Morning My Angel

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Morning My Angel Page 16

by Sue Brown

  “You’re a sick bastard. Do you know that?”

  “You’re welcome.” Cal saluted and moved over to his side of the vehicle.

  Josh scowled at him and then looked out of the window, unable to stop grinning. Cal was going to be an alpha bastard no matter what he said, and Josh really didn’t care.

  Chapter 16

  Monday 28th November

  Five days before, Melissa Michaels had been an angry woman, ready to throttle the next man who suggested her husband was guilty of fraud. Now she looked a wreck as she sat in her neighbor’s living room.

  The neighbor met them at the door, a young woman called Hermione. Josh had a mental freak-out as she was introduced. Of course he’d read Harry Potter years ago but he’d thought Hermione was a made-up name.

  Hermione scowled at Josh and Cal, not letting them over the doorstep. “She’s already spoken with the police. Mel was the one who called them. Talk to them, not her.”

  “Jon Michaels was my friend,” Cal said. “Let me talk to her.”

  Melissa was unwashed, unkempt and obviously drunk at ten in the morning, slurring as she spoke, her hands shaking around a cup of something. She shrieked when she saw Cal, dropped the cup, heedless of the contents spilling onto the carpet. Cal walked over, and crouched down to gather Melissa into his arms,

  “Where’s he gone, Cal. Where the hell’s he gone?”

  Cal held her trembling body close and murmured into her hair. “I don’t know, Mel. I really don’t know.”

  Josh remembered his first visit to Melissa. No wonder Cal had made excuses not to visit. She would have given the game away immediately. He watched Cal and Melissa, aware of the jealous knot in his stomach. She had a history with Cal that he didn’t.

  Hermione picked up the mug and vanished, returning a moment later with a damp cloth. She ignored Josh’s offer to clean the carpet and rubbed at the spreading stain.

  Over Melissa’s head, Josh glanced at Cal who nodded, and then focused his attention on Melissa,. “When we met, I promised you my sole job was to find your husband. Cal asked me to find him.”

  “So where is he?” A tear slipped down her cheek, leaving a track through the dirt.

  “Melissa, why don’t you talk to Josh for a few minutes? Hermione, would you make us coffee?” Cal said. “I’d like to talk to you.”

  She got to her feet and smoothed down her short skirt. “Do I have a choice?”

  Cal gave her a brief smile but he didn’t say anything. She huffed and stalked off, Cal following her.

  Once they’d left the room, Josh looked at Melissa. “What happened in your house?”

  “Someone took Jon’s clothes.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Money. We kept a small amount of money in the safe. I’ve been using it as our accounts were frozen.” She sniffed and more tears spilled out. “No one knew the combination except Jon and me.”

  “Did the intruders break in?”

  Melissa shook her head. “It was Jon, wasn’t it?”

  “We know he’s alive. We caught him on CCTV.” She didn’t need to know his connection to Barton’s murder yet.

  She curled up, her arms wrapped around her knees. “I thought he was a good man.” Josh kept silent and she nodded, accepting his silence as tacit agreement. “What now? Is my home at risk? Am I a suspect?”

  “Do you have anywhere nearby you could go for a while?”

  “I’ll go to my sister’s. She lives in St. Albans.” Melissa shuddered. “I lived with him for over fifteen years. I thought I knew him.”

  Josh thought about his relationship with Cal/Charlie. “I don’t think you ever know anyone that well.

  “I thought I did.”

  “Cal is devastated. He believed Jon was a good man, too.”

  “Is there any chance Jon isn’t involved?” Josh hesitated, and that was enough for Melissa. “I’ll go to Rhonda’s. Am I allowed to go back into my house?”

  “I’ll check for you.”

  As Josh stood, Cal and Hermione came back into the room. “I’m just going to check next door.”

  Cal nodded and sat down next to Melissa. Hermione looked less furious than she was before, but she looked put out at Cal’s closeness to Melissa. Josh dodged the rain to head for next door. A bedraggled policeman guarded the entrance but he stood aside as Josh approached.

  “Your colleagues are inside.”

  His colleagues? Josh thanked the policeman and stepped into the hall, blinking at the gloom. Jesse and Dave looked up.

