BBW ROMANCE: Taming my Alpha Dragon (BBW Alpha Male Shape Shifter Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Science Fiction Fantasy Short Stories)

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BBW ROMANCE: Taming my Alpha Dragon (BBW Alpha Male Shape Shifter Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Science Fiction Fantasy Short Stories) Page 62

by Raeden West

  I had my hand up to my mouth in shock, completely taken back by what I had seen and witnessed firsthand. There was no way that that could possibly happen, yet the proof was pretty much right there. I wasn’t sure how I was going to face him, let alone go into business with the man. Wait, was he a man or a monster? I never thought that I would have thought something like that.

  All that night, I tossed and turned with the image of that dragon committing one atrocity after another. I had to admit to myself that if it wasn’t for him that I would probably be in worse shape. I couldn’t even imagine what they would’ve done. I went back and forth on how I was supposed to handle this and by morning, I figured that the direct approach was the best way.

  I walked to the restaurant, expecting to see the telltale signs from earlier this morning. The ashes were gone in the wind and left behind was a black char mark on the pavement. The boy that had crumpled against the lightpost was gone with a tendril of blood, as a reminder that this really did happen.

  I got to the restaurant and his motorcycle was sitting there with him astride it. He was now wearing a black leather jacket, more conducive to the elements, but not exactly safe in the winter. I don’t think that he was really concerned with any of that. “I was beginning to think that you weren’t going to show up. I wouldn’t blame you, if you couldn’t look at me after what happened. I’m sorry that you had to see that, but I have a tendency to show a part of myself that I keep hidden. It’s only if I get angered and it doesn’t affect me in the ring whatsoever. In fact, I feed off of it like my own personal drug.” It was interesting that he was willing to discuss this calmly. I wasn’t exactly sure what to say. There was a lot more to say, but I had no idea how to start.

  “Josh, I have to know if you feel any remorse for what you’ve done. From what I could see last night, I doubt that you even cared for the cost of life. I know that they were bad guys, but I don’t think that they deserved that fate.” I didn’t know what to think. Josh was a kind soul, but underneath it all there was this monster lurking within. I couldn’t explain it, but there was something more to our relationship than there was when he first came to me with his proposal.

  “I gave them fair warning and after that it was out of my hands. They were the ones that insisted on trying to test me and they found out that I was more than met the eye. I couldn’t leave witnesses and that leads me back to you. Nobody would even believe you anyway, but I’m wondering if my secret is safe with you. Those boys are not going to talk from the grave. I cleaned up my mess and made sure that there was no sign that anything untoward happened.” That would explain the absence of police cars or any kind of mention of this in the news. The only thing left behind was some blood at the scene and a char mark on the pavement.

  “Aren’t you afraid of retaliation? The skulls are going to want to know what happened to their new recruits. What’s to say that it doesn’t come back and land on your doorstep?” I saw that he wasn’t all that concerned. I think he believed that he was above the law. He had become judge, jury and executioner. This was what most people called vigilante justice. It was not something that I could condone. That was, of course, until I was on the receiving end of those bastards who had less than pure intentions.

  “I doubt that it will come back to me in any way. Let’s say for argument’s sake that it does. I think you’ve seen that I can handle myself. I would rather not make this a war, but I don’t think that it would amount to much.” If it was a one on one fight, I’m sure that he could’ve made short work of them without the use of his inner beast. “Once again, that comes down to what exactly you think that you’re going to say about any of this.” I wanted to chastise him for his behavior, but instead I kissed him and then pulled away. I turned my head in disgust for what I’d done. It was out of character and I felt like I should throw up. This heat was generated between us and it didn’t matter what he was. It was probably because of what he was. I never acted this way with any other man.

  “I think that says it all. Come on. Our first meeting with one of the advertiser’s is going to be late. I do hope that you know how to smooth the waters. Use what God gave you, show some skin and flirt with them shamelessly. No, I don’t want to put you into that position. You are my equal and in this business, you have your own say and your own mind.” He wasn’t treating me like a little girl. I was younger than him by ten years, but I felt like we were supposed to meet in this way.

  “I’m not even sure that I should go into business with you. I have so many questions and I don’t even know where to begin. The main one that I have is, if your parents know about this, and how exactly did you come to be what you are?” This was supposed to be a business meeting. I decided to fix up my hair, and do up my makeup and make sure that I was wearing the appropriate attire. The long black skirt with the long slice up both sides was perfect to attract their eager little eyes. The blouse was blood red and made for the perfect focal point in negotiations. Half the battle was knowing your audience.

  I got on the back of the bike, feeling a little uneasy, but also strangely excited by being near him. When I wrapped my hands around him, I found them straying lower, until I was grazing his most prized possession. “My parents have no idea. I wasn’t born like this. Let’s just say that I went down to Mexico for spring break a few years ago and things didn’t go exactly as I had envisioned them. I went there to lose my virginity and got a whole lot more than I bargained for. I met a woman and I know that might sound cliché, but she took an instant liking to me. I thought that it was supposed to be some monetary transaction and she took offense by the fact that I thought that she was some kind of escort for hire.

