Morning My Angel

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Morning My Angel Page 14

by Sue Brown

  “Okay, but stay out of the way.”

  Josh climbed in and they shut the doors.

  Adlington shivered under a blanket in a corner, tears running down his face. He was clearly in shock but Josh didn’t care about him. He was only concerned about the welfare of the man opposite him. Nothing else mattered.

  Chapter 14

  Sunday 27th November

  At St. Thomas’ Hospital, Josh was shut out of the emergency room as they wheeled Cal and Adlington through.

  “Stay here,” a nurse wearing blue scrubs said firmly. “We’ll call you when we’ve assessed them. We’ll need you to answer some questions.”

  “But I don’t know—”

  The rest of his answer went unheard as she walked through the double doors. Josh slumped down in the waiting room chair. At least both men were conscious. They would answer the questions that Josh couldn’t. Shit, Josh didn’t even know when Cal’s birthday was. Cal knew his though. ‘Charlie’ had sent him a riotous bouquet of flowers for his birthday when Josh had admitted he loved receiving them. At least he’d had the sense to bring a small notebook with him. He started making notes about the Merc and the bomb. Gil was right about the blast area being small. The shock wave had done more damage than the actual blast itself. Josh sketched out the area as he remembered it.

  He didn’t know how long he was focused on making notes when someone said. “Josh Cooper?”

  Josh looked up to see a nurse looking around the waiting room. “That’s me.”

  “You can come through now.”

  “How is he? Callum Ross? Is he okay?”

  “He’s fine,” the nurse said. “It looked worse than it was. A few stitches and he’ll be ready to go home.”

  “And Adlington?”


  “Eric Adlington?”

  “I wasn’t dealing with anyone by that name.”

  Josh frowned. “He came in with Mr. Ross.”

  “Let me check. Callum is over there.” She pointed to a bed in the corner.

  Josh jogged over to the bed. Callum lay on his side, his eyes closed. Josh stroked Cal’s hair, grimacing at the gritty feel. “Hey, Charlie.”

  “Morning, my Angel.” Cal opened his eyes and Josh’s heart did a skip as Cal smiled at him.

  “Evening more like. How are you feeling?”

  “Bit sore. They’re going to put stitches in and I can go home.”

  Josh winced as he studied Cal’s back. He’d been hit in more than one place; bruises had started to form in half a dozen areas. He traced some of the marks. “That must hurt.”

  “Meh, I’ve had worse.”

  Josh laughed at Cal’s deliberately off-hand tone. “My big, brave, alpha dog.”

  “And don’t you forget it.” Cal’s grin made Josh’s heart swell, even if it was a fraction of its usual wattage.

  “As if I would.” Josh took his eyes off Cal for a moment and looked around the A&E. “Where’s Adlington?”

  Cal frowned. “Isn’t he here?”

  “I can’t see him. Let me ask.”

  Josh walked up to the desk and smiled at one of the nurses. “Hi, I was wondering where you’d put Eric Adlington? He came in with Callum Ross.”

  “Mr. Adlington discharged himself against medical advice,” she said

  “He did what?” Josh was about to curse when he realized where he was. “Thanks.”

  He stalked back to Cal’s bed. “He’s gone. Discharged himself. I’d better call Gil and Jesse.”

  Cal struggled to sit up. “I need to get out of here.”

  “You’re not going anywhere until you’ve had those stitches inserted, Mr. Ross.” A nurse suddenly appeared at their side.

  “I haven’t got time for this,” Cal growled.

  “I’m going to make phone calls, buy us coffee and get someone to pick us up,” Josh snapped at him. “You sit the fuck there and let the nice doctor sew you up.”

  “What he said,” the nurse said, sharing a conspiratorial smirk with Josh.

  “I’m your boss.”

  “And you pay me to do my job. He’s in your hands.” Josh made his escape before Cal could protest further.

  Once outside he phoned Gil. “We’ve got a problem.”

  “Nice to speak to you too, asshole.”

  “Adlington is in the wind.”

  “Fuck, here, talk to Jesse.”

  Josh waited impatiently for Jesse to come on the line.

  “Josh? What’s happened?” Jesse asked.

  “Adlington discharged himself before they let me in.”

  “Okay, we’ll find him. How’s Cal?”