  “I didn’t know you were here,” Josh said.

  “Just arrived,” Jesse said grimly. “We’ve been watching the CCTV footage from the local pub for the last few days.”

  “What happened?”

  “Get Cal and we’ll show you.”

  “Can Melissa come back in here?”

  “Not yet.”

  “She wants to go to her sister’s in St. Albans.”

  “She’s not going anywhere except the nearest police station.”

  Josh raised his eyebrows at Jesse’s grim tone. “I’ll get Cal.”

  He jogged back to Hermione’s house and beckoned to Cal, who was still wrapped up with Melissa. “Cal, Jesse wants to talk.”

  Cal looked startled but he extricated himself from Melissa, saying softly, “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “What about my house?” Melissa demanded.

  Josh smiled at her. “They haven’t finished processing it yet. I’ll let you know as soon as they’re done.”

  She looked annoyed but Hermione said, “Come and have a shower, Mel. You’ll feel better.”

  “What’s going on?” Cal muttered as they left the house.

  “Jesse wants us to look at CCTV footage.” Josh smiled at the police officer at the gate. “We need to make sure no one leaves this house. Is there a back exit?”

  “I’ll sort it,” the officer said, and started speaking into his radio.

  Gil and Jesse had moved to the kitchen. Gil was face-timing with Landry.

  Jesse moved away and beckoned to Cal. “Take a look at this.” He pushed his pad toward them both. “The pub is six doors down.”

  Josh watched as the video started, noting it was date stamped for the previous night. He was very conscious of Cal’s body plastered up against his, a warm, solid presence that made him tingle. They watched a number of people walk past then, suddenly, Josh spotted two familiar figures.

  “Michaels and Adlington.”

  Jonathan Michaels wore the same red baseball cap as before, and he looked as if he was shoving Eric Adlington along the sidewalk.

  “Adlington looks as if he’s in pain,” Cal said.

  Josh tapped the work surface. “Rewind it, and let’s take a look at them again.” He watched as they passed, oblivious to the camera recording their movements. “What’s that down Eric’s neck?”

  Jesse expanded the image. “It looks like blood. I think his ear drum burst in the bombing.”

  “Do we get them again?” Cal asked.

  “About an hour later.”

  Jesse played another video, but this time both men were wearing different clothes, and Eric was holding himself easier than before.

  “Where was Melissa Michaels last night?”

  “She left the house at 7.30 p.m. and returned at ten.”

  “So she was conveniently out during their visit.”

  “Watch this,” Jesse said. “It’s the camera at the junction at the end of the road. First, just after 7.30 p.m.” Several cars went through on the green light. “This is Melissa Michaels’ green Freelander.”

  Cal leaned forward, squinting at the screen. “It looks like a man driving but I can’t make out who it is. We need to look at it on the big screen in your office.”

  Josh agreed. “There are people in the back, but I can’t see them.”

  “How about this?” Jesse brought up a new image, a side view of the vehicle.

  “That’s Adlington,” C
al said.

  Josh brought out his notebook to start a timeline. “So Adlington was already at the house? Is the other passenger Michaels?”

  “We’re looking for another camera.”

  “So where was Melissa Michaels?”

  “I’m assuming she never went out,” Jesse said. “Her car returned but she wasn’t driving. CDR is going through the footage now. We were distracted by the bombing and Cal being in hospital last night. They took the opportunity to do whatever it is they needed to do, and set up this scene.”

  “So what were they planning?” Cal shook his head as if in disbelief.

  “I think we need to have a talk with Mrs. Michaels.” Jesse wore a grim look. “I’ll handle her. Gil, you come with me.”

  “Thanks,” Cal sounded broken. “I don’t think I could face her lying to me again.”

  Josh entangled his fingers with Cal’s. “I’m sorry, Cal.”

  Cal leaned against him. “Yeah, me too.” As the two men left, Josh turned toward Cal and embraced him, drawing his head down to rest on his shoulder. Cal nuzzled into his neck and mumbled, “It’s been a long time since I’ve had anyone to comfort me.”

