother may have picked Dawn, but from the moment he saw her he knew she was trouble. He didn't know why yet, but whatever happened was going to blow up in their faces, even if Uth was oblivious to it.

  "Shall we attend to her tonight?" Uth asked casually, not seeming nearly as interested in mating with her as he had originally. Now he sounded all business like, and it irritated Brog. It had been his idea. If they were going to do this, he needed to be all in.

  "Let's give her one more day to settle in before we push her," Brog said. He was not sure why he even cared about her feelings, but he realized he wanted a chance to speak to her alone without Uth there. Before they dominated her body together, and took what they wanted from her. She deserved that much.

  Tracking her down and leaving Uth in charge of the ship, he found Dawn in one of the bigger rooms with a larger bed. Uth had moved her so they could have more room when the time came. He walked in and stood near her. Looking down at her, his gaze was slightly menacing and he made her incredibly nervous. She jumped off the bed and fidgeted nervously as she looked at him.

  "What do you want?" She asked him nervously. Uth didn't scare her. She didn't feel like he cared about her, but at least he didn't make her nervous or feel threatened anytime he was in the same room with her.

  Brog hovered near her, not quite touching her, but she could feel his body heat. It had her feeling flushed and like the room was suddenly too small.


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