  “Being stitched up. None of it’s serious. He should be out soon. Can someone pick us up?”

  Jesse laughed as if Josh had said something amusing. “Have you been in hospital before?”


  “The NHS, god bless ‘em, isn’t quick. Give me a call when they’re about to release him.”

  Josh grunted and went to find coffee. If Jesse was right, he’d need vast quantities of caffeine just to handle a really impatient Callum David Ross.

  Cal was seething and/or in a lot of pain by the time Josh returned. Josh took a look at the tight lines around Cal’s eyes and mouth and handed him a tall latte filled with sugar. Charlie had once confessed in a moment of weakness that he loved sugar in milky coffee but refused to allow himself the luxury. Josh decided Cal deserved it today. “Drink, then bitch.”

  Cal scowled at him, but took a sip, coughed, and took another longer swallow. “How much sugar did you put in this?”

  “You don’t want to know. Too much? I can get you another.”

  It was almost comical the way Cal held the coffee to him as if Josh was about to take it from him by force. “It’s fine.”

  “So what’s the verdict? Can I spring you from this joint?”

  “They’re just sorting out the pain meds and we can go.”

  “I can call Jesse to get us a lift.”

  Cal grunted. “It’s gonna take a while.”

  “That’s what Jesse said. He’s got eyes out for Adlington.”

  “I can’t believe the bastard did a runner.”

  Josh parked his butt next to Cal and sipped his coffee; black, no sugar. They watched the nurses and doctors bustle around as they sat together. Then Cal got bored so Josh pulled out his notebook and ran through a few ideas he’d had about the whereabouts of Jonathan Michaels and the events of the day.

  “What do you think about the Merc?” Cal asked.

  “Warning or meant to injure/kill Adlington.”

  “Or even Barton. It was Barton’s car.”

  “Was it triggered by remote or was someone watching?”

  Cal groaned. “More questions. We never seem to get any answers.”

  “Jesse’s at the scene. Maybe he’ll find something.” Josh chewed on his thumbnail, grumbling when Cal knocked it out of his mouth. “I get the feeling this was done by a professional.”

  “So not Michaels?”

  “His attempts at tailing us were clumsy. I can’t see him producing a bomb.”

  “Nor me,” Cal mused.

  “What about Barton?”

  “Adlington was Barton’s PA. He knew Brierley House. He could’ve hidden the Merc and his vehicle before killing Barton.”

  Cal yawned and rubbed his eyes. “Damn, my eyes feel like grit. We need to get back to Threadneedle Street and talk to Dominic.”

  “You’re going home after this.” Josh said firmly. “It can wait ‘til tomorrow.”

  “Josh,” Cal began, his tone dangerously low, but then Rick arrived before he could continue. Josh would’ve kissed all over his bald head for the welcome distraction if he didn’t think Rick would punch him if he tried.

  “Got your discharge papers, boss.” Rick shook a bag at him. “Got your painkillers, too. Do you want to escape?”

  “How the hell did you manage that?”

  Rick pointed to a nurse
on the other side of the room. “She’s my sister-in-law. I phoned her earlier, and asked her to make sure you were ready to go.”

  “Where were you two hours ago?” Cal snarled as he tried to jump off the bed.

  Josh kept him where he was. “Stay there. I’ll find your shoes.”

  “They cut my shirt but my jacket is fine.”

  Josh lifted up Cal’s jackets. Fine was a stretch of the imagination. Both jackets were wrecked but they’d cover him as far as Rick’s car. He wrapped them around Cal and then knelt to slide Cal’s shoes on his feet. Josh grinned as Cal’s feet twitched. “You’re ticklish.”

  “No, really?” Cal said sarcastically. “You’re lucky I didn’t kick your chin. I feel like a little kid with you putting my shoes on.”

  “You’ve undressed me,” Josh pointed out, watching Cal’s gaze heat, and knowing his was doing the same.

  Rick coughed uncomfortably and complained, “I’m standing right here.”

  Josh smirked at him. “You don’t have these conversations with Dave?”

  “You fuckin’ kidding me?”

  “You’re missing out.”

  “Leave Rick alone,” Cal chided, although his admonishment would have had more weight if he hadn’t been wearing a huge grin. Rick huffed and stomped a few feet away. Cal and Josh smirked at each other as he helped Cal off the bed. Cal grimaced in pain. “I feel like I’ve taken a pounding.”