  “Same,” Josh said. “It’s nice to be able to comfort you,”

  They stayed where they were, Cal resting against for Josh for a long while before he sighed, his breath ghosting over Josh’s skin.

  “Not again.” Dirk Brenner’s sour voice interrupted them.

  “I’m going to take him out back and shoot him,” Cal muttered.

  “I’ll help,” Josh said brightly.


  They fist-bumped and turned to Dirk who was glaring at them. Or more specifically glaring at Cal.

  Josh stepped in front of Cal. “What do you want, Brenner?”

  “Where’s Michaels’ wife?” Dirk snapped.

  “She’s next door. Why don’t I take you?” Dirk looked shocked at Josh’s offer and Cal’s “What the fuck?” mutter was clear enough. But Josh summoned up his best smile. “Let’s go.” Dirk hadn’t reached the front door when Josh stopped him. “Brenner?”

  Dirk stiffened and he turned on his brown clad heel. “What?”

  “Me and Cal.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Cooper, this isn’t the time—”

  “This won’t take long.” He stepped up into Brenner’s space. Brenner reared back but Josh wouldn’t let him get away. “You need to get over it—over me. You and me were never a thing. I’ve been in love with Cal for two years.”

  Brenner frowned. “What do you mean? I thought you just met.”

  Josh shook his head. “It’s a long story, but you’ve got to move on, dude.”

  “It’s unprofessional,” Brenner blustered.

  “Maybe, but no one else cares. Cal’s just lost a friend. Back off.”

  “Or what?”

  “Do you want a demonstration here?” Josh said flatly.

  He watched the myriad of emotions pass over Brenner’s face including excitement, but eventually Brenner just huffed and stormed out of the house, almost knocking over the bedraggled police officer as he did. Josh followed at a slower pace. As he stepped out of the building, Josh heard a call behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see Cal leaning up against the kitchen door frame.

  “Thank you,” Cal said.

  “You heard all that?”

  Cal inclined his head. “Yeah, I did. You’re scary when you’re angry.”

  Josh knew that already. “I won’t let him hurt you,” he promised.

  “I know you won’t. You’re the first boyfriend who’s ever had my back.”

  Josh raised an eyebrow. “Boyfriend?”

  Color spread across Cal’s cheeks and Josh had to choke back a laugh. “You know what I mean.”

  “I’m not your boyfriend yet, but we’ll talk about it later.”

  “As far as Brenner is concerned you are. There’s no way I’m giving him an opening to take you.”

  “Never gonna happen.”

  Cal laughed as Josh shuddered. “He doesn’t do it for you, babe?”

  “Does he do it for you?”

  “Point made.” Cal looked over Josh’s shoulder. “Hey, finished with Melissa?”

  Josh turned his head to see Jesse on the doorstep, raindrops sprinkling his hair and clothes.

  “She’s up to her neck in it,” Jesse said grimly. “They’re taking her away now.”

  Cal gritted his teeth. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

  “Cal, don’t.”

  But Cal brushed past Josh and Jesse, heading for the gate.

  “Oh fuck,” Jesse muttered and turned after him.

  Josh reached Cal just as Brenner led Melissa away in handcuffs.

  “Wait, Brenner. I just need a word with her.”

  “You’ve got one minute,” Brenner said, obviously annoyed at the interruption.

  Cal looked at Melissa and Josh ached for the pain etched into his expression. “Why did you lie to me?”

  Melissa just shrugged, not meeting his gaze.

  “Mel, we were friends. You, Jon and me. Why did you do this?”

  “Time’s up,” Brenner said and started to hustle her away.

  “Mel, please,” Cal begged.

  Melissa stopped, and Brenner almost crashed into her as she turned to look at Cal. “You don’t get it, do you?”

  “Get what?”

  “You left us behind. We weren’t friends. You had no idea what was happening in our lives. You’ve still got no clue.”

  Then she turned back and got into the police car, leaving Cal slumped on the sidewalk.

  Jesse put an arm around Cal’s shoulders. “Let’s go back into the kitchen.” He guided Cal, Josh trailing behind. The three of them settled on bar stools before Jesse spoke again. “Michaels has been staying here all along.”

