BBW ROMANCE: Taming my Alpha Dragon (BBW Alpha Male Shape Shifter Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Science Fiction Fantasy Short Stories)

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BBW ROMANCE: Taming my Alpha Dragon (BBW Alpha Male Shape Shifter Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Science Fiction Fantasy Short Stories) Page 38

by Raeden West

  And that’s when it hit her. The doctor was wrong. Maybe I do want to get married. But who says I want to marry just the average, everyday guy? Maybe I just want to marry an alien!

  The thought seemed so novel, so truthful and ecstatic, or at least it did when she first woke up. The more she thought it over while fully awake, the more silly the bit of wisdom sounded. So what does that mean? Men were the only option. And sadly, all the good men were taken. All that was left was the refuse. The cheating marrieds. The psychopathic. The momma’s boys. The alcoholics, drug addicts and socially retarded. Maybe it’s just time to go back to sleep, she thought.

  Then, just as she lay back down, she got a glimpse of it. A figure standing outside by her window. Dark, perfectly still and apparently quite fixated. And those eyes…larger than life!

  Was she hallucinating? Or was this a dream come true?

  Chapter II

  Jeri spent the next several minutes pinching herself, and talking aloud, making sure she was still awake. Then she looked at the window again…but the presence was still there. The eyes were alarming but not feral. She couldn’t quite make out the visitor’s features because of the darkness outside. But the longer she looked, the more obvious it became that something was there and it wasn’t leaving.

  “I…I see you,” she said shyly. “If you’re real, please speak to me. And I so hope you’re not just a delusion of mine. I’m not that crazy am I?”

  The presence started to back away, eventually disappearing into the darkness.

  “No! Wait!” Jeri hopped up and ran to the window, seeing nothing. What the hell was that? She was awake; she had that wide-eyed conscious feeling of being awake, along with all the real world anxiety that was definitely absent in dreamland.

  She opened and the window and looked up.

  Just as she did she began to focus on a light. A light that shined increasingly brighter the more she stared into its blinding rays. Whatever this was, it wasn’t normal. It wasn’t rational. Maybe not even safe. But caught in between a nothing existence on Earth and some paranormal experience without limitations, she decided to do the only thing she was capable of doing.

  Hold the stare. Keep looking into the light. She would blind herself if necessary. But nothing was going to stop her from looking and from dreaming.


  Jeri woke up gradually, still seeing the light but this time seeing it from a limited vantage point. In fact, she was immobile, strapped down onto an operating table with multiple metal bars holding her arms and legs down.

  Her mouth was un-gagged, thankfully, and she still felt clothed. Was she in a hospital? Was she slowly going crazy?

  “Hello?” she said in trepidation. “Doctor? Are you there? Am I imagining all of this?”


  “Who’s there?”

  A doctor of sorts stepped out from the shadowed place of darkness and into minimal light, only partially revealing himself. He was human-like, but definitely not the usual man that Jeri had disdained for quite some time now. He had a strong built, looked to be over seven feet tall, and a slightly pale blue complexion. But most of all, his eyes that captivated her attention. They were unnaturally large, not like alien autopsy large, but like a cartoon. Just big enough to seem unnatural but not enough to scare her. In fact, as the being began to speak, she felt an eerie sense of calm come over her.

  “Can you understand me?”

  “Yes. What…who…where…”

  “I’m sorry for the confusion. I am Primordeus. That is not my name, but it’s something close to what you are able to pronounce.”

  “Whoa. Is this…are you trying to tell me…?”

  “That’s right. You’ve won the human impregnation lottery. Surprise.” The being didn’t smile but seemed strangely stoic and emotionless.

  “Umm, if you’re going to say ‘surprise’ you should probably act all happy and stuff.”

  “Ah, I see. Yes my peers did warn me that your species is very expressive.”

  “Well, compared to what? Are you for real? You’re really an alien?”

  “You people seem to love using the word ‘alien.’ It does not translate well to our language. We are all beings of different planets and cultures. We would use the term ‘invader’ or ‘visitor.’”

  “Sorry,” she answered in sarcasm. “I don’t really understand visitor etiquette. But for one, my species doesn’t appreciate being bound and strapped to a table!”

  “Surprise.” The creature twitched his human-like lips and tried to smile, leading to a horrifying result.

  “Okay, now you’re just creeping me out.”

  “Sorry for the inconvenience. But since you won the lottery, you must submit to experimentation. That’s just what you would call common sense.”

  “What? So what, just like in all the TV shows? You’re going to kidnap me and experiment on me?”

  “Your wording is strange. We are not kidnapping you. We are taking you on a Caribbean Adventure.”

  “Caribbean? What?”

  “Apologies. We scanned some of the information available on your ‘internet’ and attempted to integrate modern colloquialisms of how American females speak and put it into our English translating program.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s the same way you humans describe a vacation. You are not being kidnapped to go on a cruise. You win a cruise. So it is in this situation. You have won our lottery and will be impregnated as a reward.”

  “Whoa, wait, wait, wait! Slow down, mister. I think you’re missing an important part of the puzzle here. We human females require consent before just being filled up with seed.”