  “You sure you’re okay to go home?” Josh asked, then took a step back at Cal’s scowl. “Okay, okay, message understood.”

  All the way to the SUV, Cal talked about going back to the office to start the search for Eric Adlington, but once in the vehicle he slumped in his seat.

  Rick looked over his shoulder. “Where am I dropping you?”

  “Take him home.” Josh said immediately.

  Cal looked as if he was about to object, but under Josh’s fierce gaze he subsided. “I… yeah, take me home. I’ll work from home today.” He muttered something under his breath that Josh didn’t catch, and closed his eyes.

  Josh grinned at Rick who smirked back. He’d been expecting more of a protest from Cal, but when he started to snore a couple of minutes later, Josh realized Cal was too tired, or stoned, to make the effort.

  “Jesse says he expects to see you both in the office in the morning. He’s got men tracing Adlington and a lead on Michaels’ whereabouts. Dave is tracking Michaels now,” Rick said as he pulled into the flow of traffic. “Jesse’s going home to see Dan for a couple of hours then he’s coming back to the office.”

  “’Kay.” Josh yawned. “Do you know which hotel I’m at now?” It seemed a lifetime ago since his getaway on a London bus from the man they’d been trying to find.

  “Yeah. I’ll take you there after I drop Cal off. Gil and Landry are still working the car bomb.”

  Cal muttered in his sleep. Josh looked over but Cal didn’t wake up. “Don’t worry about waiting for me. Just give me the address. I want to make sure Cal gets some rest.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Rick’s shoulders shook a moment. Josh thought about protesting his innocence but decided maybe this was one time he’d keep his mouth shut. It didn’t happen very often.

  To Josh’s surprise Rick stopped at an apartment block not far from Barton and Wharlow’s office building.

  “Cal’s got a flat he keeps in London. He’s not here very much,” Rick said. “Do you need a hand with Sleeping Beauty?”

  The Beauty in question was propped up in a corner of the SUV, mouth open, emitting the occasional snore.

  “Help me get him into the building. Wakey, wakey.”

  Josh shook Cal, who opened his eyes, blinking owlishly at them both.

  “We here already?” Cal yawned loudly.

  “Yeah.” Rick got out of the driver’s side and sauntered around to help Cal out of his seat. He ignored Cal’s complaints all the way to the front door then he looked at Josh. “He’s your problem now. See you tomorrow.”

  Josh propped Cal against the wall. “Thanks. Have we got a ride for the morning?”

  “I’ll collect you about eight.” When he’d locked the SUV, Rick had picked up a bag which he now handed to Josh. “Supplies in case you stay the night. ‘Bye.”

  Josh looked in the bag and then at Rick’s retreating back. “Hey, I’m not that predictable.”

  “Yeah, you are.” Rick waved as he got in the elevator.

  The doors closed on the last word and Josh cursed under his breath. “I am not that fucking predictable.” Then he had to grab Cal as he swayed. “Into bed, big boy.”

  “I wanna fuck you,” Cal said, thunking his head onto Josh’s shoulder and nuzzling into his neck.

  “Dude, I’m too tired to get it up.” Josh was tired and grouchy now. “Let’s have a nap and we can have hot monkey sex later.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Cal didn’t move his head from Josh’s shoulder, and Josh was sure if they stayed there much longer Cal would fall asleep again. From the snorting breath on his skin it might have already happened.

  “Cal?” Josh wriggled his shoulder hoping Cal would move but no joy.


  “Come on, take me to your bed.”

  Cal lifted his head and shuffled slowly towards a room at the end of the short hallway. Without putting on the lights he aimed for the bed and collapsed on it. Josh was tempted to do the same thing but he fumbled for the light switch. Cal sprawled out on the unmade bed, still in his ruined jacket and shoes. Josh unlaced Cal’s shoes then coaxed him to sit up. With a lot of encouragement, mainly to keep him awake, Josh undressed him then got Cal under the covers. He was out like a light within seconds. Josh sat by him for a moment, stroking his hair. “I could’ve lost you today,” he murmured. “I would’ve still been angry at you. I am still angry at you, but…”

  They both could have died if they’d been too close to the explosion. Cal reached out, searching for Josh, who closed his hand around Cal’s. He’d known the man for five days and the thought of losing him was terrifying. Josh stripped off his clothes, switched off the light and climbed into bed beside Cal, who wrapped himself around him in his sleep. He needed food and to touch base with Dominic, but what he needed more than anything else was a nap and Cal.