  “I remember the feel of her claws ripping my clothes open and the way that she pinned me to the floor of her tiny one bedroom flat. She had her way with me and then she bit me in the throes of her passion. She admitted to me after that she probably wouldn’t have done that, but she wanted to show her displeasure. I thought that she was joking, but that first night the hunger became too much for me to handle on my own. She was the one that taught me everything that I needed to know about being a dragon shifter.”

  I should’ve known that a woman would be involved.

  Negotiations went better than expected. He had several advertisers’ signing on the dotted line. I think having me there was more advantageous than not having me there. At first, they thought that I was some kind of eye candy, but then I opened my mouth and proved them wrong. I gave them a prospectus, something that they could look over and see the numbers with their own eyes.

  After the advertisers had been taken care of, I threw my own cash into the ring. I should have walked away, washed my hands of the whole thing, but I just couldn’t do that.

  “If you’re going to be a part of this, then maybe you should see it for yourself. I’m sparring with a few up and comers and I would like you to be there to see exactly what your money is buying. It will give you an idea of how I have been able to live with my condition. I enjoy what I do and I do it very well.” From what I had seen with the three punks, he was a professional fighter and knew how to take a punch with the best of them.

  When we got to the facility, there was the smell of testosterone in the air. Everybody was manly, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of Josh for the life of me. I kept envisioning what he had become. I couldn’t admit to myself at the time, but I wanted to touch it. It sounded sexual and maybe in some small part it was. I was fascinated beyond words. I didn’t want to be some kind of dragon groupie, but then again, who wouldn’t?

  “Francesca, I want you to meet my trainer Miguel.” I watched him get into the ring and square off with various competitors. He was very good at reading body language and most often he had the upper hand. There was only one that surprised him and had him looking up at the ceiling after a flip that took him off his feet. He countered that with a leg sweep, knocking the other guy on the ground in a position where he could grab his arm and put it into a hold that made
him want desperately to get out. It didn’t look like he was going to and this man was stubborn, until he showed signs that he was going to pass out. When his eyes rolled into the back of his head, he fell unconscious. Josh let him go. He did look pretty damn good in those tiny shorts and no shirt.

  The next fighter was bigger than Josh and I could tell that he thought that he was superior in every way. “Francesca, I want you to watch this very carefully. This is where you use the weight of your opponent against them.” He was talking about the man across from him like he wasn’t even there.

  The guy took exception to that and lumbered forward, until Josh landed on his back with his feet planted straight up in the air. He slammed them into the man’s chest, lifting him square off his feet and then over top of him and onto the floor. The guy had the wind blown out of him, but he still scrambled to his feet ready to go another round.

  He swung his meaty paw and Josh merely ducked underneath it. He brought his leg down onto the man’s knee from behind, making him vulnerable to a chokehold that was now locked in. The gloved hand of the huge behemoth tapped his forearm for some kind of mercy and received it. He was not out of control and the relationship between him and the dragon was amazing to see inside the ring. He showed a calm that really didn’t seem possible in relation to what he was doing. I think I saw on his face that he was enjoying himself and even those shots that he did take were nothing that he couldn’t shake off.

  He finally grabbed a towel and placed it around his shoulders. The fine sheen of sweat had made me a little bit more excited than I thought that I was going to be. “I get this feeling like you’ve seen something like this before. Could it be that young Francesca has a secret passion for this type of sport?” How he was able to see through me was beyond me, but there was no way that I could hide the fact that I enjoyed this type of thing. “I think that you should get into the ring with me.” Those that had come to play were filing out and before I knew it, we were the only two in the room.

  He went into the octagon, motioning me with his finger to join him. I couldn’t believe my eyes, as my feet began to move on their own accord. I was soon picking up a pair of gloves and going in ready to defend myself. I’d seen enough of these fights that I knew how to perform the perfect stance. I turned my body, giving him very little to strike at. I wanted him to know that I was not a pussy. I had one and it was screaming at me to submit to his every whim. It would’ve been nice to do that, but my head and my sex were saying two different things. Pragmatically my head was telling me that he was dangerous and should not be trusted, as far as I could throw him. My body on the other hand wanted to spread my legs and give him a target that he could really sink into.

  “I think that you’ll find that you’re not the only one that is full of surprises.” I actually felt that adrenaline rush that I had seen on television and in the eyes of Josh and those competitors that stood toe to toe against him. He obviously had an unfair advantage, but it didn’t look like he felt like he should be ashamed of that.

  “I knew it. A lot of girls that come here for the first time think that it’s barbaric and should be illegal. After a couple of bouts, they begin to get into it. They start shaking the chain links and screaming for blood. It’s all human nature and not anything that you should be ashamed of.” As he was talking, I was trying to find an opening. I grabbed for his wrist, turning it and making him grimace, but he wasn’t backing down. He caught me in the stomach with his knee. It was not much force, but it was enough to relinquish my hold and make me bend over with my hands on my knees. Of course, this left me wide open. Before I knew it, I was on the floor with his crotch in my face. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that fighting with a girl had turned him on.