  “Consent? You mean as in borrowing a vehicle that doesn’t belong to you?”

  “Yes. This body is my vessel. So you need permission to board.”

  “Special access to genital quarters?”

  “Sort of, yeah!” Jeri said anxiously, still very aware she had no power and was strapped down to a table apparently in a spaceship somewhere in the sky.

  “What if I ignore your request and just impregnate you? Would this be offensive to your species?”

  “Yes! Then it’s rape.”

  “I don’t have an understanding of that word.”

  “You know. When a person forces another person to do something.”

  “As if forcing someone to laugh or to feel pleasure?”

  “No, the opposite. Forcing someone to feel pain or humiliation. Or to make them feel powerless.”

  “We don’t have any concept of this on our planet. We do not surprise each other with painful experiences only for self gratification. The only thing comparable to your analogy would be the way we treat our plants.”

  “Well, that sounds like a great world you have there,” Jeri said with a smile. “But in the interest of diplomacy will you release these straps and let me sit up and think about this vacation that I’ve won?”

  The being remained silent. “Very well. I’ve sent a request to headquarters. They answered and said in the interest of diplomacy we will allow you to direct the impregnation process. Just be aware that if you go against standard protocol the experience could be painful.”

  Jeri sighed. “You asked them during that span of one second?”

  “Five seconds, when dropping the fractions. My studies on human beings reveal that your species seems to dislike details and fractions of equations.”

  “I guess so. So please then?”


  The alien motioned with his hand, which promptly resulted in removing the bars and allowing Jeri to sit up. She was still clothed in a t-shirt and black pants.

  “I still haven’t decided if I want you to impregnate me.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well! Maybe it’s different for you. But having someone’s baby on earth is a very important experience. I have to know the guy…or being…to make that kind of decision.”

  “But you have a chance to macro-
evolve. Our superior DNA when crossed with your DNA could produce a powerful child, physically and mentally. He would easily become a world leader of your planet.”

  “Yeah but that’s the thing. We don’t really see life that way. We all seem to enjoy being equal. No one’s superior to anyone else. Our leaders are elected, not made.”

  “Ah, I see.” The alien thought it over. “What about you personally? You don’t have the desire to produce an offspring? Our research studies strongly indicated females had the inherent desire to procreate.”

  “Well not all females, no! This female, well…yeah, I’ve thought about it before. But it takes a lot of introspection? If you know what that word means.”

  “I admit, I am perplexed. Practically every species we have encountered across the last two galaxies has been excited to win this opportunity. We selected you out of four and a half million beings.”

  “Based on what?”

  “Random selection. That’s what makes it…‘fun’ according to your colloquialisms.”

  “Ah. So I was randomly selected. Not chosen because of any of my quirks or good qualities.” Jeri frowned and folded her arms.

  “You are showing gestured of indifference. Does this not please you?”

  “No, it doesn’t. That’s the problem, Mister Primeivalmordius or whatever your name is. Every guy I meet chooses me randomly. Just because I’m a woman and I fulfill his needs. But nobody ever appreciates the real me. And the guys I really do like, they end up friend-zoning me because I’m not super skinny like all their movie stars.”

  “Friend zone? We did pick up on this word from our scan of colloquialisms used on your Internet. Are you saying none of these Earth males want to reproduce with you because of your emissions of negative pheromones?”

  “Something like that. I just want to meet someone that likes me for me. Likes my body and likes my mind. But I guess that’s just impossible to ask past the age of thirty.”

  “The word ‘like’ confuses me. I like you. We all like you. That is why we are giving you this reward. What other type of like is there?”

  “Do you think I am sexy?”

  “You mean able to reproduce?”

  “No! You know, like romantic?”

  “You mean the physical lusts of your species. Many years ago our species became overpopulated, to the point where we had to deactivate the lust the primal lust of the males, since they were producing too many children to care for. Ever since then we have found that creating children via scientific and hygienic means is the more efficient approach.”

  “So…you don’t like the whole intense, animalistic rage. The tearing off of clothing. The grunting and screaming?”

  The being’s skin turned an odd shade of violet, as if he were blushing. “The thought is curious. But we are civilized beings. We don’t engage in that painful behavior, as I explained.”

  “But painful and rough isn’t all bad. It just depends if I give you permission.”


  “Yeah. Like, say, if I gave you permission to do anything you wanted to do to me, what would you do?”

  Jeri stared at the being and smiled, looking at its inhuman but visually stunning eyes. Just watching Primordeus and the way his body expanded and then decreased as he took breaths, was an intense experience. He was definitely not manly, but meta-human-esque. His muscles were huge and his power unquestionable. She had to wonder for just a moment how big his…

  “I can tell you right now,” the being said, reading her mind. “My organ is one base unit.”

  “Oh…” she said blankly.

  “But your equivalent of twelve inches.”

  “Wow!” she tittered away.

  “As I said, I fear it would be too big.

  “Well, you know, bigger is not always so bad.” She smiled, eyeing the being who was suddenly sending out some strong pheromones, since his voice was becoming softer and deeper in tone. “What kind of female do you find attractive? Someone super skinny and muscular I take it?”