  “Didn’t anyone watch the house?” Josh asked, thinking back to his notes about the start of the investigation. His first notebook was the one that went missing after he was drugged.

  “Initially, but then she was cleared as a suspect.”

  “Shit,” Josh said. “What about Hermione?”

  Jesse’s lips curved in a wry smile. “She’s furious. At Melissa, not us. She screamed at Melissa for a full ten minutes. I don’t even know what some of the words mean.”

  “Brenner is taking Melissa down to the station to get her away from Hermione. He and DCI Walters are going to interrogate her.”

  “Where is Michaels now?”

  “She says she doesn’t know. He told her to set up the whole burglary scene. He and Adlington have moved somewhere else.”

  Cal knuckled his eyes. “She had me fooled.”

  “She had all of us fooled.” Josh had prided himself on his judgment. This last week had knocked that one on the head.

  Jesse grunted. “Even I didn’t make her and Susan Walter is about to fall on her sword for not realizing she was a lying cow. Dirk says he knew all along.” Cal and Josh snorted, but Jesse gave a wry smile. “To be fair he did say she was involved at the beginning.”

  “Why didn’t he pursue her then?” Josh asked skeptically.

  “Barton looked to be the more likely suspect.”

  “He’s the only person I’ve felt sorry for in this whole debacle,” Cal muttered. “The poor bastard was being sent to an early grave by his wife, while he was robbed blind by his employees.”

  “Hold on,” Josh said, reading over his notes. “Who was driving the Freelander last night?”

  “So there’s at least one more person involved?” Cal said.

  “At least,” Josh said. “We need to look at everyone at Barton and Wharlow. No one is off limits, down to the mail man.”

  “Including Brent Wharlow?”


  “Fuck.” Jesse rubbed his eyes. “It’s going to be another long night.”

  Cal grinned at him. “Dan’s going to kill you.”

  “Don’t remind me. I’ll get Stephen
to call him.”

  “Coward!” Cal held out his hand. “Poor Stephen doesn’t deserve that. Give me your phone.”

  Josh stared between them. “You’re joking? You can’t phone your own partner?”

  “Dan’s going to kill me. I promised him I wouldn’t be late again this week.”

  “Stupid promise. Call him now.”

  Jesse tilted his head. “You sure you don’t want to work for me? I need someone like you.”

  “He’s mine.” Cal almost snarled at Jesse but Josh gave him his patented back the fuck off look.

  “Jesse, we’ll talk after this is over. I might be out of a job.” Josh looked at Cal daring him to say something but Cal pressed his lips together tightly.

  “You do that.” Jesse seemed to miss the tension as he rubbed at his temple. “Fuck, when will this job finish?”

  Josh hummed as he stared at the timeline in his notebook. “They’ve got something planned, I can feel it. Like a finale. They’ve yanked us around since the start and they’re not finished yet.”

  “Do you still think it’s to do with me?” Cal asked suddenly.

  “Huh?” Josh furrowed his brow.

  “The whiteboard in your hotel room. You put me at the center of the shit storm.”

  Damn! Josh had forgotten to erase it. “I think it escalated because of you. If you hadn’t gotten involved, it would have been one guy missing with a lot of money. At some point Melissa would have vanished. You got involved and spooked Michaels and Adlington.”

  “You mean I got Barton killed.”

  “Don’t be stupid, Callum,” Jesse snapped. “I trained you better than that.”

  Cal squirmed to Josh’s amusement, but he understood where Cal was coming from. Callum David Ross was tied up in every aspect of the case.

  Jesse got to his feet. “Let’s go back to the office. I want to take a look at the CCTV footage for the last month, and Dominic needs to be brought up to date.”

  “Phone Dan first,” Cal said. “Gil can take you. Josh and I’ll talk to Dominic.”

  “I hoped you forgotten about that.”

  Cal gave Jesse a wicked smile. “You must be joking.”

  Josh decided to go find Gil, and leave the two friends to duke it out between themselves.

  Finally, all their business was finished, and Josh and Cal got into the SUV. Dave handed them sandwiches. Josh was more interested in the takeout coffee cups in his other hand.


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