  Josh sat up in bed, not sure what had woken him and not sure where the hell he was. He heard a toilet flush and heaved a sigh of relief when Cal shuffled back into the bedroom.

  “Sorry, did I wake you up, Angel?”

  “No worries,” Josh yawned. “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I’ve been blown up.” Cal held himself very carefully. Each step looked painful.

  “Do you need pain meds?”

  Cal shook his head. “Just taken some.”

  “What time is it?” Josh looked around for a clock.

  “Ten, just gone.” Cal collapsed back on the bed with a heavy sigh.

  Josh looked down at him. “Do you want anything? Drink, food, blowjob?”

  Cal opened one eye. “A blowjob?”

  “You know—endorphins?”

  “Blowjob, then coffee, then takeaway.”

  Josh grinned at him. “I like a man who knows what he wants.” His grin faded as Cal didn’t return it.

  “I’ve always known what I want.” Cal reached out and ran his thumb along Josh’s cheekbone. “I was just scared to admit it.”

  Josh leaned down and kissed Cal. “Idiot.” He gazed down Cal’s body, admiring his muscled torso and light fur over his chest, trailing down past his navel to the curls at the base of his quiescent cock. Cal was just how he’d thought Charlie would look. “Where were you when you got me to jack off?”

  Cal’s lips twitched. “In a meeting with Jesse.”

  “I can’t believe you did that.”

  “I didn’t think I’d get another opportunity,” Cal confessed. “No one was paying me any attention and I was bored.”

  Josh frowned. They’d not had a chance to discuss the
whole Charlie/Cal issue. “I was so confused. I had feelings for you, and feelings for Charlie.”

  “You surprised me when you dumped ‘Charlie’.”

  “I surprised myself,” Josh admitted. “You know me. I love hooking up with guys.”

  “I was jealous of each and every one of the men you told me about.”

  “Even Perky?”

  Cal wrinkled his brow for a moment. “Perky? The flight attendant?”

  Josh nodded as he leaned over and kissed Cal. “I didn’t… you know. He wasn’t Charlie. Shit, why did I dump Charlie?”

  “I’m sorry I hurt you. I never meant to take things this far. You just have this effect on me. You make me lose my head.”

  Josh sighed. He could hear the sincerity in Cal’s tone. “We’ll talk about this later.”


  Josh placed his finger over Cal’s mouth. “Blowjob, coffee, takeout. We’ll talk when we’re both less tired and feeling better.”

  “If you’re sure…” Cal sounded doubtful.

  “I’m sure.” Josh laid his hand along the length of Cal’s thick shaft. “You’re cold.”

  “A little, but if you carry on doing that I’m soon going to warm up.”

  “Doing this?” Josh grasped the thick solid flesh and jacked it.

  Cal hissed, stretched and relaxed, his toes tightening and curling in time with Josh’s actions. “Like that.” He finally managed to speak again.

  Josh moved slowly but surely, until Cal’s dick was stiff in his hand. He wanted Cal to come but on his terms. As it hardened, the foreskin pulled back from the head of Cal’s cock. A drop of pre-come emerged from the slit and Josh bent over to capture it. Its flavor burst over his tongue and he licked across the head, determined to catch more. Cal’s hands tangled in Josh’s hair, trying to guide him to where he wanted to be touched. Josh stilled, waiting for Cal to realize this was his rodeo.

  “You’re going to kill me!” Cal let his hands fall to his sides.

  Josh snorted. “Death by blowjob? Isn’t that some kinky cocktail?”

  “Don’t know. Don’t—ah—care! Oh fuck!” Cal yelled as Josh sucked him hard.

  They were both talking too much. Josh decided he needed to shut up and focus on the job at hand. He licked the head again, provoking another burst of pre-come from the tip and licked the head until Cal’s hips were rising and he was getting vocal again. Josh cupped Cal’s heavy sac, feeling the light hair prickle his palms. Cal moaned and spread his legs wider to give Josh better access.


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