  “Our females tend to be thin in mass, because they work hard, just like our males do. But I must confess, I find the softer body type, the large bosom and buttocks very interesting.”

  “Do you now?” Jeri said with a smile.

  “It indicates a whole new level of mental clarity and physical evolution. A larger than average body type is a work of art that our species has not come to explore yet. I can certainly appreciate why your males ‘animal-lust’ after your pronounced physique.”

  Jeri laughed heartily. “Animal lust?”

  “Yes. Didn’t you say that your species is very…as you say, rough and aggressive in having sexual intercourse?”

  “Sometimes. But only when there’s an intense physical connection.”

  “I admit, the thought of procreating together in a rough and physical fashion, with the haphazard chance of not becoming pregnant…just having intercourse for gratification…is a forbidden thought. It makes me feel…vulnerable.”

  “Well,” Jeri said with a grin. “If I was to let you do all these experiments and things…I would definitely want you to do it the physical and rough way. No test tubes.”

  “What a shocking thought!” Primordeus said, almost forming a smile and turning that strange flush of violet skin color. “I have never received such a profane invitation. Your pheromone readings are extremely high…and my own feelings are…”

  “What?” Jeri asked in fascination.

  “Changing. I am experiencing something new. A surge of powerful endorphins and emotional peaks. But not happiness. Something physical…something…”

  “Something sexual?” she whispered. “Is that what you call it?”

  “This feels wrong,” he said, looking around the room as if evading spying eyes from his superiors. “I am a shifter species and this is not my natural form. This is a composite of a body that I thought humans would accept.”

  “So what do you really look like?”

  “I don’t think you would be able to see the real me. This shifter body was designed so that you could sense me in multiple dimensions and senses.”

  “Well maybe if it’s not the real you…then it doesn’t really count as bad behavior. Maybe we’re just experimenting…” she said with a smile.

  “I have an impending feeling of doom coming over me in my gut. And yet I am fixating on your body. You seem to be the focal point of my attraction. Every time I walk closer to you, feelings of unexplainable happiness fill me.”

  “What does your instinct tell you to do?” Jeri said as calmly as possible, but with rising tension and excitement.

  “To touch you. To examine your body with my fingers. With my own natural form. Two beings from different worlds enjoying a connection of body and mind.”

  “That’s all I ever wanted,” Jeri said, staring into his hesitant but very interested eyes. “The truth is…” she said with a gulp. “I’ve always loved the idea of making love to an alien. Er, not to insult you, Sir. But a being not one of my own species. It was my teenage fantasy. And even when I dream at night, I keep thinking about what it would feel like.”

  “How does your species begin to…”


  “Initiate this…this ritual?”

  “Oh well, actually, first we just talk.”


  “Yes. You, for example, would just talk about what you are going to do to me. Build anticipation. What does your examination process involve?”

  “Using my tools and running scans of…”

  “No, no. What would you examine if you could only use your fingers?”

  He blushed again. “Speaking hypothetically…I would remove your clothes first.”

  “All of them?”

  “Yes. Because I would want to see my perfect preserved specimen. To touch the skin. The soft, supple skin and to comparatively touch the areas around your breasts. Then your stomach. Then…”

  “Then what?” she said, tak
ing his hand and slowly putting it on her shoulders.

  “Then I would test your threshold of pain. I mean her. Hypothetically speaking. “Squeeze slightly, to see what reaction comes from the touch. Pinch the nipples then put my fingers on the woman’s stomach.”

  “Then what?” she said.

  “I would take note of subtle changes in her appearance,” he said. “I can see how her pupils dilate…her skin tone changes. Her eyes become darker. Her voice becomes a softer, lower pitch. And her skin becomes warmer…”

  He said this, all the while noticing all those things were happening with his new guest. By now she moved his hand from her shoulder down to her midsection. She guided his large and strong hand up her shirt, behind the fabric, letting him feel her thick and supple breasts.

  The very thought of touching a subject in that way caused him to shudder in voice. The touch of her slightly warmed skin was intoxicating and gave Jeri shivers.

  “Do I have your…permission?”

  “Only if you give me a baby the old fashioned way. With a real body.”

  The being’s hands were strong and yet perfectly balanced between rugged and gentle. The way he touched her skin was powerful; his touch instantly warmed her and his fingers seemed to bring about a tingling, almost numbing sensation as he rubbed and caressed her curves.

  Her breasts were especially sensitive and he could sense that easily. He knew the pressure she wanted and just the spot to touch for the first time. He squeezed her breasts gently then a little firmly, indulging in the unique texture that thick natural curves had.

  He was fascinated by her tummy, a soft and full patch of skin with little fibers and multiple textures, each inch of her feeling slightly different. And when he touched her right above her dress but below her belly button she made a delightful cooing sound, a short but emotional sigh. Not just one of lust but of loneliness and surrender. She craved his simulated body. But she also craved his mind. His presence. His genuine interest in her. He found the need, the desire for social intimacy to be the strongest attractant yet.


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