  Chapter four

  I could hear him breathing and I knew that he was affected by what we were doing together. The dragon that I had seen before was now raising its head in the form of the fire that I could see in his eyes. For no reason, other than because I could, I stuck out my tongue and licked the outline of his erection through his shorts. This made him give off an exclamation of surprise, while looking down at me and wondering what I was going to do next.

  “That’s not fair.”

  “All’s fair in love and war or haven’t you heard that saying before?” He tried to extricate himself from the situation, but I wasn’t allowing him to leave. I put my hands on either side of his legs, keeping him still, while I used my tongue and my lips to satisfy him with his clothes on. His lip was quivering and his cock was now thumping with a life of its own against the shorts that he was wearing. That thin layer of material was the only obstacle from taking him into my mouth. I was willing to do the deed myself, but apparently he was on the same wavelength.

  “Francesca, if this is what you really want, then who am I to argue with a beautiful woman.” That was exactly the right answer to say. He made my eyes go wide, as he peeled those shorts down over his balls. He was still straddling my head and I was able to engulf his two orbs into my mouth for a spit shine that he would never forget. His hard member was drooling something fierce. The sticky substance was now falling in a straight line towards my mouth. I waited with bated breath, praying that it wasn’t going to stop. It continued down to its final destination. If pooled at my lips and I had to let go of his balls long enough to savor the taste of the man.

  “I think we both know that this is going to happen. Whether it happens here or someplace else is entirely up to you. I’m more than happy to stay right where I’m at. I think that after we’re done that you wouldn’t be able to look at this place the same way again. Every time that you square off against an opponent, you would still see me lying here with your cock in my mouth or see me spreading my legs in obvious invitation. I would point my feet at the ceiling, as you drove repeatedly in between my thighs.” This was obviously getting to him. The head had turned this angry purple color.

  “You do make it an interesting temptation. I do believe that I’m not in any position to go anywhere without scaring little old ladies on a bus.”

  His erection was showing no signs of diminishing. He was going to need some help to make that happen and I was more than happy to lend a hand, a mouth or even my tight little pussy to satisfy the urge. “You have me at a disadvantage. You may as well take what you want. It’s not like I’m going to do anything to stop you.”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” I grabbed him at the base, pulled it down to my mouth and gave him the tight confines of my throat to get used to. His mouth was open and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth with his eyes narrowed. He was looking at my mouth full of him. He had his knees on either side of my head. He gave a few thrusts. I laid there and took the abuse, knowing that I would have puffy and bruised lips in the morning. It was a small price to pay.

  “I hope…that you know that you’re driving me out of my mind.” I knew and I was enjoying the fact that I had him in the palm of my hand. “You better be careful, or you’re going to make a very nasty mess. You might have to clean it up with your…MOUTH.”

  I grazed over his entire length with my teeth leading the way. I liked using my Mexican heat and sexual desires to my advantage.

  He suddenly turned and fell forward, until his head was at my crotch. I knew exactly what he was trying to do and I did everything I could to encourage him. I lifted my body and used my own hands to free myself of my clothing. He was doing those obscene pushups that ended with his mouth making contact with my sex. It was an interesting distraction and made it difficult for me to concentrate on what I was doing.

  We were in the classic sixty-nine and the excitement of the moment was making me a hair trigger. “Your mouth shows experience and I’m not one to complain… YES…suck my clit…YESSSSS.” His cock was dangling from outside of my mouth. I felt like I was doing him a disservice, but my orgasm was taking me by the throat. There was no way that I could give him my undivided attention.

  I laid there looking at the ceiling, as he t
urned me around on the mat, so that I was now facing him. He smiled and dipped his stick into my hot cavern of lust. I welcomed him, locking my ankles around his waist and pulling him in the wake of a wave of hot nasty juices. “My God…what the fuck do you have in there…an oven?” It was an interesting comment and I think that he was finding out for himself. “I feel like my cock is burning from the inside out. My balls are already full from what you did with your mouth. I doubt that it’s going to take very much to finish me off.” I put my hand on his chest to slow his pace. It was enough to let him know that there was no rush.

  The look on his face was priceless. I think he really did think that I was going to leave him with a case of blue balls. That kind of frustration was building up inside of him, until his wings began to peek through the flaps of skin in his back. It looked strange, but also very exciting. I think he got the idea and then his strokes moved languidly between my legs. I was able to feel every inch of him and watch, as various parts of his body began to change to the redskin hide that I had seen the other night.

  He turned his head away from me and a stream of fire exited his mouth and nose. It scorched the mat, but thankfully it did not set it on fire. The pools of his pupils were encased in fire and I could see the burning embers from where he was looking down at me.

  “I really don’t think that I’ve met another woman like you. You’ve been able to…accept me. You took me in your confidence and your bed.” It wasn’t really a bed, but I wasn’t going to quibble over details. It was kind of funny to see his ears begin to shape like those of a dragon. Half of his body was now the beast incarnate, while the rest was still the man that I had fallen for. It might have been some kind of knee jerk reaction to him saving my life. I could’ve been suffering from a sort of nightingale syndrome.


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